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What would the Mane 6 do in a war?


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Twilight Sparkle: Supreme Commander of the Equestrian Armed Forces

Pinkie Pie: Artillery

Rainbow Dash: Fighter pilot

Applejack: Infantrymare

Rarity: Tactics squadron, cleaning uniforms

Fluttershy: Medic



Alex, Alex! You're walking away from history! History! Did Chris Columbus say he wanted to stay home? No! What if the Wright Brothers thought that only birds should fly? And did Galoka think that the Yulus were too ugly to save? -- Centauri to Alex Rogan; "The Last Starfighter" (1984)
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Fluttershy: Run away from the war to every corner of Equestria

Rainbow dash: fly in not thinking strait due to self confidence, kill some ponies then die

Pinkie pie: get shot whilst singing "You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care"

Twilight: try to reason with them and be thrown out of her new found thrown

Apple Jack: try to use apples as a weapon, knock some ponies out then get shot

Rarity: get shot because her "camo" stuck out like a sore thumb

  • Brohoof 2

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

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I could see them probably going Battlefield 3 or at least use the old-fashioned World War II style to their combat. 


If they used Battlefield style:

They would probably be split into quadrants when it comes to handling guns & ammo or healing injured soldiers.

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We have seen the mane six fight through crowds of changlings, and do quite well. They would use each of there particular abilities to the best of there ability in what ever way they could, They would always stick together through it all, not necisarilly physically, but all helping each other out in some way and contributing to the battle. Twilight would be strategizing, Rarity would assemble what they need for battle and ready the weapons, Apple Jack and Rainbowdash would be on the front lines, Fluttershy would round up Rhinoes and Lions to fight for them, and Pinky Pie would be the calvary. 








Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say


they've found it...

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I'm disappointed. No references to Fallout Equestria in the answers? laugh.png


I've always thought that unicorns would make great snipers, holding rifles perfectly steady with their telekinesis. Earth ponies as infantry and pegasi being the "air force".


But that's way generic. If we are talking about Equestrian military and not transferring ideas from our world to how they would behave... Well. I DO NOT want to be in the receiving end of the spells from a group of angry, coordinated and trained unicorns.


I see the Mane Six as heroes. They are way more useful as symbols, commanding and coordinating than they'd be doing the actual fighting. There's a lot more to a war than shooting people.


I'd put Twilight Sparkle doing research on offensive and support spells.

Applejack would be in charge of logistics. Moving stuff around and organizing supply lines.

Rainbow Dash... I don't know... Communication? Assuming they can't use spells to communicate. Maybe reconnaissance.

I'd rather put griffons to do the actual "death from above" thing.

Pinkie Pie is definitively helping AJ with logistics.

Rarity is doing the propaganda.

Fluttershy, I just don't know. I see her more as a "veterinarian" than as a "physician". I don't what I'd do with her.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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  • 5 months later...

fluttershy would totatly be a medic 

twilight maybe the leader 

rarity would be the armor designer IDK

rainbow dash would be a fighter

applejack would be a fighter 

pinkie is a weapon maker i mean, have you seen those party cannons?

GATLING PARTY CANNON! Anyways, here is a screenplay with my ideas of their roles: https://docs.google.com/a/ttfn.com/document/d/1WW8x55BZ1UmC753bSitHiO5J6W57ROA43tbI1nlvtOY/edit?usp=sharing


I agree with the parts with the majority of these selections, but Rarity would need a combat role, and I think that her precision would make her an excellent marksmare


“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Two Towers
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Twilight Commander organiser and probably be able to use some form of artillery spell

Pinkie would probably be weapons expert, although her pinkie sense will come in handy on the front line


Fluttershy while it breaks character slightly i can see her providing animals for the war effort like some armoured bears or possibly be the person torturing POW for infomation with this the_stare__colored__by_raikoh_illust-d5a


Rainbow could work as both messenger and Air force given her speed 

Rarity could work in Army kit maybe designing camo gear

Applejack would probably be frontline  


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Rainbow Dash would obviously be right on the front line.  So would AJ.  Twilight is perfect for a command position.  Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are not for getting into fights.  The only wild card here is Rarity.  I'm honestly not sure what she'd do in a time of war.

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  • 4 months later...

The Mane 6 are at the core of a war and all have various jobs.


Twilight Sparkle is the commander of any war. She uses her organisational and tactical skills to lead the army. Additionally, she serves as a kind of magical and scientific consultant and can assist in strengthening weapons or promoting strategies.


Fluttershy is the Chief Medic Pony. She is able to heal allies and discusses with Twilight Sparkle on peaceful negotiations in attempts in pacifying the war. In desperate times, she can also fight with Air Forces.


Rainbow Dash is Head of the Air Forces and is also able to be deployed as a scout to secure locations.


Applejack is Head of the Ground Forces and also easily a part-time Medic when the situation calls for it. She can also act as a cook if necessary. Along with Rainbow Dash, they are easily capable of fighting at the forefront.


Pinkie Pie is in charge of weapons deployment and the demolition expert. She works closely with Twilight Sparkle to strengthen armour, explosives etc. She can also be used as secret weapon on the battlefield and strategy with her Pinkie Sense and Party Cannon. Also the army's motivator and entertainer.


