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Alien life thread


Life beyond Earth?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe life exists beyond Earth?

    • Yes (life does exist beyond Earth)
    • No (life does not exist beyond Earth)
    • Unsure (Its a possibility)
  2. 2. Do you think we'll ever find life beyond us?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Unsure
    • May have already

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I am certainly sure there are aliens out there, but,we just don't see them. 

If you are to ask me "why?" in a snap, I would say of course. Because, we can't be the only one in the almighty,vast,unknown place called "Space" and also, here is a link which may perk your interest:


This is the "Wow!" signal.

More info in the link.

again, I am very sure there are unidentified beings out "there". Because,like I said, we are but a tiny speck in the ever so expanding space.

I did a lot of bleep-blooping(researching) on aliens when I was a little filly.

Aliens was always one of my favorite topic to talk about.

And here is a little "joke" fact:

Actually "Dubstep" are messages from aliens. But instead, we are dancing to them. 

Edited by Woonawerfer_
  • Brohoof 1


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Aren't alone in the universe? That's an almost metaphysical certainty. Visited, UFO style? Not Snowdrop's chance on a vision test. (Edit: You know, in retrospect, is it a bad sign how quickly that idiom came to my head?)


I mean when you look at the absolute scale of the entire universe and our galaxy alone, the idea that Earth alone supports life is almost a laughable notion. Contact on the other hoof, that is something absurdly difficult. If we were to communicate with our closest possible neighbors, the message would reach them in thousands of years and it would take another couple thousand to get theirs.


Heh, imagine if it were something totally anti-climatic like: "Yo."

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 5
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Aren't alone in the universe? That's an almost metaphysical certainty. Visited, UFO style? Not Snowdrop's chance on a vision test.


I mean when you look at the absolute scale of the entire universe and our galaxy alone, the idea that Earth alone supports life is almost a laughable notion. Contact on the other hoof, that is something absurdly difficult. If we were to communicate with our closest possible neighbors, the message would reach them in thousands of years and it would take another couple thousand to get their.

^^ This.

With all of the exoplanets and solar systems and galaxies that we've discovered, we haven't discovered many habitable planets that aren't an ungodly distance away (Light years? Ugh.). That being said, it would take an extremely long time to reach a Earth from the first of the potentially life-sustaining exoplanets that we've discovered.

  • Brohoof 2

Semper ubi sub ubi


Wyzecat supra omnia

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NASA scientists have made this precise statement: "We are not alone in the universe."

They've even said we may be pretty close to finding alien life. In fact, it may happen within the next two decades (i.e. in our lifetimes).


"Astronomers think it is very likely that every single star in our Milky Way galaxy has at least one planet," Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said during the talk. "Sometime in the near future, people will be able to point to a star and say, 'that star has a planet like Earth.'"


So there! Can't come from a more genuine source than the NASA.

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Ever heard of drake's equation? I think it stands to reason that the probability we aren't alone in the universe is quite high. That being said, we don't know what stage of progression these alien civilizations have reached. They could be so advanced they consider us as ants without any significance. 

  • Brohoof 2
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There are aliens, in my opinion. I watched tv programs (korean) and sometimes it explained about aliens with plenty of evidence. And its scary..


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Oh totally, the amount of planets in existence with all the possibilities of having different types of life forms... It is near impossible to be the only life form out there. While I don't think that we will ever have the chance to do anything like Star Wars or Star Trek, I definitely think that the chances off us NOT reaching a point where we are able to communicate with them properly. And before anyone looks at me and says "Well it can't be possible for there to be life on other planets, the chances of Earth-like perfect conditions is near impossible!" I say to you, good sir/ma'am, we have insects that can survive extreme colds and nuclear bombs going off around them, I think a few degress warmer or colder won't be the downfall of an entire planet's population of every single creature on it


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I don't know. We know that the universe is massive, but we also know that the Earth had to be in very specific conditions for life to continue. The thing is we don't really know exactly what conditions life actually formed under, right? For that reason, I remain skeptical instead of going with the common line of logic that there must be more life out there due to the size of the universe. There's too much we do not know.


Maybe probably there is lifeforms elsewhere. I'm just really doubting that they're anything like science fiction makes them out to be, and the idea that they'd have technology to be able to communicate/make it to Earth is even more of an extraordinary claim. If there is life out there, I'd pretty sure its isolated, just like us.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I find it strange that outside North America, alien sightings are nearly unheard of...

A majority of historical UFO sightings are from the 30's-60's, when a great deal of experimental aircraft was being produced. Not to mention that rural people, especially in the 40's, knew little to nothing about aircraft, because of how fast that technology evolved (most rural places still did not have electricity by WWII, let alone airports)....Thus I write that time frame off as technological ignorance. By the 60's (unto today), it became a fad (suddenly everyone and their brother's are seeing UFO's, and being abducted).


There are some pre-20th century sightings, but a great deal of them involved the Roman empire....which is not surprising, considering their religious views, and they weren't written off as aliens either. In fact, weather patterns, and ancient drugs of that time (as well as people back then wanting attention too {notice that very few, if any sightings were reported by the common people}) line up with some of the strange things people encountered throughout much of history like psychological disorders, hallucinations brought on by mind altering drugs, and other things that medical, psychological, meteorological, and sociological knowledge today understands in ways people did not back then....


