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She picks you up, and hugs you tightly, then sets you down, “What do you mean, what now? You show me the cool thing, of course!” she says, smiling with her entire face. It seemed a little plastered, like she was hiding something.


"What cool thi- ohh..." Glitch said, standing up. He looked at the whistle around his neck and held it in his hoof. On one hoof, he didn't want to bother Meta Knight again, especially after he had just saved his life. On the other, he also didn't want to disappoint Derpy. With a sigh, Glitch put the whistle to his mouth and blew hard. It was loud, though Glitch figured it needed to be in order to contact an airship. He looked over at Derpy. There was something... off about her, especially that smile. It seemed fake, a little too fake. Glitch decided to probe further.


"Hey, is there anything you need to tell me?" Glitch waited for a response.

  • Brohoof 1

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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"That’s not true. It has the electric sound that reminds me of Vinyl...” she said, staring at her drink, “I guess it isn’t terrible, it’s just... Not for me. How many does that make now, Red?” she asks, indicating his drink.
"that's fine," Red said to her, "it's not meant for everyone. and don't get me wrong, I play my bass more than my bass guitar." Red suddenly felt the need to hold Octavia, but he restrained himself. This was only their first date after all.

Red looked at his drink and thought, "um........I think I'm still on number two here.....why do you ask?"

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A whistle. Meta Knight poked his head out the window. "I thought I already saved you, Glitch. Unless..." He glanced at Derpy and sighed. "Let me guess... you want me to show her the Halberd."




"I'll be off then," Dark Meta Knight said. "I wish you luck... Queen Chrysalis." He bowed, and leaped into the night.

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A whistle. Meta Knight poked his head out the window. "I thought I already saved you, Glitch. Unless..." He glanced at Derpy and sighed. "Let me guess... you want me to show her the Halberd."

Glitch nodded. "Yep. I don't mean to be a bother, but, uh," he said, draping his arm around Derpy, "Well, she wanted to see your ship, and, well, you know how it is." Glitch turned to Derpy. "That's the guy who saved my life," he said, gesturing to the Halberd. "I'm pretty sure his name's Meta Knight, or something like that. Odd name, if you ask me. He gave me this whistle if I ever needed him." He pointed to the Halberd. "That's his airship, the Halberd. And we're about to get a tour."

  • Brohoof 1

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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He sighed. With an order to the sailors, the ship gloriously came out of cloud cover and hovered about ten feet off the ground, about 20 feet away from them. He navigated through the corridors, and then opened the door. "Well, if you must come in, then come in."


DM made it to his ship. "Sailors... launch sequence. Keep the cloak on, though." The ship sailed through the air, perfectly invisible...


(Initiate sequence: Air Battle.)

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“Alrighty! Onward to Victory!” Pinkie exclaims. hopping into her own cannon. “Ready, set, GO!” you both launch at the mattress side by side, Pinkie reaches out to you and pulls you into a mid-air hug as you hurtle towards the ground at a speed that would make any sane pony rethink their plan. Fortunately, you're not sane at the moment, so you shout “Whee!” along with the pink pony until you both land safely on the mattress. you both laugh for a moment. Then, Pinkie says, “Hehe, I just realized, right now, we’re laying on a mattress hugging each other...”




He hugs her tighter and his face darkens a little because of his mane. He can feel that he's getting weak as the energy from the cupcake he ate is running out. He lets go of Pinkie and tries to stand up, and he nearly falls down on the mattresses again but he stood up. He looks at the time and he sees that he has 5 minutes left before he falls into deep slumber. He looks at Pinkie on the mattress, and says to her, "Thanks for the time, Pinkie... And the extra... energy to get to hang out with you..." He tries to smile. "I had a fun time with you and everything we done for the day..." He takes a deep breath, "I like you, Pinkie.. I really do..." He says while his mane was covering his face. "Guess... I'll be going now, maybe we can get to hang out... after I wake up from the 24 hour sleep I guess..." He goes, walking slowly to the door.

Edited by Penguin

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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He sighed. With an order to the sailors, the ship gloriously came out of cloud cover and hovered about ten feet off the ground, about 20 feet away from them. He navigated through the corridors, and then opened the door. "Well, if you must come in, then come in."


