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The problem with Marble is that she's pretty much Fluttershy 3.0 with even less depth than Fluttershy or even Coco and lacks virtually anything that makes her an interesting character


I feel the massive love for the Marble stems from this fandom's trend of placing cuteness over actual character

Edited by Megas75
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  • 2 weeks later...

-Love MLP, but I'm still not fond of real life horses and ponies

JUST LOOK AT THIS  :eww: .  




Let's not forget the smell and poop everywhere  :scoots:

-I kinda like to ship pony Twi with human Flashy  :sunshower:





Sig by Discords

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What About Discord? was not a bad episode. By comparison The Return of Harmony was mediocre


Vinyl Scratch is pure annoying and I'm indifferent to Octavia at best


Amending Fences and Tanks for the Memories are overrated


Sombra was a great villain (even before the Cutie Re-Mark) and season 3 was a great season


The Cutie Re-Mark was an anti-climax


While I'm a Doctor Who nerd and a fan of Doctor Whooves as a character, I don't like to think of him as an alien or from another universe (at least not in canon)


Derpy's original voice was irritating and I actually prefer the "censored" version of The Last Roundup

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King Sombra is best villain


Celestia isnt stupid (hate that part of the fandom)


The show is good... (This is a joke, but reading these forums again these last few days reminds me of why I left in the first place, everyone in this fandom pretends to be there own little digibrony, being negative thinking its critique)

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-Limestone Pie >>> Marble Pie

-"Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" wasn't just my least favorite S5 episode, but one of my least favorite episodes of the series.

-Scare Master wasn't that good.

-Brotherhooves Social and Tanks for the Memories were both good episodes.

-Season 3 was a good season (odd for me to say since I hated it after it aired)

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Since this popped up again in my "Topics I've participated in", I've decided to update my opinion here.


This cartoon was one of the most interesting things I had to watch for a long time. It was both entertainment and to a point an escape. It had some of the most interesting characters I've ever enjoyed and some ideas about a magical, fantastic land that just piqued my interest and curiosity with clever designs, locations and again, characters.


After five seasons, way too many comics and some of the worst examples of writing I've ever seen in children's literature and animation, I blame changes in direction, lack of thematic consistency and the desire to please an overblown following that never really liked the cartoon while accepted anything like it was manna from the heavens, yet indulged in itself like it's best thing to ever happen to the universe, for bastardizing everything that was great about this cartoon.


It's not to mean that there aren't good examples of characters, locations and ideas in the show as of season five, but they come from another time, when people learned to love them, and every now and them something rises from the muck of mediocrity, but it's soon lost again in the void of mediocrity from which no greatness escapes. This also doesn't mean that the technical quality of the cartoon hasn't improved... Though I would suggest that it reached it's plateau with season four, and that music quality took a dive with season 5.


I actually liked the comics in the beginning, but it seems that they've turned into the writers' soap box now. Like a platform for the promotion of "official OCs". Particularly the Main Series and the crushing disappointment that was the Fiendship series.


I guess I'll see what the future holds with season six, and honestly, more of the comics. Maybe I'm in a bad mood because of a bad night, but it doesn't look very hopeful to me. And the movie... It's probably going to be another "epic", "Twilight saves Equestria because everyone else is a moron" kind of story.


I know that this sounds butthurt and maybe that is exactly what it is, but then again, "butthurt" is another word for complaining about stuff people disagree with you on and, this IS the "Unpopular Opinions" thread.

  • Brohoof 2


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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King Sombra is best villain


Celestia isnt stupid (hate that part of the fandom)


The show is good... (This is a joke, but reading these forums again these last few days reminds me of why I left in the first place, everyone in this fandom pretends to be there own little digibrony, being negative thinking its critique)


"King Sombra is best villain" is an unpopular opinion? I always thought is was the most popular opinion in the fandom since I rarely see people who think otherwise. 


:P and interesting opinion. But criticism.....both postives AND negatives....are inevitable in a fandom and ubiquitous within forums. If it's the soul reason why you left...it'll be the same reason why you'll leave again and again and again because it's something that'll never change.


My opinions that might seem unpopular:


- Mysterious Mare Do-Well was a brilliant episode

- The Equestrie Girl movies are great despite the bad writing and plot holes

- Discord has been the ONLY character within the series who's been perfectly executed consistently

- Applejack isn't very interesting to me

- The writers make mistakes within the show and some episodes have badly written


- Spike is awesome....give him better episodes instead of crappy ones

- Sunset Shimmer is MINE

Edited by Silver Stream.
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- I didnt mind the whole allecorn change in magical mistery cure

- I like a canterlot wedding even though it has massive plot holes

- I dont think flash should be hated as much but he is as bland as can be

- I don't like "what about discord" episode, it was boring for me

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You know, I do liked the CMC as Blank Flanks better...The point is: Season 4 is my favourite season of MLP:FiM and the good episodes except COTLM of course! I just don't like their cutie marks and the redemption of Diamond Tiara! Hell, I do like Lord Tirek, because he's my favourite villain alongside DT, SS & of course, Starlight Glimmer, and don't get me wrong, they're my favourite villains of all time...But?

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I never went through the whole "Rarity's a massive bitch" stage that it seems most bronies went trough in the earlier seasons. I first started watching the show in summer 2011, and felt she was a nice, kind and caring pony from the start. She's just so funny and interesting to watch (I find her a million times funnier than pinkie pie, in fact).

