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Am I the only person here who's not a fan of Twilight Sparkle?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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I think that with Twilight Sparkle being a unicorn, it was a good thing. But it was just an early stage in her life. Twilight was destined to become a princess. I can't say that either are better except that Twilight as a princess has the power to directly influence the lives of others to spread friendship. At least, I hope that is the case.

  • Brohoof 1

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As for Sunset Shimmer, though I don't really like or watch anything related to Equestria Girls, she was also incredibly talented. Probably as much as Twilight. Her problem though is like she's kind of power hungry, wanting to take things that weren't hers to take, but she believed she DESERVED it. People that think they just DESERVE to be given everything that want, anytime they want it need to be smacked upside the head. And as NotoriousSMALL pointed out, Twilight wasn't even around when Sunset got all pissy and jumped into the human world. She wasn't overshadowed by Twilight. She was just told "no".

Very true. I don't follow the EQG movies but I have seen some of Sunset in the comics. She was an entitled egomaniac. Not like Twilight at all. One of the things I like about Twilight is her lack of an ego, and the fact that she gets no satisfaction from drawing attention to herself or putting others down. Plus she's cute and intelligent. I couldn't hate a character as good as her.


That said, she is about #5 or 6 if I had to rank the Mane 6 ponies. I do like her, I just don't particularly like the situations she's been put in. Her character, I mean the real sense I have of who she is--is not something I can reconcile with "princess," "wings," "most powerful pony alive," "lives in a castle now." That's not the Twilight that I knew, the one that drew me into the show a few years ago when I watched the first episode and decided to give this whole weird pony kid's show a chance.


So I still like canon Twilight, just not quite as much as I used to. Unicorn Twilight, I adore. Just my 2 bits.  :)  

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Not like Twilight at all. One of the things I like about Twilight is her lack of an ego, and the fact that she gets so satisfaction from drawing attention to herself or putting others down.

To be fair, she wasn't a showoff, but the conflict of the first two major conflicts is that Twilight is cocky as hell.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't know, but I am a new pegasister and from the beginning Twilight Sparkle really pissed me off. Her being so important, the best, and it made me feel sorry for Sunset Shimmer and Trixie. I have tried to like her (looking at how great she is etc ) but that moment when she became an alicorn i just decided NO. I am so sorry Twilight lovers, but I just cannot even. Am I wrong to dislike her? Am I the only one?

I do agree i never liked her I always thought she was a bit of a Mary Sue but the more I watched the more I saw how imperfect she actually was;especially in feeling Pinkie keen. I related to her a lot more at the start of the series then now but rather than books it was poke'mon games for me. i guess she just grew on me in the end i'm not sure why or even how. But she is still at the bottom of my lift in terms of best pony.


TBH it was Sunset's own fault cuz Twilight wasnt even around when she ran off, but Trixie is a stage performer and Twilight pretty much killed her job as she said when she came back in magic duel.

Yeah i did feel pretty bad for Trixie. What magician irl can actually do magic? but she was criticized for being a fake. But i guess it wouldn't be taken so lightly in equestria.

Trixie and Sunset Shimmer's intentions weren't good anyway.

I agree she's too much in the spotlight though, she's really a "Mrs Perfect" and it would be nice to see her failing from times to times...

i think this is why lesson zero got so popular :P







I love twilight, But everyone is can have their own opinions, it what makes the fandom diverse. For me she is adorkable and very likable. Buts thats just me.  

i hated her so much but somehow she just crept up the cute list i dunno when or even how :P but just daww

Ya the Trixie and SS thing is probably going a bit too far... But it would be nice to see her fail once or twice and the rest of the elements saving the day...

agreed it would be nice if Twily got in a jam she couldn't get out of and someone other than spike saved her flank.

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I don't know, but I am a new pegasister and from the beginning Twilight Sparkle really pissed me off. Her being so important, the best, and it made me feel sorry for Sunset Shimmer and Trixie.


I love Sunset Shimmer. And I love Trixie. And I love Twilight Sparkle too.


