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What were you scared of as a child?


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I already did three biggest fears in another thread, so I'll put something down here that scared me as a child but doesn't now, just for variety. :)


One of the houses I grew up in (moved around a lot when I was a kid. Dad tended to get contract work in different towns, and we even tried renovating houses to turn over for awhile.) I was scared stiff of certain areas of the house. Specifically it was around the furnace in the basement, and one area of the garage.


I have my suspicions *now* as to what that was, due to the fact those areas were where a lot of very old wiring was and the house was old enough that it likely it didn't get upgraded correctly when Southern Ontario converted from 25Hz to 60Hz utility service, but at the time it was just random spooky stuff. And my mum's family are all superstitious types so they just tended to reinforce the spooky stuff.


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Oh another thing.

Words that seem to be out of nowhere or something. Or words against a black background in a place that shouldnt have them on it.

Like, I'm turning on a game maybe, and it will boot up or something, but stop, it will say some error message against a black background, something like that has been a bit creepy every so often.

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I was DEATHLY afraid of the dark. Probably because my dad was a bastard and always jumped out at me from behind corners. 


Shirts with buttons. I don't know either...


My mother dying. Wow! When I was a kid, I actually cared about another human being! Imagine that...


Falling out of waterslides. For some reason, I just never thought the walls on waterslides were high enough, like I would fall out easily.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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When I was a kid, my elder sister and my dad told me scary stories to go to sleep early .-. I hated them for that.


It was about a pale white woman with red eyes that looks for kids who are still awake past 10PM because I usually stay up awake really late as a kid. Their plan worked and I would never sleep late again >.>


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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I used to be scared of the dark, clowns, and other people. 


To this day, the dark is now my greatest ally, (caus' im a badass supervillain) because it's a good time for me to walk and be with myself and my thoughts. 

Clowns are the bane of my existence, and other people...I suppose I can meet them in person if I need to :L 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I was never scared of 'normal' things kids to be scared of. I always feared fear itself. I've never been afraid of one thing no matter the circumstances, but I always felt so weak and powerless when that not in my stomach appeared through terribe, paralyzing fear. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!

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The only things I recall being afraid of as a child were the dark (as most children seem to), masks (really creepy), and falling from heights (because of those weird dreams were all you seem to do is fall, to get a horrible feeling when you land).


And when I started watching Doctor Who with my family, the weeping angels. Scary as hell, and even to this day I try to avoid all statues, I can't seem to get them out of my head...



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Also, you know when you are downstairs, then you head to go back upstairs and you feel something is following you so you run up fast, that also was something, heck, it still happens, not really scared of it, just have that feeling. xD

Damn, I still do that. I used to think strange monsters and skeletons we're walking around our house. At this age though I have new fears. In our old house my room was at the real end of a long hallway, the toilet was at the other, and just before the toilet is a decent sized room where the front door was. At night, when I needed to go toilet, I always feared that a Demon or some kind of supernatural being was standing there waiting for me. I always looked over there in anticipation for a fright. That lasted the whole time I was in that house. Man I'm such a wimp ^_^


I still fear that some supernatural being is lurking in our house. I also feel like I'm been watched while I'm trying to get to sleep, since I can remember I sleep with the sheets right over my head. I know nothing is out there but I still freak out as if something is stalking me.



To this day, if possible I reach into a room to turn the lights on before I enter.

I did the same thing, I still do it but its more of a habit then out of fear.

Edited by TheLoneyPony
  • Brohoof 1

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when i was little, i used to have nightmares of my ceiling fan going too fast, overheating, and  bursting into flames and catching the whole house on fire :( i also was terrified of the gas heater in the hallway closet and too afraid to open the door. similarly, there was also a bathroom heater at my grandma's house that i was also scared of because if you flipped the switch thingie in the ceiling would start glowing red.

dunno why i was so scared of heat-related things :/ i'm perfectly okay now of course

my mom made me scared of the "Cucuy" (google if you don't know what that is) one night my brother was mean enough to go outside, scratch my window and make snarling noises to scare me.

i was also scared of going into the attic, but reasonably so. my dad fell through the roof in the attic one time. to this day i still am very uneasy going in there. theres nails in the floor and thin areas, so its dangerous.

Edited by crazitaco


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Thunder gets to me...  I still get bothered by thunder to this day. It's one of those "boom, gotcha!" sort of things but it gets me... every single time. :l

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when i was little, i used to have nightmares of my ceiling fan going too fast, overheating, and  bursting into flames and catching the whole house on fire :(


OMG  you just reminded me; I used to have a ceiling fan. It had three thin metal blades and it wasn't attached to the ceiling very well. When I turned it on, it would spin fast enough to blow all the papers in the room everywhere. But what scared me was the way this thing would wobble; I would worry that it would drop down and become a spinning propeller of death to behead me. To this day, I've never set that thing past a certain speed (well that thing died a long time ago but still).

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I was afraid of the dark. Then I got smart, and realized that it was a foolish thing to be afraid of.

Now I'm not afraid of the dark; I'm just afraid of the things that are in the dark.

Edited by CloudFyre
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I was afraid of waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the robot from Spongebob walking into my room.


I was afraid of Majora's Mask because of the intro, the last part of it when they're looking at Majora and those weird sounds are made, it freaked me out so much. I got over it though, and I recently played through it all :3

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At the age of 7, I lost my dad, so I had to do a lot of growing up. No time to be scared.  :(

But, then I discovered MLP, and it has, to an extent, allowed me just that little bit more childishness that I was denied as a kid. Thanks Hasbro, The Hub, and especially you guys.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


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When I was little, I was afraid of storms that happened during the night, especially when I was trying to go to sleep.  I always had my entire body under the covers and my head under the pillows.  Now, I love storms, and would love to chase at least one.


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I was afraid of the police. i witnessed them beat a lady who lived next door. yes she was African american. they also dealt with me and my mother roughly even though we were the same race. I feared them. then hate. then understood.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Monsters, ghosts, getting kidnapped, spiders (still have that), turning blind (since I have a visual handicap, hope it will never worsen), bring badly injured nd having t spend an eternity with recovering or even not recovering at all

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Can you think of something that you remember really scaring you in your childhood?

For me, it was probably the lion and the bear in 'Teletubbies'. I had nightmares because of that!!


Spill the beans, people! :)

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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Being home alone. I was dead scared of that not because some robber or murderer could enter the home or something like that. But when I was home alone, I anxiously stared at the phone. The phone? Why?


I was afraid somebody was going to call me and say these words:


"You have seven days to live"


Does that sound familiar? Yup. I watched The Ring when I was 5 years old. And that goddam movie scarred me for the rest of my childhood

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I was really scared of going to the dentist, and I also really didn't like getting a haircut for some reason.


Also, wasps.  No wait . . . I'm still scared of those.

  • Brohoof 1

I love you.

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Donald Trump.

Hmmm. Being Home Alone. I would always cry when I heard a little noise or something.


And blood. Oh, how I cried when I saw blood, be it on TV or IRL. I'm not phased by Fictional Blood anymore, seeing as how I play Fallout regularly, but I'm still a bit squeamish at real blood.

  • Brohoof 1

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This one episode of the show Are You Afraid of The Dark that used to air on Nickelodian when I was a kid involving this one psycho clown. Today I laugh at it and wonder what scared me about it but hey I was just a kid back then so you can't really blame me too much.

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