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What was your first brohoofed post?

Blue Moon

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My very very first post that is brohooved is my introduction post in my thread in Welcoming Plaza.... tho I'm not sure if that counts, since it's brohooved in June. If my memory served me right, my actual 1st brohooved post is in a thread defending the Derpy in the Derpygate.

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My first brohoofed post was the topic I posted introducing myself in Welcoming Plaza. Here is the post:

Hey guys, I'm new here. I saw a link to this website on Equestria Daily earlier, and decided to join. It looks pretty cool.
I've read the global rules, but if there is anything else I should know, please let me know. Thanks.

@ProjectRKA@Starshine, and @Artemis were the ones who brohoofed it. Thanks, guys!
My first post that wasn't introducing myself that was brohoofed would be the following:

The show has had a huge impact on my life, and to explain that more effectively I am providing relevant details from my personal life in this post. Some of the topics I discuss in this post are inappropriate for younger children, so if you are a younger child (under 14) or would be offended by such things, please discontinue reading this. I have double checked the rules to make sure that nothing in this post breaks the rules.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has helped me to completely change the way I look at the world, and continues to help me to this day to overcome problems in my life, or even just to cheer me up when I'm feeling sad.
I think I started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in 2011, towards the end of the summer vacation before 9th grade. I was 14 years old. I remember one of my friends from the internet convinced me to watch it one day. At first, I thought the show would be "girly" and "stupid," but for reasons that I do not understand in terms of the frame of mind I had back then, I gave the show a chance. I remember I was very interested in the show by the time I finished season 1 episode 1, and absolutely hooked by the time I finished season 1 episode 2. 
Before I knew it, I would spend hours watching through the episodes. I absolutely loved them. You see, I had begun to learn more about the world at the age of 14. I have very loving and kind parents - I am so thankful for them, because they are the ones who taught me how to be kind to others. They sheltered me a lot until I was around 13, which I didn't like very much at the time, but in retrospect their sheltering had allowed me to live in a time of peace, a world of innocence, I was able to have a childhood. It wasn't until I was older that I realized how blessed I was to have the opportunity to have a childhood. In fact, as I grew older I began to realize how blessed I was to have things I had always taken for granted: a house, a loving family, good friends, a largely good/peaceful school experience throughout my life, and more. 
I turned 13 years old on December 8th, 2009. Soon after this, my dad began to shelter me less. He allowed me to watch some R rated movies (not most of them, though), which introduced me to the concepts of hatred and violence that I had never really been fully aware of before. Eventually, I gained a stronger interest in the world outside the spectrum of my life experience, which led to me watching the news. My parents didn't let me watch the news when I was a young child - I don't think they started letting me watch it by myself until I was around 14 years old, maybe 13, I don't remember. 
When I turned 14, my dad continued to shelter me less. I was able to watch more R rated movies, but there were still a few particular movies he would not allow me to watch. By this time I had also had more experience with the internet, including the fact that I learned that there are horrible and evil things readily accessible. I used to look at violent things on the internet just for shock value, to make myself feel grown up, and as the result of a misguided curiosity. I had also discovered pornographic materials on the internet at the age of 12, which I got into more at the age of 13. I never intentionally viewed any child pornography - no matter how curious I was to see the inappropriate things on the internet, I always knew that child pornography was evil, and I never looked at it. 
This was all happening at a time of early transition for me, from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. I began to care more about the opposite gender (for me, females), I developed insecurities, things not to be unexpected from one who began to enter puberty. The world suddenly became a lot more complicated. In the face of the new, unhappy ideas, concepts, events from fictional movies or real news, I suddenly was not happy like I was in my childhood state of innocence. I did not understand how to properly handle this information that I was receiving of my own free will after years of living in a blissful state of innocence. I began to become angry at the world. This resulted in me occasionally treating other people at school in a negative, angry manner. I began to view the world as a horrible place, filled with nothing but hatred, pain, and fear. I questioned my lifelong Christian perspective on the concept of God. This, combined with my guilt due to my newfound interest in human sexuality, began to write dark chapters in my life for the first time.
Now, moving onward in time, returning to the day my online friend had convinced me to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The show had a profoundly positive impact on me, moving me at my very core, inviting the very essence of my existence to awake to a glorious dawn. I loved (and continue to love) everything about the show: its characters, its art, its music, its stories. The show moves me, all the way from the harmonious beauty of Equestria down to the personalities of its vibrant characters, all the way down to the subtle chords of background music carefully placed throughout the episodes. The show began to extinguish the fires of fear and anger I had kindled within myself. I was once again happy. Slowly, over a long period of time, a process that continues today, my very core beliefs about the world and my place in it were monumentally shifted in a positive manner.