Twilight Sparkle's rivalry with Trixie is in many ways due to them being very similar ponies. They are both ponies with a special talent of magic, but where they diverge is how they use that talent to their advantage. Sunset Shimmer even more so. Given how similar Twily, Sunny, and Trixie are, I can't really see how anybody who loves one of them wouldn't at least like the others.


I do actually have vague plans to write a fanfic exploring the similarities between them, and how this is linked to their destinies, and ancient Equestrian history.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm sure you're not the only one who dislikes Twilight. I'm not one of those people, but the people who I know who dislike her share a similar opinion to yours.


Yeah, I too think that she was more better as a unicorn both personality-wise and goal-wise, but even as an alicorn she's still Twilight to me.

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Twilight at least had redeeming qualities before becoming an alicorn, but even still there have been some problems before then. For instance, watching Boast Busters, if you ask yourself "Why is Twilight so powerful?" the good answer is "Because she's the princess's personal protege who's been studying magic for most of her life." But by the time that episode aired, none of that was shown at all, and the episode itself simply says "Because her cutie mark is magic, so it's her inborn talent", which is a much less interesting or gratifying answer.

i have the feeling i'd be very jelly of her irl. Maybe that was my beef with her initially.

I really couldn't care less about your opinion.


My least favorite of the mane 6 is Fluttershy, but i can see why alot of bronies seem to like her the most.


And no, i don't hate you. ;)

fluttershy just seems like an empty  shell to me :) but i don't really dislike her or anypony :)

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No you aren't the only one. I saw at least one other person on here who doesn't like her. Though I really don't see how anybody could not like her. Sure she had that one moment in Lesson Zero but so did Fluttershy in The Best Night Ever. Those were just one time things. It's no reason to hate or dislike them.

Edited by Asbel Lhant
  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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attachicon.gifimage.jpgmeh. it feels like twilight became a different character when she got wings. but i like old twilight, so that makes me disagree with you.

maybe they will play on this in season 5 the whole new Twilight thing and they may even fall out about it. Or maybe s5 won't even give much screen time for resolving friendship problems.

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Very true. I don't follow the EQG movies but I have seen some of Sunset in the comics. She was an entitled egomaniac. Not like Twilight at all. One of the things I like about Twilight is her lack of an ego, and the fact that she gets so satisfaction from drawing attention to herself or putting others down. Plus she's cute and intelligent. I couldn't hate a character as good as her.


That said, she is about #5 or 6 if I had to rank the Mane 6 ponies. I do like her, I just don't particularly like the situations she's been put in. Her character, I mean the real sense I have of who she is--is not something I can reconcile with "princess," "wings," "most powerful pony alive," "lives in a castle now." That's not the Twilight that I knew, the one that drew me into the show a few years ago when I watched the first episode and decided to give this whole weird pony kid's show a chance.


So I still like canon Twilight, just not quite as much as I used to. Unicorn Twilight, I adore. Just my 2 bits.  :)  

maybe she will give us some reasons to like alicorn Twily in season 5. She's a princess because kids love princesses nothing more that's the way i see it.

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maybe she will give us some reasons to like alicorn Twily in season 5. She's a princess because kids love princesses nothing more that's the way i see it.

The entire point of season 4 was supposedly to do that, and they didn't even try. I think it's a but lofty to expect any more now.

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I love Twilight as is; personally. I can't say much other than that I find her adorable, relatable, and sympathetic. That won't be the same for everyone; but that's different tastes for yah.

  • Brohoof 3

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I feel like they ruined the character with this princess / alicorn thing. In the first seasons she was displayed as "top of the class" while staying humble. Her limitless dedication to reading books and expanding her knowledge was valuable and because she wasn't bragging about it, it made her lovable. Now, it just feels plain wrong to me. The princess thing came out of nowhere and made very little sense (Celestia : sup twilight, you're a princess now -- Twilight: Ok) and I feel like less emphasis is put on her being humble.


She's still one of my favorite characters, but sometimes I wonder why they did this. Her being a 'princess' didn't change anything, on top of that.

