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Opinions on the ending of Equestria Girls?

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It's hard to develop feelings for something that only lasted 3 minutes. As her look goes I thought it looked okay at first but looking at her now I don't know she dosen't look all that great. Actually she looks kinda silly.

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My two question are:

1 How the hell did one of the Elements of HARMONY turn her into a demonic creature and allow her to use what I assume is black magic?

2 How is she able to use the element of magic while Celestia can't? I was lead to believe that only Twilight could access its power.


As for what I think of it, I thought that scene was incredibly stupid, especially Sunset Shimmer's 180 turn into a good guy once it was over, and as I said before the entire climax was over before it started.

Edited by Dr. Love
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Initially kind of awesome, but ultimately pointless, anticlimactic, and nonsensical. Felt like they were going for the same badass feel as the latter half of "A Canterlot Wedding", but it just doesn't work.

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Either they do a Rival who is equal To the main character and has the same goal or something as them and have them neaely equal that it could go either way if they fought, or they do a All Mighty demon who wants to destroy everything. You cant mix them together

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Well she looks pretty scary but, it looks pretty silly. I have seen better villain designs in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. But, I think I'm going really too far.

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It really doesn't fit in with FIM in general...I mean sure, mythical creatures are totally acceptable and logical in FIM, but a demon in the "human world" works for that environment, just don't bring her back to Equestria...We also need to remember this is a little kid's show!...if Sunset Shimmer was to look scary for us teens/adults, then she would utterly terrify children.  Her character change, although a bit silly in our eyes, works in context of the alternate universe AND targeted demographic. 


And the whole thing with Celestia not being able to use the element of magic, but Sunset Shimmer being able.....well obviously Sunset Shimmer is smart, so smart she was once Celestia's student, and Celestia herself stated Twilight will know more about the alternate world than she even does (which implies she knows very little or not enough to warrant confidence while saying what she said).  Sunset Shimmer had much longer to learn, in fact, according to Celestia, we can assume Sunset Shimmer has been in the human world since right before Twilight became a student under Celestia!  We are talking years!  30 moons....not 30 days, but 30 months at a time.  This means that Sunset Shimmer not only could come back about once a year, but be able to continue learning and keep up with the going-ons in Equestria. That on top of her being gone for who knows how many years (at least long enough for Twilight's growing up), we can assume she figured it out herself.

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My two question are:

1 How the hell did one of the Elements of HARMONY turn her into a demonic creature and allow her to use what I assume is black magic?

2 How is she able to use the element of magic while Celestia can't? I was lead to believe that only Twilight could access its power.


As for what I think of it, I thought that scene was incredibly stupid, especially Sunset Shimmer's 180 turn into a good guy once it was over, and as I said before the entire climax was over before it started.

1. She was not the true wielder and therfore it brought out what she truly looked like on the inside. I wouldn't call her magic black magic. It was the same color as her unicorn magic, just corrupted by her not being the true element wielder.

2.She was celestia's student. Its possible that celestia originally intended for her to be the element wielder and therefore she possessed the magical prowess to activate it, even if she couldn't unlock its true power.



As a side note, was anyone getting a HUGE Chrysalis vibe from her when she transformed. It think it was the voice.

Edited by GrifCannon
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I can't understand why twilight didn't become some kind of  an angel after wearing the crown herself :P

If there isn't suppose to be any magic in the human world so there isn't suppose to be a special way to trigger the crown to work.. it just suppose to work once wearing it :S

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A few things here, from the other responses.


1. The crown demonized her probably due to the unexplained reason that Shimmer mentioned earlier on in the film.


2. The crown probably did nothing before because the other elements were technically not present at the time, which I assume, for that world or link to Equestria, they activated later.


I remember when everyone was bitching about the movie just being a cliche high school movie. Then, Sunset Shimmer demons out and actually tries to kill Twilight, people still bitch. *sigh* sleep.png


Besides that, I actually thought it was kinda cool. Her design was not the best I have ever seen, but for the film and the subject of the film, it was pretty good, in my opinion. Her voice was quite awesome too. Sure, that line that "teenage army' was in was kinda....meh, but she actually had the potential to make them a potent threat, from what it looked like. 


