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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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The Perfect Pear, A Royal Problem are by far my favorite episodes from s7 atm.

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This video I made shows all of my favorite episodes and why. 


Join me on my YouTube Channel. I do Brony videos, Live Stream Gaming, and I have other things too! 

My name is Nightfall Shadow, and you can find me at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEkRdbqqO6pFerLEz-0jEHQ/live

At least I hope that is the correct link to my channel lol. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

One of my most favorite episodes that isn't a season opener or closer is Castle Mania. I just loved how the mane six where visiting the castle of the two sisters for totally different reasons only to end up scaring one another. I enjoyed viewing the old castle ruins and let's not forget about the possibility of The Pony of Shadows being real!

I hope the rumors are true about us getting to see The Pony of Shadows in season 7 sometime. That would be really epic.

  • Brohoof 1


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Rarity takes Manehatten is my fave at this moment, cause its song is amazing, something that I live by, and Rarity's breakdown is something that could easily happen to anyone ^.^ completely relatable to me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look Before You Sleep was my favorite episode for the longest time mostly because of nostalgia, but because at the time I was wondering how in the world Rarity and Applejack could be friends while living polar opposite lives, and of course Twilight being Twilight just makes me smile.

There have been so many stellar episodes since then though, it's really hard to decide. While I'm not really her biggest fan, I do have to say I can appreciate Starlight Glimmer for bringing Trixie back into the picture and I am definitely a Trixie fan so No Second Prances is up there as well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's hard to pick one, there are so many that qualify, however the first one that comes to mind is 'Amending Fences'.

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I think I'd have to go with Testing, Testing,  1, 2, 3. It pretty much has everything I watch the series for; a bold sense of humor, a seriously feelsy ending, and an unexpectedly mature moral. I still think it's best for everyone to just watch the first few episodes and go from there, but if I had to pick a "gateway" episode I think this would be it.

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  • 1 month later...

Definitely Amending Fences. One of Twilight's best portrayals, and Moondancer was a great character to introduce, and it was easy to understand her plight. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Shadow Play has eclipsed To Where And Back Again as my #1 episode of FiM, and...it's just amazing every single time I watch it. My only minor gripe is with the PoS, but that's just so minor with me. I mean all of the callbacks to episodes like Magical Mystery Cure and The Cutie Re-Mark just fit SO well into the story they feel natural. Along with that; every character feels like they contributed something to it; whether it be Meadowbrook's reasoning with Starswirl, Spike's remarks, and even the Mane 6's journeys to get the artifacts; nothing feels wasted.

And the overall conflict actually turning out to be a friendship problem? GENIUS!!!

  • Brohoof 3

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There's too many I like for me to choose a favourite.

Some of my most favourites are:

- Bridle Gossip

- A Dog and Pony Show

- The Return of Harmony

- Luna Eclipsed

- A Canterlot Wedding

- Magic Duel

- Rarity Takes Manehattan

- Three's a Crowd

- Inspiration Manifestation

- Twilight's Kingdom

- The Cutie Map

- The Cutie Re-Mark

- The Saddle Row Review

- All Bottled Up

- Hard to Say Anything

- The Perfect Pair

- Once Upon a Zeppelin

- Uncommon Bond


I'd have to say the best of the best would be Inspiration Manifestation because its a cute Sparity episode and I love evil Rarity, The Cutie Re-Mark because the whole time travel and alternate realities thing is so cool and it has a lot of scenes with best pony Starlight Glimmer, The Saddle Row Review because its funny and has an interesting format, The Perfect Pair because its adorable and Once Upon a Zeppelin because its nice to see Twilight and her family interacting together.






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  • 2 weeks later...

It's really hard to choose my favorite episode, especially after how good season 7 was. So I ranked my top 3 per season.

Season 1 - The Best Night Ever, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and Party of One

Season 2 - A Canterlot Wedding, Read It and Weep, and Lesson Zero

Season 3 - The Crystal Empire, Sleepless in Ponyville, and Magical Mystery Cure

Season 4 - Twilight's Kingdom, Rarity Takes Manehatten, and Pinkie Pride

Season 5 - The Mane Attraction, The Crusaders of The Lost Mark, and The Cutie Remark.

Season 6 - Saddle Row and Review, A Hearth's Warming Tail and The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

Season 7 - (My favorite season) A Royal Problem, The Perfect Pear, and Shadow Play.

Equestria Girls Movies - Rainbow Rocks, and Friendship Games

Edited by ultrairongorilla


                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Best Night Ever, Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, Crusaders of The Lost Mark and The Perfect Pear.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite episode so far is Pinkie Pride I love the Party bash Cheese and Pinkie threw for rainbow dash when Cheese and Pinkie team up the party is twice as great and I love the concert Pinkie set up for rainbow dash's party staring Pinkie singing Make a wish for Rainbow Dash after that Cheese Sandwich leave's for the next party hopefully Cheese and Pinkie get together again soon and make it romantic this time with a date I can't wait for what they have in store for future episodes full.png.a96ddece6922ae6e316bee5f0ca4d9bf.png

  • Brohoof 1
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You know the only members of the mane 6 that have potential of being in a relationship with a male pony is Twilight Sparkle and Flash Century and Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie I don't know any male pony that could possibly be in a relationship with Rarity Fluttershy Applejack or Rainbow Dash I know Rarity tried to give a relationship a Shot with Prince Blue Blood at the Grand Galloping Gala in the Episode Best Night Ever and we saw how that turned out Prince Blue Blood turned out to be a stupid selfish jerk of a pony that had no respect for Rarity once or ever so that failed and Rarity still doesn't have her Stallionfriend I know a male pony had a crush on Applejack in the episode Simple Ways but that didn't work either and I haven't seen any male pony that could of been a Potential relationship for Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash I mean Hasbro makes the choices for which pony goes with which pony but I think the mane 6 need to find a guy pony otherwise I guess the mane 6 aren't meant to get a date and get married I did hear something about Lauren Faust saying herself that no members of the mane 6 will be in a relationship before Friendship is magic comes to an end so I guess the mane 6 will be staying single the whole series which I think sucks because I think every girl deserves a boyfriend if they want to I feel kind of sad they will be single the whole series because the mane 6 especially Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have great potential of becoming great mothers

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Surprisingly as much as I love Rarity, Spike and Celestia, I have to say my favourite episode is still "Slice of Life."  It has to be the best representation of the different kinds of love that goes on behind the scenes in the show. I'm also a huge Big Lebowski fan, and their appearance in the show was just tops for me.


Magical-Loyal-Generous SPIKE IS HARMONY  -Honest-Humorous-Kind

*~Semper Vincit Mortem~*



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