Glitch smiled. "Alright, lets go!" He led Derpy up to the enormous airship, greeting Meta along the way. He turned to the pegasus. "Pretty cool, huh?" Glitch trotted over to Meta. "Hey, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for me. It really means a lot. And I haven't told her about your, um, secret, before you ask."

  • Brohoof 1

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Carrot top stares at it for a long moment. “Wow, It’s beautiful.” she says. she places it around her neck. “Thank you.”

Vedana smiles as he blushes, "I bet it must look beautiful on you Carrot Top." The blind unicorn complimented her, making a cute face smile. "W-Well anyway, lets get back to the job at hand." He coughed a bit turning the other way, wondering which way to go now. "What is the deed that must be done?"

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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After a short while Sand had set up a small cooking station in a firepit outside the house. It consisted of a fire, a metal grill supported over it by rocks, and several assorted pots and pans. Some water was boiled first, to make it safe for consumption in case it held disease. The apples were sliced and rolled in some cinammon with bread crumbs then fried. Meanwhile the tropical fruit was sliced into small bite sized peices, as were the pears. Both of these were miced together in a bowl, while a few extra peices were dropped in the pot of boiling water with some flavoring. When all was done, the apples would be nice and crispy on the outside while warm and tasty on the inside. The pot resulted in a thin kind of sauce which was served with the apples. The fruit bowl was served as it was. "I hope thats alright," he said a tad shyly. "Its what I thought best."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Glitch smiled. "Alright, lets go!" He led Derpy up to the enormous airship, greeting Meta along the way. He turned to the pegasus. "Pretty cool, huh?" Glitch trotted over to Meta. "Hey, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for me. It really means a lot. And I haven't told her about your, um, secret, before you ask."


Meta nodded, but otherwise remained silent.


"And this... is the ballroom."


Meta opened the two double doors to this huge room, with a stage, and several tables. Also, a square inch of dust. After coughing and hacking, he turned to Sailor Red- a large red unicorn. "Sailor... what day is today?"


"Umm... December 23?"


"Hmm... when was the last time we used this space...?


"A... few... decades?"


"I thought so. How about... with Hearth's Warming Eve so close..."


He turned to Glitch and Ditzy. "Would you do me a favor? I haven't opened these doors in... 50 years? Could you go tell ponies that a Hearth's Warming Eve party would be going on here, at 10 o'clock PM, and to meet at the field?"






Dark Meta sat up. "Yes, what is it?"


"Halberd sighted, 2 miles southeast!"


He sighed. "Well then... let's greet him, shall we?"

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Meta nodded, but otherwise remained silent.


"And this... is the ballroom."


Meta opened the two double doors to this huge room, with a stage, and several tables. Also, a square inch of dust. After coughing and hacking, he turned to Sailor Red- a large red unicorn. "Sailor... what day is today?"


"Umm... December 23?"


"Hmm... when was the last time we used this space...?


"A... few... decades?"


"I thought so. How about... with Hearth's Warming Eve so close..."


He turned to Glitch and Ditzy. "Would you do me a favor? I haven't opened these doors in... 50 years? Could you go tell ponies that a Hearth's Warming Eve party would be going on here, at 10 o'clock PM, and to meet at the field?"


Glitch nodded his head. "Sure, Meta. I figured I kinda owed you for how you helped me back there, so I'd be more than happy to help." He backtracked his way out of the Halberd, Derpy in tow, and he rushed into Ponyville to spread word of the Hearth's Warming Eve party. Most of his invitations sounded like this:


"Hey, Hearth's Warming Eve party at Ten tonight. Meet in the field outside town. Dress your best."


After a few vocal cord-straining hours of this, Glitch ran back to the Halberd to inform Meta about the attendees.


"Meta... there'll be... a few hundred... ponies... coming..."

