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How open are you about ponies?


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At home I'm a brony who likes laying back on his faux leather sofa, browsing through the forums and occasionally watching episodes on Youtube. However, around friends I keep my bronyism to a minimum. I do have a friend however who had recently joined the herd and we'd talk about the show as often as we could, but largely around friends and family I keep it quiet.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

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NOBODY knows I like MLP. NOBODY. Like, not even my family and best friends. I like to be secretive about it, It's a lot easier to enjoy it when you aren't being criticized about it.


                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

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I usually wear a Brony bracelet wherever I go. Also, when I go somewhere, I usually wear a Pony shirt or a Portal shirt. As soon as I make friends with somewhere, I say that I like it. So, I'm kind of open. happy.png


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I was just curious how open other bronies are about their brony-ness. Do you walk around proudly displaying it or is it on a strictly need-to-know basis?


Personally I'm completely open about it. I'm wearing a Princess Luna shirt from WeLoveFine right now (it was a gift from my little sister. She's so sweet. tongue.png ). I don't randomly bring it up or try to shove the show down other people's throats or anything, but I'm not afraid to say I like it if it comes up or someone asks. How about you all?


Ugh, not open at all! No one knows, however, when I was in vaca. In London I gave out 3 brohoofs! No one new who I was :s


So I dunno lol ;) it matters.

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I've told my grandma, at first she thought it was kinda weird but then I showed her a drawing I did, she thought it was cute.

I started showing her a few pisode, like Sonic Rainboom and May the Best Pet Win, and he thinks the show's adorable.

Like me, she loooves Fluttershy and is supportive of my bronydom. She also loves Tank and probably Pinkie.


My cousin, lets call her Mo, is a different story. Every time I go to see her, I'm like, Hey, Mo, when I get there, we're watching PONIES!

But that's mainly because she's 4 XD

Her favorite pony is Pinkie.

Her mom(my aunt) sorta knows, I think. Mainly because when I started watching MLP I asked "Mo" if she liked ponies, and she said yes, my aunt pointed to the barrettes "Mo" had in her hair. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy barrettes. I swear I gawked at just those barrettes for like an hour.


My grandpa knows too. He's mostly meh about it. Whenever I say something about the show out loud, he just laughs, but not in a mean way.


And finally, I recently got my friend to watch. When I did, I immediately had her watch the first Episode and she likes it. She thinks my drawings are cute and that the show is funny. Her favorite pony would probably be Pinkie.


In public when I'm talking to her I just call it the show.


Oh, and I've slightly hinted it to my mom but she disregarded it


So really, not too open. Just super open to Mo and my grandma XD.

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My sister and three friends know i am a brony. I haven't told my parents largely because my mom thinks bronies are all creepy old men and my dad would probably think there is something wrong with me. As for the people i have told; I told my sister because she is a pegasister, my best friend guessed it and i didn't bother denying it, one of my friends is a brony, and the other figured it out on his own.

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I'm pretty open about it. I watch what I want, when I want, with the volume up. I'm proud of my entertainment tastes!

Then again, I don't have the worst trolls that I could have to deal with. If I was still in high school, I could see keeping it a secret. Very much so.


But as is, one of my favorite pranks is taking YouTube and throwing up the music when there's a party--then after about half an hour, pausing it and going, "Hey, everyone! You know that music I've been playing for the past half hour that you said you liked! It was ALL pony music!"

Hilarious. Careful, only do it to good friends though.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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I'm open enough...to an extent. I mean, I've told my family and a few close relatives, I've made references to MLP at school (but not really expressed my love for the show straight on). All my social networking avatars (apart from Google) use a pony avatar, so I suspect alot more people know I'm a brony but don't talk about it. Still don't own any merchandise though, unfortunately I'm still using my dad's accounts for online purchases and unfortunately I don't really want to go up to him to order anything MLP related. I just don't have enough guts I'm afraid.


I once put a 'Mods Asleep, Post Ponies' poster up in my form room at school, no one noticed at registration but it must have been taken down during lesson time, when I was in a different classroom. Hopefully some students got converted by conversation :D

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Truthfully, I am very open. I'll walk around displaying a My Little Pony shirt and bro hoof someone that is also sporting the attire. I won't bug people to become Bronies or force them to watch the show though, if they want to join the Herd, it's their choice. But anywho, I embrace my Brony-ness.

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Personally I try to be open about it but I'm sometimes wary of ending up questioned about it in ways I'm not prepared to answer.  But I so show my support and the fact I am a brony in smaller ways ike the brony band I'm wearing right now.  The way I view it is that it's like everythin else: I like and if you don't you can go soak your head.


Honestly I feel like getting to be a brony and into the series as a whole has had the effect on me that it's probably had on everyone. It's made us all better people in subtle ways that get noticed in small, yet appreciative ways.


As for being more open: I'd wear a shirt in support and display of my status, if I had them. But I do not (yet) so the band has to do.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't go around displaying that I am a brony because I don't think a lot of people care.  If someone is askin what my favorite show is, I tell them My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.  I only got 2 negative remarks to my answer.

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I don't go around displaying that I am a brony because I don't think a lot of people care.  If someone is askin what my favorite show is, I tell them My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.  I only got 2 negative remarks to my answer.


