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Parent & Friend Reactions to your Bronyness: Before & After

Braeburn Apple

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My parents don't like it. They want me to "grow up". I tell them that I'm as mature as I can be, and just because I'm a brony, doesn't mean I act like a child. 


Friends? Some say to drop it while others say that that's okay. 

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My parents seem indifferent, they occasionally poke fun at me, but I ignore it. I try to avoid MLP around all my family and most friends just to avoid annoying and often stupid questions.






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I come from a fairly strange family. By that I mean that they claim to be non-judgemental and accepting of everyone no matter what, and for most instances that is true. I know that if I were gay or anything like that, I know I could tell them and they would not have too big of a problem with it. On the other hand if I told them I watched a cartoon about pastel coloured ponies, they would quite literally think that I lost my mind. I would subsequently be rushed to some sort of a psychiatrist to 'fix' myself. While generally they are accepting, they are still deeply entrenched within the 'gender norms' of society. Additionally my two older brothers would never let me hear the end of it. I already get enough flak for not working out, or as they say "curls for the gurls." So to keep things simpler I just hide it at all costs.


On the other hand, I literally do not care if my friends know or not. None of them do, but that is simply because I have never seen a point where I could bring them up. Other than the fact that I am learning how to draw by learning how to draw ponies, MLP has not changed/affected my life much, so I do not have the desire to talk about them much outside this forum. Most of my friends are rather weird people, I think weird people are way more interesting than 'normal' people and as such would most likely not give a damn whether I like MLP or not. I even have my suspicions that a couple of them are bronies.  


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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:yay: Happy to say that most my friends are reacting really well! So are my parents. And one of my friends are a Whovian anyway!

I'm trying to tell the rest of my friends that i'm a brony but other than that, its going good' :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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Been a while since I posted here. To update:


-The sister who was calling me "gay" for being a brony has since become a lot more supportive, even going as far as getting me pony merch on my birthday and Christmas. (I still know she thinks it's weird, but as long as she's supportive, that's all that matters.)


-I went over to one of my oldest friends' house a while back while wearing my Dovahshy shirt. He got a kick out of the "FUS RO yay" thing, but I could tell he thought it was a bit odd. He asked me at least two different times that night what the show was about, and neither time could I really give him a good answer; it was at that point that it struck me how difficult it really is to summarize FiM adequately, being mostly a collection of "slice of life" stories threaded together with original elements that are even harder to explain. So I pretty much just left it at "It's hard to explain, you'd need to see it for yourself." Otherwise, he seems pretty cool with it.


-My best friend told me he knew about "my little secret" one night while we were out bar hopping. He gave me a bit of a hard time about it at first, but on a later occasion when we were visiting the same friend mentioned above (and I was wearing the same shirt, no less), it turned out he also really liked my shirt. He said he could understand my fascination with MLP, since he had been living in Japan for two years, and "kawaii" stuff is pretty huge over there. About a week later, he messaged me on Facebook saying that he was actually watching a random episode...before commenting "Dude. Diamond Tiara is a bitch, man."


Then again... We have the very awkward moment that happened recently *cough* computerfrozewhenihadcopinfullscreenandmomwalkedin *cough* so I'm not sure what my mother thinks now =s


Yeah, my parents would flip their shit if they caught me looking at pictures of police officers. :P


(Nah, but seriously, I'd be positively MORTIFIED if my parents ever stumbled upon my current stock of smut, let alone stumbled upon me looking at it.)

Edited by Thrashy
  • Brohoof 1
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To be fair I always been a brony (or pegasister being a girl and all I just prefer to say brony because its easier) so no one is really surprised in my family. Heck my nepehew is a brony and his parents aren't against it and he's 8yrs old. However I've been head butting with my sister about the right to call myself a brony.


She's not even involved nor cares for the franchise, and yet she's telling me that I shouldn't call myself a brony because the "Bro" in "Brony" is meant for men who love ponies. But I argued that girls in the community call themselves that too and that we are part of the Brony community, its just SOME of us prefer to be called Pegasisters, some don't really care. Anyways I told them "it doesn't matter if I call myself a brony or pegasister, I'm still part of the brony community and its easier to just call myself a brony" But they say that I'm wrong and I know nothing about the franchise that I'm in. Nerve right? lol Tell me how to call myself in the pony community when they don't even have any involvoement with it.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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To be fair I always been a brony (or pegasister being a girl and all I just prefer to say brony because its easier) so no one is really surprised in my family. Heck my nepehew is a brony and his parents aren't against it and he's 8yrs old. However I've been head butting with my sister about the right to call myself a brony.


She's not even involved nor cares for the franchise, and yet she's telling me that I shouldn't call myself a brony because the "Bro" in "Brony" is meant for men who love ponies. But I argued that girls in the community call themselves that too and that we are part of the Brony community, its just SOME of us prefer to be called Pegasisters, some don't really care. Anyways I told them "it doesn't matter if I call myself a brony or pegasister, I'm still part of the brony community and its easier to just call myself a brony" But they say that I'm wrong and I know nothing about the franchise that I'm in. Nerve right? lol Tell me how to call myself in the pony community when they don't even have any involvoement with it.


