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What are the positive qualities of Rainbow Dash?

Princess Twilight

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I like her because we all have that one friend who you have to elbow in the ribs from time to time.  Rainbow Dash is "that guy," figuratively speaking.


Also she is a great straight-man to Pinkie's shenanigans.  Here is a character that can break the sound barrier who gets chased to exhaustion by one who eats cake all day and parties all night.

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Ohoho, I'm offended. Of course I watch the show, how else do you think i've come to this conclusion? And before you ask, no I won't point out ever little moment where she proves my point....cause well that'd take a while. And why does everyone assume she's been any better in season 2 or 3? Yeah she's improved a tad, but let's be honest here there are plenty of episodes where that pure arrogance still shows.


And you know what? I've accepted that, that's just who Rainbow is. but nowhere does it say that I have to like her.

And nobody is saying you have to like her. But I called you out on the carpet for calling everyone else who DOES like her an "entry-level" brony. (I see a moderator has removed that bit since then.)


It's perfectly fine if you think Dash is arrogant and irredeemable. Just don't take it out on the rest of us, okay? That's how you get labeled a troll.

  • Brohoof 1

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Dashie is my favorite and has been since the beginning. I remember liking her initially because she was spunky and brash, and was willing to voice her opinion no matter the cause. Its kinda something I'm not, so that might have had something to do with it. 


But I think one of the reasons I like her so much is actually her flaws. She can be very arrogant and selfish at times, and definitely has moments where she'll act and speak instinctively with not so successful results. What I also find interesting is that it seems that she knows she has some flaws, but only to an extent. For example, she does realize she can be very competitive, especially with Applejack, and even does admit this from what I can remember. However, she fails to realize her other flaws as of currently, and this imperfection seems to be the one of the more evident of the mane 6. 


I also like to think that she has one of the more complex personalities. We know how she acts on the outside, but really don't know much about how she really thinks on the inside in certain situations. She started to open up some during season 2, and even more so during season 3, but she still seems to be hiding an awful lot otherwise. It fascinates me and makes me wonder if there are untold reasons for why she is how she is. 


Overall though I find her to be extremely complex yet not so at the same time, and I love her overall demeanor, as well as her appearance. Its almost if the rainbows are symbolism for her complexity.

Edited by DJRainbowDash
  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

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  • 3 months later...

I see your point and understand your opinion. But, if you're being picky about one specific character, then you might probably dislike others of The Mane 6 too. If you notice, everypony has their own good traits and bad traits.

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I didn't like Rainbow as much before, but now, in season 3, she has started to show off her best side in episodes like Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy, where she isn't that annoying. ^_^

Twily's favourite! ^_^

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You want me to explain her awesomeness?




Well, it's bec--



Oh look, more threads where the RD haters are going to flock in throngs, and pull all the stops in making sure they get to voice why they despise Dash :'D We certainly haven't seen those before!


She can be cute, awesome and funny all in one, I like the whole tomboy thing, I love her voice, I love her sleek design, I think her element is one of the more interesting ones, I think rainbows are boss, she has a sensitive side that comes out occasionally, she has clear flaws that make her realistic, she Sonic Rainboomed and made her all her friends hit puberty get their cutie marks at the same time, so on and so forth ^^


She can be brash, but that's not a reason to label her a bitch and move on, IMO, like some people seem to do. But, to each their own. Not every personality is for everyone, and I get that. I also get that her overwhelming popularity turns people to dislike/hate her too (also just as much a shallow reason to hate something in full, but I digress).


Aw, nuts.


Anyways, I believe it's all a matter of opinion. Some like Dashie more than the others. It's all based on how you view things.

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Actually, though many people think that RD is the most liked pony, I don't think that's true. Of course, you're going to have people who like her. I like her! She's just not my favorite. Why they like her? Well...


She really is cool, and after Read It and Weep, I really began to like her character more. After Wonderbolt Academy, even more. She is possibly the most changed character since Season 1. Over the course of the series, she realizes that the world can't revolve around her and her wants, and she realizes that she needs to put her friends first. I think that's why I like her so much. She became humble, caring, and a genuinely lovable character, when at first, I wanted to wring her cyan neck. If a character can change that dramatically for me, as RD and Rarity did, they become some of my favorite characters ever.

  • Brohoof 1


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Rainbow Dash and Twilight are tied as my favorite it seems. I can see why people would dislike RD, but while she might come off as bitchy or arrogant, I think it's mainly because she has a constant need to prove herself to others as being the best, and she loves being acknowledged by others so much that it can easily get to her. It is a flaw of hers that she does recognize when it hits her, but I don't think that's her being insensitive. The very core of her being is to be acknowledged by others and loves when that takes place. I believe that is why she is the element of loyalty. She is brash and arrogant outwardly, but when you acknowledge her, she repays your recognition tenfold, and that more than makes up for any of her flaws and it is the reason why I like her so much.