Firstly, I must thank my parents. If it were not for the way that they raised me, I do not believe I would have been able to be the person I am today. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic may still have helped me, but it would have been much more difficult for it to have the profound effect it has had on me if I did not have my parents' ways of raising me with love and kindness to draw from. This is not to say that I never got in trouble. They love me, which includes taking necessary parental action to teach me that all actions have consequences, positive or negative, or anywhere in between. However, they have never once beat me or abused me in any way, and they never will, and for that, along with many other things in my life that I have recognized to be great blessings, I thank them. 
Now, to explain how the show has moved me at my very core. When I started watching the show, I was looking at the world in the wrong way. I was looking at the world in a very negative, angry, hateful way, which resulted in me treating others negatively sometimes, as well as being unhappy. The absolute love in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic inspired me to kindle that love within my own heart, that love, that fire of friendship. I remembered that the news is not representative of the world. The news often lacks a very important piece: human love and kindness. It often focuses instead on the horror in the world. I began to understand that even though there is great evil in the world, there is great love, and the only way to undo and erase evil is through love. My previous response to the evil in the world was hatred and anger, which was only leading me down the path towards the object of my hatred. A spiritual irony resulting from misdirected energy. I began to direct my energy, my thoughts, my life in a positive direction. Instead of responding to tragedies, violence, and hatred in the world with hatred of my own, I decided to respond with love. How does one respond with love? The answer to this question can vary from person to person, but for me it has been a determination to be happy, and to help others to be happy. I may not be able to rescue hostages taken by murderous terrorists on the other side of the world, but allowing the awareness of such events to suck the life and happiness from my soul would only make the world a shade darker by negatively effecting my life experience and the life experience of those within close social vicinity to myself. I decided that instead of letting such things control my life, I would take control of my life. I would be happy. I would open my eyes to the happiness in the world that is around me everyday: my parents, my friends, human kindness, nature, the world. There is so much more to the world than fear and hatred. When I feel particularly oppressed by negative events in the world, whether or not they happened to me in my personal life, it always helps me to remember the bigger picture. No matter how sad I felt at any given moment, somewhere in the world there was a person hugging someone else. A person feeling absolutely joyful. Two people getting married. Two parents looking at their newborn child for the first time. A family laughing together while watching a movie. All around the world, millions of people are experiencing the love and joy in life every second. In the face of that fact, whatever would be bothering me at the moment would suddenly loosen its hold on me, my happiness no longer being constrained. Yes, there are also millions of people around the world experiencing sadness, fear, hatred, pain, or grief at this moment. However, from my personal experiences, every happy moment is so much more powerful than a sad one. When I am feeling unhappy, in retrospect I feel like I had been looking at the world through a drinking straw. This drinking straw was composed of my fears, insecurities, and hatreds. Looking at the world while allowing myself to be constrained by them is practically impossible. Eventually, I realize I must cast that drinking straw far away, and open both of my eyes fully to the world around me. Then, and only then, can I make a positive impact on the world. I can only help add joy to the world by being joyful myself. I can only love others if I love myself. I must live the change I wish to see. Through this, I can leave the world a slightly better place than it was before I entered it. We all can, just by smiling at a friend, doing a favor for someone, being there for people when they are gripped by unhappiness. I am not saying that everyone in the world who is unhappy right now is unhappy through their own free will. Horrible things can happen to people. Those people are not looking through drinking straws as I was, they are having to deal with very difficult situations. However, the realization that I have come to is that me looking through a drinking straw will not help those people. Even if I did not get the opportunity to help people in very bad situations (which I have), I can still contribute to the love in the world by being happy, and helping those around me to be happy. 
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has helped me to do this on so many occasions, and continues to do so today. The show's lively, vibrant colors, beautiful artwork, lovable characters and charming humor warms my heart even on the coldest of days. On a deeper level, the show reminds me of what I described in the above paragraph about how responding to hatred in the world with hatred of my own will not make the world a better place. The acts of kindness the characters show one another, the lessons they learn, inspire me to go into the world with these virtues in my heart. Then, and only then, I can live the change I wish to see.
