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As much as I absolutely HATE shipping, I have to admit this actually does make sense


It's the one fanship that I don't send out my "sink all ships, all canons fire" order of disdain. 


(The other being MarbleMac, but that's semi-canonical, if not outright so.)

  • Brohoof 2


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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though I say it's still second to TwiDash and ZiggyDash

I see what you did there. x3


What is ZiggyDash?

I'm Ziggy. < _<


There isn't an elephant in the room or anything (maybe just a little, baby elephant), but I'm just gonna go ahead and explain things from my perspective so no one gets the wrong idea.


Angelbabe (also: Angel, Babe, Rainbow) is the woman - and pony - that I love.  I usually refer to her as my partner; and never as the "w" word.  While Angelbabe is Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash is not Angelbabe.  My partner is unique; one of a kind.  She's the Rainbow that's in my life, and she varies in a number of ways from the Rainbow Dash that appears in-show.


I'm with Angelbabe.  I'm not with show-Dash.  I admire show Dash; she and Babe share many admirable characteristics.  They're both exceptional flyers.  They're both brave and strong and heroic.  They're both loving big sisters.  They're both attractive women with rainbow manes and cherry eyes.  But Babe is, without question, her own pony; I will always make a distinction between my partner and show-Dash.


I pretend to huff and puff a bit when someone says, "SoarinDash," but that ship has nothing to do with my partner.  It's true I've never liked that ship, but if there is a Rainbow out there who's happy with Soarin...  Good for her.  And I hope that Soarin knows what a lucky so-and-so he is.  Because there are myriad Rainbows out there, and I belong solely to the pony I affectionately refer to as "Angelbabe."


So if you're like, "I ship dis pony with dat pony!"  Fine.  I will hem and haw a bit because there are some crack ships out there that are deserving of eye rolls, but that's fine.  And if you're like, "I <3 show-Dash.  She would be the ideal marefriend," you apparently have excellent taste.  My life has changed drastically for the better because of the cerulean blue lady that came into mine, and I encourage those who love differently to embrace how they feel.


Little baby elephant addressed.  I think.  Whatever. xD

  • Brohoof 5

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I looked for Rainbow Dash merch during our once-a-month trip to Wal-Mart (something Babe honestly looks forward to), but I couldn't find any pony Dash figures that I didn't already have.  Or, to be more accurate, any figures that weren't essentially the same as ones I already had with different included accessories. >_<


So's I purchased this EQG Minis figure:


I spent way too much time digging through pony toys and deciding whether or not to buy the Mini-Dash, so a certain pony encouraged me to just get it already.


Meaning that this is basically what people would have seen had they peeked down the more-or-less pink aisle:






  • Brohoof 5

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Still working on coloring my latest Rainbow Dash drawing (also working on my first Scoots-only pic), but I thought I'd post a screen of what I'm doing with the shading.


Multi-layered shading.  Layers + Multiply = Ten times easier than traditional.

  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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While I obviously favor pony-Dash by an immeasurably vast margin, this is still one of the best "cat" interpretations I've ever seen of Rainbow Dash.  I like it.


Rainbow Dash-Cheetah by IceCatDemon

  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I"m normally not into the MLP in human form, but I saw this pic on Pinterest, and I just have to share.  She is just so darn cute.  Note her little Dashie in her hand bag :D Yay!


  • Brohoof 7

"Scarf? Check. Saddle? Check. Boots? Check. Spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep? Check. It's a good thing I'm so organized. I'm ready!" by Twilight Sparkle

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I finished my Rainbow Dash fan art drawing:


RD - Best Face of S6 - complete by me


The multi-layered shading took more time and effort, but it's something I'd like to employ in future drawings of Rainbow and, especially, Angelbabe.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I've noticed in Google Images that they sometimes have Soarin and Spitfire instead of the usual SoarinDash. I was thinking, "If Soarin went out with Spitfire, but less often than going out with Dash, then the people that make the Soarinfire pictures think that Soarin would be cheating on Dash, which would NEVER happen at all, because that would mean Soarin was being disloyal to Dash. So, the Soarinfire pictures are people trying to ship Dash with another pony.



