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Do you like PewDiePie, Cry, Tobuscus, Smosh or Nova the most?


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I like PewDie the most and he's the only one I am watching. I don't think he's annoying, he seems very natural when he plays which is why I like him.
Nova is just annoying in my opinion and trying to hard to be funny

I don't know the rest of them though

Also some of you guys need to chill out. I really don't get what's so annoying about Pewdie. If you just want a let's play with funny comments he's good in my opinion. He just says what comes to his mind and thats sometimes totally random because he's focused on gaming. I bet if I'd record me and my pals gaming it would be quite similar and that's what I like about pewdie.

Edited by WildCard


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I'm a huge fan of Cry, he's hilarious in his own ways. XDDDDDD


I'm...fairly alright with PewDie, but his scares just seem 'cut and paste' to me. Either he's overreacting or he really IS afraid of everything Amnesia despite playing the game, what, 30 times? Maybe more? *shrug*


I think that one thing that got me into Cry was his playthrough of Facade as Alexander from Amnesia, with hilarious results. He also did a run of Hatoful Boyfriend, and I just...couldn't stop laughing.

Edited by Char Aznable
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Tobuscus is one of the most annoying, sub-box spamming, self-promoting idiots on YouTube. And I fucking love the guy. 

As it's been said, there's just something about him that allows him to pull off being annoying, yet watchable. If I ever feel like I need to laugh and let loose, i'll go click on a Tobuscus video. I don't watch his lets plays like The Last of Us, or actual games, because he's just...so...bad at them, it infuriates me, but watching him play Happy Wheels and Minecraft, Terraria and his Animated Adventures, I could watch him all day. 


Smosh have done some funny videos, and again it's been said but i'll say it again; they're childish and they're annoying at times, but they definitely know how to have fun and make it entertaining for us to watch too. I'm not subscribed to them, but I do check their channel once in a blue moon and catch up on some of their videos for the laughs. 


PewDiePie really does make me want to grind my brain with a belt-sander simply because I was stupid enough to click on his videos. 

That said, he has made me laugh for quite some time, and I was subbed to him at one point. Eventually though I matured and grew weary of his OTT antics. I still find myself checking back out of curiosity just to see if he's changed any, sadly it's not so. 


Nova has never been checked out by me, so I can't comment really. 


Cry is my all-time favourite YouTuber however. I owe PewDiePie that much at least, he did introduce me to the wonderful world of Cry. He's a funny guy, and he's a decent gamer (although he does suck at times...like...horribly) but overall he actually pays attention to the games he plays, connects with the characters and actually tries to be good at the game, and enjoys it even when he's not. My favourite thing about him is only a small thing, but it counts for a lot for me. He uploads long videos daily. Generally from 30 minutes to an hour and thirty minutes, and he edits them to fit in as much content as possible, while taking his time and not rushing stuff. I highly recommend checking him out, if you haven't done so already

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Never heard of any of those other guys besides PewDiePie, but I enjoy Tobuscus for reasons I can't explain. Yes, he's ungodly annoying, like I assume the rest of them are, but Toby just has this "aura" that allows him to pull it off somehow, at least for me.


I don't know about any of the other guys, but Toby's extremely dynamic in terms of content type; instead of focusing solely on LPs, he has other shows like Cute/Win/Fail, the Literal trailer songs, and even dabbles in animation. In my book, that gives him quite a few brownie points as an Internet celeb.

its weird, I feel the same about toby turner. i mean, yeah... his whole schtick is the "random ADHD guy" which always feels overdone and annoyingly faked if done by anyone else. but somehow when toby does it, its almost endearing. I think toby is one of those few youtubers who actually act the same IRL as they do on camera. since its his real personality it all comes out genuine on camera too. he does have a sort of vibe that just feels happy and real.

anyway, i find him tolerable amidst a sea of shame and on rare occasions may watch a video of his, but i still wouldn't consider myself a fan.

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I used to watch Tobuscus, but he got annoying and not funny very fast. If you wanna watch something that's insanely random and funny at the same time, watch Nigahiga.

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I would mostly likely say PewDiePie but I like Markiplier and Yamimash better


And for best brony YouTuber I would 100% say Mastermax888 now with his name here this topic just got 20% cooler

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I'm a bro hehehe and I like Smosh too. I've watched Cry and Tobuscus, and they're good, but I prefer Pewds and Smosh,even if they fake their reactions I find them funny :)

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I used to be a big fan of Toby, Pewdie, and Smosh. Even now I'll watch one of their videos if I'm in the mood for some silly humor. Cry is probably my favorite out of all of them but to be honest I don't really follow many LPs of theirs anymore. The only Youtube gamer I really keep up with nowadays is AlChestBreach.



I hate Nova.