EDIT: Scratch that, RD > Twilight :P

Edited by Freedan
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There's multiple reasons that come to mind... For some the male fans, they might appreciate her tomboyish side; it breaks away from the very girly, fru-fru nature of the show, and can make for some decent stories and situations.


For the girls... Well, I think it's partially the same reason. I'd guess it's because she's very outgoing, and doesn't give up. She's not a weak character in any sense. She'll do anything to help her friends in a time of need, and yet she's very independant. And that, in this day and age, is something looked up to greatly.


The bottom line is, almost everybody can relate to her in some way or another. That's good and bad in ways. Or at least in my opinion. It's good because... Well, because! If you can relate to a character, I'd think you kind of automatically like them, because you tend to like yourself, and if someone else mirrors you, you'd tend to like them as well. However, it's bad, because that's a sign the she's not too deep of a character. If she had an uber-unique character and a complex backstory and personality, I don't think as many people would be able to relate to her, as not as many people would be so similar to her, but she would be much more fun to watch.


So, I think the reason you see so many people, new to the fandom, with Rainbow Dash avatars and always using "20% cooler" and "10 seconds flat" is because, before watching a bunch of the show and discovering everypony else's personalities, some of which are wonderfully complex, they see this character that they automatically relate and attach to, and decide that she's the one for them.


...PHEW! That's one of my longer posts! Well, hope you enjoyed that piled-on mish-mash of everything but the kitchen sink... I know it didn'tderpy_emoticon1.png




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I think before season 3; her popularity was questionable but after season 3 she really outshines the rest of the mane 6 in my opinion. She accomplishes so much and she has the perfect personality of being the tough but still somewhat sensitive side personality which I love.

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As much as I like her, I have my issues with her. If all you have going for you is "I'm awesome!", that's lame. She's like Eric Cartman, where she thinks she has to be all "kewl" for everyone else. I do like her character, but I think she could have better character development than she is currently getting. I'd like to see more episodes like Wonderbolt Academy.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I can see where you're coming with the hatred towards Dash but what I think is that it's because she's still growing as a character.  She still has a really high ego and is pretty self centered in the beginning of the show, but as the show continues, she becomes less egoistic and more helpful than compared to her in season 1.  Just my opinion though :P


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You cannot judge the entirety of Rainbow Dash's character because of two episodes.  And what was rude about her behavior in Suited for Success?  I must have missed it.  There is also all of this:

  • Rainbow Dash turned down her heart's desire because her friends needed her.
  • Standing up to Gilda.
  • Taking all the risks in rounding up the parasprites.
  • Trying to help Applebloom get her cutie mark.
  • Making ammends with Applejack.
  • Saving Rarity's life.
  • Forgiving Rarity for being a self-centered jerk.
  • Helping all her friends get their cuttie marks.
  • Adopting Tank.
  • Helping Spike out on his "dragon quest".
  • Hurricane Fluttershy...ALL OF IT!
  • Her quick response to all the problems in the Crystal Empire.
  • Finding the real Pinkie Pie amoung all the fakes (even though she didn't know it).
  • Standing up to her hero!
  • Taking Scoot under her wing.
  • Being 20% cooler.


Sure there is a lot to dislike about Rainbow Dash, but plenty to like as well.  I understand not liking her personally, but missing everything that is likable about her?

  • Brohoof 7
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To Be Honest, I don't really exactly like Rainbow Dash, Her Personality In the Mysterious Mare Episode Pissed me off beyond Relief..

But I can see why people do really like her, she ties in with the rest of the Mane 6, and it does balance out, 
But hey, there aren't as many Rainbow Dash fans as you think, there maybe quite a lot, but it does balance out by the number of Fluttershy, and Twilight.

And.... I don't know...


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I like her, because out of the mane  6,I'm most like her, closely followed by Fluttershy and Applejack. I also think she's popular because of how she looks and her over all attitude. Everyone wants to be like the cool kid.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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but most of the times, excuse my language, she's a bitch.

Really? I mean, you must hate RD a little bit to call her a bitch. If a children's show can be bitchy for you, well, it's time to move on. I really didn't mind your "dislike" for RD, but.. Really? Calling a cartoon character a bitch doesn't help you.

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Most true fans don't really like her any more than any other character.  Its just all of the trolls who pretend to be bronies that prefer her because she is sort of a "signature" character of the show, meaning that even non-bronies are able to identify her.  This makes it easier for them to troll.

