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Your recent "WTF" moments in life


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So I was going down the highway, and I was "feelin' it". I was passings cars left and right and all that good stuff. I didn't notice until I was right beside these two highway patrolmen in Chargers sitting in a median, obviously with radar-guns. I was going 88 in a 65.


I thought, "Oh crap, my first ticket." But they didn't come after me. I was super surprised, but relieved. I was kinda the fastest guy out there at the moment... maybe they were too busy eating doughnuts. :P

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, last night, I was having this dream... I was in a hotel for some kinda gathering. My cousin my sister and my BFF were all there, along with two anime characters. :huh: But then, as we were checking in, my crush just kinda swaggered by, his signature hoodie and fedora, with his dad following (I met Mr. Reylek at a field trip he was a chaperone for). His dad grabbed my crush's fedora like he was doing constantly at the field trip, and put it on his own head. Now, the WTF moment wasn't that my crush was there. It was that my crush's father was in my dreams. -.-


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There is this girl in my school who decided that it would be a good idea to crush OxyContin pills and snort them off of the nearest toilet seat in order to get high. There was also a kid who drank some dangerous chemical in Chemistry class and had to go to the hospital and get his stomach pumped. We later found out that he did it for $10 that someone bet him. I was also walking down the halls one day, and this kid was smoking weed in the middle of the hallway out of a highlighter and was blowing the smoke in people's faces, including mine. Yeah, my school is fucked up...

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, I've heard of smoking out of apples, cans, and plenty of other crazy things... but a highlighter? How? How did that even work? I can't even begin to imagine the physics involved in that.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Let's just say that a) it's annoying how they put that unsealable opening in the front of boxer shorts, and B) never walk out of your room while you're wearing only boxers, without checking to make sure everything is inside.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Okay, I've heard of smoking out of apples, cans, and plenty of other crazy things... but a highlighter? How? How did that even work? I can't even begin to imagine the physics involved in that.

No idea, but I saw him hold a highlighter, put the highlighter into his mouth, inhale, and exhale smoke into my face. I heard people talking about someone doing that earlier that day, but I was like you and didn't think you could smoke out of a highlighter... I was wrong
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Well, I have had a couple WTF moments. Like just yesterday I was playing soccer with my older cousins and then this kid came. He tried to lift the ball up but, instead of doing that he fell flat on his ass. Then while going to the pool with my family this kid ran into the pool, did a big splash and when he came up out of the water he shitted. After a hard day I decided hell, why don't I take my little siblings down to the park. There was actually two wtf things going on. The first was, there was a damn old lady just making out with her dog. After seeing that I thought nothing weird was going happen. But, BAM! I see two little kids just sitting on each other and they were like humping. In my mind I was like what is happening right now?


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No idea, but I saw him hold a highlighter, put the highlighter into his mouth, inhale, and exhale smoke into my face. I heard people talking about someone doing that earlier that day, but I was like you and didn't think you could smoke out of a highlighter... I was wrong

If I may, I shall quote from a weed smoker most wise: If you want to make an engineer that will amaze the world, just tell the mj smoker you have weed but no pipe. Watcheth then, in awe, at his power....

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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My mom was playing some game on her labtop. I walked in the room and saw that she was trying to solve a puzzle where you click the colors in the correct order. I jokingly said blue, red, purple, yellow to screw her up. She tried that combination and solved the puzzle. I couldn't believe it. My joke backfired on me. blink.png

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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While I was Skyping with my friends, my sister came into the room and stayed in the room for a very long time. Everytime she said something, it would either be weird or it didn't make sense. So I'd stay on one topic with my friends while she would randomly chose to start a different topic. So I'm like 'What?" 