To me, it made her an intimidating villain. Not the best ever, but not bad.

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That demon may seem silly looking to us, but to a little girl sad.png If I saw that thing when I was little, I probably would have had nightmares, plus there's something I don't quite get. How was she able to activate the Element of Magic when Celestia couldn't. Even she said, "Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements." Which means they can't use them anymore, when Spike had Rainbow's Element of Loyalty in the Return of Harmony it didn't activate. So why praytell, could a simple evil mare activate such a powerful element?


P.S. Did anyone else get the impression that the end of that battle was kind of a parody remaking of the Nightmare Moon fight scene. You know when Twilight matches each girl with their Element and then a rainbow laser makes the villain return to normal? This was still WAY BETTER!!

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That demon may seem silly looking to us, but to a little girl sad.png If I saw that thing when I was little, I probably would have had nightmares, plus there's something I don't quite get. How was she able to activate the Element of Magic when Celestia couldn't. Even she said, "Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements." Which means they can't use them anymore, when Spike had Rainbow's Element of Loyalty in the Return of Harmony it didn't activate. So why praytell, could a simple evil mare activate such a powerful element?


P.S. Did anyone else get the impression that the end of that battle was kind of a parody remaking of the Nightmare Moon fight scene. You know when Twilight matches each girl with their Element and then a rainbow laser makes the villain return to normal? This was still WAY BETTER!!

I think that is exactly what it was, a tribute to Nightmare Moon and the battle with her, though they nuked Shimmer instead. :P 


Also, remember what Shimmer asked Twilight: "What happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into another world?" That, was probably it. It is not actually clarified what that specifically means, which I would have liked for, but they did have some type of hint there. 


Also, I want to add that, and I said this in other posts, her defeat, and the scene that followed, in my opinion, was a bit sad really. I felt bad for Shimmer. Plus, many say that her 180 flip was dumb, really....how else could they have done it to fit the time slot and close the loose ends? This was, in my opinion, one of the better ways they could have done it. Especially since the show's subtitle is Friendship is Magic. She did not know the power of friendship, that made her realize that. 


Again, I thought it was good.

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It actually was good, I agree. She needs friendship after all she's done in that school, KEEP PEOPLE APART!! The girl needs friends!! Her crying made me laugh, I just like her face.


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(Wow, been a while on here)


I thought it was rather pointless too, just add some of that evil side of her, and just call it a day and make Twilight the center of attention. XD 


Not not to say other than me expecting her to come back to Equestria. And why does she have to have wings and magic like an Alicorn? Is it just representing what she tried to 'evil-y' strive for?

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When I first saw screenshots of her demon form, I was like, "HOLY CRAP, THIS IS BADASS!" In retrospect, it's not really all that XD But I still think it's quite a risk to take to put a demon like that in a little girls' movie, and helps make EQG less of a stereotypical high school movie and more of an adventure.

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Plus, many say that her 180 flip was dumb, really....how else could they have done it to fit the time slot and close the loose ends?

Well, given those constraints, you probably couldn't do better.


But those are pretty terrible constraints. The film clocks in at 72 minutes; it's not even feature length. She could've not turned and either ended up dead at the bottom of a flaming crater - though that might be a bit off-tone - or left to be punished. Or the loose ends could've been left loose - Twilight's relationship with Flash was left open, after all. Maybe Sunset just runs off into the night swearing revenge while the not-Manes and Twilight pat themselves on the back.


OP-related, I really don't like the Element of Magic being used this way. I can very much see Sunset coveting and/or stealing it. But it feels very wrong that she can use it. The Elements are supposed to represent some mystical connection between Twilight and her friends. At the very least, more explanation was needed.

Edited by Veylon
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Well, I mean I know it's targeted for kids as well, but they could've at least made her form more...threatening :P


And I thought it was kinda random at the end where Sunset Shimmer automatically become a good guy. I know they can only put so much in an hour, so I won't judge. But overall, her powers were pretty powerful though, I just didn't like the goofy look of her form. XP 

And I thought the element of harmony would DESTROY her instead of making her gain new and powerful magic that could be used against them. But over,all, I like Equestria Girls but they could've done better on the look of Sunset Shimmer's form. 