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Meta nodded. "OK. And... what... five hours to prepare? Great." He turned to the sailors. "Alright, sailors! Yellow, go make some food. No, do not spike the punch. Yes, cream puffs are fine. Red and Blue, I would appreciate it if you could clean this place up. It's in no condition for guests. I will navigate the ship down, and then go get the instruments for the music out." He turned to Glitch. "Yes, we play music. We are actually able to mimic music from a variety of bands, especially since I've met many of them." He sighed. "Of course due to an event that has come up... I cannot play all night, so... there will be karaoke, and if that Vinyl mare wants to play, she can go ahead."


Dark Meta Knight paused. "A party...? Well, I might make myself a surprise guest..."

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“Umm, yeah sure.” Spike says, a tad uncomfortable from all the attention. “I’d like that, um... do you need a place to stay? Twilight’s still at that party, and Pinkie’s parties tend to go on well into the night, so I’m sure she wouldn't mind if you used her bed."


"I was going to just look for a cave and sleep there but, if its ok with your friend Twilight then I'd be happy to accept." Aura replies to Spike. She goes up the stairs to find Twilight's along with Spike's basket bed which lay beside it.She then got on Twilight's bed and laid down by curling her body into a ball. She then sees multiple pictures lined with one another. Among them she sees a picture of Spike and Rarity. Aura frowned a bit. "So that white unicorn....Rarity was it?" She says to Spike. "What is she like to you?" she asks him half expecting what she asked.

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Meta nodded. "OK. And... what... five hours to prepare? Great." He turned to the sailors. "Alright, sailors! Yellow, go make some food. No, do not spike the punch. Yes, cream puffs are fine. Red and Blue, I would appreciate it if you could clean this place up. It's in no condition for guests. I will navigate the ship down, and then go get the instruments for the music out." He turned to Glitch. "Yes, we play music. We are actually able to mimic music from a variety of bands, especially since I've met many of them." He sighed. "Of course due to an event that has come up... I cannot play all night, so... there will be karaoke, and if that Vinyl mare wants to play, she can go ahead."


Glitch nodded, a frown creasing his face. Great, more talking, he though to himself. He ran back into Ponyville, found Vinyl, and told her she could perform at the party before dashing back to his house for a quick lie-down. Glitch thought on the day's events. Within 24 hours, he had:


  • Gotten broken up with
  • Made friends with a Changeling
  • Fixed his relationship with Derpy with muffins and hugs
  • Nearly gotten himself killed
  • Toured an airship
  • Planned a party

When he put it into those terms, it seemed rather ridiculous. Glitch had a quiet chuckle to himself. He then got himself cleaned up and dressed, clad in a black tuxedo with a red bowtie. He went outside and back to the Halberd and Meta Knight.


"Anything I can do to help?" he asked.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Meta Knight smirked. "If you haven't slept, sleep. That's what you need to do. Tonight's party won't be over for a long, long time. This you aren't host hosting this party, anyways."


(Alright... initiate operation conference with Page! See ya later. Enjoy. And I hope that this goes according to (my) plans...)

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(the DJ just left, and they have set up a karaoke station, at least that’s where most of you are, Static is a bit behind...) Twilight looks around. “Why don’t we go play Pin the Tail on the Pony now?” She leads you over to the corner where the poster of the tailless pony is set up, and suddenly you find yourself blindfolded. Somepony you assume must be Twilight spins you around for a few seconds. “Okay, go ahead.” You hear her say. You step forward until you feel the wall in front of you, and you pin the tail in the first spot you find. you rip of your blindfold to reveal... “Hey, not bad.” Twilight says. the tail appears to be coming out from just above the pony’s cutie mark. “My turn!”


Mal smiles at his success and goes to Twilight. He puts the blindfold on her. "Good luck Twi." He says as he spun her around several times. 
"Okay, feel free to start now." Mal moved back and let Twilight go and pin the tail on the pony.

He thought about how she had probably read some sort of book on this game and some strategy that would work.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(Happy New Year Everypony! Last Replies of 2012 GO! )

Animae still laughed, putting on a boost so that he was level with her. His voice only just reached her over the sound of the wind. "Where do you want the finish line, Gilda?" he laughs, "and we might as well agree on what you'll give me for winning" he smiles, knowing that was highly unlikely but wanting to interject some fighting talk.

