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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Remember, everyone, that this is a "three parter." No one knows where this arc is going, but right now consider this a defacto cliffhanger.


A three parter?

Wait, I have no idea that that was a thing, since when was that a thing?

So this is leading up to episode 1 and 2 of season 4? 

  • Brohoof 3


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Buck liquid pride guys, I cried like a damn bitch.  :(


Anyway, the finale was much better than I had anticipated.  The singing was superb.  The cutie mark dilemma was different from what I expected.  That Celestia/ Twilight scene, plus montage... the coronation... Twilight's speech... Shining Armor's manly tears!  


Excited for S4 and what the future of this fandom has to bring.  Despite all the crap that has conspired in the previous weeks, after today, I feel quite good for what lies ahead.

Edited by Halfblood
  • Brohoof 4


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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There are of course a few problems, but overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I can see that a lot of effort and time was put into this and I was right to be optemistic. There were numerous funny moments and emotional moments... and a Derpy sighting! ^_^


Also, I'm interested where this is going in season 4 as I highly doubt this whole princess twilight thing is over yet.

  • Brohoof 2
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Twilight Sparkle as Alicorn Princess of Equestria rules! This was the best episode ever, the first one that causes me to cry. I loved all the songs, best parts were Twily with Celestia in space and the coronation.


greetings, Tahirih

Edited by Tahirih

Alex, Alex! You're walking away from history! History! Did Chris Columbus say he wanted to stay home? No! What if the Wright Brothers thought that only birds should fly? And did Galoka think that the Yulus were too ugly to save? -- Centauri to Alex Rogan; "The Last Starfighter" (1984)
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Given that Meghan McCarthy has stated the finale is more like the first part to a larger, three part story, I'm going to withhold my judgement on Twilicorn and the finale's story.


I just want to ask one thing:


WHY THE BUCK IS SHE TALLER NOW? It was so awkward to see Twilight at eye level with Shining Armor and Cadance. I thought the show was called My LITTLE Pony.


Seriously though, that's my only complaint.

Edited by Twinhead B
  • Brohoof 2

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I keep saying it, it would've been better if they had an twoparter to conclude the season with. The amount of story crammed into the episode was far too much, it didn't leave much post-coronation interaction aswell. I'll take Megan on her word that this was sortof the first part of 3 and we'll see some things explained in a few months. While a part of me did feel a genuine happiness for Twilight it raised more questions than it gave answers. Celestia pretty much acknowledged that her lessons are pretty much over in the old way of things, which i'm kind of sad about really... It does give way for lessons to be replaced by her display of leadership in the face of greater dangers. But if it will be as a good as before, one can only hope.


The old questions what will happen to her will linger until S4 comes around, and it will be a test for the writers themselves on how to make a great start with this sudden, big change of the dynamics. I've heard that she will stay in Ponyville, and that her friends will have as much an important part as before, i'll take those as some comforting facts...


Using music to tell most of the story was an interesting swing on things, i did like most of them, especially when Twilight was singing about what she had done, that was pretty powerful. I certainly dont hate this finale... But it just happened so quickly. I'll continue having mixed feelings about it for a long, long time.  

  • Brohoof 1

Let's go downtown.

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I liked it though it did feel a bit rushed. The songs where good plus lots of funny moments. I do think they could've gone more in depth with story though. I mean I can't be the only one wondering how Apple Bloom, granny Smith, and Big Mac took to having Pinky working on the farm. That would caused major confusion with them to be sure.  But either way I've got Anime to fall back on. I know I wont be going nuts by the time Season 4 gets here


*trots off to watch Alavcard blow up some evil vampires.*



  • Brohoof 3

"Until Next time remember, No mystery is closed to an opened mind." ~Tim White Sightings~
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I'll be honest here: Once I found out about AliTwi, I was nearly militantly against it. I'll be honest, I still am. But, that aside, I can say that that was awesome. I really felt they knocked this one out of the park.

I'm not much of a reviewer, but I can definitively say that this takes a spot in my faves. Those songs were all really good, the cute mark problem was handed surprisingly well, and the coronation celebration very nearly made me of all people secrete liquid pride. Overall, while I did feel it was rushed at times, this was a great episode.