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My two question are:

1 How the hell did one of the Elements of HARMONY turn her into a demonic creature and allow her to use what I assume is black magic?

2 How is she able to use the element of magic while Celestia can't? I was lead to believe that only Twilight could access its power.


As for what I think of it, I thought that scene was incredibly stupid, especially Sunset Shimmer's 180 turn into a good guy once it was over, and as I said before the entire climax was over before it started.

I think one of the reasons that the Element of Harmony turned her into a demonic creature because I remember her saying at one point in the movie, "Pop quiz: Do you know what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate universe?" I'm pretty sure that's what she meant. It's a lot like Trixie's amulet.

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I thought it was kinda stupid the element was the element of magic not the element of evil or even worse (but kinda funny as a tital) the element of turning people into demons ether way the element turning her into a demon did not make sense and why why when twilight put on the crown did nothing happen.

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I think one of the reasons that the Element of Harmony turned her into a demonic creature because I remember her saying at one point in the movie, "Pop quiz: Do you know what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate universe?" I'm pretty sure that's what she meant. It's a lot like Trixie's amulet.

Okay, but why does being in one universe or another matter? Why would the Element of Magic/Friendship do that to anybody at all? Did the radiation from the dimensional portal affect the properties the crown's gem or something?


It's just a arbitrary rule set forth by the writers because they needed to turn the bad guy into the final boss, established mythology be damned.

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My two question are:

1 How the hell did one of the Elements of HARMONY turn her into a demonic creature and allow her to use what I assume is black magic?

2 How is she able to use the element of magic while Celestia can't? I was lead to believe that only Twilight could access its power.


As for what I think of it, I thought that scene was incredibly stupid, especially Sunset Shimmer's 180 turn into a good guy once it was over, and as I said before the entire climax was over before it started.

I'd like to give my own theory on those questions.


1) Have you ever played Sonic Adventure? If not, there is a part where the villain, Chaos, uses all 7 Chaos Emeralds to become Perfect Chaos yet when Sonic uses the emeralds he becomes Super Sonic. I feel like this is the same thing. Maybe the Elements of Harmony have good and bad properties to them and Sunset was able to tap in to the dark side of the elements.


2) I seem to remember the show explaining that Celestia and Luna lost their link to the Elements or something. Also Twilight does say in the same movie that only she has control over the element of magic which is why she was able to defeat Sunset Shimmer.


Now I have my own question. Why did they let Sunset off so easily? I mean, oh okay she probably gets detention or something but she kinda brainwashed everyone and tried to take over another dimension shouldn't she be arrested? Like really....is everyone going to forget about that?


As for my actual thoughts on this, I liked the idea but they just didn't do anything with it. Sunset just transforms, explains her evil plan, and then the mane 6 defeat her with another speech about the magic of friendship thus summoning a giant rainbow that defeats the villain. Maybe if she didn't immediately become good afterwards and instead ran off proclaiming she would get her revenge or something it would be better. I thought this was the chance to have a nice rival for Twilight and they just shot the chance in the ass like they did with Trixie. So basically cool idea, poor execution.

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I've been thinking after I saw the movie and something about her "demon-form" struck me as very odd. I can't really point exactly to what. But then again, the whole movie felt "off" to me after Twilight goes through the mirror.


Maybe the problem is that she is so different from everything else in the show. Or maybe it's that I felt that this whole situation is resolved too quickly.

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I thought she looked pretty cool...i didn't really think about how she looked, i just thought 'Hey, she looks different...Alright' But, she is pretty cool...maybe a bit silly but little girls do watch this so they don't want her to look to scary. 

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She kicked ass! Her magic powers were awesome! And she was funny when she said "Spoiler Alert! I was bluffing when I said I would destroy the portal!"  As for some kids being scared by her (and some having to leave), this is my alternate poster for the film (parodying the Nolstagia Critic Son of the Mask episode)


"Come see Equestria Girls! A FAAAMILY PICTURE!"

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to hang this over my bed at night, although she doesn't scare me!

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