“If you want a prize, it’ll be able to tell everyone that you didn’t eat my dust!” She zooms forward, streaking across the skies...
And she smacks into a large, brown cloud.
Now that you look at it, it’s not just a cloud, but a ship- a huge ship- that’s suspended in midair. “Whoa...” Gilda says, backing off of it.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," I say with a smile on my face and a look into her eyes, "I'm sure the animals will be more friendly towards you this time. And even if they are not still, you have that dust that will let you talk to the animals, allowing you to tell them you are friendly. And if they still aren't friendly, well that's their problem for not wanting to get to know such a sweet pegusus.

“Oh... Okay. I guess that’s okay then So, When do want to go?” Fluttershy asks.

"Well, though I would do it if you insist, I highly doubt that anypony would like to see me in a dress" Wildcard answers with small laugh.
"Also as I said before, I can't imagine anypony else being more qualified as a model than you". he adds with a wink.
The colt finishes his salad, asks the waiter for the bill and pays the meal for him, Sweetie and Rarity.
"Do you want to go back to the boutique or go somewhere else?"

“Well, I really should get back to work, however, I heard that there was a rather Delightful soiree happening at Sugarcube Corner this evening. Perhaps we could pop in and say hello.” Rarity suggests.

(oh crud what song are we playing? i'm hoping it's the first song from the movie? i'm just gonna go with that.)

*i slide my left hoof up and down the neck of my bass as my right hoof strums and plucks strings. i get really into the song and find my zone, and i do a little jumping dance, jumping every time i strum. after a few minutes, when the song is over, i straighten up and look at the others.* hey, that wasn't nearly as bad as last time! *i joke, knowing it will get a funny reaction out of Chord*

D chord looks ready to have a heart attack. “Oh great. It’s ‘Not as bad” well that’s comforting to know, at least when we lose the battle of the bands they’ll say we were ‘not bad’. C’mon, we have to get this right! once more from the-” the doorbell rings. “WHAT NOW!”
Stylus slides off the couch and opens the door. he stares at this latest visitor for a second. “Umm, I think you may have the wrong house...”
“Really?” Vinyl says. “This Is the Address that Paradox gave me...”

"Of course," I tell her before walking to the karaoke station. "This song goes out to the most amazing mare in Equestria," I announce as the music plays.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am"

I quickly pull Surprise into a kiss when I finish.

(Song is called Iris and is awesome.)

There is a round of applause as you conclude your song. Surprise looks shocked for a moment when you lay one on her, but then quickly relaxes, returning your kiss with full force.

Dawnpath was carrying full saddlebags, dragging. All day ponies had been congratulating him on his engagement, and all of the smiling had left his face sore. Silently pushing the door open, he silently trudged inside, and went up to the room he shared with Applejack. I should write my vows, but... They need to be quality. I'm to tired to do them right now. He dropped his bags next to the desk he'd flown in the day after she'd let him spend the night. His papers had already begun to invade the area around the desk, to his partial shame. He knew he must've had about a million story beginnings that he hadn't finished, and more pumping through his head. He rubbed his temples to ease his headache at all of the thinking. Oh, can you see yourself in five years? No, but you know it'll be with Applejack! He grinned stupidly at the paper, Oh, what the hay. It can't hurt to start a rough draft on the vows, now can it? Now then, should it be a list, or should I try something a little less... common? Heh, a vow po- Wait a minute. That's what I will do, write a vow poem. Not tonight though, tonight... Tonight I'm going to see if I can't write something special for her. ​He took out a blank piece of paper and began to write.

Feathered wings and sloppy tail,
My eyes are green, my coat is pale
And all that seems my life entails
Is holding love for you.

I may not be a social stud
But I'll try to keep up enough
To make sure you're happy when
The two of us make one.

And maybe one plus one is two,
But our one plus one is one.
I promise not to leave you;
My soul would come undone.

Look at all this sobby,
Sappy slobby junk.
I guess it's my way of thank you,
My love is like a river,
Pouring straight within my heart.