Rarity holds a more arbitrary position. She is capable in taking over ALL five of the above tasks. She is as comfortable fighting on the battlefield as she is forging weapons with magical gemstones or acting as an advisor to Twilight Sparkle or acting as a medic.

  • Brohoof 2
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Twilight - Technician

Applejack - Shocktrooper

Rainbow Dash - Scout

Rarity - Sniper or Fencer

Fluttershy - Engineer/Medic

Pinkie Pie - Lancer


and yes I was playing Valkyria Chronicles when I went into this thread

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Wow guys, thanks for reviving this topic. Good times. The Mane Six would be pretty kick-flank in a war. I'm guessing they would be fighting the Changelings, probably the biggest threat we've seen so far based on numbers.



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I wonder how they would feel after the war?

I think everyone would do fine except Rarity. After the war, she would come back with post-tramatic dress disorder.


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Villain: I have an army


Twilight: We have a Pinkie Pie. And a Fluttershy!


Villain: Oh [expletive]

Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Twilight Sparkle would make a good field marshal, she has competent leadership qualities.


Rainbow Dash could be an air marshal, it is a force multiplier such as attack, reconnaissance, supply and manoeuvre.


Applejack could be the logician, providing food, water, ammunition and raw materials.


Rarity could be an combat engineer, repairing uniforms, improvise weapons, and clearing field obstacles,


Fluttershy could be in charge of the medical corps, as a former corpsman, this job is important to treat wounds and aid in moral.


Pinkie Pie would be the chief artillerist, artillery is the queen of the battlefield, to provide fire support for the infantry.


All of the mane six should be trained warriors however, to be prepared to defend themselves for the unpredictable maelstrom of close combat. 

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Twilight Sparkle: Leader(Assault Riffle, gun)

Pinkie Pie: Enginerr and hacker(Wrench, gun, party canon, randomness)

Fluttershy: Medic(2 Guns, rocket launcher, medikits)

Rainbow Dash: Heavy Guns(Gatling Gun, grenades)

Applejack: Close Quarters combat(Hind legs, Knife, Gun)

Rarity: Sniper(Sniper Riffle Cal. 50, Desert Eagle, Stealth-Suit)


yeah, that is my thinking XD

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Not exactly the cheeriest of roles to contemplate for the Mane 6, however, on the assumption that all six wouldn't be enlisted to use the Elements of Harmony as a weapon of mass destruction...


Rainbow Dash would enlist and join the air force. I mean, look what she did to Applejack's old barn.


Pinkie Pie would join Equestria's equivalent of the USO and keep the troops' morale up.


Fluttershy would join the equivalent of the Red Cross and become a rearguard or civilian medic.


Applejack would farm. An army marches on its stomach, after all. Just too bad that luxuries for the civilian population of Ponyville like cider would be rationed or non-existent because the spare apples would be sold to the government on executive order.


Rarity would be fairly limited in what she could do, mostly to simply stitching and supplying uniforms, although I could see her possibly joining Pinkie Pie in giving shows to the troops.


Twilight Sparkle would put her knowledge and studiousness to good use in the Intelligence service.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Did you see the changeling fight? Or Twilight's "fight" against Trixie? They lack strategic thinking.


That doesn't mean they cannot be trained at all. And remember that that was a magic duel and the rules were different than on a battlefield, it seemed more like they had to outdo each other at magic rather than fight each other to the death.


And the Changeling fight also had them by themselves, we're assuming that in a war they'd be fighting side by side with other ponies who could possibly be under their command, they stand much better odds that way.


Besides, that Changeling fight actually showed that they had strategic thinking, they defeated dozens of Changelings by themselves. For example, Rainbow Dash blended in with them and fooled them, Fluttershy acted like one of them to divert them away from her, and Pinkie Pie used Twilight like a magic minigun. That's a lot of strategic thinking if you ask me. However, they were following Celestia's orders to get the elements, and simply were overrun by numbers. No amount of strategic thinking can save them from that.



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me thinks this is the best way to do it


1.Twilight Sparkle: Field Commander, Twilight by far is the strongest among the mane 6 considering her magic is very devastating not to mention the range of spells she can do, so it would be a waste to put her and the back of the line and i think Twilight is more of a lead by example type of commander


2.Rarity: Tactician, i believe raritys eye for detail and her somewhat perfectionist ways is best for this role also i dont think rarity is the type who would get her hooves dirty by choice


            Field Medic, her stitching skills will be of use in this case(also in human wars when there werent any medical personal available tailors often ended up as makeshift surgeons)  


3.FlutterShy: Diplomat, as much as i think she would do well as the medic i think its better to put her as far away from the conflict as possible 


                     Chaplin, i think its better to have her heal the souls and raise morale than actually heal soldiers


4.Rainbow Dash: Scout, her speed makes her the best when it comes to scouting


5.Apple Jack: Supply Officer, she handles food and supplies for the soldiers (i dunno why but i think shes good at this kind of thing but i just cant explain it)


                       Logistics Officer, specializing in transporting heavy equipment "you call, we haul" (i still dont know why but i think shell do well with this too)


6.Pinkie Pie: Spy, coz shes a master of disguise..................nuff said :D


                     Saboteur, coz being a master of disguise isnt enough for the Pink Meister  

Edited by Lunas Sorrow
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