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Parent & Friend Reactions to your Bronyness: Before & After

Braeburn Apple

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I keep it secret, but I have a feeling they know, just a feeling.


They haven't said anything (if they know) and neither have I. That conversation will just be too awkward and wouldn't end well. I don't know how they will react, but I feel like it wont be well. They are pretty traditional compared to me, but they are pretty liberal compared to the rest of my family. They tend to be the high expectation kind, and I don't think they would like the fact that i like My Little Pony more than my little sister. My dad is already a bit annoyed that I don't like sports (During the Superbowl 2012, I was reading a book on centralized and decentralized organizations). Not annoyed by much, because I do well in school. MLP would just be...weird to them. Not to mention that I spend a lot of time posting ponies


That feeing of them knowing is probably paranoia, so I think Im safe



EDIT: Somehow, my dad blocked deviant art. Now I can't read my pony comics :( (AND THEY WERE CLEAN!)


I know he knows...

Edited by Anony-Brony


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Everyone in my family knows, as do most of my friends. I've actually been quite open about brony-ness. Nopony really seemed to care at first and my Mom just assumed "it's just another phase I'm going through" Although I'm kind of ashamed to admit it (feel like I'm letting everypony down) that's one of the reasons I'm into MLP, to prove that it won't just be another phase. My Dad still doesn't really care, but as I've said I'm very open about it around home and talk about ponies a lot and I feel like they're both starting to care. My brother acts like he doesn't care but I've persuaded him into watching a few episodes and although he'd never admit it, I think I might have converted him. I have to mention my cousin since he lives with us during his school years and has played a pretty big role in this, he's actually a hater, but tbh, I think I've done enough pony stuffs that even he's warmed up to it a bit, still definitely not a brony and I doubt he ever will be, but I'll remember that. Only place I'm not too open about my brony-ness is at school because I don't have good experience with people and am worried about what everypony would think. Speaking of everypony, I've started replacing "body" with "pony" on Facebook, I've shared random pony content, have a brony cover photo for my timeline, have played some pony games I managed to find, and have even made some brony friends.


Sorry for going into so much detail about this, I know it's just supposed to be about our parents. But I don't talk often and usually end up basically spamming like this when I do.

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My dad at last asked about ponies indirectly yesterday when he inquired about the undershirt I was wearing (the "Love and Tolerate" t-shirt). That gave me an opportunity to inform him about the basic premise of the show, the fact it has a burgeoning following of men around my age, and why it had such broad appeal. He appeared genuinely and positively curious about the concept of its popularity (I have no reason to believe it was disingenuous interest), and I offered to provide him the first season to watch on his computer at his leisure. I don't know if and when he'll watch an episode, but I'll be personally interested to see his response.


All in all, it is effectively the reaction I had envisioned, though it is certainly no less rewarding. And how cool would it be to potentially make a Brony out of a career college teacher and theologian? Not to get ahead of myself but that would be so awesome! /)^3^(

Edited by Thereisnospoon303


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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My entire family knows, and all my friends know.


I used to be a closet brony, but then I gained the courage to tell my mother (being my relationship with her is the closest in my family) and she was not only okay with it, but as I explained the fandom and why I was in it, she was extremely supportive of both me and the whole idea behind the community. I was afraid in telling my dad as he would probably be judgemental, but after catching me watching ponies, he forced the question on me. Though to my surprise, he was okay with it as well. (he still teases me a bit, but he's accepting it perfectly) And my biggest success was when while doing the chores, my dad saw me listening to pony music on my ipod and asked me to hook it up to our home theatre system so he could hear it as well. I was reluctant, but when I heard my dad singing Discord by Eurobeat at the top of his lungs, I did a fist pump in victory. B)


My only regret was that for my 18th birthday, my brother, who is also a brony, was the mastermind of an absolutely horrifying breakfast that was themed off of Cupcakes. Complete with tough cyan pancakes that looked like Rainbow Dash's hide, scrambled eggs shaped and colored to look like organs and everything. And I was forced to eat it. :(

However, they also got me the mane 6 miniatures that compensated somewhat for my upset stomach. And I've converted most of my friends to bronydom already, so I feel very secure about my support for the show. :D

  • Brohoof 2

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After talking with my family about it, it seems the general consensus is "We always knew you were weird and into weird things, at least now we know what to buy you on special occasions."

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i don't care if my parents know if i love my little pony, I'll even watch it at school I'll even tell everyone if they or my dad has something to say then they can say it to me personally otherwise they can keep there mouth shut.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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This, I'd rather let them find out rather than telling them. Just in case they would disagree with it, I'll still have some time to like it.


With school? They'd laugh at my face everytime they see me if i told them, unless there's another brony in my school.