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Smosh because I like random childish crap XD

Aside from the list my favorite youtube person would be alchestbreach, for I need to learn about some mods in things like fallout and he does semi-funny videos doing it(playing the game, don't be getting ideas >:I)

Edited by Beyond Insanity


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CraigAA1028. 'Nuff said.


Out of who you listed, I guess... I like Smosh? I don't know. I don't really watch any of those guys regularly.

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Tobuscus has his moments, I've never seen cry, and I only dislike Smosh because they try to leverage their popularity to get away with things (The pokemon song thing they did... I won't talk about it anymore.) HOWEVER, Pewdiepie and Nova make me want to gouge out my throat with a set of rusty sporks. I watch my game channels for either information (TotalBiscuit, Day9, TheMediaCows) or entertainment. When I want to watch something entertaining I'll watch Kings of Tin, ThursdayKnights, Getdaved, or Ramza411sb. Pewdie and Nova act far too inane in their videos, and rely on the same jokes and appeals to immaturity for every video.

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When I was watching LP's, my choices were PewDiePie, and Cry. I like most of Pewds reactions especially to jump scares. I know he's more than likely over reacting but still it's semi entertaining. I like Cry's voice, and how he actually pays attention, and plays the game. I still check in on Pewds every once in a while, but not so much with Cry.

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I would mostly likely say PewDiePie but I like Markiplier and Yamimash better


And for best brony YouTuber I would 100% say Mastermax888 now with his name here this topic just got 20% cooler

Now this Ladies and Gentleman is a true connoisseur. I think I`d be wise to say that you should learn from him img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

Damn! I need to write at least 100 characters.... Oh! Look at that! I just did happy.png

As for who I like the most I`d say Pewdiepie since let`s face it, Pewdiepie is pretty much the Godfather of all Let`s player. He is alone more popular then freaking gaming networks and could make a country with the number of subscribers he has. Of course there would be the problem that most of them are kids but you could simply build more schools right? That`s beside the topic though. People can say whatever they want about him the fact is that he still became one of the most popular person on the internet and inspired thousands of persons to create a YouTube channel which includes Markiplier folks.

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Never heard of any of them until now. I'm not a youtube person..I go onto Youtube for fan made MLP stuff, stupid random funny videos, and sometimes walk-throughs(But that what a game wiki is for). or reviews/rants about things.


Why would I watch someone else play a game on Youtube? I'd rather be using that time to play a game myself. but of the videos I watched, I don't really find them funny at all...I find them kind of annoying and boring actually.

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I watch Smosh, Pewdiepie and Tobuscus. I think they're pretty cool. Although Smosh is kinda running out of ideas now... I don't think it really matters though. I don't watch Cry or Nova that much because I get kind of bored watching their videos. :)

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I just like Cry for his laugh. It's so... impossible to describe.


I watch PewDiePie and Tobuscus sometimes. I like the literal things from Tobuscus.

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I'll be honest. I like Tobuscus the best. Pewdiepie is a close second, though. I don't really like it when smosh plays games, and I've never even heard of the other guys. >_>

Edited by Betez



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This is the greatest commentating of All Time.


As for who I like the most I`d say Pewdiepie since let`s face it, Pewdiepie is pretty much the Godfather of all Let`s player.


(In Cr1TiKaL's voice) If he's the Godfather, then I'm the prince of Tittonia, the land where women's titties are all the size of eggplants, and motorboating is a national sport. And my first official act as prince of Tittonia is to hereby banish you to the Nipplelands. May god have mercy on your soul.

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It bothers me that a lot of people throw hate at the Youtubers because of their fans. They can't be held responsible for their fans actions or comments. I don't actively watch any of the mentioned gamers but i've seen enough to know that they aren't bad people. The internet is a jealous place to venture.

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This is the greatest commentating of All Time.



(In Cr1TiKaL's voice) If he's the Godfather, then I'm the prince of Tittonia, the land where women's titties are all the size of eggplants, and motorboating is a national sport. And my first official act as prince of Tittonia is to hereby banish you to the Nipplelands. May god have mercy on your soul.

You don`t get my point. I`m not saying Pewdiepie is the best of all time, I`m saying he did what no other did before. Not only did he became the most famous gaming channel but he inspired a tremendous amount of upcoming let`s players. As a plus for YouTubers, he made the horror games popular on YouTube. Because of that many persons managed to grow a strong channel like Markiplier, Yamimash, etc. To put it briefly, Cr1TiKaL might be a better commentator but he just did not accomplish half of what Pewdiepie did.

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I used to watch Pewdiepie. But then I hit puberty.


As for Nova and Tobuscus, I never watched them.


Smosh? That's kinda out of place compared to the others. Smosh makes random shorts and the others play games, if i'm not mistaken.


The only "Youtuber" I ever enjoyed was Markiplier. But not much anymore. Dunno why.


...I'll be honest, I don't "get" Youtubers. Do they get payed for playing games all day? Isn't that what reviewers do?

Edited by ReGen


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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