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Rainbow Dash Fan Club


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As cool as they genuinely are...  I don't own any long-sleeved shirt shirts lol.  But I appreciate your posting the link, all the same; they look great.  But then, RD so has the best cutie mark.

Doh! Go get one!




This one's even colored like Rainbow's flank! Just think of how perfectly they'll go together!

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I'm becoming increasingly tempted to rewatch some episodes of a show called Evangelion, as well as increasingly disappointed that there isn't more crossover art. My favorite Eva character reminds me of Dash in a lot of ways (no real surprise she ended up my fave ^_^ ). You see that same hot-bloodedness, thirst to prove herself, tendency to define and value herself by her accomplishments, as well as the self-destructive reactions to being shown up that we see in Mare Do Well (though times a bazillion :blink: ).


Are any of you drawn to Dashish characters in other shows/books/etc?

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You know, something like this could have happened lol.  But they couldn't include the entire thing in the episode:


Just wait until somebody does a 10 hour version.

It's only a matter of time.


And here's a heartwarming comic for the club:







Edited by Hanibal94
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Who knew that Trixie and Dashie would get along so well:attachicon.gifIMAG0061.jpg

They made a surprisingly great duo. Of all the FF comics so far this one is up there as one of my favs

It's also great to see Rainbow finally get a decent comic





I'm becoming increasingly tempted to rewatch some episodes of a show called Evangelion, as well as increasingly disappointed that there isn't more crossover art. My favorite Eva character reminds me of Dash in a lot of ways (no real surprise she ended up my fave ^_^ ). You see that same hot-bloodedness, thirst to prove herself, tendency to define and value herself by her accomplishments, as well as the self-destructive reactions to being shown up that we see in Mare Do Well (though times a bazillion :blink: ).


Are any of you drawn to Dashish characters in other shows/books/etc?



I've always been a sucker for art that mesh the Simon and Kamina dynamic with Rainbow and Scoots/Flutters, as I feel that a lot of times those duos are really similar


Edited by Kamina
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They made a surprisingly great duo. Of all the FF comics so far this one is up there as one of my favs It's also great to see Rainbow finally get a decent comic


You're piquing my curiosity :wacko:




I've always been a sucker for art that mesh the Simon and Kamina dynamic with Rainbow and Scoots/Flutters, as I feel that a lot of times those duos are really similar




"Listen up Scootaloo... you must believe. Not in the you who idolizes me, or in the me who sees greatness in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself, for you can pierce the heavens whether or not those wings of yours will carry you there!"


Season 5 pls

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Just saw the season 3 finale for the first time.  Here are my picks for highlights:


^ RD making that face while wearing that hat.  That's it.  Well...  And maybe AJ trying her hoof at dress-making lol.


I'm more emotionally invested in Rainbow Dash than I am in any other Mane 6 character, and I'm probably the least emotionally invested in Twilight Sparkle.  And yet...  That episode just didn't work for me.  It felt like they squeezed what should have been two episodes into one, and where there ought to have been an emotional payoff...  Things mostly just felt forced / unnatural.  And I found it amusing that Twilight sings about things being "fine" at the end.  It's like the writers themselves were saying, "No, seriously...  It's gonna be fine.  We'll make this work somehow.  Princesses sell more toys!!"  At least RD reacted well to it: "Awesome! A new flying buddy!"


Just my two cents. xD

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What about RD getting singing roles?

As much as I hang on every word that they actually let her sing (in that or any episode), I  - like yourself - demand more singing Dashie lol.  It bugs me that I have to fast forward through big chunks of "At the Gala," for example, to hear me some solo RD.  Had the entire finale been Rainbow Dash singing something awesome and THEN the alicorn business...  I'd have been perfectly fine with it.

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As much as I hang on every word that they actually let her sing (in that or any episode), I  - like yourself - demand more singing Dashie lol.  It bugs me that I have to fast forward through big chunks of "At the Gala," for example, to hear me some solo RD.  Had the entire finale been Rainbow Dash singing something awesome and THEN the alicorn business...  I'd have been perfectly fine with it.




"So why do I get to be an alicorn princess, your uh, Majesty?" 


"You can

hold long long notes

And I've wanted from that very first day

to see how you might grow

to see what you might do

to see what you've been through

and all the times your singing voice has made me proud of you


*piano as Rainbow Dash looks awe-inspired*


"It's time now for a new change to come

'been long enough and your moment ought to be won

to go where you will go

to see what you will see

to find what you will be 




*Light twirls around Rainbow Dash as a mic floats into her hooves*


dammit Larson where did you go wrong

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I'mma get this the beginning of next month; unless it magically goes out of stock before I can afford it (which happens fairly often to me, actually lol):



Might also buy some MLP comics then.  Whether or not I enjoy them will hinge on how Rainbow Dash is drawn and portrayed.

Edited by PegaMister
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