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I know of a good one that happened recently. I sometimes work at a spiritual centre that has a garden from growing all kinds of things (except that, pony) and do all kinds of maintenence. I was wearing my tail and stamped clothes when a known millionaire that donates to the place asked me about it. I told him it was my faith to God and all he did was go "hm. That's interesting." Later on he asked if I would like a job gardening at his house and would get me working with his other gardener. I told him i was interested but didn't know anything about gardening and he said that fine and that his gardener would show me.
   So I work with his gardener for two days and then his gardener leaves me to do the place on my own without any training what-so-ever. During those two days he tells all about mr millionaire and what money get's spent on. The very house we were gardening at was on sale for 12 million and so far their best offer had been 7 million and this is after they spent 2 million fully renovating the house and yard (which had seen much neglect by that time)
   So fastforward to a Sunday a couple weeks later he says he wishes to speak to me and says he'd like to meet at teh house I was gardening at. I meet up with him the next morning and he was already there and he was looking around. I said to him that it looked like he was struggling with something. He asked how many hours i had worked and he was struggling with how much time i had spent versus how much was actually done. He said that he got a call from the gardener who had come by to check on progress and called the millionaire saying he had no idea what i had been doing as it looked like there wasn't much progress.
   I then tell him that his gardner hadn't trained me and left me to my own devices after two days. The first day of which he called mr millionaire and said i was a keeper. I said that he couldn't fault me for that plus the fact that both of them knew the gardens were in much neglect and that someone not trained is not only naturally going to take longer. Mr millionaire then proceed to tell me that gardening was his passion and that he'd been doing it for many years and knows how long things take. Not only that, but that I also had no idea what was considered a good job or a poor job. He then proceed to tell me that he's going to give me a second chance and he'll spend a half hour showing me how to use gardening tools. After asking me to show him what tools the gardener left for me to use I showed and he wasn't impressed so he says he'll be back in a few minutes. So after he comes back he works with me for a bit showing me everything. I ask him how is it that I'm given a second chance when I didn't know I had even blown the first one. I also mention to him that something that bugged me. I asked him why his gardener didn't simply come to me in the first place. He told me not to worry about it. And said i wasn't worried about it, i was concerned about it, becuase now i have to face his gardener at some point know what he did. I was told not worry about it.
  So then he says that he has to leave for an appointment that he'd be back in the afternoon. He walks about ten feet away before pausing and turning around and saying "Do you have any idea whom I am?" I just look at him and calmly go "uh huh..." and he pauses and then leaves.
   So ffw to the afternoon he comes and questions once again how much i had done as he wasn't impressed again. So he works with me a while and I begin to ask him all sorts of questions. I didn't badger him but i did want to know more about him. Shortening that story I'll say the "WTF" moment came when he called me misguided. Surprised at that somewhere I asked him how he thought I was misguided and that he didn't know anything about me. He never asked anything about me. He didn't know my dreams, my aspirations, my goals or anything like that. I asked him why he would call me misguided with such limited knowledge about me. He said he didn't want to argue, and I said that I wasn't arguing ( i was calm as can be through the whole thing) but for someone that was supposed to have been taught by various spiritual leaders and having supposed to teach a class himself I said that was pretty judgemental and questioned him that "Wouldn't that go against what you've been taught about being judgemental? I havn't judged you which is why i ask questions so that i could get to know you more."
   Shortening it up... I quit the next day saying that I'd rather be his friend then his employee and that i didn't like the looming presence of someone that I would never be able to satisfy and with a gardener that has no leadership skills or balls to confront me about the very thing he should have taught me. Didn't make himself look very good in my eyes.

  • Brohoof 2

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Well on of the biggest wtf moments for me was when i turned my pc on the the image on the screen was inverted (upside down).After a while of upside down googling I fixed it and the monitor was not upside down.


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Well, recently my cousin and I were on a big sugar rush and decided to make up our own short mythology. It included Darth Vader descending from Krypton and killing all the Hobbits with an AK-47. I looked at the paper the next day, and wondered how we had gone so insane.


Earlier today I learned that my mother was interviewed for her job by a committee of mentally disabled individuals. She got the job, so I'm not sure what to think about that.


One day, I was walking home from the bus stop, and this big white van slows down beside me. A group of teenage girls opens the door and screams at me, then speeds away. That happened again just a few minutes later.


Those are all I can think of at the moment.

  • Brohoof 2
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Alright, I gotta share this one. This had me rolling all the way home from work.


I'm walking out of the building after closing, when I see this very sketchy looking Ford Econoline van with trailer parked in the parking lot. Shortly before I reach said van, a midget hops out of it. As I pass the van, he very nonchalantly asks me "Hey, how's it going?" I almost lost it there, but we're not done yet! Oh no, not at all. After I reaching and entering my truck, I look into my rearview and see ANOTHER midget disembark the van. At this point, I start saying to myself, "Oh please don't let this pan out like I think it will". It did. Five more midgets proceed to exit the vehicle, one of which is wearing a fedora and suit. Then the driver exits, and he isn't even over 5 foot tall himself. I swear to something, if I arrive tomorrow to find that we've been robbed by midgets...


Don't believe me?



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Okay, so today's WTF moment?


Okay, so I'm playing Team Fortress 2 arena, and I melee someone with a *Kukri* at no range staring directly at them.

A round or two later, the same guy melees me from about 20 feet with a Market Gardner. WTF?

  • Brohoof 1


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Okay, so today's WTF moment?


Okay, so I'm playing Team Fortress 2 arena, and I melee someone with a *Kukri* at no range staring directly at them.

A round or two later, the same guy melees me from about 20 feet with a Market Gardner. WTF?

Were you playing in a VSH randomizer server? Saxton hale has some scary range on weapons, none on others and thats how it would be possible to market melee. ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Anyways, I just had a WTF dream. My dad came, told me to wake up. I looked at my phone(I had pandora on) and it was playing heavy metal. I was wondering how I got to that on a vocaloid station, but I remembered I switched it earlier.(The above part happened in real life as well.) Then I did the whole morning thing:Take a shower, eat breakfast, things like that. Scene faded out then came back into a store. The bottom line of cards(It was like a walgreens or some such) all had tf2 references. Horrible ones, like jokes made on videos and such like that. Then I got an Air Force watch and woke up.

