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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
    • Do not care...
    • not a fan
    • Ugh, not that pony
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In the first few seasons I didn't really care much for Rarity. She was such a drama pone, and I don't really like drama.

But she's gotten a lot more love and detail as a character over time, and I've grown to really love her :)

She's a great pony and a great friend :)

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I've seen a little bashing on Rarity :/ I think that's because she's such a girly cliche. I don't dislike any of the Mane 6 though.

I never really thought about her as a girly cliche, in fact quite the opposite... I often use her as an example when trying to explain that Friendship is Magic was made so that it could be enjoyed by adults so that parents (Father's in particular) wouldn't wanna pull their hair out when little Emily decided to watch her My Little Pony dvd for the 15th time that day... I heard a beautiful story (which I hope is true) that Lauren Faust was told by Hasbro that one of the ponies absolutely had to be obsessed with clothes and fashion... Instead of taking the easy way out and having a ditzy trope of fashion obsessed girl, she created Rarity; A modern, self reliant woman who used something she loved to create her own business in true entrepreneur style... If anything, I think Rarity is a positive model for young girls; If she can run her own business, so can any little girl watching the show... If she puts in the hard work and dedication that Rarity does... You know, the countless hours spent making make Carousel Boutique successful that anti Rarity folks ignore due to the few moments of "Drama Queen" that come in between the hours of work.

Edited by JLmle
  • Brohoof 2



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

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I never really thought about her as a girly cliche, in fact quite the opposite... I often use her as an example when trying to explain that Friendship is Magic was made so that it could be enjoyed by adults so that parents (Father's in particular) wouldn't wanna pull their hair out when little Emily decided to watch her My Little Pony dvd for the 15th time that day... I heard a beautiful story (which I hope is true) that Lauren Faust was told by Hasbro that one of the ponies absolutely had to be obsessed with clothes and fashion... Instead of taking the easy way out and having a ditzy trope of fashion obsessed girl, she created Rarity; A modern, self reliant woman who used something she loved to create her own business in true entrepreneur style... If anything, I think Rarity is a positive model for young girls; If she can run her own business, so can any little girl watching the show... If she puts in the hard work and dedication that Rarity does... You know, the countless hours spent making make Carousel Boutique successful that anti Rarity folks ignore due to the few moments of "Drama Queen" that come in between the hours of work.

And even though she puts that much work into her botique she will always put her friends first in the end. She is beautiful and she knows it, but she wants everyone to be beautiful too. She wants to make the world more beautiful. She shares her beauty and her art instead of hoarding it.


Great rolemodel indeed.

  • Brohoof 2
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Rarity has always been one of my favorites. However, i did suspect that i wouldn't like her at first, as i am not usually a fan of fashionistas.

Instead, i was pleasantly surprised over what a fantastic character she is. She's elegant, she's generous, she's caring and she's absolutely hilarious! To me, she's the second funniest character in the series.

Also, she has shown to be a very nice individual troughout the four seasons. Off course, she does have a few bad moments, but so does the rest of the Mane 6 yet they don't recieve half the backlash that Rarity does.

When Fluttershy took her lessons too far in Putting your hoof Down, a lot of people blamed Iron Will. When Rarity does things like inadvertently stealing Rainbow's show or giving Spike a tiny gem, she often recieves backlash. I really don't get it...

  • Brohoof 3

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When I first started to get into MLP, Rarity was admittedly my least favourite (I'm not sure why, I didn't exactly have a reason) but as I watched FIM more and more I found myself loving her more and more. As a result, Rarity is top of my plush 'wants' list right now :D

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if she was so disliked her fanclub on here wouldn't have over 6000 posts on it.

In fact, that doesn't mean Rarity is hated or not.

It's just that the members of her fan club are posting more than the members of the other fan clubs. ^^

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't know why she's bashed on so much. She had an extremely solid amazing season four. She's starting to be more liked though, and that's good! She isn't my favorite pony but I still like her a lot!

  • Brohoof 2

Don't be a dweeb


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I remember being annoyed by her in Season 1 (except for A Dog and Pony Show). Now she has the best episodes.




Then again, I didn't like Season 1 that much.


