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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

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I agree with what EvilShy and Twilight Sparkle said. It's not that Rarity is flawed because everyone else is too. It's because she's the hardest to relate to. Rarity has a very definable personality but among that, it is probably the most girliest out of all the characters we've seen in the show.



So when it comes to Rarity being the least liked; it's because Bronies find her hard to relate to.

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'Cuz she's the most feminine of the bunch and less relatable to guys, which is fine. I personally like her as I find her to be strong despite her flaws and is a great example of a self-sufficient female character who is still ladylike.


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Well, when concerning male bronies, Rarity is the least liked because she's the most feminine, and is into things that typically only women like. Men don't relate to her as well as the others. However, I still see plenty of male fans who like Rarity a lot, even as their favorite.


There are more male MLP fans than female fans, (at least on the internet anyway) so naturally you're going to see results that reflect the male population of bronies more so than the female population. That's why Rainbow Dash is so popular. She's the most like a boy, so male fans can really relate to her.


I could be wrong, but based on my observations as a fan for the past two years, Rarity is still quite popular amongst the female fans of the show. There was a survey done a long time ago that showed that males ranked Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie higher than females did, but female fans typically ranked Rarity and Applejack higher than male fans did. I believe Rarity might have been the most popular pony amongst females, or at least close to it, but don't quote me on that.


And while Rarity might be the pony who garners the most dislike, there are still more people who like Rarity as their favorite than Applejack, if that eases the pain at all. Both of these characters are disgustingly underrated.

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I think the least liked is debatable between Rarity and Applejack.


I actually think it boils down to the fact that most bronies are male and to most males, and Rarity is the least relatable for most males. All the make up and dresses and such are not particularly masculine img-1533803-1-tongue.png


I love Rarity, so I'm not really sure.


All that he said right there. Very few males are likely to relate to Rarity.

Making great points, as always smile.png While I agree with these, I personally found lack of interest in Rarity because, quite frankly, many of her fans got on my nerves; some still do. In my experience, Rarity fans can be very opinionated and blunt, and, being a Dash fan made this even worse, seeing as how Dash and Rarity fans seem to hate each others' favorite ponies. I realized this misplaced dislike wasn't healthy however :3 Rarity can be fabulous even if a lot of her fans aren't quite so. She's since become fifth best pony on my list, beating out Fluttershy.


I've also noticed this. I've noticed many Rainbow Dash and Rarity fans seem to collide, disliking the opposite pony. It almost seems like a rival fan base. I could also say Dash and Applejack's fandoms can rival as well.

Edited by Diz Mah Joe
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I think she is disliked because some episodes she acts like a jerk. Like that one episode where she gets wings and makes Rainbow Dash nervous.

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I agree with the people saying she's hard to relate to. She seems a lot more sophisticated and feminine compared to the rest of the mane 6 and there only maybe a short number of people who can really relate to her. 


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I happen to love Rarity


I don't think its because she's hated so much as she's "misunderstood" that makes her "un-relatable"


Rarity is the most complexed character and in my opinion, the most balanced out of all the characters.


Rarity to me is like a thunderstorm. You can see it coming but you never know what she's going to do


With all the other character. You already know what to expect. Twilights always going to be the egghead. Applejack is always going to the level headed hard worker. And Pinky Pie will always be... well Pinky.


But Rarity can go off in any direction. She can be smart, funny, serious, angry, cheerful, obsessed, and generous at any time. Rarity shows more emotional range then any of them at any given time.


And that to me is what makes her the most fabulous pony

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@@hawkflame, I merged your thread with an older one that discusses the same topic. 


The reason I hear the most for people not liking Rarity is that she is a snob. In my opinion, this is a silly thing to say. If she were a snob, she wouldn't spend time with the rest of the Mane 6. She doesn't think she is better than them, she just wants to act a bit higher than her station. She has aspirations, which is a good thing. 

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She can be a jerk to her little sister. She has the tendency to ditch her friends for froufrou Canterlot ponies. But other than that, I don't see why people would dislike her. I love all the ponies, (besides a certain snot-nose filly...) so I don't really get why people have least favorites.


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I think she is disliked because some episodes she acts like a jerk. Like that one episode where she gets wings and makes Rainbow Dash nervous.

You're right. I see a lot of people hate on Rarity for acting like a jerk at times, but particularly in that episode. I guess people forgot that it was Rarity who cared enough about cheering for Rainbow Dash that she volunteered to be the test puppet for Twilight's wing spell. She got carried away with herself throughout the episode, but she owned up to her mistake and asked for Dash's forgiveness.


