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I like the name Ditzy Doo instead of Derpy Hooves.

I like the name Time Turner rather than Doctor Whooves.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash are my favourite ponies for the reasons people dislike them.

Season four and three are the best seasons.

Equestria Girls deserves more praise rather than denounce.

I am not looking forward to the return of Nightmare Moon.

I am not concern for season five.

I am not concern for Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks.

Princess Celestia is the best princess.

I like every episode of MLP, even Boast Busters.

Fluttershy is the least interesting pony, until she is out of her comfort zone.

Background ponies get enough attention.

I support alicorn OCs, despite attempts to regulate them.

Sunset Shimmer was the best villain in MLP and my favourite.

Princess Luna is overrated.

Some bronies listen too much to MLP analysers, thus have a hard time enjoying an episode.

Some bronies focus too much on the flaws, technical and narrative.

Some bronies look too hard for a moral.

I hate it when bronies dislike OCs for being too "Mary Sue".

I prefer normal Pinkie Pie instead of Pinkemina; she gets to much attention over Pinkie Pie. 

Edited by Emperor Peter
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I don't want Sombre to return.

He had his chance and blew it.


I don't find ponies sexually attractive.

I highly doubt that people do BECAUSE they're ponies. Except, of course, if said person is a furry.

I think it's just a bystander in the "finds cartoons attractive" category.

I don't find this as "wrong" as it is "wrong" to fap to anime.


That, in itself, is an unpopular opinion.

  • Brohoof 1


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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@@AppleCrackers, Hello! I just wanted to let you know that we already had a thread covering unpopular opinions regarding the show, so I merged your topic with it. :)


My main unpopular opinion is that I feel that season 2 is actually the weakest season, even compared to season 4 now. Because season 2 is usually ranked as the fan favorite season, I would say that's a pretty unpopular notion to hold. :P

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I don't like the idea of Lyra and Bon Bon as a couple. I don't mind them being besties, I just can't see them in a romantic relationship.

  • Brohoof 5


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So much unpopular opinion, here's mine, though I'm not sure it unpopular or not


-Sombra is the best villain

-Trixie should get a full episode

-Every background pony is overrated (except Octavia, she's the best)

-You people should stop shipping everything

-No episode is bad, it's just less memorable.

-We should get another episode (full episode) where Pinkamena came out suddenly (much like Jekyll and Hyde)

-CMC should stop trying pointless things. For pete sake, I wish they got their cutie mark this season.

-Flash Sentry hate must stop.

-I hate cloppers. They stain the community. (Please don't hate me)

-I see Mane 6 getting their things as 'they have fully understands their respective element', thus they should become Alicorns as they finished Season 4

-Nendoroid and Figma should make Pony merch




-Sunset Shimmer should get an episode.

-I wish there would be an episode where Mane 6 visits Alternate Equestria (screw paradox)

-Alternatively, Trixie should/can come where Mane 6 got a problem and she helps them.

-Queen Chrysalis is overrated.

-Button Mash and Flufflepuff should be a background pony

Edited by TheShyPony
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Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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I will accept my fellow bronies no matter if they be cloppers, shippers, or "rabid", and defend then to the death.


This is, unfortunately, an unpopular opinion.

Edited by Dattebayo
  • Brohoof 7


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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I honestly believe that Pinkie Pie is far cuter than Fluttershy.

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I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

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I will accept my fellow bronies no matter if they be cloppers, shippers, or "rabid", and defend then to the death.


This is, unfortunately, an unpopular opinion.

So if you fall under all 3 does that mean that you're pretty much our personal body guard?


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  • For me Fluttershy isn't cute. At all. Yes, she has her moments, but it feels like her cuteness defines her. After some time I just got used to it and her 'cute' moments don't feel special anymore. The characters like Rainbow, Applejack or Rarity are much more cute than Fluttershy. 

Season 1 is rather weak compared to other seasons. 

Sunset Shimmer as a character has potential, which should be used in the series.

I don't like it, when people say that Main 6 are completely developed as characters. No, they aren't and season 4 showed it perfectly. If people seriously think that there's nothing more to do with characters like Applejack or Pinkie, then they must have very weak imagination. (I don't know, how unpopular that opinion REALLY is, but I often see how people complain that AJ is boring or say that Main 6 should be replaced and give some screentime to background ponies, because they aren't as interesting as at the beginning of the series...)

