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movies/tv Worst Cartoon shows?


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Controversial post incoming!

1) Regular Show - to me Regular Show is just a dumbed down more PC version of Beavis and Butthead, I mean all it is about is two slackers who do shit together and get high.. like seriously!?

2) Adventure Time - While there are a few good episodes, for me there just isn't enough to warrant my watching of it (sorry VinylWubs love)

3) The Amazing World of Gumball - the animation style just does not appeal to me, nor does the plot (Sorry again hun)

4) Dukes of Broxstonia - I mean really!? REALLY!? What is..what is this....thing!?

5) Sponebob Squarepants - simply put...it's childish and annoying





Anyway johnny test is the worst cartoon ever everyone else go home.


Edited by Zyrael
  • Brohoof 2

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People may hate me but the majority of these "wow wacky random vulgar and gross out" shows on Adult Swim absolutely bore and disgust me. I know the quality is intended to be janky and the stories not taken seriously...but damn do they make me sick watching them.


The Problem Solverz


Teen Hunger Force


Super Jail

12oz Mouse

Home Movies

Perfect Hair Forever



There was a time when Adult Swim would bore me to tears with how often they marathoned these shows. I'll admit I liked almost none of the Adult Swim original programming save for Harvey Birdman, Minoriteam, Venture Bros, Boondocks and very few moments of Sealab

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I personally hate Ben 10 with a passion, same with the Total Drama series and Danny Phantom. It's just so stupid. I do shamefully think MAD is hilarious at times, though. Reminds me a bit of Robot Chicken.


^Can't agree enough. Although I would say I hate the latter two you listed significantly more than Ben 10 (which I just found very dull and overly juvenile).


My WORST cartoon of all time would probably be Back at the Barnyard or whatever it is called. Awful CGI visuals, bad art style, horrendous voice acting, was based off a trashy movie so naturally the tv show is significantly worse, atrocious writing, some of the most retarded plotlines I have ever witnessed, and freakin MALE characters with cow utters -.-


The show is just plain repulsive and a true vexation of the spirit. Runner ups would be Fanboy and Chum Chum, Planet Sheen, and (if we are counting Japanese cartoons as well) Milky Holmes. These shows are just physically PAINFUL to watch e.e

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Anyway johnny test is the worst cartoon ever everyone else go home.

Yeah, not even having the voices of ponies save it :dash:

is it that bad?

I loved pinky and the brain

I think you misunderstood. Pinky, Elvira and the Brain was a spinoff with the two main characters alongside Elvira from Tiny Toons. Problem starts is that Elvira is a hated character herself 


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People may hate me but the majority of these "wow wacky random vulgar and gross out" shows on Adult Swim absolutely bore and disgust me. I know the quality is intended to be janky and the stories not taken seriously...but damn do they make me sick watching them.


The Problem Solverz


Teen Hunger Force


Super Jail

12oz Mouse

Home Movies

Perfect Hair Forever



There was a time when Adult Swim would bore me to tears with how often they marathoned these shows. I'll admit I liked almost none of the Adult Swim original programming save for Harvey Birdman, Minoriteam, Venture Bros, Boondocks and very few moments of Sealab

I think the social jokes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force are very funny and I love the centered personalities...  i had the first three seasons on dvd i watched that show since the dr weird opening bits... but i do agree the disgust jokes dont always hit it with me, but now even childrens shows are adopting "gross humor" for the most part yes all of those other shows have asbolutely no redeeming qualities...

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I don't watch many cartoons but yeah, as a lot of the people said, Johnny Test was probably one of the worst cartoons on CN. I don't remember disliking many other cartoons other than that.

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I think you misunderstood. Pinky, Elvira and the Brain was a spinoff with the two main characters alongside Elvira from Tiny Toons. Problem starts is that Elvira is a hated character herself 

I dont wanna be that guy but I believe its "Elmyra" :please:


This is Elvira






Fun Fact!: Elmyra Duff is reverse caricature of Elmer Fudd. Instead of a male hunter who goes hunting to kill animals, Elmyra is a female who is obsessively in love with animals. Although they share many of the same traits of being simple minded, oblivious to events around them and essentially accidental nature of them killing something. Also "Elmer" "Elmyra". "Fudd" "Duff".

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Some of the worst cartoons I've ever had the pleasure of watching include "Johnny Test", "My Gym Partner's A Monkey", "Robo Roach", and "The Amazing Spiez" just to name a few examples. There are others but I don't want to list them otherwise my post would end up being a lot longer than this.