Twilight Sparkle is best pony, and I'm willing to explain logically for that to be true!

By the way, mine and Twilight's personalities have a lot of similarities, maybe hardly any difference. I checked.

-Bookworm in the greatest sense possible, writer, organized, introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving-

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I AM the parent and found out my son is a brony from my daughter. One day she just said, " did you know Brett is a brony?". I didn't know what that was so I forgot about it. A month later her ask me to make a plush, but I didn't know how. That was 8 months ago. Now that is

what we talk about the most, and I started making plush ponies. I have made him 7 so far. I am as much a fan as he is

  • Brohoof 1
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My parents are fine with it. My dad teases me about it sometimes but he also watches the show with me sometimes. My friends are ok with it too, although I'd love to have more brony friends.


What are you talking about? You've got 3,670 brony friends right here.

  • Brohoof 2

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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What are you talking about? You've got 3,670 brony friends right here.


Yeah your right! I guess I meant I want more personal brony friends. I love you all though! :P
  • Brohoof 1
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They don't care. They know I watch the show. They don't feel any way about it, just like how I like video games. It's just another thing I'm interested in that they're not, and they're fine with it, but they don't really care.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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they think its strange but also that its funny.

i've tried making them watch the show but they did not want to.

ahh well. i couldnt care less. you dont have to be a brony for my sake.

specially my dad thinks it weird but meh.


dont care what other think about it. i like it and i'm proud of it! haters gonna hate.

Inspired by myself.

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Parents know cause my cousin YES YOU DUALEDGE told them.

My Father couldent care less.

My sister makes my mother watch it with me we are at Season 2 Episode 4 atm.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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well my dad first found out when me my brothers and him all went to the mall. i asked him if he could buy me a fluttershy shirt. of course hes response was "isn't that show for girls?". so i told him i'm a brony and he hasn't said anything since. and judging from that and the fact that my wallpaper on both my ipods, my computer, and my ps3 are all my little pony, not to mention i blast my little pony episodes and dubstep in my room speakers i'm going to guess he doesn't care


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To be honest, I don't think they know. They see me watching it all the time, but I don't think they really see me. I post on facebook about ponies, and they see it. I guess they don't really care. I'll only know when they actually confront me about it.


(p.s: I watch the series on YouTube as of now, but since I actually like the show enough, I think it's time I get my parents to purchase The Hub. Wouldn't want to get a show I don't like, would I? I hope they handle this question reasonably.)


Signature by me

Can't find anybody better than Zoidberg? Why not Rainbow Dash?

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I may have posted here before, but I'm not sure. I've stated on Facebook that I'm a Brony, but my dad doesn't use Facebook and my mom was just probably like, "Dacrap is a Brony?" Other than that, I've never mentioned it. I'm not hiding the fact that I'm a Brony, it just never comes up in normal conversation, and I'm certainly not just going to blurt out, "HEY CHECK IT B-BOIZ! I WATCH MY LITTLE PONY 'N STUFF!" The only time my dad has ever gotten an inkling of the fact that I'm a Brony is when we were in a hotel last week. I was looking up something, and since my laptop is slow as balls, it took a while for Chrome to start. I tend to overthink things, so as we were staring at my Fluttershy wallpaper, I was thinking: "Oh, crap, what's he gonna say? How badly is he going to berate me? Will he call me gay? Am I going to lose his respect?" Then Chrome started and he didn't say anything.


On the matter of my brother, he uses Facebook, and I'm sure he looked up what a Brony is. He's never made fun of me for it or even mentioned it, so I guess he just doesn't care.


I don't dare tell my friends. I have 2 best friends, one of which probably wouldn't mind so much, he would just crack the occasional joke about it. But he can't keep a secret, and since he goes to public school, he'd probably tell everyone there and then I would be the local Fagola (Semi-obscure YouTube reference FTW). My other best friend (These 2 dudes are brothers) would laugh and laugh and throw insult upon insult at me. He tells me he doesn't care about anything other people do, but I don't believe him for one second.


I don't have any Pony shirts or accessories at the moment, but once I get a job, that'll probably change. Then my "big secret" will be out.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Then my "big secret" will be out.


Depending on who you are dealing with, it will vary from totally fine to a disaster. For me, everything went fine. I told my friends, and had a few Facebook posts, and on school the next day, I did get quite a number of insults. Then, after that day, nobody cared. Actually, some people even congratulated me (weird, right?). So, all in all, everything is pretty normal now, as if I never had anything to do with the show. But, nobody knows about this forum, and I plan to keep it that way. I can only wish you luck that this doesn't turn out to ruin your life.


Signature by me

Can't find anybody better than Zoidberg? Why not Rainbow Dash?

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