I like Angel and he is probably my favorite pet. 

Edited by Anilewe
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It's been almost a year since I posted in this thread so I may as well add a couple more.


Yeah, Spike's had some issues with being written consistently and it feels as if the writers aren't completely sure what to do with him at times. However this hasn't made him a less likable character. On the contrary, for me at least he's one of the most likable characters in the show currently. He's a great little dude who always means well even if he still makes plenty of mistakes. He's hilarious too, and can produce some really memorable lines and scenes even when he isn't given focus. Not even sure if the "Spike episodes are bad" mindset means anything anymore, since he just had two fantastic episodes in a row. At least in my book :D


The Best Night Ever is my favorite series finale, and easily. You don't need big fight scenes, drama, shaking up the status quo, lots of songs or anything like that (though as a disclaimer, I do really like Magical Mystery Cure now for the most part and I don't have major issues with ACW). You just need interesting characters being themselves and supporting one another when things don't work out as planned.


Didn't really mind Somepony to Watch Over Me, or Spike at Your Service for that matter. The former made me finally really really love an Apple Bloom episode and showed an interesting other take on Applejack's role as the "perfect sister". The latter was a really fun Mane Six episode, in a season lacking fun Mane Six episodes. All the complaints about it and Spike's characterization are completely valid of course, but they didn't stop me from really enjoying the episode all the same :)


Season 3 was pretty dang great. It was too short and had a couple meh to awful episodes, but it still had some super great ones that made it a treat to watch. Probably more so if you're a big fan of Applejack or Rainbow Dash :derp:


It'd be cool if Sunset Shimmer got a big role in the Rainbow Rocks movie. She's really the only reason I wanted that movie to happen, and I was curious if the writers had any plans for her and fleshing her out. Be a shame if nothing's ever done with her :(

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-Apple Bloom is best (and cutest) CMC 

-I don't think Cadance is a Mary Sue 

-Twilicorn is awesome

-Season 3 was good in its own right

-I don't see Dinky and Sparkler as Derpy's daughters

-I don't think cloppers are stains on the fandom 

-Alicorn OCs don't suck 

-Equestria GIrls was a good movie 

-I'm anticipating Rainbow Rocks

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MLP analysts ruin the fun of the show.


Fluttershy has been fanservice since Season 3.


Trixie, Vinyl Scratch, Derpy are the most overrated characters in the show.


Celestia is the best princess, and Luna is her sister.


Pinkie Pie is on crack, not on sugar.


Sombra's a beast (awesome).


Gabe Newell has every right to like this show.


I think EQG is pretty good, but I dislike Sunset Shimmer's color scheme.


The fanservice for bronies in Season 4 shouldn't go onto Season 5.

  • Brohoof 3

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I think Fluttershy is best pony, well, that's a popular opinion. 

But what isn't unpopular is that I don't just like her for her cuteness. I think it's more so that she's like me when I was younger. I was shy and timid and loved animals, just like her.



-Trixie should get a full episode


-Button Mash and Flufflepuff should be a background pony

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think those are really unpopular.

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I am going to say something that may come as a shock to some people that are faint of heat...... I think Luna is the dumbest designee of an animated anything that I have ever seen. I just hate the look of her.

Credit to Kiki


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Just a few that I can think of:

1. Rainbow Dash is a likable character, but overrated.

2. The most well-rounded and developed character of the Mane 6 is Applejack.

3. The "I didn't learn anything!" moral of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 was the most brilliant letter to Celestia of the series.


EDIT: 4. I didn't hate Mare Do Well. Rainbow Dash was being an egotistical brat. She got what was coming to her.

Edited by Red Cedar
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Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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- I didn't hate "Mysterious Mare Do Well" and I blame that solely on the fact a lot of RD fans were vocal about how they hated seeing their best pony act like she did.


I didn't necessarily "enjoy" the episode, but I think that RD fans (and understandably so) were pissed because RD looked like a bitch, and, since RD fans are a vocal majority in this fandom; going as far as to thrust all of the blame on the other 5. I'm thoroughly disgusted at the fandom's reaction to an episode I'd rank as "meh." They borderline harass Merriwether Williams about that one episode, and honestly, it's childish. 