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I dont wanna be that guy but I believe its "Elmyra" :please:


This is Elvira






Fun Fact!: Elmyra Duff is reverse caricature of Elmer Fudd. Instead of a male hunter who goes hunting to kill animals, Elmyra is a female who is obsessively in love with animals. Although they share many of the same traits of being simple minded, oblivious to events around them and essentially accidental nature of them killing something. Also "Elmer" "Elmyra". "Fudd" "Duff".

DERP :muffins: me. I've thought "Elvira" was her name all these years :lol:


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Oooo what about uncle grandpa x.x 

it was so bad that we all forgot... then them shamelessly plugging it in Gumball lol, I thought that was extremely weird, that show was like, I think sometimes Cartoon Network thinks that its pure randomness that hits, I mean silly random works, but that show is a complete mess... lol

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I remember watching Johnny Test back when it WASN'T on CN. Like the first 10 or so episodes were really enjoyable imo. After that, it went downhill super fast.

Didnt ever know it was ever on top of the hill to begin with :orly:

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Didnt ever know it was ever on top of the hill to begin with :orly:


I wouldn't call it "on top of the hill" but it was a decent show. It is a day and night difference comparing CN Johnny Test and the Kids WB version :o


It was on par with something akin to Codename Kids Next Door; not really something to get passionate about, but a fun watch nonetheless.

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  • 3 months later...

I've seen some pretty fucked up parodies of cartoons by a select few youtubers that would probably instill fear in anyone sane.

There's, andywilson92 (with his most notable video "Snospis Eht: : The Epic Adventure" which I definitely will not embed here or link to because it's probably not appropriate), and there's seinfeldspitstain (with his most notable video "Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour" which I could link, but won't, and that one created the meme "the pizza is aggressive"). 

I know this thread was for real cartoons, but I figure parodies could count, as well.



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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  • Teen Titans Go!
  • Breadwinners
  • Johnny Test
  • Sanjay and Craig
  • My Gym Partner's a Monkey (It would remind you way too much of Sanjay and Craig).
  • Problem Solverz
  • Mr. Pickles (It crosses the "way too disgusting" line far too many times).
  • Fanboy and Chum Chum


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I don't really watch much of the new cartoons these days, but from what I've seen they look pretty horrible. Someone mentioned the New Looney Tunes show and I have to agree. Lola Bunny was my new favorite character from Space Jam and they ruined her! They made her a ditzy annoying airhead who I can't stand for five minutes rather than the cool character she was in Space Jam.


Most shows that are bad have already been mentioned but Uncle Grandpa is horrible and crude. How are these cartoons again? Teen Titans Go, Totally Spies (annoying Charlie's Angels ripoff). I never liked Spongebob I just found it annoying and stupid. Amazing Adventures of Gumball, Chowder, Pac Man

  Proud Pegasister and Dog Mom!



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I'm typically not a person who truly hates media on TV, but there are things few and far between that I genuinely don't like. I'm generally not interested in live-actions shows (unless they have an interesting premise and/or characters) and adult "comedy" shows (like Mr. Pickles, Brickleberry, Legends of Chamberlain Heights etc.), but what especially turns me away is bad animation, bad writting, bad acting and a bad art style. Let me just bring up Chop Socky Chooks and Gormiti: Nature Unleashed. These two shows once aired on CN a few years back and they were very unappealing to me - only watching them ironically just to see how bad they can get - due to how they were handled.

First is Chop Socky Chooks: the premise sounds bland, many episodes are boring and the animation is very meh, but what stood out for me the most is character design. Case in point, there are the main characters; according to the show and some other sources they are chickens, but to me they look less like chickens and more like deformed Combusken knock-offs. Bubba is... a gorilla I guess, and... I have no idea what Wasabi is. Wikipedia claims he's a piranha but I would personally say he's rather some strange toothy alien in a space suit with his helmet filled with water. The citizens are just as strange, from being of an unrecognizable species to just having bizarrely placed facial features. And for some weird reason, it seems the show favors having one-eyed characters...

And now, Gormiti: Nature Unleashed. God, I don't even know where to begin. The animation is abysmal, particularly suffering from movements of characters and their bodies (not just limited to their limbs, mind you) as well as the execution of visual effects like splashing water or pulsating flesh of a living creature (yes, the show has the latter in one episode). The episodes feel padded out, as if a given scene lasts over 15 minutes, which means they are tiring to watch to be honest. The story also felt quite incomprehensible, probably because the show was originally Italian so some things may have been lost during translation. Don't even get me started on the opening intro; the song itself is just so cringy and some of the rhyming especially gets on my nerves (rhyming "nature" with "future"? Couldn't you use something like "danger" instead of "future" and change the rest of the line to fit?). Character design isn't so bad though, I do admit the main characters in their powered form look pretty cool but that's the only thing I like about it.

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