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     I like Rainbow Dash because she's athletic, speaks her mind, and is always loyal to her friends. I essentially like her because she's a lot like me. When Rainbow Dash is being mean to the other ponies, I don't think that she really is. When she does something that people say is mean, I see it as being playful. I'm from a large family, and we all play rough, if you know what I mean. We playfully insult and tease each other from time to time. Those outside of my family think that we're being really mean, but once we explain it to them, they understand.


     I think that Rainbow Dash is just from a large family, and her playfulness is being misinterpreted.

  • Brohoof 1


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I personally don't like her, but y'know... Opinions.


I think people like her so much because she's so relatable. I personally hate her for that, as I hate people like her.. She's just not my type.

I'll respect your opinion as long as you respect mine. 

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It's no so much a matter of people Rainbow Dash being the most popular, it's moreso a matter of Rainbow Dash being the reasiest to relate to. A lot of people (myself included) can relate to her more 'cool' nature. She's much less serious than the other ponies, and plays around. She is confident, friendly, and loyal. A lot of people also idolize her image as they'd like to be more like her. The overwhelming majority of the people that like Rainbow Dash the best are much more casual bronies, and analyze the show less realistically. Now, I'm not saying that all people who like Rainbow Dash are like this, I'm saying that this is why Rainbow Dash seems the most popular. If you look deeper, you'd see that the fanbases for each pony are pretty evenly divided.

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Well, I am one of the many people that absolutely ADORES Rainbow Dash, and if you're wondering why, it's because that I have a huge admiration for her personality. Sure, she can be a little conceited, but most girls nowadays are weak little crybabies that have no self-esteem and just act like nobody loves them. What I like about Dash is that she has confidence and she's not afraid to show it. She's not a bad friend either; she may appear selfish, but I don't think she is at all. After all, her element is loyalty and she's always willing to be there for her friends and she is determined to follow her dreams of being a Wonderbolt whatever it takes. 

So that's basically why I love her. :) She's quirky, strong and quite a different character compared to most females you see. I like that about her. Plus, I love her rainbow mane and tail. :D And she can be hilarious. XD

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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Wow!  Five brohoofs for one post in a single day?  I'm honored.


Most true fans don't really like her any more than any other character.  Its just all of the trolls who pretend to be bronies that prefer her because she is sort of a "signature" character of the show, meaning that even non-bronies are able to identify her.  This makes it easier for them to troll.



Yeah, someone who likes a character you don't like is a troll and not a "true fan" of the show.  Because there is no "difference of opinion" or "unique interests".  Everyone must be of the same mind and heart.


I'm going to explain perspective to you.  I don't like Fluttershy.  I find her rather annoying in most episodes.  There are exceptions like Hurricane Fluttershy and Equestria Girls, where I really love her; but most of the time she just gets on my nerves.  However, I understand why others like her.  She has a certain grace about her and many people can relate to her shyness (hey, I can relate to that).


Just because you personally don't like Rainbow Dash all that much doesn't mean there is no reason to like her.

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Wow!  Five brohoofs for one post in a single day?  I'm honored.




Yeah, someone who likes a character you don't like is a troll and not a "true fan" of the show.  Because there is no "difference of opinion" or "unique interests".  Everyone must be of the same mind and heart.


I'm going to explain perspective to you.  I don't like Fluttershy.  I find her rather annoying in most episodes.  There are exceptions like Hurricane Fluttershy and Equestria Girls, where I really love her; but most of the time she just gets on my nerves.  However, I understand why others like her.  She has a certain grace about her and many people can relate to her shyness (hey, I can relate to that).


Just because you personally don't like Rainbow Dash all that much doesn't mean there is no reason to like her.


No I didn't mean to offend anyone  who is reasonably obsessed with her and a part of bronydom.  You took what I said and blew it out of proportion.  I just stated the reason why trolls love to chose her to work with.  Its fine if your actually a fan and like her for good reasons.  I should have worded that more specifically.

Edited by John
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Most bronies are males, so I assume that a lot of her appeal is that she is I guess the least "girly" mane 6 member, not saying that is her only redeeming quality, but rather one of the main reasons. She also has a nice and sleek design, is kind of funny, and is a breath of fresh air at times when you compare her to others in the show. She is also very headstrong and outgoing, even though a bit rude and over confident sometimes. Even though she comes off as a jerk sometimes, she is actually a very caring character as well, just maybe not as mature as say Applejack. I should also point out she has probably the most crystal clear goal in life of all the mane 6 so I guess people like that as well


That being said, she most definitely isn't my favorite, and while she is awesome in some episodes, I can't stand her in others

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