Ha ha, that's a pretty funny argument!


To be honest, I've always just thought that you're allowed to call yourself whatever you like. I don't mind calling myself a Brony, but I know some people think there's a negative stigma attached to that word and just refer to themselves as fans and say that Brony means hardcore fan or something. Obviously Pegasister really only works for women, but I think Brony should be a word that works for everyone. After all, I have a lot of chicks I consider my bros just as much as the dudes I know, so I think it works.

  • Brohoof 1



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I wish I had a really cool story, or a story that would make people sad. Unfortuantely, as soon as I told my parents and friends their reactions were simply: "Oh. That's cool. Another fandom to your list." But overrall, very supportive. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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My parents? Haha, they really think it's fine. They are extremely open about anything always, whether it's religion, sexuality, whatever. They don't mind I watch MLP at all. My mother has seen an episode and thought it wasn't bad, but (understandably) not her kind of thing. My dad has known about bronies before, and he never really was bothered. He actually was kind of supportive of them, because he isn't some dumbass who thinks all bronies are deviants or pedophiles or something moronic like that.


As for my friends, they don't really care. They make fun of me for it occasionally, though rarely, but I honestly think their jokes are pretty funny, and there are still reasons I can make fun on them. c:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, yesterday at work, I came out to one of my good friends that I was a brony. She had no idea what that was. Or even what MLP:FIM is. On the bright side, she was super cool about it, and very nonjudgemental. Which s more than I can say for my best friend who does know what the show is and teases me constantly. And then there is my family, ugghhh. But anyway, it felt good to tell somepony.:) Anypony else have any experiences like this?

  • Brohoof 8

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Well it's not exactly the same but there are these two people in my class that always bug me and my fellow bronies in that class saying that mlp sucks, so basically they're haters but haters gonna hate!

  • Brohoof 1

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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I told my family and friends about it and for the most part, they didn't care.  My family buys me pony things so yeah, they could care less.My older cousin on the other hand acted ridiculously immature about it. I find it pointless to make such a big reaction from being told someone is a brony...it's just a cartoon.  :huh:​ 

  • Brohoof 6


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Hmmm. There weren't a lot of bronies where I live when I needed them. But now all of a sudden my sister in high school apparently sits at a table full of them and im like "aarrrgghh its not fair!" the only other fan I know that lives close to me is my sister in middle school and I live with her.


I love haters. :) I cant explain why. First of all they amuse me I guess, cuz half the time they don't know what they are talking about. Also by hating they just make themselves look bad.

  • Brohoof 2

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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i told the group i mud with about 3 days ago (they saw my luna iphone background) and they laughed for prob 3 mins before we gunned our engines and hit the next hole. I'd say it went well.

  • Brohoof 1


Those who dare, achieve.

Sig made by XxConfusedUnicornxX

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i told the group i mud with about 3 days ago (they saw my luna iphone background) and they laughed for prob 3 mins before we gunned our engines and hit the next hole. I'd say it went well.

yeah id say it worked out. :)


I told my family and friends about it and for the most part, they didn't care.  My family buys me pony things so yeah, they could care less.My older cousin on the other hand acted ridiculously immature about it. I find it pointless to make such a big reaction from being told someone is a brony...it's just a cartoon.  :huh:​ 

my whole family know, and my 13 year old sister is a fan, and my brother likes it, but my other sister always looks disgusted wheneverit is brought up. my dad is silently disapproving although he will tease me about it. my mom though on one hand thinks its cute that I like it and even considered buying me merch for Christmas, but on the other hand thinks its scary how obsessed I am and hates how much time I spend doing pony related things. oh that remeinds me, that friend that I came out to, I told her how my mom hates how much time I spend on it and she was like "get a girlfriend. that will solve all your problems" and im like :( *sniffle* "wish me luck with that one. im gonna need it."

  • Brohoof 1

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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You aint the only one ghost, if you get tired of girlfriend hunting go to truck building, when you switch up trucks there's much less hassle.


"get a girlfriend. that will solve all your problems" and im like *sniffle* "wish me luck with that one. im gonna need it."


Those who dare, achieve.

Sig made by XxConfusedUnicornxX

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Here's a nice list about everyone's reactions about me telling them I like MLP:FIM


Mother: ...okay.

Dad: Sure, do what you want.

Bro: Wowwww. What's so great about this show. ("It has dragons, shapeshifters, John De Lancie, and gods and goddesses") ...okay point made.

Best Friend: Why the hell do you like that show? ("*insert stuff here*") ...okay. I still don't like the show. HEY DID YOU KNOW THAT CATCHING FIRE IS COMING OUT IN A WHILE?

Best Friend #2: Ooh! I wanna try an episode! If you like it it's gotta be good! (*watches A Canterlot Wedding*") OH MY GOD THIS SHOW IS AMAZING X.X

Best Friend #3: I'll try an episode one of these days, it must be good if you like it.

  • Brohoof 4

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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