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What are some common misconceptions people have of you?


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  • People often think i am hiding something or leading them off. I'm sorry but i am just a really quiet and calm.

People often think that i am weak and helpless but in reality i have alot of strength i just don't show it off.

Some people think i am a jock when its not true although my broad shoulders really don't help.

people often think i am stupid but i'm not and a few users here know how smart and wise i am.

I am often seen as anti-social around teens but in reality i avoid some of them because i know all they plan to do is either smoke,do drugs or get drunk.

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Recently I've been getting whore comments a lot more. They make me giggle a little, to be honest. Being a model gives people really huge gaps in how I actually behave. I don't drink or do drugs nor do I have an eating disorder and I never kiss people because, ew, germs.

  • Brohoof 1


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Really, people just judge me way too fast. Because I like putting on makeup, it instantly means I'm seeking attention, or I'm brain dead.


Another thing is that people try to "troll" me all the time. I know this one guy (actually, there's a few exactly like him) who literally goes out of his way to try to upset me off by acting like a complete idiot who thinks he knows more than he does. Mostly I get kicks out of it, and he's so convinced he's right he just blindly assumes my jimmies are rustled. Really, I'm more disappointed that he's so terrible at it. It's good fun, seeing people trying to act smart when they can barely spell. Keep working, bud, so my friends and I can have a good chuckle.


Edit: didn't edit my other post, sorry.

Edited by Queenie
  • Brohoof 1


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One of my friends thinks that I do not have an active imagination due to my skepticism, or that it's a "practical" imagination. I suppose it's due to the mental filter mostly letting the practical ideas out into the world.

Edited by Stellafera

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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-Adults think I'm a genius, because I am (straight A's this past semester), but I'm beginning to suspect I might be(coming) retarded. I swear I took brain laxative* at some point, and they treat me better than a lot of other people. Also, I've got a lot of weird disorders.


-I just want to be friends, but all my classmates think I'm going to jump them and eat their souls. I've learned to take advantage of it to scare people I dislike, as reflected in my signature.


*In the context of brain farts.

Edited by kelario

"[Hitler] was a political genius. He got half of Europe just by asking. He had Germany working and everything was in his favor. Then he dun goofed boi n he trid 2 DED the ppl and he bad."

Signature by Rainbow Skywalker

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People online seem to think I'm a psychopath, which, maybe it isn't a misconception... but still, I like to think that my sanity is intact. 

My dear child, give in to the insanity. Sanity is predictable and dull, insanity on the other hand is exciting, unpredictable and unique (especially if there is foam frothing from one's mouth). In all seriousness, if you care about what I have to say, do not try to fit a preconceived notion of "normality or sanity." Trust me when I say most people I know are almost as weird as I am (scary eh?). Embrace who you are and show confidence, your so  called "abnormalities" show your true character and why people should want to get to know you.


As for me, I think the only misconception people have about me is my intelligence. Especially when I was in high school, people who got to know me, or those who would steal a glance at exam marks would often exclaim "Wait... you're smart?" I am currently in third year university studying science, and I still have that problem. In all honesty, I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted. 


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Everyone thinks I hardly eat anything because I'm practically skin and bones... I eat a lot. No really, I usually eat like crazy, but in a way that's because I need to gain weight and kind of because I really like food.


Also, they have the misconception that I can draw a LOT of things. Nope, just guns and occasionally ponies.


People think I'm a violent person, just because of my seriously bucked up mind. Not necessarily. Just violent towards people that annoy me.


They also think I'm shady and a chronic liar. I'm just extremely quiet and fidgety.

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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I guess since most folks meet me more online in a game or in forums then real life, that the common misconception they get is that they think i'm a man or young immature boy. I play alot of games which apparently they expect boys to do more then girls... and I can get pretty competitive at times while doing so. But I'm not, I'm a down to earth, geeky young woman who loves her pet rats, her husband and artwork and loves to do all sorts of geeky stuff, I am far from the pretty makeup and barbie/prep girl styles. I wear over sized tshirts because im not confident about my weight, but I wear leggings to show some femininess.


Yes I am competitive when I really get into a game but for the most parts here and chatting wise I tend (if not hope) to be a cheerful young lady who likes to hang out with her friends, hubby and family.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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  • People who know me in real life think I'm smart because I have good grades and know a few things some others don't. School is just too easy.
  • A lot of people in real life also think I know a lot about computers just because I can solve simple things for them. I don't. I only have interest in computers, and you can obviously know at least some things if you're interested in it.

I don't know of any misconceptions I have online, but, basically, my intelligence is overrated in real life.

Edited by ~Zero~
  • Brohoof 1
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People sometimes think I'm a couple years older than I actually am. I think it's the beard and I honestly don't mind.


My politeness sometimes tricks people into thinking that I never get angry. Oh I can get angry, I just try to keep it under control so I don't erupt in public. This also leads people to thinking that I don't have a backbone when in reality, I can be a pretty good leader. I have decent micromanaging skills and genuinely care about the end result a group I'm associated with produces.


(I highlighted the misconceptions for easy reading)

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I have a few common misconceptions about me.


First one is that people usually call me by my brother name. Partly because hes my twin.  But if they only know me and then see my brother they are all like, "OMG i didn't know you had a twin, I accidentally called your brother by your Name. And then they jokingly ask if were subconsciously connect and if my brother feels my pain. Then the poke me to see if my brother, who is sitting across the room, flinches.


Second one is that people always turn to me for information. I'm somewhat the smart person in the class that know what to do ever time a project pops up. I'm just an student that actually pays attention in class. But I'm just an average student.


Those are the only ones that i can recall at the moment. 

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People think I'm weird. They're right. :derp:

People think I'm lazy, and that I stay up way too late, or don't sleep enough during the night. They think this because I fall asleep all the time. I'm a narcoleptic, so it's not my fault. 

People think I'm stupid.

People think I'm autistic.

People think I have Tourette syndrome. Well, not anymore they don't.


People generally tend to judge others rather negatively, which is sad. I wish people would try get to know each other more before assuming crap.

Edited by Mikami


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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People think I am mean but I am just having fun


People think I'm crazy which is only part wright i am bipolar which there are medicine for that


I Worship the devil which is not true even if I seem evil I worship god

  • Brohoof 1
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Even though I'm non-denominational Christian(and even a bit of a superstitious bastard at times) people online tend to assume I'm an atheist due to how liberal I tend to be on social issues and my tastes in entertainment.


I do wear a crucifix(because I always liked them over a plain cross) so it tends not to happen in real life.     



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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The most common misconception with me is that people think I'm a loner and don't talk to people. In reality, I only talk to those who treat me with respect and those who I tolerate. Another misconception about me is that I have an eating disorder. I actually eat like a pig, I just don't like my school's food. Therefor I don't eat it.

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People think I'm some real violent, angry, crazy guy because my neutral face is a frown and I'm quiet all the time.


                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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People on here (you know who you are) keep saying that I'm really nice, sweet, adorable and cute!!

I am NONE of those things!

Another one is, that a lot of people on here have said I'm an excellent artist, now come on people, we ALL know that isn't true. Not true at all


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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