Although, knowing that this is the 1st in a three-parter, I can't help but get the feeling that not everything's going to be just fine. I'm betting something happens in S4 that'll have her revoke her royalty. However, coming from an AliTwi hater, I can definitively say that we should take her words to heart. There's no doubt in my mind that this will end up being alright. :)

...But this wait's gonna be murder.  <_<


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Anyone else find it weird Celestia had little windows that showed the adventures Twilight been through?


It proves she is in fact a stalker or she breaks the fourth wall and watches MLP in the same universe.


And Luna watches dreams.  Again, it isn't a mystery why there's no crime or dissent against the government in Equestria.

  • Brohoof 3



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Given that Meghan McCarthy has stated the finale is more like the first part to a larger, three part story, I'm going to withhold my judgement on Twilicorn and the finale's story.


I just want to ask one thing:


WHY THE BUCK IS SHE TALLER NOW? It was so awkward to see Twilight at eye level with Shining Armor and Cadance. I thought the show was called My LITTLE Pony.


Seriously though, that's my only complaint.

I think it might be those horseshoe-things she might be wearing. When she was out of her dress she seemed like she was still pretty much at level with her friends.


A three parter?

Wait, I have no idea that that was a thing, since when was that a thing?

So this is leading up to episode 1 and 2 of season 4? 

Meghan McCarthy Tweeted it a few days ago. It's around here...somewhere. I'm sure somepony could post it.

  • Brohoof 2


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I loved it, beautifully written songs, excellent characterization of the mane 6; they had some great background character flavor and I was actually able to enjoy the transformation :D 


I also may have teared up, just a little.


Though I am kind of sick of all of my fellow older bronies flipping their shit, anypony who thinks this is ANY worse a season finale then "The Best Night Ever" has clearly either never seen it, or it has been years :P Because they were certainly on par with one another



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OK, time for me to check in with my initial reactions.


First, the “musical” aspect of this episode. It has by far the most singing of any MLP episode to date. But I'm glad they didn't make the mistake of making ALL dialogue singing. Episodes which do this grate on my nerves. They put in about as much music as they could before it started to become a turn off.


Second, a lot of us, myself included, were expecting a curveball at the end of the story. This didn't happen. Instead, it looks like they stuck to the original series ending script. Some fans predicted a season ending cliffhanger. But this cartoon is aimed at a younger crowd than something like Transformers Prime. A cliffhanger would be seen as mean and unfair to the kiddies. Hasbro has already shown themselves to be very obstinate. They know the Bronies will be groaning and moaning the entire offseason about Twilight becoming what looks, for now, to be a permanent princess. But Hasbro also knows they are mature and patient enough to wait for the series four opener before bailing on MLP:FiM. And if any of you are crying and saying that things can't be fixed, take heart. The opening of Magical Mystery Cure shows that unexpected events can change a pony's destiny. This is good foreshadowing for what I think will be a kick ass season four premiere.  As others have said, this is essentially part 1 of a 3 parter. 

I will leave you with my thoughts on Twilight mastering her understanding of friendship which has allowed Celestia to elevate her to princess:



Twilight Sparkle's realization that the power of friendship is stronger than any magic spell. I know this looks very cliché and it plays right into MLP:FiM's underlying theme. But it still rings true. Lessons about friendship were the only thing Princess Celestia couldn't teach Twilight in a Canterlot classroom. In order to wield the Elements of Harmony, it was necessary for her to form the bonds of friendship with five other ponies. But there's more. In order to promote Twilight to the position of power Celestia had planned for her in the future, she would have to learn everything about the true power of friendship first. And Celestia knew Ponyville was the perfect environment for her to undergo those studies!

Edited by Wingnut
  • Brohoof 7
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I think it might be those horseshoe-things she might be wearing. When she was out of her dress she seemed like she was still pretty much at level with her friends.


I honestly hope so. Call me strange, but it would be weird for Twilight to suddenly be taller than the rest of Mane 6 from now on. It would give off a "I'm socially, physically, and mentally more powerful than you, but if that weren't obvious enough, I'm also bigger than you" vibe.