" NOT cool."

- Rainbow Dash



SoarinDash tops Soarinfire by a HUGE margin! I have no idea why people are putting Soarin with Spitfire, because it's not as common as SoarinDash, so there's no point in doing it at all.



SoarinDash > Soarinfire





Definitely so.

  • Brohoof 1


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SoarinDash > Soarinfire





Definitely so.

I've retired from shipping in earnest (still ship everyone under the sun with Braeburn for lols).


But, when I did ship, I would've told you this:

PinkieDash or AppleDash or TwiDash or FlutterDash or DaringDash or RariDash or, hell, SpitDash > SoarinDash


And that would've been purely from an in-show perspective.  On MLP:FIM, Pinkie, AJ, Twi, Flutters, and Rare all clearly and genuinely love Rainbow Dash.  Not necessarily in a romantic sense, but they do love her.  Rainbow is a huge fan of Daring Do.  Again: Doesn't amount to a romantic interest.  But there's definitely respect and admiration there, and Rainbow got Daring to deviate from her no-exceptions policy of working alone.  Rainbow's in-show behavior towards Spitfire also suggests admiration, respect, and even the beginnings of a real friendship; I believe that's true from the Spitfire angle, as well.


Season One: Rainbow saved Soarin's plummeting pastry.  Season Four: Rainbow saved a plummeting Soarin.


That's it.  That's all anyone has got to go on, canonically.  I don't generally take a hard line where canon is concerned, but what I'm saying is still accurate.  If anything, SoarinFire is marginally closer to making sense; because, as Wonderbolts, they must have spent more time together than Rainbow and Soarin ever have.  But I've always thought the in-show Soarin (we barely know anything about) belonged with one of the cheerleaders he nearly died over ogling. xD


P.S. for @acknapp18: I wasn't saying that you can't or shouldn't ship Rainbow with Soarin.  It sounded like you were questioning the validity of one pairing over another, and I was just offering an opinion from that perspective.  Though, regarding the whole "cheating" aspect, there could be and are numerous Rainbow Dash-es.  So, by that same logic, there could also be a Soarin who's with Rainbow and a Soarin who's with Spitfire.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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There is only one ship worth with Dash


RisingDash/RainbowShine! :wub:

I don't mind ships, but this is my preferable one. :3




Ahem, anyway, have more skittles pone :3










There is only one ship worth with Dash


RisingDash/RainbowShine! :wub:

I don't mind ships, but this is my preferable one. :3




Ahem, anyway, have more skittles pone :3










  • Brohoof 4

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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So yeah, I saw this photo kicking around and my first thoughts were of our prismatic mare :D




Granted I've never really been over to this fan club before, but it's hard to deny that Rainbow is one cool cat pony



  • Brohoof 3

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Babe's wanted me to draw her wearing armor for a good long while now, and I'm finally taking a crack at it.  At the moment, I've only gotten as far as this sketch:



When I'm finished (inking, scan, and color), I might try and turn the resulting drawing into a banner.  We shall see.



Went ahead and inked the sketch:



  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Do you think Rainbow Dash will appear in other Season 6 episodes?

Considering she is one of the central characters, and we are only a few episodes into the season, I can say that she will (with certainty).

  • Brohoof 4

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Do you think Rainbow Dash will appear in other Season 6 episodes?

It's gotta happen sometime.


I just want another Epidode revolving around her and Applejack traveling somewhere together whether it's the map or some other random thing.

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A friend provided me with the ideal GIF should I later wish to s***post on the forums:



Babe suggested this ^ was actually me in a Rainbow Dash fursuit, rather than Rainbow herself.

  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Season 6 needs more Rainbow Dash. I'm happy to hear that she got a new episode, but that's still not enough. Let's all hope that Newbie Dash is going to be a good episode, though.



  • Brohoof 7
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