He looked at the poem and frowned, It's too... Too silly. It's not good enough, not one bit. He was still thinking when his head thunked on the desk, and his dreams began to form words, which faded into Applejack dreams.

you are seated under a tree on a grassy hill. Applejack is with you. you are having a picnic. She asks you what you brought, and you reach into the basket and pull out several yummy looking sweets. Applejack takes one and bites into it. She gets a bit of frosting on her lip. you wipe it off for her. You both laugh. Suddenly, a crack opens up in the ground between you. a large black claw reaches up out of the crack. It grabs Applejack and pulls her down. She screams. You try to go after her, but it’s too late. The crack has already closed. Applejack is gone. Forever. You scream for her over and over, but you know, deep down, she’s never coming back.

you wake up screaming.

Bob looks at Morning star and comes near him."excuse me i have a few questions that i have for you can you please fallow me"?


Morning star nods his head and go's with the guard to answer some questions but he hopes these are quick and easy questions because he wants to get ready for the gala.

(Umm, Okay, you’re interacting with yourself at this point so... continue.)

"Holy..." Red Talon said, awestruck by the sheer amount of food prepared. After everypony had their fair share on their plates, the family and Red Talon began to chow down on their meals. "Good eats here," Talon said, making sure he wasn't talking with his mouth full (that's rude). "Do you always have meals on this grand of a scale? This is amazing!"

“Well, today is a special occasion.” Applejack says. “We’re celebrating yer new contract with Sweet Apple Acres.”

She gets on her hooves slowly follows him. She watches the colts chewing some apple dishes and unwilling to wait, she nervously steps on the floor. With the impatience of her own, she decides to...
"Hello sirs! I mean, guys.." she says and fastly hides behind Braeburn.

“Heya fellas. This is Suntouched Coco. Ehh, I think you guys can just call ‘er Coco, I know y’all don’t like them longer words. Coco, the ligh’er one is Golden Delicious, the redder one is Red Delicious.” The two stallions nudged each other, until Golden spoke, “Yer a lille shy, ain’tcha?”

"that's fine," Red said to her, "it's not meant for everyone. and don't get me wrong, I play my bass more than my bass guitar." Red suddenly felt the need to hold Octavia, but he restrained himself. This was only their first date after all.
Red looked at his drink and thought, "um........I think I'm still on number two here.....why do you ask?"

“I was just wondering about how much I should drink, comparing it to yours,” she sighed, “Alright, another question. You ask me this time,” she winked.

He hugs her tighter and his face darkens a little because of his mane. He can feel that he's getting weak as the energy from the cupcake he ate is running out. He lets go of Pinkie and tries to stand up, and he nearly falls down on the mattresses again but he stood up. He looks at the time and he sees that he has 5 minutes left before he falls into deep slumber. He looks at Pinkie on the mattress, and says to her, "Thanks for the time, Pinkie... And the extra... energy to get to hang out with you..." He tries to smile. "I had a fun time with you and everything we done for the day..." He takes a deep breath, "I like you, Pinkie.. I really do..." He says while his mane was covering his face. "Guess... I'll be going now, maybe we can get to hang out... after I wake up from the 24 hour sleep I guess..." He goes, walking slowly to the door.

You wake up In Pinkie’s Bed. You can tell it’s pinkie’s because it has pink sheets, the entire room around it is pink, and, most tellingly of all. Pinkie herself is laying next to you. “HI!” she says. “Welcome back sleepyhead!”

Vedana smiles as he blushes, "I bet it must look beautiful on you Carrot Top." The blind unicorn complimented her, making a cute face smile. "W-Well anyway, lets get back to the job at hand." He coughed a bit turning the other way, wondering which way to go now. "What is the deed that must be done?"

You can sense her blush. “Um... OK.” She leads you out back. “Well, I garden for a living. But due to a lack of rain, the winter carrots aren’t-” Just then, a green pony with black hair walked up and said there was a
Hearth’s Warming Eve Party that night at 10 o’clock, and to meet at the field outside of town. “Oh, a party! And the admission is free, too!” She turns to you. “Well, it seems that you are in luck. Do you want to go with me?”

(Fast Fact: Did you know that Carrot Top’s canon name is Golden Harvest?)
(Is that not common knowledge?There was quite a hullabaloo when that first happened...)