She'll always be my favourite pony  :proud:  :wub:

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  • 5 weeks later...

1. Until Season 5 came, I really didn't like Fluttershy as I thought her character had stagnated since season 2 and was used by the staff mostly for gimmicks to attract attention (Flutterbat) and needed Discord to maintain any relevance. Now she's in a better spot, but she's still my least favorite of the mane 6.


2. I was never enamored with Derpy. I always thought she was overrated as heck considering how popular she is.


3. I never cared for any of the background ponies for that matter as I feel they were mostly popular for having one gimmick and fans took it from there for their own personal interpretation.


4. Limestone Pie >>>>> Marble Pie as Limestone is a far more interesting character and I like her design more. Sorry I stole this one, Supernes :P


5. Marble Pie is Fluttershy 3.0 without the character depth, Coco Pommel is of that same boat only a little more developed at least, and I'm sorry I stole this one from ya, Megas :P


6. Princess Luna is my least favorite princess as I don't like how immensely popular she is to the point a few have created these irrational trends in the fandom to either make her look good to their view or justify her turn for Nightmare Moon. Yes I' am especially bitter about her popularity as a desperate Celestia fan.


7. According to EQD, Do princesses dream of magic sleep to me proves that Luna doesn't need to have a good episode to gain a high favor in popularity due to the fact she's Luna. Yes, I'm not happy about it.


8. It annoys me how much hate certain characters receive like Rd for MMDW, Rarity in Sonic Rainboom, Pinkie Pie from Filli Vanilli, for actions they were punished for and not acting perfectly nice or so and are remembered more for that than their more awesome moments. As they said, you can be a saint, but commit one bad thing and you'll be remembered for that.



9. I have no idea why Flash should be so hated today as the threat of a damaging romance seems to not have come to fruition. Give him a chance to be a character instead of a cookie.


10. I'm not happy with Starlight Glimmer's turn for good as it was rushed, skipped over how fell her intentions were in the s5 pilot, her reasoning to turn only made her look like some spoiled child at best, never actually convinced her beliefs were wrong so even more reason for why she shouldn't turn against her zealotry, and I didn't like how she managed to beat Twilight, Celestia's personal student trained by her to defend Equestria, considering she only had the ability to remove cutie marks as anything of note to her powers and her ideology shouldn't have motivated her to be this all powerful unicorn that can beat Twilight. Starlight Glimmer was a villain sue in the S5 finale.


11. I prefer the prospect of the Alicorn baby over Starlight Glimmer's reform as at least the baby was built up better than Starlight's reform has been. There's still hope for her still and I can be wrong however.


12. More Raridash, Raripie, Flarity, Flutterpie, and Appleshy please.

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I think Cadance is a redundant cardboard cut-out of a ponified Disney princess.


I'm dreading the introduction of Flurry Heart, we already have one Alicorn too many (see above), now we're going to have two.


Vinyl Scratch is massively over-hyped.  So are Lyra, Octavia and Sweetie Drops.


Shipping bores me.  Mane six shipping doubly so.


I do not want to see Sunset Shimmer return to Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2


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- I don't hate the new cadence armor foal
-I hate pinkie pie with so much passion that I would prolly murder her if we met
-I think there should be more alicorns
-I think there should be a male alicorn

-I don't hate diamond tiara 

-I think celestia and luna are about the same on my favorite meter

- I ship apple jack and big mac (I feel like this is the one that would get me flamed the most XD)

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  • 6 months later...

I don't really think that Flurry Heart is that bad. Amy Keating Rogers confirmed that Celestia and Luna were born outside if Equestria in some kind of land of alicorns, so I don't think she destroys world building. Plus she is actually pretty cute.


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- I find BG ponies like Derpy, Bonnie, Lyra, and Vinyl overrated. I prefer some of the not-so-knowing BG ponies like Merry May and Apple Fritter.


- I didn't like Sweet and Elite, or Hooffields and McColts, but I didn't hate What About Discord.


- The only Spike episodes I don't like are Spike at Your Service and Princess Spike. Every other Spike episode I'm okay with! The only problem I had for Spike at Your Service was Spike making a mess while doing AJ's chores, which just isn't like him. Everything else I'm okay with.


- I really enjoyed The Crystalling episode!


- I like Celestia and Luna both the same. Not one better than the other! Although, I do wish for Celestia to have an episode one day.


- Slice of Life was an amusing episode, but it was pretty meh, because it was just a fan-service episode. Nothing really interesting. Though I did get excited to see Steven Magnet again!


- I like Josh Haber's work!


- I found A Hearth's Warming Tale to be kinda boring, because it wasn't very original, but I did like the songs, and the amount of characters who appeared and sang!


- I actually liked the Newbie Dash episode, and Flutter Brutter! I actually like Zeph!


- I got excited when Snips and Snails finally had dialogue again in The Cart Before the Ponies!

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I'm not a big fan of Princess Ember.


I like Starlight Glimmer because she's the best antagonist.


I don't like the Sirens. They're to cliché.


Make Derpy's cameos more hidden and clever. It's now too obvious and easy and it gets treated as fan-service.

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My unpopular opinions are:


Season 6 is my least favorite so far.


Starlight Glimmer is a boring character to me regardless of villain or hero affiliation.


I don't like Applejack's family, especially Granny Smith, I am a big Applejack fan though.

Edited by Sparklefan1234
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