*barricades door*

  • Brohoof 2
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She is my least favorite of the Mane 6. But it's mainly because her ambitions are the complete opposite of me. As far as her personality and overall characterization as well as the situations she is put in; she is the most mature of the Mane 6 (and possibly oldest IMO). It's a weird feeling with her. In some areas, she is the best, but overall, she is my least personal favorite.

...but then again, each pony has her merits and stumbling blocks that make them all fairly equal to me.

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I can't honestly say I've heard a lot of Rarity hate out there. I certainly like her just as much as the other ponies (who aren't Applejack) and she's had some good episodes to her credit.

  • Brohoof 1

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Hated? Not around here if Ghostie has anything to say about it.:lol:


Other places though? Yeah she's still under appreciated. In Brony Facebook groups, there are posts asking to vote out your least favorite pony, and among mane sixers she's usually voted out first or second.

  • Brohoof 3


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Check out my Rarity fansite!

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I used to dislike her until season 4. Now Rarity pretty much bumped up the "Best Mane 6" list and got Applejack dead last. Sorry Applejack fans. Rarity is 5th best pony.

gonna take you out

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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

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Rarity is my favorite Mane 6 character and my second favorite character overall and my siggy makes it obvious who is my favorite :P


Although, she used to be one of my least favorite characters, but then I watched Secret of my Excess, it gave me so much feels that it bumped her up by TON, to the point where she became my third favorite at the time (only being beaten by Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy at the time. Hey, I didn't know Princess Cadance at the time!)

Edited by Peter Sam
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I don't outright hate any of the Mane Six; don't even really dislike any of them.  Like any of the others, she has her good moments and her bad moments.  I've only seen season one, and my favorite Rarity moment was probably when she was trying to figure out what ponies wallow in during "Suited for Success."  My least fave Rarity moment would have to be pretty much the whole "Sonic Rainboom" episode; though, at least initially, her heart was in the right place.  It just went...  Well you likely know how it went.


The closest I've gotten to even mild dislike is probably Twilight, and it's largely because she seems like a screen-hog at times lol (and that's not even her fault).  Also, she's one of my least favorite colors. xD  Admittedly, I just want to see more Dashie, and anypony that interferes with that for any length of time goes, temporarily, on my "unfairly depriving me of Dashie quality time" list.  I'm...  Working on a better list name.

Edited by PegaMister

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Though much of the Rarity hate is unwarranted, I've seen much, MUCH more respect for her in recent months than I had when I first joined the fandom back in 2012. And fairly so, she's been fleshed out much more as a character and the generosity and sincere caring she has in her has been shown far more in recent episodes than it was in past seasons.


I think Rarity is still underappreciated, but now that the show has left her personality and kindness less up to interpretation, especially with great episodes like For Whom the Sweetie Belle tolls, I think she'll come to be much more appreciated and garner up much more of a fanbase with the show's continuing on.

  • Brohoof 2

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Even if she's a drama queen and all, I like Rarity b/c her personality is quite interesting.  Yet, I cannot deny her being Fabulous and Magnificent. 

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Hi there, @Rarity Paige Belle and . You both made topics discussing the perceived disapproval from others in regard to Rarity, but there was an earlier topic about the same subject. Therefore, I have merged both of yours into it.


Please make sure to search the forums before posting a new topic to make sure it does not already exist. Thanks! :)

  • Brohoof 1



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It's time for Rarity to make some enchanted clothes. Put some magic behind it, where the clothes offer some benefit to the wearer.


Rarity: These dashing clothes will enhance your charm several folds.

Male Pony: That's great, but why are your eyes closed?

Rarity: Why if I was to look upon your magnificent self, those clothes would end up on the floor and you don't want that.

Male Pony: I guess.

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I don't' hate her and I have haven't heard of any bronies that do. Sure, she's not very loved relative to Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle, but not many people HATE her. I just don't like her personality or appearance.


I have no issue with a thing you said, I just want to make that clear. what I'm responding too is the fact that you said you didn't like her appearance.


I've never heard anyone say that before! Wow. I always thought that there was a consensus that Rarity's one of the prettier ponies.


Just surprised is all, it's just that people tend to ramble about how she's the prettiest pony and I never even heard that her style was disliked before. She is all about aesthetic and all, haha.


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