After a short while Sand had set up a small cooking station in a firepit outside the house. It consisted of a fire, a metal grill supported over it by rocks, and several assorted pots and pans. Some water was boiled first, to make it safe for consumption in case it held disease. The apples were sliced and rolled in some cinammon with bread crumbs then fried. Meanwhile the tropical fruit was sliced into small bite sized peices, as were the pears. Both of these were miced together in a bowl, while a few extra peices were dropped in the pot of boiling water with some flavoring. When all was done, the apples would be nice and crispy on the outside while warm and tasty on the inside. The pot resulted in a thin kind of sauce which was served with the apples. The fruit bowl was served as it was. "I hope thats alright," he said a tad shyly. "Its what I thought best."

“I’m sure that it will be alright.” Zecora says. she points her hoof at the apples. “would you mind if I have a bite?”

"I was going to just look for a cave and sleep there but, if its ok with your friend Twilight then I'd be happy to accept." Aura replies to Spike. She goes up the stairs to find Twilight's along with Spike's basket bed which lay beside it.She then got on Twilight's bed and laid down by curling her body into a ball. She then sees multiple pictures lined with one another. Among them she sees a picture of Spike and Rarity. Aura frowned a bit. "So that white unicorn....Rarity was it?" She says to Spike. "What is she like to you?" she asks him half expecting what she asked.

Spike looks really uncomfortable with the question. “Umm, she’s... Nopony, She’s just a friend. I... um, may have sort of had a crush on her a while back... but that’s over now. she’s with somepony else...”

"What cool thi- ohh..." Glitch said, standing up. He looked at the whistle around his neck and held it in his hoof. On one hoof, he didn't want to bother Meta Knight again, especially after he had just saved his life. On the other, he also didn't want to disappoint Derpy. With a sigh, Glitch put the whistle to his mouth and blew hard. It was loud, though Glitch figured it needed to be in order to contact an airship. He looked over at Derpy. There was something... off about her, especially that smile. It seemed fake, a little too fake. Glitch decided to probe further.

"Hey, is there anything you need to tell me?" Glitch waited for a response.

A whistle. Meta Knight poked his head out the window. "I thought I already saved you, Glitch. Unless..." He glanced at Derpy and sighed. "Let me guess... you want me to show her the Halberd."

"I'll be off then," Dark Meta Knight said. "I wish you luck... Queen Chrysalis." He bowed, and leaped into the night.

Chrysalis shakes her head as She watches him go. That “Foal is going to get us all in a lot of trouble someday...”

Glitch nodded. "Yep. I don't mean to be a bother, but, uh," he said, draping his arm around Derpy, "Well, she wanted to see your ship, and, well, you know how it is." Glitch turned to Derpy. "That's the guy who saved my life," he said, gesturing to the Halberd. "I'm pretty sure his name's Meta Knight, or something like that. Odd name, if you ask me. He gave me this whistle if I ever needed him." He pointed to the Halberd. "That's his airship, the Halberd. And we're about to get a tour."

He sighed. With an order to the sailors, the ship gloriously came out of cloud cover and hovered about ten feet off the ground, about 20 feet away from them. He navigated through the corridors, and then opened the door. "Well, if you must come in, then come in."

Glitch smiled. "Alright, lets go!" He led Derpy up to the enormous airship, greeting Meta along the way. He turned to the pegasus. "Pretty cool, huh?" Glitch trotted over to Meta. "Hey, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for me. It really means a lot. And I haven't told her about your, um, secret, before you ask."

Meta nodded, but otherwise remained silent.

"And this... is the ballroom."

Meta opened the two double doors to this huge room, with a stage, and several tables. Also, a square inch of dust. After coughing and hacking, he turned to Sailor Red- a large red unicorn. "Sailor... what day is today?"

"Umm... December 23?"

"Hmm... when was the last time we used this space...?

"A... few... decades?"

"I thought so. How about... with Hearth's Warming Eve so close..."

He turned to Glitch and Ditzy. "Would you do me a favor? I haven't opened these doors in... 50 years? Could you go tell ponies that a Hearth's Warming Eve party would be going on here, at 10 o'clock PM, and to meet at the field?"

