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What are the positive qualities of Rainbow Dash?

Princess Twilight

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She's the one everyone wants to be like, popular, athletic, 20% cooler....

She's definitely not my favorite, but her rainbow mane, super rain boom-sonic speed, the facts she's training to be a wonder bolt.

Idk, just seems to make people love her, despite her snobby and rude nature

"...And then the Princesses of Equestria declared, 'Derpy is best pony.'"...

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I think aside from her being a braggart who can live up to her own hype it's because she's gone through the most character development of the mane six.  She's become more tolerant, friendly, and sympathetic towards others as the show has gone on.  She went from a well meaning jerk to the best friend you could have.


But then again, I like all the ponies so maybe I'm not fit to judge.

  • Brohoof 3
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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel it has something to do with guys liking her personality as in what they would like in a mate. Something along those lines, or just because she acts super cool. Taker your pick. ^^


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To me Dash is about in the middle, not most popular, not the least.  What I dislike is her being a jock (disliked them in High School, ain't crazy about them now) & her attitude that she is the bright & glowing center of the universe, her overly simplistic world view & unwillingness to consider other viewpoints.  To me, this is a typical "teen attitude" & when you get to my age that AIN'T a compliment.


On the plus side, she is probably the least hypocritical of the ponies after Pinkie  & like all of them, she will go to great lengths to help her friends.


For her, a quote from the late, great "Dizzy" Dean. "It ain't bragging if you can really do it"  Could be her motto

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I never liked her to as my "fav" pony,  but

yes I can request the moments she does

all she can for her friends but she is just

to much of a show off for my taste after

learning "lessons" that one to be a bit

humble and down to earth....


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Because She's a LESBIAN!


in my opinion it is her attitude. She is selfish and mainly cares for herself. But then again she's the legend. She's the one we all want to be in one way and not in another. She is a well known athlete who is detemind, no matter what you say, to acomplish her goals. And it is this, combined with her incredible loyalty that makes her so awsome.

Fluttershy is still best pony tho.

...where does it ever even imply that rainbow dash likes other girls? 


No where. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I love Dashie! She is my favorite! I think she is very unique, and adorable!


Sure, sometimes she thinks more about herself, but that's just her.

  • Brohoof 1


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Why some people think Dash is supposed to be gay

1) Big athlete & tom boy & that has always been the stereotype (At least, guys often feel that way, women not so much)

2) Interested in Thunderbolts (the military) ditto

3) Rainbow mane is supposed to be reference to Rainbow Coalition.  When I Was Your Age, we Baby Boomers had  never heard of this Rainbow Coalition.  Don't know when or where it started (I live under a rock on the dark side of the moon), but I've only heard of it since I started watching Modern Families. 


And that's another thing, When I Was Your Age, I was older than you! :blink:

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...where does it ever even imply that rainbow dash likes other girls?    No where. 


It's so obvious they don't need to imply it.


Rainbow Dash is cool. We know she's cool because she told us she's cool. And there's nothing cooler than somebody who spends all day talking about how cool they are. Right?  ;)

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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People think certain things are "cool."  Why that is eludes me.  This "coolness" factor may elude you as well.


Rainbow Dash is intended to be all that is "cool" and as far as is possible with remaining an actual character, she embodies that.


Speedy, Sporty, 'Tude-y, the Best at something, seemingly unconcerned about apperances, anti-girly, etc., 


If you love "cool" and you love MLP, likely you will love Dash and award her "Best Pony" status.

If you think "cool" is a'right, or distracting or whatnot, you probably won't think Dash is "Best Pony."

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I remember when I first started learning about MLP and where I heard the claim that RD was gay. It was initially in connection with an article written by a Feminist Writer, at the time MLP was just starting as a TV show, that was bashing MLP and Lauren Faust after they saw a trailer. The Writer made the assumption that since RD had Rainbow colors and was a tomboy, that Lauren Faust was promoting the stereotype that all Lesbians are tomboys; I think in the same article the show was bashed as promoting Racist views since Princess Celestia's fur color is solid white. Edit: Found an article written by Faust herself, addressing the article I mentioned, from 2010 http://msmagazine.com/blog/2010/12/24/my-little-non-homophobic-non-racist-non-smart-shaming-pony-a-rebuttal/


But back on topic... I think RD is like so much partly because she is so quotable, recognizable, however you wish to put how much she stands out. Which, might actually appeal to Bronies on a psychological level since they feel they "stand out" in a similar fashion. But enough of my amateurish psychological/ sociological babble! :derp:

My personal favorite theory is... post-25260-0-88306200-1415841393_thumb.jpg

RD in terms of character type is similar to Hans Solo (Who is awesome) and they both appeal to people for similar reasons. Surely I'm not the only who when watching the scene where we first meet RD where she brags she can clear up the sky in "ten seconds flat", was reminded of the scene in Star Wars the above meme refers to :P .

Edited by Virgil

I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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People think certain things are "cool."  Why that is eludes me.  This "coolness" factor may elude you as well.


Rainbow Dash is intended to be all that is "cool" and as far as is possible with remaining an actual character, she embodies that.


Speedy, Sporty, 'Tude-y, the Best at something, seemingly unconcerned about apperances, anti-girly, etc., 


If you love "cool" and you love MLP, likely you will love Dash and award her "Best Pony" status.