So that store, if it exists, needs to be found.

Edited by Oireann
  • Brohoof 1

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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My latest WTF is when I had a girl come join my lunchtable (I feel so juvinile when I say lunchtable ._.) a while back. At first, she was okay... up until the point she started to preach her religion at me and my buds *flail* Now, I'm an atheist, but I'm cool with relegious folks-none of my business what they do in their spare time, and who they worship- so I was kinda wigged out by all the spouting of... stuff. Eventually, my friends and I got fed up with it, but, didn't say anything. This was just after I'd converted my table to MLP XD So, Love and Tolerate was something we were working with.


Anyways, one day, this girl comes to the lunchtable, claiming, I shit you not that "THE CAPSLOCK KEYS ARE SATAN! YOU MUST REPENT FROM YOUR USE OF THEM! WE HAVE ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED! REPENT, AND WORSHIP OUR SAVIOR, THE SHIFT KEY!" o-o we kind of gave her a thumbs up and ignored her for the rest of the day... that was the daily WTF moment... and then... the next day...>.>


The girl comes back, this time with a ziplock baggy fully of capslock keys she'd popped off the school computers. Needless to say, we banished her from the table with a quickness.

  • Brohoof 1

"Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and wick'd

And do not falter.

Blessed are the Peacekeepers, the Champions of the Just." 

-Benedictions 4:10

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Were you playing in a VSH randomizer server? Saxton hale has some scary range on weapons, none on others and thats how it would be possible to market melee. ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Anyways, I just had a WTF dream. My dad came, told me to wake up. I looked at my phone(I had pandora on) and it was playing heavy metal. I was wondering how I got to that on a vocaloid station, but I remembered I switched it earlier.(The above part happened in real life as well.) Then I did the whole morning thing:Take a shower, eat breakfast, things like that. Scene faded out then came back into a store. The bottom line of cards(It was like a walgreens or some such) all had tf2 references. Horrible ones, like jokes made on videos and such like that. Then I got an Air Force watch and woke up.

So that store, if it exists, needs to be found.

Nope, It was a normal arena server, not randomizer or VSH.

It was a normal TF2 Arena match on Badlands, and a similar thing recently happened to me playing Gun Game in Black Ops.

I was running, (of course trying to find a player to shoot) when I see someone about 5 feet away. I run towards him and melee. Miss.

I run away the fastest way possible. Die from melee.


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This is kind of an awkward thing, but I was talking to my friend and I asked her what she was up to. She replied "... What's up with you?". I asked her if there was anything wrong. She told me she was feeling awkward, so I asked why. I felt awkward after she told me. She had just gotten out of the shower and wasn't dressed. I was all ">~< I feel so awkward!"


But, yeah. Most recent WTF moment. Aside from getting owned by four Ahrimans in Final Fantasy XII.

  • Brohoof 1

"Get it on your butt!" -- My last words while playing R-Type II

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I had a dream that involved airsoft and Fluttershy. While my cousins and I were getting ready for airsoft. I had a fluttershy sticker and put that on Umarex UMP-45. we then came out of the room and entered the waiting area and everything was fluttershy. The wall, people's clothes/armor, and even the refs. Maybe a little bit to much pony.


  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Well -




Graduation party at my University greatest thing that it goes for month long in the dormitories cause almost every day in june more people graduating and it's their turn to party, it's not hard to find realy WTF photos from here but I just put from the day I graduated. Most WTF thing was old man on wheeled ski who just made his way through people with face like "not give a sh*t just love to ride on wheeled ski".

Edited by HungryTroll
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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched The Heat last week. That movie was absolutely terrible, and no one should go see it, but this guy next to me could not stop laughing at the "jokes" that I was groaning and shaking my head at. I mean, if you like it, more power to you, but seriously... WTF. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the guy for liking it, but... man... his taste in comedy is WAY different from mine, let me tell you. 

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It's not too WTF, but while at a Goodwill on a trip to Florida, I found this abomination. I guess it's supposed to be a toy mailbox, but I have no idea what they were thinking with the drawings. The other side had a poorly drawn Mickey Mouse ripoff.


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Do near death experiences count? 

I was riding my ATV down to the local riding joint (About a minute from my house), I'm keeping on my side, but sort of off the road, doing about 10 MPH (The limit is 20). I live in a secluded development, so there isn't much traffic. I noticed a silver Ford SUV Not only run a stop sign, but start drifting lanes on the road ahead. SUV has to be going double the limit, all of a sudden it starts drifting lanes again, right at me. The driver is looking down at her phone, I presume. I lock up my brakes, and start flashing my headlights to get her attention before I get turned into roadkill. 

-It's super effective!

The driver looks up and corrects herself, swerving violently back into her lane without slowing down, looking at me like it's my fault. Took down her plates on my phone, if anything like this happens again I'm filing a police report.


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