Do I hate "Sonic Rainboom" for the exact same reason, except with Rarity? Yes, I do. 


However, I don't constantly bash the writer of "Sonic Rainboom" or shift the blame on to everyone else in the show.


THAT'S the disgusting part about Mare Do Well hate.


This sort of deflecting bugs the piss out of me; is the episode great? Of course not. I'd give it a 7.5/10, personally. 


But blaming everyone else, whether it be the writers or the other ponies, is just childish. Rainbow Dash was being extremely narcissistic that episode, as well as petty and jealous. She learned her lesson in the end, did she not? 

Of course, people reacted "IT ISNT RAINBOW DASH'S FAULT THEY'RE AWFUL FRIENDS I HAT U MERRIWETHER WILLIAMS" and honestly, I can totally understand why they don't like it. It sucks seeing your best pony look bad, believe me, I know.


You just don't blame everyone else, though. That's just silly.



  • Brohoof 10


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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-I don't have a single pony that I hate


-I don't think season 4 is that bad


-sometimes the show does things with Pinkies character that I believe contradict her element/personality, and it upsets me.


-I don't mind magical mystery cure, in fact the scene between Celestia and Twilight is very sentimental to me and has a special place in my heart. I enjoyed seeing Twilight develop and thought she totally deserved her title as Princess.


-I didn't like CMC episodes when I first started the show. I found them boring and their constant search for their cutie marks tedious and predictable.

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I have another one


Despite liking a few of her ships(PinkieDash and FlutterDash), I dislike the idea of RD being a lesbian and find it very shallow


- I didn't hate "Mysterious Mare Do Well" and I blame that solely on the fact a lot of RD fans were vocal about how they hated seeing their best pony act like she did.


I didn't necessarily "enjoy" the episode, but I think that RD fans (and understandably so) were pissed because RD looked like a bitch, and, since RD fans are a vocal majority in this fandom; going as far as to thrust all of the blame on the other 5. I'm thoroughly disgusted at the fandom's reaction to an episode I'd rank as "meh." They borderline harass Merriwether Williams about that one episode, and honestly, it's childish. 

Do I hate "Sonic Rainboom" for the exact same reason, except with Rarity? Yes, I do. 


However, I don't constantly bash the writer of "Sonic Rainboom" or shift the blame on to everyone else in the show.


THAT'S the disgusting part about Mare Do Well hate.


This sort of deflecting bugs the piss out of me; is the episode great? Of course not. I'd give it a 7.5/10, personally. 


But blaming everyone else, whether it be the writers or the other ponies, is just childish. Rainbow Dash was being extremely narcissistic that episode, as well as petty and jealous. She learned her lesson in the end, did she not? 

Of course, people reacted "IT ISNT RAINBOW DASH'S FAULT THEY'RE AWFUL FRIENDS I HAT U MERRIWETHER WILLIAMS" and honestly, I can totally understand why they don't like it. It sucks seeing your best pony look bad, believe me, I know.


You just don't blame everyone else, though. That's just silly.

Or you can just do and just blame everyone. I do believe everyone was at fault in the episode. 

I think the biggest reason need people call out the mane 6 a lot is because they were portrayed as in right, despite the fact that the episode has an entire scene with them doing the exact same thing Dash was being called out for.


And personally, I think MW was least deserving of the blame now that I think about it. There were a lot of glaring flaws that the editors and staff should've caught before the episode went gold


What sucks even more is that the the episode sounded awesome when the synopsis was released.

So basically my biggest problem it was an awesome concept that was shittily handled

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Or you can just do and just blame everyone. I do believe everyone was at fault in the episode. 

I think the biggest reason need people call out the mane 6 a lot is because they were portrayed as in right, despite the fact that the episode has an entire scene with them doing the exact same thing Dash was being called out for.

Echh. My problem with that is that they were acting. Wasn't it obvious? They were planning it all along, you know. 


Furthermore, I think it's justified, because how do you think talking it over with RD would've gone in that scenario? I, personally, can't see it going over so well; she was in the wrong, but she didn't know she was in the wrong; the only way they could've gotten their point across effectively was to prove to Rainbow Dash herself that she was wrong, which, they did.


Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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