If you think "cool" is a'right, or distracting or whatnot, you probably won't think Dash is "Best Pony."


It goes beyond the coolness, though that helps. She's a truly three-dimensional character, always developing and learning and always revealing some new insecurity or quirk. She's just as likely to be proud and arrogant as she is to be affectionate and courageous.


I'm biased, though. She's my second favorite character.

  • Brohoof 5


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It goes beyond the coolness, though that helps. She's a truly three-dimensional character, always developing and learning and always revealing some new insecurity or quirk. She's just as likely to be proud and arrogant as she is to be affectionate and courageous.


I'm biased, though. She's my second favorite character.


I agree that she's truly a three-d character in fact I even said so. 


all that is "cool" and as far as is possible with remaining an actual character, she embodies that


If she wasn't a real character she couldn't pull off cool to as many people.  She'd be . . . well . . . a Flash Sentry clone. 


In fact the non-coolness in her character may highlight the coolness thereof.  Unlike some characters who will remain nameless Flash Sentry

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In fact the non-coolness in her character may highlight the coolness thereof. Unlike some characters who will remain nameless Flash Sentry.


Okay, here's a question: instead of asking why people like Rarity or Rainbow Dash so much, why do people like Flash Sentry so much?

  • Brohoof 2


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Dash isn't my favorite either, but I can see why people like her. She's literally supposed to be the "cool" pony of the Mane 6, she's the only one (to our knowledge) that's ever preformed a Sonic Rainboom, she helped the Mane 6 get their cutie marks, she's super fast and athletic. It seems kind of understandable to me. :huh:


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Okay, here's a question: instead of asking why people like Rarity or Rainbow Dash so much, why do people like Flash Sentry so much?


I find his lack of personality, hated status in the fandom, and ability to bewitch Twilight Sparkle anyways hilarious. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow Dash is a developing, maturing character that has been shown to make the right decisions in a tough situation, and support her friends whenever needed, despite her tendencies to express an unduly high opinion of herself. Many can also relate to her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts and root for her as she actively works toward achieving it. The episodes that really show her best qualities are "Hurricane Fluttershy" and "Wonderbolts Academy".


Okay, here's a question: instead of asking why people like Rarity or Rainbow Dash so much, why do people like Flash Sentry so much?

Because not many even like Flash. :derp:

  • Brohoof 3
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I see how people list up reasons why they don't like Rainbow Dash here. I think you should think about the fact that all of the mane six have negative sides to them, that's kind of the point. They all do their best, but sometimes, their flaws get the best of them, just like real people. :proud:

Edited by RaveLow
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Despite the fact that RD has an abrasive and occasionally borderline abusive way of socializing (the things that have kept me from being fond of her in the first 2-3 seasons); there is absolutely no ill intent when she acts that way.  Maybe she was just raised in an abrupt and in your face city.

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  • 5 months later...

I like Rainbow Dash, but it's not because of her tomboy attitude. In fact, tomboys usually turn me off. Celestia knows why I have a crush on Applejack, but that's not important. 


What made me start liking Rainbow Dash was when I defended her when people said she didn't live up to her element. (As a Rarity fan, I know all too well of people saying a pony doesn't live up to her element.) Then I realized that putting gender expression aside, Rainbow Dash and Rarity aren't that different. It would be wrong for me to love Rarity and hate Rainbow Dash. (Though a lot of people love one and hate the other...) Sure, Rainbow Dash is brash, self centered, and rude, (as well as other flaws.) but she has good qualities, too. Rainbow Dash may not be my favorite pony, but I love her. 


5 Good qualities: 


  1. Loyal 
  2. Caring 
  3. Encouraging
  4. Confident
  5. Brave


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Rainbow Dash is loyal, bombastic, very caring to those she trust, and has a good grasp on what is right and wrong. She's basically the group's Kamina, just without the speeches, (which would be awesome if she did some!) 

  • Brohoof 1

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  • She is loyal: This is of course her strongest positive trait. In the most dire of situations, Rainbow Dash is more than willing to stand up and help or defends other ponies. She has given good advice to Scoots in Sleepless in Ponyville, has defended her friends in the Wonderbolts Academy and is rooting for Ponyville during the Equestria Games arc. And that is just the beginning! Dash has done many noble things that are considered loyal. 
  • She is passionate at what she does: Ever since she was a filly, she has always wanted to be a Wonderbolt. And to do this, she has to do lots of racing. As a result, she has proven to be the best flyer in all of Equestria and with that sort of talent, she has even done things like the Sonic Rainboom, get a place at the Wonderbolts Academy and the Wonderbolts Reserves. This is such a wonderful positive trait for any character, but especially for Dash.
  • She doesn't ever give up: Sure she'll have times where she gets insecure as seen in Sonic Rainboom and Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, but she does bounce back quickly. As I mentioned earlier, she is a hard worker and is more than willing to stick with a task until she finishes it. One example I know is that in Hurricane Fluttershy, Dash simply refuses Twilight's offer to stop and keeps on encouraging Ponyville to try harder. As somebody who is very tenacious, I find this a wonderful and relatable trait.


And that's just the beginning. I'm more than willing to talk endlessly about why Dash is a great character. It's a real shame that so many people hate on Dash only for her arrogance, because she has done many things right. :<

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