Glitch nodded his head. "Sure, Meta. I figured I kinda owed you for how you helped me back there, so I'd be more than happy to help." He backtracked his way out of the Halberd, Derpy in tow, and he rushed into Ponyville to spread word of the Hearth's Warming Eve party. Most of his invitations sounded like this:

"Hey, Hearth's Warming Eve party at Ten tonight. Meet in the field outside town. Dress your best."

After a few vocal cord-straining hours of this, Glitch ran back to the Halberd to inform Meta about the attendees.

"Meta... there'll be... a few hundred... ponies... coming..."


Glitch nodded, a frown creasing his face. Great, more talking, he though to himself. He ran back into Ponyville, found Vinyl, and told her she could perform at the party before dashing back to his house for a quick lie-down. Glitch thought on the day's events. Within 24 hours, he had:

  • Gotten broken up with
  • Made friends with a Changeling
  • Fixed his relationship with Derpy with muffins and hugs
  • Nearly gotten himself killed
  • Toured an airship
  • Planned a party
When he put it into those terms, it seemed rather ridiculous. Glitch had a quiet chuckle to himself. He then got himself cleaned up and dressed, clad in a black tuxedo with a red bowtie. He went outside and back to the Halberd and Meta Knight.

"Anything I can do to help?" he asked.

Meta Knight smirked. "If you haven't slept, sleep. That's what you need to do. Tonight's party won't be over for a long, long time. This you aren't host hosting this party, anyways."

(Alright... initiate operation conference with Page! See ya later. Enjoy. And I hope that this goes according to (my) plans...)

(And I finally read through all that ^)

Quick had left to go to the party, and she came back into the floating tanker in a red gown, the shimmered a little with silk. It didn’t look very fancy, or expensive, but it did look nice. It had a little bit of embroidery around the edges with wrenches and gears, and she had a santa cap for the season. She blushed, “Sorry, I don’t really go shoppin’ for dresses. I’m a little busy helping Derpy... clean up. DERPY! COME ON IN!”” she called to the door.

The pegasus poked her head in, then darted in next to Glitch, hugging him so he couldn’t see the fancy grey-and-yellow dress she was wearing. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/183/d/a/derpy_gala_dress_by_c_puff-d3krah0.png She hugged him feircly, “Glitch, I-I have a confession...” she mumbles, “I can’t dance.”

“You can’t dance my hoof,” Quick mumbled, “You could dance Rarity out o’ a Dress. You jus’ don’t have a sense uhv space.” Derpy blushed.



Mal smiles at his success and goes to Twilight. He puts the blindfold on her. "Good luck Twi." He says as he spun her around several times.
"Okay, feel free to start now." Mal moved back and let Twilight go and pin the tail on the pony.
He thought about how she had probably read some sort of book on this game and some strategy that would work.

Nope. Twilight takes two steps and trips over her own hooves. Blushing furiously, she picks herself up and pins the tail right on the pony’s nose. She takes off her blindfold and looks at her attempt. “Heh, Can I try that again?”


  • Brohoof 2

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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(Occ:Please take notice of my epicness)



Bob takes Morning star to nearby room and waits for him to enter , once morning star entered the room he hit him over the head with his hoof knocking him out. He placed Morningstar into a bag and left a note reading this."If you hope to see your pony alive again please meet me near the ever free with the changelings that you have captured".  Bob then burned it to make sure celestia got it then he took morning star to his queen.



Morning star was out cold from the hit on the head , he had no idea what is about to happen to him. But he hopes that this is some kind of joke set up by Princess celestia.

  • Brohoof 1

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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“Oh... Okay. I guess that’s okay then. So, When do want to go?” Fluttershy asks.



"whenever you want to, Fluttershy." I say with a compassionate tone in my voice. "Also, I set up a special surprise for you for when we get there."


(OCC) Can we say that Fluttershy's birthday is the day we go to the Canterlot Gardens? Because I have a wonderful idea for a birthday present for her.