Well, I understand that, but at the same time, I have nothing against wearing a pony shirt, pony hat, pony headphones, having pony wallpapers, or having pony whatever because, if people truly don't care, then they shouldn't mind me displaying what I like. After all, everyone does it, from wearing Star Wars shirts to sports hoodies. My Little Pony is no different to me.


As for me answering about my favorite show, no one really asks me that question... I usually ask other people that question and just talk about their favorite shows.

  • Brohoof 1



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Only 9 people know I'm a brony, mostly because of slipups. The most recent time was when I was looking for the first IDW comic on a school computer (bad idea). One of the guys I was in gym was walking by and, SURPRISE, the computer froze with the cover in plain sight. That was one of the most awkward moments of both our lives. So yeah, I keep it a secret.

Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.

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I'm not closed up about my love of the show but neither do I run down the street laden with Pony stuff expressing it to the world. I have a My Little Pony background for my computer and tablet, if someone approaches me about it then I'll tell them but if they give me a strange look and keep on walking then I say nothing. And to be perfectly honest I couldn't care less what people think of me watching the show, although one of my friends (debatable at the moment) just instantly assumes that all bronies are cloppers which I find, irritating.


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I'm kind of reclusive. I don't want to sound hateful, but I encourage fellow fans to only go as far as wearing a T-shirt/Jacket in public. Don't show your bronyness to the point that you make a fool of yourself, like putting on wings or wearing horns or singing infront of "normals". Outside of a con, it'd be best to keep it on the DL, if you catch my drift.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I have told absolutely no-one. I might end up telling my best friend because he'd be extremely understanding, but as for everyone else in my life I think they'd either rip on me constantly or look down on me like a piece of sh**. My step dad in particular would probably give me a 'talking to' about wasting my life or whatever.

I hate people like that. They don't understand something, so instead of investigating, they assume it's a waste of time, and something that should be burned with flames. Yay planet earth.

  • Brohoof 1


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Not at all. Only to my family. None of my friends know I even know about My Little Pony, excluding my boyfriend. He's the only non-genetically-related person that knows. Which is kinda sad. I know I should tell my friends, but I'm scared. I know that if they're really my friends, they won't care, but still...

  • Brohoof 2

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Not at all. Only to my family. None of my friends know I even know about My Little Pony, excluding my boyfriend. He's the only non-genetically-related person that knows. Which is kinda sad. I know I should tell my friends, but I'm scared. I know that if they're really my friends, they won't care, but still...


You know, I'm the same way when it comes to a particular group of friends that I hang out with. Most everyone knows, save for my parents, but there is a group of friends I haven't told, although I think they know since I've let them borrow my phone and I have ponies all over it.


Regardless, I do understand that fear and I hope I can overcome it as well.

  • Brohoof 2



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To everyone embarrassed or scared about telling friends about ponies, or broadcasting it to the public (via merch and other stuff):


If you don't feel like telling others, then there's no need to tell others, unless you want them to try it out and see what you're on about. Just do what you're comfortable with. If that means hiding it from others, so be it. I would personally find it annoying if every time my roommate walked into my room I had to quickly switch to not-MLPforums or not-EqD or not-fimfiction, but that's just me.




I know I should tell my friends, but I'm scared. I know that if they're really my friends, they won't care, but still...


If you don't wanna tell 'em, don't tell 'em. Even if they did find out, and were like, "Ha, you watch MLP! What a weirdo!" What are you gonna do, stop watching it? Stop going to forums and whatever other websites you go to? Not likely.


The second person I ever told about me being a brony (a friend on WoW) instantly went "Ha, GGAAAAAYYYY!" I knew at that point he was a hater, but me being a brony didn't change the fact that we were friends. I also put up with it from two other friends I raid with, too, and frankly, I don't mind at all.


If you ever do decide to be more relaxed about it around your friends, just don't navigate away from ponies when you're chillin' on your computer when they're around. If they see it, they'll probably go, "ponies, lolwut" and you can either freak the hell out (understandable) or just say "eyup" and keep on keepin' on.


All I'm saying is this: If you don't want to mention it, don't. There's no obligation if you're a brony to tell everyone close to you that you're a brony - It's not a cardinal sin if you don't.  It's my opinion that's it's easier to just get it out there and put up with the teasing if it turns out that way than to hide it all the time (and honestly, you've probably been teased for worse), but hey, it's everyone's choice to do what they want.

  • Brohoof 3


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On that point, Hand, I agree. I've never been pressured to navigate away from ponies or hide it from any of my friends, even that group that I honestly feel a little hesitant about finding out. I just don't think it's worth the trouble to hide it, as it just inconveniences me to have  hide something and then go back to it when nopony's around.


Only people I might do that around would be my parents, but I'm honestly not around them enough to ever have to do that.

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I don't go around telling people about it, but I won't try to hide it if people ask about it.


I currently don't own any shirts or other merch, because if I ordered something and it arrived at my house my parents would probably have a talk with me. dry.png


When I go off to college this fall I'm planning on ordering a few shirts, and I do tend to sing mlp songs even when I'm around other people.

Edited by secondstomarz
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Only my sisters know. I'm worried what would happen if my girlfriend found out. img-1460553-1-ohmy.png

I have a couple of friends who might be understanding, but I don't want to wierd anyone out.

Edited by MinecraftBronyFTW

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

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