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Anyone Else Hate Conventions?



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I've been hearing/reading a lot of about the whole MLP/Brony conventions. Am I the only one who hates conventions?


Personally even if I could go, I doubt I would.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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I don't hate conventions considering I've never been to one but seeing multiple points here I believe everyone is better off sticking to their organized meetups.


If I could go to a convention I think I would enjoy it. 

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I've been hearing/reading a lot of about the whole MLP/Brony conventions. Am I the only one who hates conventions?


Personally even if I could go, I doubt I would.


Goddamn, I thought I was the only one. I could never stand conventions in the least bit.

The fanboys, especially the ones that originate from the internet, just spew memes and make everything a whole lot less interesting for everyone else.


I'd rather go to a convention without cosplaying, internet fanboys, or creepers. That would be the perfect place to just chill out at; because I've never once attended one that wasn't wickedly boring.

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I've been to one convention. I was on staff so I hardly had any time to have a bad time. Though I can tell some people don't like to listen to authority and block necessary fire lanes anyway (Psy Cosplayer). I'm kind of hesitant to go to an anime convention mostly due to the variety of anime there is I'm not sure if I can have fun the entire time.

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Anthrocon generates around $6 Million in Pittsburgh's economy annually. I don't think Pittsburgh minds the "annoyance."


I enjoy going to conventions. I recently got back from a furry convention in Florida, and I had a great time. It was MUCH smaller than Anthrocon, though. I also plan to go to the Tampa Bay Comic Con at the end of this month.

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The only convention I have gone to was a nearby con in Omaha called Anime NebrasKon.


It was really great and I actually got to meet one of my online friends there who showed me the in-and-outs of basic convention etiquette.


I loved it. :D

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Welp, it looks like someone will never be The Element of Generosity.


I see nothing wrong with conventions. I've never gone to one myself, but I've seen lots and LOT'S of footage from many different brony conventions, and they look really cool and fun. I'm not sure how anyone could hate such a glorious gathering of brony kin.

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I must say, it's quite a relief to see so many others who wouldn't want to go to a convention.


I've watched a bunch of footage of this year's Bronycon and tbh it doesn't appeal to me. I have no problem with how people want to express themselves-I just don't roll that way i'm afraid. I like the show, and I like spending time on here with you guys, but I would feel like a weirdo being a 43 year old guy hanging with a bunch of teenagers dressed up like ponys, you know?

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"Love" wasn't an option in the poll, so I chose "like."

I went to my first convention this year, and must say that I absolutely loved it! It was like walking into a room full of me's! It was a bit awkward for me at first, being a new setting and all. However, after about an hour of wandering around, I felt like I was finally home after a long time away. Random people started conversations with me that lasted for hours on end. I missed a few panels that I wanted to attend, but it didn't matter because everyone had such interesting tales to tell. The only downside I experienced was that some of the artists made me feel terrible when I didn't buy their art. Other than that, everything went great for me, and I can't wait to go back in 2014!

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I want to go to BronyCon. I am set on that.


Next year I will try my hardest to go to BronyCon.


I have gone to 2 conventions so far (MetaCon 2012 and Anime Fusion 2012)


I will go to MetaCon 2013 because I had a blast on every con I went to so far.


I hear that BronyCon is a great convention.


I have never had any creeps go up to me wanting to do stuff hit on me.


In fact, I have made probably 20 friends through going to 2 conventions.

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I went to Everfree Northwest, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The people were great, the panels were highly entertaining, and I made a lot of great connections there. However, I can also understand the long list of dislikes as well.

As someone who watches the show, for the show (and small doses of music and fanfics), watching people attempt to dress as some of the characters is often times...awkward. If you do it and do it well, I won't complain. If you can't do it well but at least give it a decent try, I'll still give a round of applause. When you start acting creepy and can't learn to respond as a human once and a while, something should probably change.

I never ran into any awkward situations myself (thank goodness), but there was definitely an atmosphere that could create something like that without much effort.

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I've never been to a convention. I wanted to go to BronyCon, but I have no way of getting there, due to my lack of a driver's license. If what OP says is true, should I go or not next time it comes around?

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I've been only been to one convention, nothing really bad happened except what I REALLY didn't like was the My Little Pony panel room. The guys were creepy and a couple of them were pigs. One of my friends was dressed as Princess Luna and I overheard one guy saying that she was flat and he wanted something to look at. Really made me mad. I thought it was fun regardless though and I bought a Rainbow Dash necklace. :) But I have heard a few horror stories... bring pepper spray.

