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Look at some of your old posts.


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To be entirely honest, I don't think I was a newb on here for that long. I've made a few stupid posts and threads, some which were duplicates, and maybe one that wasn't in the right section. There's even a few posts I regret making, which have gotten deleted :(


But all in all, I'm happy with my old posts.

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*looks at old posts in this site*


Seems like I've hardly changed since I registered in here. I'm still an utter goofball who likes to mess around with others just for the sake of it. My old posts in other sites are a different story, though... They're such a clusterfuck reading them brings back a lot of terrible memories. Some are thoughtful, but a huge majority is mindless spam and often revolting. It's a wonder I'm still alive on the internet.

  • Brohoof 1
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Holy shit. 


I was even more pretentious then than I am now, and that's really saying something.


There are some threads that are just about me. ohgodwhy

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  • 2 months later...

Well it depends on how old the posts are. If they're like 1-2 years old then meh.


If they're older...




This is how I feel:


Same for me.

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Strangely, I can only view my most recent 800 posts. Anything beyond that is un-viewable. I have to remember topics and look into them myself. They aren't much different to how I act now. I think I might have been bouncier back then, probably because of the whole New Forum Gottaseeeverything mood I had at the time :)

Edited by Flipturn Amaterasu
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My noob ages started around July 2010, when I joined a private server, and lurked a forum since June 2011, and joined in September 2012


Also, when I look at my old posts and status updates, I feel the same way.

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I look at all of my old posts on many websites and see how much of an unfunny, ridiculous, and immature person I was. Then, I look at my old posts here and see that I somewhat improved over the years from my experience with other websites, but not by much it seems.

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I saw myself as immature, unfunny, unoriginal, and a lot of other negative things.


In the future, if I come to see posts from today, I'd feel the same.


I have a lot of regrets, and some come from my posts. I'll be honest, I care about what you all think of me. When I look at my posts from the past, I have so much regret.


Can I be a bit more honest?

I sent in a ticket to have all of my posts wiped from existence.


When I go back to read that ticket, I ask myself "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!".


I'm so embarrassed with myself. I'm too self-conscious.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh man, those ragey fights in a comment section on Youtube, or on Roblox...


Worst was back around in 2006 in a game called Runescape (i was 8-9 years old back then), i had about +50 black marks for offensive language and stuff..


Man, if i could go back in time, i'd slap my younger me and tell him to stop being a ragey kid, it's kinda embarassing seeing how stupid i acted when i was younger.


And also, the lies, the LIES! When did i ever join on a Grand Prix race? Perhaps in Mario Kart, but not in Spain!

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I saw myself as immature, unfunny, unoriginal, and a lot of other negative things.


In the future, if I come to see posts from today, I'd feel the same.


I have a lot of regrets, and some come from my posts. I'll be honest, I care about what you all think of me. When I look at my posts from the past, I have so much regret.


Can I be a bit more honest?

I sent in a ticket to have all of my posts wiped from existence.


When I go back to read that ticket, I ask myself "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!".


I'm so embarrassed with myself. I'm too self-conscious.


You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I just took a look at a few of your old posts, and they seem fine to me. We probably judge ourselves more harshly than most other people would judge us - but why should we? The past is the past. You posted what you posted, and even if that's not who you are now, that is who you were then, and therefore there's no reason why you should hate it. 


There's no need to be embarrassed at all. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah... Looking back at my few forum posts, its a wonder I was never banned. I wasn't a troll, but man was I annoying... Even a few years ago when I graduated grade 12 I was annoying. I just reread my crappy essay on green eggs and ham I wrote and uploaded

for fun in grade 12 and it's filled with nonsense words I didn't understand and there is circular logic all over the place! If I were a teacher, I'd give it a 27% for effort and compare it to jabberwocky!


Quite honestly, I'm glad I didn't post on many online forums before now. Never posted above 40 posts total on any forum ever besides this one...

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