Now, at the age of 16 and in the 10th grade, I can think back about how much the show has helped me in the past, and continues to do so today. The show has inspired me to be more tolerant. I used to instantly judge anything I thought was "girly" or "stupid." Now, I try not to do that anymore. There is nothing wrong with a male, regardless of his sexual orientation, age, etc, to love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There is nothing wrong with a female, regardless of her sexual orientation, age, etc to love Transformers. "Gender roles" in society attempt to dictate what certain people of certain genders should like or do, and if someone chooses not to conform, they can be attacked with accusations of being a homosexual, when the act of liking a TV show has nothing to do with sexual orientation anyway. I also became tolerant of homosexuality in general. I used to think there was something wrong with it, when I was a younger child, but now I know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. Heterosexual, homosexual, male, female, black, white, we are all living beings. "No matter what our differences, we're all ponies." I remember back in 9th grade, a few of my friends also got into the show. I remember there was a guy in one of my classes who I used to argue with all the time. When I continued to get more into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I realized one day that my previous annoyance and anger that would cloud my heart in the past when I talked to him was gone. From that day onward, he and I were able to become friends. He was one of the people who had gotten into the show also. I felt inspired to treat others with patience and kindness. I viewed the world as a wonderful place in which bad things happened sometimes, instead of the other way around. Because, truly, the world is a wonderful place. The number of acts of kindness shown between people throughout the ages outnumber the stars in the sky, whether or not they ended up in history books or news programs. We all have free will, and we can all choose to direct it in a positive manner. 
Now, this is not to say that I never get angry, or feel hatred, or say something mean. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has still changed my very core outlook on life in a positive manner, regardless of the fact that some days, even now, I forget that, and focus on the negative. However, thanks to the show, it is much easier for me to avoid negative ways of thinking, and it has become much easier for me to recognize past behaviors and attitudes in myself that were of a negative nature, and to avoid chaining them to myself once again. Thanks to my parents' love and kindness, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and other things, I have begun to learn how to hold the world in a loving heart. We all make mistakes, but it doesn't matter how many mistakes someone has made. What matters is whether or not they wish to learn from them, and change their thoughts, words, and actions in a positive manner.
Earlier in this post, I mentioned that when I was 14 years old I questioned my Christian faith. I used to respond to this issue with anger and hatred, but the positive impact My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has on me has helped me to not become stressed out and angry about religion as much as I used to. I am no longer a Christian, because I have some disagreements with certain Christian beliefs, but I do believe in God. My spiritual beliefs arise from my studies of near death experiences, my own experiences with the otherworldly, and my family's experience with the otherworldly. I do not subscribe to any particular religion. My spiritual beliefs are basically that the purpose of life is to love others, to help others. The greatest things we can do are sometimes things that seem to be the most simple acts of kindness and unselfishness. I also believe in reincarnation, and I believe that we are all eternal souls. I do not believe in hell as found in many religions, and I do not believe that God judges anyone. I believe that people judge themselves, however, they should not do so. I could go into much greater depth about my spiritual beliefs, but that would be beyond the scope of this post. If you do want to learn more about my spiritual beliefs, please feel free to send me a message, and I will gladly talk to you about it. I often find spiritual inspiration in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic through the love and kindness the characters show one another, the lessons the characters learn, through the beauty of their world and their music.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has also greatly increased my love and appreciation for the beautiful aspects of nature. I used to utterly resent going outside, doing nothing but complain about the temperature, or being afraid of bugs and bees, etc. Now, I love being outside, but preferably in mild temperatures in which I can comfortably view the nature around me. I also love the rain very much. I love trees, the sky, the grass, the animals. It is all so beautiful and wonderful, and it is all free. It is right outside my door. All I have to do is enter into the world with open eyes and a loving heart. 
I hope that, one day, I will get the chance to thank the creators of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for making such a wonderful, beautiful, inspirational show that has changed my life in such a monumentally positive way.
I am very happy to see that several other people who have replied to this topic have also been positively affected by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
The Elements of Harmony live within us all. Fluttershy: Kindness, Rarity: Generosity, Applejack: Honesty, Pinkie Pie: Laughter, Rainbow Dash: Loyalty, Twilight Sparkle: Magic, the magic of friendship, that spark of life and love within us all. They all represent different aspects of a loving heart that we can all choose to have toward ourselves, others, and the world.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has changed my life. It has resurfaced the ideals of love, kindness, patience, and tolerance that my parents taught me when I was a young child, that I had buried underneath my fear, anger, and hatred. I now treasure these ideals, and they are the lanterns on the path of life that only require positively guided free will to chase away the shadows of fear and hatred. As Princess Cadence said, "The Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not." The Crystal Heart is the life and love within us all. It does not need to be returned: it is already here. All we must do is choose to use it to overcome the fear and hatred we bury within ourselves at different points in our lives, and continue overcoming it, until one day fear and hatred will leave our hearts and never return.