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Two years ago at Tekkoshocon I was attacked by a girl who thought I looked like her favorite anime character. She was a solid 1/10 and completely lacking in common sense or decency, while throwing her arms around me and screaming "I LOVE YOU ONY-CHAN" (or however you spell it). I contacted security and they dragged her away kicking and screaming, only to have her do it again to A GUY WHO WASN'T EVEN IN THE CONVENTION CENTER.


I feel so sorry for you, yet at the same time, I can't stop snickering. Because I know people who act just like this.


I've never been to a convention myself, but it's these bad apples who really make me want to stay away from them altogether. Still, I want to go to one anyway, just to tick one more thing off the list of things I want to do before I die. I more or less have an eye for crazy people, so I'd like to think I could do a fairly decent job of staying away from them and just have a good time.


...Unless of course it turns out that I look just like someone's favorite animu character, then I guess I'm as good as fucked. :wacko:

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I've honestly never been to a convention so I have absolutely no idea as far as experience goes.


Of course i'm sure there will always be bad apples in the bunch, but at the same time theres plenty of good, so I guess it depends on if you can make your good outweighs the bad.


I've heard plenty of people say they had plenty of fun at brony cons before, so idk, regardless i've yet to be to any type of convention, and probably won't get to go to one for a while.


So i guess I have to remain neutral for now.

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Ha, this talk is reminding me of the story Ive heard of the man known as 'Tumbles the Stairdragon'. A guy at a furry convention who unsuccessfully tried to kill himself by trying to slit his throat with his (dull plastic) sunglasses and then threw himself down a flight of 7 stairs in the convention.


But yeah, I wouldn't worry about convention creepers, the worst you could expect are a few guys with poor personal hygiene. But most people are fine, I went to a brony convention once and had no problems with anyone.

Edited by Zoraxe
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i don't hate conversations i hate the people who i talk to if i did not like talking (typing whatever) i probably would not be on a forum site.

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Very fond of conventions, though I've really only ever toured one as an attendee; most of the time if I'm at a convention, I am volunteering my time. Folks give respect to the staff badge.


Disclaimer here is that I've attended only anime and/or pop culture science conventions, which leaves out brony and furry conventions - but I figure it's more of the same.


Renegades from the internet and misbehavior can be found, sure. Just remember they are probably lonely and maladjusted, few of the nerdkid species intend harm. Of course, there are some that do. There are always creepers at conventions, just like there are always real cool cats. Depends on how you play your cards and what you do, not too unlike real life [just with more cosplay and stuff].

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Your reasons does make me wonder if I should ever go to a convention other than BronyCon in the future.


Other than that, I usually find them neutral or cool.


I usually show interests towards conventions that have something to do with what I like like Comic-Con, E3, and BronyCon.

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I really don't know if I'd hate/like a convention. I've never been to one so I really don't have an opinion. If you had asked me 6 months ago I would probably had said that I hate them for the sole purpose of being a shut in,

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I just went to my first convention, BronyCon, and I had a pretty fun time. It was really cool to actually meet some of the talent from the show and fandom. I kind of wish I had another brony to go with me, but I'll try to drag someone along next time. I didn't find the people to be particularly creepy or annoying. I guess I could see why parts of it would seem obnoxious, but it didn't bother me that much. I would go to another con.

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I have never been to any con before, but I can tell you this. If you cant stand crowds or large gatherings then don't go at all. Whats the point of going to convention if there is only going to be three people there? 


Now as for the creepers, I cant say anything about that. Its fine if someone wants to take a picture with you, maybe give you a hug, and talk a bit but you are right, some people might do things that are not normal. If you are going to dress up in a costume, you will definitely draw attention and some people might want to take pictures or greet you. However, grabbing you randomly or any other sort of thing is considered harassment.


Remember too, its not like you are going out to a mall or a theme park. These sort of places are specifically made to attract people on the geeky side, and a lot of these people are not like you and me. There are plenty of awkward people out there, that don't often get out. Don't expect to witness some weird behavior once in a while. 


I know a couple of homestuck fans who try to act as un-humman as possible. They try to change themselves to look like some sort of alien social status that don't belong in the group. So yeah, plenty of weirdos to come around!

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I have to admit, I've only ever been too one convention in my entire life and that was a suckishly small one in EL Paso TX at UTEP. It was fun and all, but it was too low scale and small for my taste. That's why I'm so desperate to go to a bigger con so I can meet more people and enjoy myself more.  :)

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