Edited by Twinhead B
  • Brohoof 1

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

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I really loved that episode, I think this opens up new adventures for Twilight AND her friends. She's not leaving her friends right? Well, I bet season 4 will be epic. I loved this episode, all the songs were good, Celestia got to sing <3 . Plus if Meghan McCarthy said this is a 3-parter, maybe the Alicorn thing is temporary? We'll have to wait and see. And when Twilight said, "Everything will be fine!" She meant it to us. That all the ****storm is now gonna calm down and the Brony Fandom shall rebound. Remember what Tara said in that interview yesterday? Exactly, so excited for season 4! :D

  • Brohoof 2


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Ok well I still haven't seen the episode because I'm a lazy sleepyhead and slept past the stream for the millionth time again >_>. Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait till S4 to catch and episode on stream. I'll just wait for youtube like I normally do, and then I'll share my thoughts on the episode in more detail, and also look at the rest of the thread(Or most of it.)


I hope all atleast went over well, regardless I have confidence it'll be a fine episode, and besides we're all still bronies regardless, i'd probably still stick around here even if the show was ruined. I don't think its possible for that to happen just from this episode, but I'll see in a while when youtube videos come up and I watch it for myself.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I loved all the songs. Yeah, I realize that they were really packed in there, but they were good songs so it wasn't distracting and they worked towards the story, at least the first part of the story. It seems like this really should have been a two parter because there are two stories here, Twilight fixing her friend's destinies, and her accepting that she's an alicorn. We can clearly see which story was cut short for time.


I really wanted to see more of how she dealt with suddenly becoming a princess. While she can be a bit boastful, Twilight never was much of a pony for being the center of attention. She seemed to be comfortable with this far too quickly. Other than wondering if there was a book for being a princess, she didn't seem to have any trouble accepting this drastic change. She didn't so much as ask if her friendship is going to be affected by this.


And I can't believe that she learned to fly so quickly. I have no doubt that Twilight is very familiar with the mechanics of flying, but knowing how wings work and actually flying are two different things. And seeing how nonathletic Twilight usually is, I can imagine that she fell on her face a lot.


But a lot of the problems here are mostly because in 22 minutes, there's only enough time to deal with one story but here they are cramming in two. I think the first part should have ended with Twilight blowing up, and part two could have started with her appearing in that heaven place, or at least have it as an hour episode.


The episode was good. It was better than a lot of the episodes in season 3, but I think if the writers had more time to work with, then it could have been perfect.

  • Brohoof 2

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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I honestly hope so. Call me strange, but it would be weird for Twilight to suddenly be taller than the rest of Mane 6 from now on. It would give off a "I'm socially, physically, and mentally more powerful than you, but if that weren't obvious enough, I'm also bigger than you" vibe.



Eh, as long as Twilight doesn't start acting lofty and "better" than everyone else, I'm fine with her having more power/height/whatever.  I think she deserves it.  She is a pony that has studied hard her entire life, risen up in the world by helping others rather than stepping on them, and now has had her final "graduation" and is rewarded for her work by getting the best position in equestria!!  Seems fitting to me!   It's nice how supportive and happy her friends are for her.... that doesn't always happen in the real world :(   

  • Brohoof 3
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Well it looks like the questions'/ concerns about Twilicorn will have to wait a few months, because I don't think this really changed anything in that regard.  So I doubt this episode changed anyone's opinion on that matter.


That said, I think this episode, taken by itself and ignoring the giant alicorn in the room, was extremely strong.  If this was the *series* finale, I would have no complaints whatsoever.


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Twilight reads an unfinished spell that she receives in the mail, wakes up the next morning, everyones cutie marks are swapped, she reminds them of their destinies, all the marks change back and she becomes a alicorn by finishing the spell. fluff it up with 15 minutes worth of song and send it to print. total cop out, and my least favorite episode this season. They basically took a 23 minutes episode and fluffed up 5 minutes of story with 18 minutes of singing, and it feels cheap. Its almost like they wanted to get to the point of the episode as quickly and as easily as possible


the finale of season 3 was disappointing, considering some of the great episodes they produced this season. 

  • Brohoof 8

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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