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kyoki wolfe

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How bout "Some guy who has no defining features and is really uninteresting?" No? Fine. I'll go with "Autistic overwright teenage guy who's kind of funny, says a whole bunch of stupid crap, and could use some friends".

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The Guy that isn't an artist but who can make better special effects than the crapfest superhero movie known as Superman IV.


'' In Soviet Russia, physics break you.''

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"That guy who can't keep in his emotions for shit, has no life or friends, cannot keep one fucking name for more than two weeks, and is a hardcore audiophile, gamer, who is half colourblind, and is one tall mofo...."


I don't like this game... *Cries*

Edited by Sapphire Quill
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Smart ass, intelligent, technical, tired, introvert, serious, rage gamer, 4channer, Denver Bronco, and sometimes hypocrite when it comes to ideas guy who is arguing within himself with himself.


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"The guy that likes all the nerdy stuff". I seem to be the only one in all of my classes that has an Interest in shows like Star Trek, Doctor Who, X-Files, etc...

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I shall be man who will burn your house down with combustable lemonz.


Reference to rock Johnson from portal. If you don't know already

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Band geek, Computer Nerd, Closet brony, Shy gamer of low self esteem and confidence.


It doesn't quite roll off the tongue thats for sure...

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An angry and bitter yet hopeful, ambitious and optimistic grocery store employee with dreams of getting out of his hellhole of a job by becoming an author.

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Sir Retro Bical Rainbow the Nerd

Sir, because I am a sir wink.png

Retro because I like games that will become retro in about 5 years.

Bical- Im Bi, and Cal because it made it sound AWESOME!

Rainbow because I <3 rainbows.

the Nerd- because I am one. band nerd, gamer nerd, math nerd.

Edited by Rainbow P.F. Sparkle
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Slightly suicidal Brony that plays fps games and listens to all rock with nothing else to do be because there are 4 houses on my street. Wow. That is the longest time I've ever thought in my life.

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"Athletic teen who is secretly a brony who likes gaming and drawing cartoons." Yep that about fits me perfectly, I don't usually get time to do these things though cause I make a lot of commitments throughout my day.

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"Sir Socially Awkward, Animal Loving, Panromantic Yet Sexually Confused, Internet Loving, Rubbish Gamer Who Varies Between Hyper and Loud VS Quiet and Pensive, But Can Never Keep Her Mouth Shut Either Way, And Who Likes Writing But Always Get Bored of her Ideas Halfway Through".


Or maybe just "Happier and Friendlier Than She Looks/Sounds Most of the Time."


Why "sir"? Because "Lady" is just too girly for me.


And too elegant...


Okay then, Phe, you can be Lady Snarksalot. :P


Couldn't I be "Lady Rises From the Ashes"?


B-but that's what you are already! *head explodes from confusion*

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THAT Slightly insane skiing loving and sometimes stoic pyromaniac


that basically sums me up.


blablabla words to make it to 100 characters

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Well I would call myself 'RECORD MIX THE SPECIAL PEGASUS PONY WITH HANDS' img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

My friends would call me 'That weirdo we some how love as a sister.' tongue.png

Strangers would call me 'That freak that is always screaming about people named Fluttershy, Lyra and other names and obsessing over ponies.' blink.png


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Most unsouthern sounding southerner, Slightly insane, video game loving, dubstep listening, shy kid who is allergic to anything and everything that grows outside, and way to lazy for there own good.


Yep that about sums me up.

Edited by Pinkie_D_Pie
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Mechanological environmental gaymer.


I made that first word up, lol


Mechanological, I'm very mechanically inclined, I can take apart  almost anything (broken or not)and figure out how it works and put it together, and get it working if it's broken.


Environmental, because I care about the environment,I like animals and I love the outdoors.


Gaymer, because I'm a gamer as well as gay.

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Fan girl who loves Harry potter and is gonna marry George Weasley and Jon Cozart and is gonna live in a big castle and then go to hogwarts to peruse her magic career and she likes Paramore and Pancakes and Nutella and George Weasley and other things that she can't think of right now and she likes to ride on her pet nyan cat and she is in love with a guy named Bryan and she says a whole bunch of crud that is stupid.


Wait until you see my last name.

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