There was something strange I've witnessed in my life which i've posted about elsewhere here. I rule out aliens, but I haven't been able to rule it out as a weather phenomenon, nor was I on any drugs, prescription or otherwise, at the time....I am not sure what it is, but it's just preposterous to write it off as aliens...



Here is the post I made about what I saw about 7 years ago....



Anyway....I was in my junior year of high school, and I woke up in the middle of the night (a common occurrence). After going to the bathroom, I looked out my window to see about what time it was in the night (I don't like lights at night, and thus tell the time by the sky and the natural light of nature), and I say a floating ball of light up in the sky. I thought it was a helicopter, since it wasn't moving but instead hovering, but then it starting to spasticly dart around in the sky! I couldn't think of any technology at the time that could do that, and just wasn't sure what it was. I decided to stay up and watch it to figure it out. After about 2 hours of it hovering, then darting about, then hovering again (and so on and so forth), it just "POOF", disappeared...... seriously, no amount of research helped me dig up any new technology at the time that could have done that (small scale hovering drones were uncommon and none of my night owl friends saw it. Believe me, I did some digging) and I didn't want to tell anyone because people would tell me I was crazy, or say it was a UFO.... Still not sure what it was....it's currently a memory that just stays in the back of my head, because it's just something I can't explain
Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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The chance of a planet forming a habitable atmosphere for life is catastrophically small.


The chance that life will appear there is catastrophically small.


The chance that such life will become intelligent is... Relatively small.


If the Universe weren't so 'incomprehensibly' huge I'd be sceptical, but given the scale we're talking the statistical probability of other intelligent life is actually rather high, the Laws of Physics are just doing a good job at making sure we'll probably never meet or communicate with them, unless we design intelligent life ourselves (which is only a possibility.)

Edited by Sanctified Absence

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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The chance of a planet forming a habitable atmosphere for life is catastrophically small.


Really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems 25% of rocky planets (as against gas giants) have an Earth-like atmosphere.


The chance that life will appear there is catastrophically small.

The chance that such life will become intelligent is... Relatively small.


Again, really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems that 100% of planets with an Earth-like atmosphere develop life. And on 100% of planets which develop life, that life eventually evolves to be intelligent.


I'm not saying that our solar system is necessarily representative of other star systems in the Universe. Perhaps these percentages are way skewed. But there's no evidence to show that they are not representative either - we simply don't have that much data on exoplanets.

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems 25% of rocky planets (as against gas giants) have an Earth-like atmosphere.



Again, really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems that 100% of planets with an Earth-like atmosphere develop life. And on 100% of planets which develop life, that life eventually evolves to be intelligent.


I'm not saying that our solar system is necessarily representative of other star systems in the Universe. Perhaps these percentages are way skewed. But there's no evidence to show that they are not representative either - we simply don't have that much data on exoplanets.


Perhaps I said it wrong... What I was suggesting is the chances of a planet which can successfully support life for an extended amount of time (to a point of multi-cellular organisms) is catastrophically small. After all, there are many factors dictating whether or not life would be successful, the intensity of the sun, the composition of the atmosphere, a suitable environment (water for example), an extended energy source, the composition of minerals etc.


Furthermore, evolution is very likely an unpredictable process, there's no certainty of any one characteristic emerging, the only certainty is there will be some form of mutation.

Edited by Sanctified Absence

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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...Along with Big Foot, Sea Monsters, and other Cryptozoology creatures.


Indeed. The world is a big place, and many parts of it are comparatively unexplored.


New species are being discovered all the time. Although many of them are fairly run-of-the-mill discoveries (a slightly different type of worm), nature keeps throwing up surprises. How did this little beauty not get noticed until 2012?

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Do they exist? Most likely.

Do they appear or exist in the stereotypical sense that media has lead us to believe? Probably not.

Have they visited earth? That's a big no.

Who knows, life might just be limited to micro organisms out there, but the universe is far bigger than we can possibly fathom, so even if intelligent life is out there, it's unlikely we'll ever make contact, at least in our lifetimes.

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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They have to be out there. I'm going to argue that the universe is too big for us to be the only life forms In existence..... And that's it lol.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I believe we cannot be the only living things out there. Our planet sits JUST right from the sun. Not too hot or too cold, and it was able for out planet to form this atmosphere. Now, who's to say, some creatures could form in the heat or the cold, depending on the planet. Some planets are just gas and way too thin to be lived on (Maybe). 


I dunno, anythings possible, Anythings possible to be livable on. Who knows what they really even look like. Some I believe are far more advanced than we are, that are able to travel father (UFOs). Some people claim they have seen those. Perhaps you have. 


I just don't think we are the ONLY living things. We can't be. Maybe not in the solar system, but in other systems. Or maybe there is living things here in the Solar system that we have no discovered yet. I mean, we are advancing. Soon enough, we might be able to finally set foot on Mars. 


Me and my mom actually had this discussion the other day  :lol:

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I look at our world and the universe from a Scientific prospective.


With that being said, I'm fairly certain that there are other Intelligent beings out in space. They might not be in our Solar System or Galaxy, but that doesn't mean that they aren't there. For all we know, these intelligent beings might be either observing us or asking the same questions we are about what is out there beyond their planet, solar system, or galaxy.


Anything is possible.

Edited by Lance Shield


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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Aliens? Ayy lmao ... sorry. :blush:


I do believe that there is indeed some sort of alien life out there. I just don't find it likely that we're alone, I mean given the scale of the universe (and how tiny we are in comparison), it hardly seems possible. :huh:

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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