It was brohoofed by @kotakotakota@Stellafera@Plentyy@Ragland Tiger@Fluttershyfan94, and @dash360.

Edited by SCS
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This was my first brohoofed post, and I think it's hilarious:

Virginia is such a dull state.

Though only other Virginians could probably appreciate it. Not much going on here, but there are plenty of fascinating historical sites one can visit. I enjoy them.

I can't believe this, I have a welcome thread and a few posts, but this... http://mlpforums.com/user/16093-bluescouti/?tab=reputation&app_tab=forums&type=received ...is unacceptable! D:

I have no brohoofs! D: I feel so alone, somepony, anypony...?

E: Thank you Blue Moon!

Don't worry too much about your brohoof count. They're just a fun little addition that doesn't really amount to anything.

For those wondering what their first brohoofed post was and may be digging through their post history in search of it, go to your profile and click the brohoofs tab on the left under your avatar. It should be the third one down.
Then just go to the last page.

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Kyoshi made this ^^



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I can't believe this, I have a welcome thread and a few posts, but this... http://mlpforums.com/user/16093-bluescouti/?tab=reputation&app_tab=forums&type=received ...is unacceptable! D:


I have no brohoofs! D: I feel so alone, somepony, anypony...?


E: Thank you Blue Moon!

Your welcome. While brohoofs don't really give you anything, they are a fun thing to have and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the fun. Plus, your a fan of Angel Beats.

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I was introducing myself. I was skeptical of this forum (and also drunk as hell) so I posted saying "Is it really worth posting here or am I just going to get annoyed by a bunch of rude people and leave?"


For some reason I got like 15 brohoofs for nothing. I wrote a semi-angry and cynical post while drunk. lol

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A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"I joined this to really get deeper into the fandom. I was interested before, but after watching all the episodes I wanted to join a few fan-sites."

This was brohoofed by Chigens.  This was of course in the Welcoming plaza.


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Your welcome. While brohoofs don't really give you anything, they are a fun thing to have and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the fun. Plus, your a fan of Angel Beats.


N'awh, you're so nice tongue.png I like giving people brohoofs, it shows quiet appreciation of their post.


I was introducing myself. I was skeptical of this forum (and also drunk as hell) so I posted saying "Is it really worth posting here or am I just going to get annoyed by a bunch of rude people and leave?"


For some reason I got like 15 brohoofs for nothing. I wrote a semi-angry and cynical post while drunk. lol

Everything is better when you're drunk, obviously. tongue.png

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My first introduction thread back on October 13th, 2011. I was brohoofed by some guy who isn't here anymore.

It started the glorious member who is Finesthour (A.K.A. me).


8,000 posts later, oh lawd. Time flies.


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  • 4 months later...

Well not counting one in a request place so that I knew the person was working on my request, it would be this right here:


Well, I would start by hoping I'm not hated!

But seriously, I would probably avoid most ponies for a while, seeing as I have no idea how they would react to a unicorn without magic (Yeah, my OC is a unicorn who doesn't have magic... It's quite unfortunate really...)

Eventually I would start talking to ponies, but only some of the most friendly ones (Like Pinkie)


I remember that post, kinda... (Dang it people! Now I have to look at my old posts, just for the memories...)

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"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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My first brohoof is by Blue Moon, and it was my post in the thread "should the next generation be more darker?".


"Should Generation 5 be the same as Generation 4? Yes, of course. Should it be darker? Yeahhh.... I don't think so.  Considering the fact that young children watch this, and they should not be frightened by an innocent show. Like Twilicorn stated, it has a cheery environment that draws people in, such as I. Quite frankly, I agree with that. (If I misread your post Twilicorn, I'm deeply sorry.)"

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My first brohoof was given to me seven months ago by Zink, in his Silly Art Request Thread. Here's the post if you want to read it:


"I know I'm way late, but it looks great! Even though it would've looked weird, I actually would've preferred the eyes, ears, and mouths, but that's cool. They still look really delicious. *licks lips* Thank you so much!"


I like that I haven't changed much since. :P


Comet's still best boi. <3

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I'm not sure.When I'm searching in "my Content" for posts and topics...earliest one I can find is  June 7th. It wasbro-hoofed twice.By Spring Storm and concertoldman



Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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First post to be brohoofed was my first post in the Welcoming Plaza. Don't remember who was the first to brohoof, but it has brohoofs from ProjectRKA, Stellafera and Flipturn.

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Like so many other people my first brohoof was from my welcoming post here http://mlpforums.com/topic/62268-how-you-all-doing/

I dont even know if them people are still around. My first popular brohoofed post is when someone was asking how to buy pony merch without looking strange and I posted something along the lines of "I prefer the tatical approach " and posted this pic for it



^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, let's see here...



"I'm 14 and I have one friend that lives near by that's a brony. The other is neutral on the whole brony thing. I do online schooling in Ohio, so all I really do all day, is sleep, school, school, school, sleep, ponies, Video games. :T But yeah, I would love to be friends, if you don't mind being my friend, that is." 


It was brohoofed by: 

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matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Like most people, my first brohoof received was in my introduction post over in the Welcoming Plaza.  It was apparently from @Starshine, so thanks for that!


The first brohooves I gave were to the users who responded to that thread, but I don't think that any of them are on here anymore...

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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My first brohoofed post is my first post on the forums, in the welcome section, I believe the brohoof was by starshine. It's been a while since I looked at my brohoofs, didn't realise I have over 1000 now :3

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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