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I tend to like Season One and Two Twilight the better than 3 and 4,  and I'm hoping they go back

to her roots a bit in season 5 which it looks like that are a bit in what we have seen.  I like her but

I feel in the last two seasons she lost some of her main traits we as fans came to like and love

in watching her. Now she feels a bit hollow when I have rewatched the seasons....

  • Brohoof 2


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She's my 3rd favorite of the Mane 6 because I find her inspiring how she values friendship despite not caring about it at the first place. But I'm sure you'll find others who feel the same way about Twilight as you. If you feel sorry for Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, then I won't criticize you for it. Everyone has the right to opinion. I've also heard some who didn't like Twilight becoming an alicorn princess.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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TBH it was Sunset's own fault cuz Twilight wasnt even around when she ran off, but Trixie is a stage performer and Twilight pretty much killed her job as she said when she came back in magic duel.


I must say that I disagree with that.  All Twilight did was save Ponyville, it was Trixie's own mouth in conjunction with Snips and Snails that ruined Trixie's stage act.  In fact Twilight went out of her way to not show up Trixie, flat out refusing when Spike was literally begging her to do something.  She didn't do anything until the ursa forced her hoof and come to think of it, the thing was about to fall on Trixie at one point and one could argue prevented major injury to Trixie.


As far as Sunset Shimmer goes I'm not even sure I understand feeling sorry for her.  Again a lot her her problems seemed to be the result of her own actions.

  • Brohoof 1

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Probably not, many fans tend to dislike her especially these days. She seems to be the target of all the "Mary Sue" or "too perfect" complaints


Personally, while I can see where some arguments are coming from, I tend to disagree with them(though it helps that she tends to tie with Rarity as my second favorite character)


Also as far as Trixie and Sunset Shimmer are concerned, I find it hard to sympathize with them because I feel they brought it on themselves(though to SS credit, they did a really good job at her redemption in RR)

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She seems to be the target of all the "Mary Sue" or "too perfect" complaints


There are legitimate reasons for those complaints. They aren't just pulled out of nowhere for the sake of hating on her. 


I simply find that since Twilight became an alicorn, I now like her considerably less than I did before. 


I don't think she's is a Mary Sue. Perfect? Yep, I can definitely agree with that (and no, they aren't necessarily the same thing). It's really getting tiring how the show keeps hitting us over the head with how much better she is than her friends. It's really getting tiring seeing her magic-related incidents go entirely unchecked simply because the writers themselves seem hesitant to portray her as anything less than perfect. 

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I don't dislike Twilight as a character on a show, but I feel like if I knew her or a person like her in real life she would get on my nerves. I think it's because of the leader position she has taken. I'm really not a big fan of leader types.


This might be part of the reason a lot of people call her a Mary Sue, especially in her alicorn form. She does have some flaws, but they are downplayed because as the leader, she has to be consistently strong. It seems like as she progresses and her responsibilities increase, everything gets easier for her. The opposite should be true. I think if they show Twilight make a really, REALLY huge mistake in season 5, it will make her far more interesting and likeable.

Edited by Princess Lona
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I don't know, but I am a new pegasister and from the beginning Twilight Sparkle really pissed me off. Her being so important, the best, and it made me feel sorry for Sunset Shimmer and Trixie. I have tried to like her (looking at how great she is etc ) but that moment when she became an alicorn i just decided NO. I am so sorry Twilight lovers, but I just cannot even. Am I wrong to dislike her? Am I the only one?

No, you're not the only one. Someone on TV Tropes made the case that every single adventure the gang has been on and every single foe they have taken down has been a test set up by Celestia, and that the Princess was manipulating her friends along the way. Thus, by the time Twilight became an alicorn, her friends would have served their purpose, and so she wouldn't need them anymore. Regarding your argument, Twilight will probably tell you, "I don't think I'm better than anypony!" Let's also not forget that Twilight is from a royal family and the main character.

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Twilight has been my number one pony since day one. I was thrilled overall in watching her slowly grow and become more sure of herself. Since she's had problems along the way (Lesson Zero) I don't even see her as a Mary Sue. I absolutely loved her becoming an Alicorn.

  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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