Edited by DJ-Shy3
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“I was just wondering about how much I should drink, comparing it to yours,” she sighed, “Alright, another question. You ask me this time,” she winked.
Red thought for a moment, he hoped that the alcohol wasn't taking advantage of him, "are the rumors about you and that DJ true? I think it's a bunch of lame rumors started by ponies that you turned down, but I want to hear the truth from you." Red nearly kicked himself, that question was way too personal.... 
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“Well, I really should get back to work, however, I heard that there was a rather Delightful soiree happening at Sugarcube Corner this evening. Perhaps we could pop in and say hello.” Rarity suggests. 

(Happy new year, Page! :) )

"Sounds nice" Wildcard answers. "I'll pick you up at 6pm then. See you later darling"

The pegasus hugs Rarity and gives her a kiss. Then he turns to Sweetie and adds "Bye Sweetie Belle!" before heading home.

A few hours later he stands at the unicorn's porch again, ready for the evening and with a beautiful rose in his mouth that he had bought on the way.

Wildcard rings the bell eagerly awaiting his special somepony.


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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(Happy New Year Everypony! Last Replies of 2012 GO! )

“Well, today is a special occasion.” Applejack says. “We’re celebrating yer new contract with Sweet Apple Acres.”

"Well, geez," Red Talon said, "I'm quite flattered by all of this. A huge dinner to commemorate my new sponsor. That's a pretty good signing bonus, if I would say so myself."

After the family finished their dinners, Red Talon, exhausted, decided to head back to his home for the night.

"Thanks for the dinner tonight, everypony!" Red Talon said. "I'm gonna have to get going, so I'll see y'all later!"

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(And I finally read through all that ^)


Quick had left to go to the party, and she came back into the floating tanker in a red gown, the shimmered a little with silk. It didn’t look very fancy, or expensive, but it did look nice. It had a little bit of embroidery around the edges with wrenches and gears, and she had a santa cap for the season. She blushed, “Sorry, I don’t really go shoppin’ for dresses. I’m a little busy helping Derpy... clean up. DERPY! COME ON IN!”” she called to the door.


The pegasus poked her head in, then darted in next to Glitch, hugging him so he couldn’t see the fancy grey-and-yellow dress she was wearing. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/183/d/a/derpy_gala_dress_by_c_puff-d3krah0.png She hugged him feircly, “Glitch, I-I have a confession...” she mumbles, “I can’t dance.”


“You can’t dance my hoof,” Quick mumbled, “You could dance Rarity out o’ a Dress. You jus’ don’t have a sense uhv space.” Derpy blushed.


Glitch returned Derpy's crushing hug. As they embraced, he looked at Derpy herself. She looked beautiful in her dress, so Glitch decided to tell her. "Wow, you look great," he said. When he heard Derpy say she couldn't dance, he shrugged. "Eh, I can't either." He let go of her and got on his hind legs. "Watch this." Glitch then performed an atrocious version of the running mare, giggling as he did. If he did this in front of anypony else, he would've shrank where he stood. However, he felt comfortable enough around Derpy to do something stupid like this. Glitch suddenly tripped, sending him crashing onto the floor. He was silent for a moment, then he broke out laughing.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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(Happy New Year Everypony! Last Replies of 2012 GO! )




“If you want a prize, it’ll be able to tell everyone that you didn’t eat my dust!” She zooms forward, streaking across the skies...

And she smacks into a large, brown cloud.

Now that you look at it, it’s not just a cloud, but a ship- a huge ship- that’s suspended in midair. “Whoa...” Gilda says, backing off of it.


"I'll promise not to zoom off if you do" he says, taking it in, smiling widely. He tapped a claw against it, testing the material just because. "Want to have an explore? Or do we just... run away?" he smiled, his eyes sparkling madly as he steadied himself, watching for Gilda's reaction.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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Spike looks really uncomfortable with the question. “Umm, she’s... Nopony, She’s just a friend. I... um, may have sort of had a crush on her a while back... but that’s over now. she’s with somepony else...”



"Oh im so sorry if im making you uncomfortable." She says taking notice of Spike's discomfort. "My curiosity tends to get the best of me at times so...I'm sorry the relationship didn't go too well for you." Though the idea of a relationship between a pony a dragon seemed a bit far fetched to the dragoness. "If you want you can ask me a personal question." She adds. Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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