All of the ponies make mistakes and act like jerks at times. Rainbow Dash's behavior in Mysterious Mare Do Well was not unlike Rarity's behavior in Sonic Rainboom. Both ponies got carried away with their ego. Heck, they both encouraged photos of themselves. tongue.png


So the point I'm trying to make is, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have some similar flaws, so I'm surprised that one is liked so much more than other. With some fans it's a two-way street. If Rarity acts out, she's being a conceited witch, but if Dash does it, she's somehow being endearing, cool, or lovable. I don't think that's really fair.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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So the point I'm trying to make is, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have some similar flaws, so I'm surprised that one is liked so much more than other. With some fans it's a two-way street. If Rarity acts out, she's being a conceited witch, but if Dash does it, she's somehow being endearing, cool, or lovable. I don't think that's really fair.


I think that double standard goes back to the idea that Rarity is difficult to relate to due to being, out of the Mane Six, the most overtly feminine in nature. All the other mares have talents that are more typically unisex, but fashion is sort of a niche thing in general (ironically the majority of major designers are men) that the internet where bronies come from typically doesn't look too fondly upon. Academia? Good. Farmwork? Good. Racing? Good. Parties? Good. Animal caretaker? Good. Couture? Frivolous and a waste of time. 


Now me not agreeing with that is the precise reason Rarity is my favorite pony. But for the majority, she'll always probably be the hardest of the mane six to relate to on a personal level. 

Edited by Katella Avenue
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I just realised this A LOT and it gets very annoying.

I just hate it when people always hate on rarity or in other terms "gang up" on her D:

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Rarity basically represents "femininity" because her interests are fashion and dresses and she is a bit "girly" (such as trying to find her "prince" at the Grand galloping Gala). She is also the element of Generosity, however, she can be a bit selfish and unintentionally inconsiderate at times. She can also be a bit of a "Drama Queen"

Think about the other Mane characters: Twilight studies, but when presented with a big problem goes into paranoia. Pinkie Pie tries to make everyone happy, but when presented with a big problem she thinks completely out-of-topic different solutions. Applejack is a strong worker and level-headed pony, but when presented with a problem she tries to find a rational solution. Fluttershy is a kind pony who takes care of animals, but when presented with conflict she either avoids it, incredibly enough is assertive and solves it or goes 125% hulk on them. Rainbow dash is athletic and overconfident, but when presented with a problem she is unwilling to let others know about it. All of these are areas are relatable to most bronies.

But then again call me Hypocrite. I don't necessarily hate Rarity, in fact I think the episodes she stars in are excellent, but like I pointed out  in a way "un-relatable" since my interests are not in fashion.

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Just like the others said, people hate Rarity because she's girly, a snob, whatever. But to me she's just a difficult character to understand, she's more complex than the other main characters. Maybe this is the reason i really like her.

hi friend

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I never went so far as to hate Rarity but I didn't like her all that much at first, it wasn't because she was girly as Fluttershy is probably just as feminine as she is albeit for different reasons. I didn't like her because I felt and still feel that her vain side is laid on way too thick, sure I get that it is a part of her personality and they do a good job of bringing out her positive traits in the episodes that do focus on her especially the ones that deal with her relationship with her sister but that nearly every other interaction with her seems to almost always go back to either her vain or shallow side.


What got me to like Rarity ironically was the same friend who got me into ponies who is the most hard core Rarity hater I know, he hates her in large part because she reminds him of his mother who he has a very dysfunctional relationship with. When he kept hating on her I kept asking myself "is she really that bad?" And I came to the conclusion that no she is in fact not, but I still don't agree with the way her character has been written. I feel that Rarity has a great deal of potential as a character but that potential is stunted because the shallow and vain side is laid on too thick for the sake of humor which in some cases is appropriate and in some cases can even work quite well but all the time is a tad excessive.

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At first when I saw Rarity I was amazed, her beauty is breath taking. I am like spike who has a thing for Rarity. Like in the first episode when Spike and Twilight Sparkle went to Rarity's shop Spike was like "Damn". xD Exactly how I felt when I saw her for the first time. I could see no reason why people could hate on her sure her distaste for ugly clothing, getting messy and looking perfect all day gets to everyones nerves as well as her accent. But, in all I think she's a great character. Without her who would be the one that is sexy? Hmm no one.

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She wasn't painted in the best light in Season 3. She was even more overly-dramatic, and was a butt to Sweetie Belle, so I can see how those things would get on the nerves of someone who already doesn't like her. Still, I love her, and I don't think she deserves to be hated on in any way.



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because she's a jerk. she tricks people into being her slaves, as demonstrated in multiple episodes, she whines about everything, has never complimented someone outside of their taste in fashion, and is so vain.. it gets on my nerves a lot. 

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I don't hate on rarity... Rarity is best pony...


But I guess some people just don't like the "drama queen" type character.


I didn't really care for rarity at first but she grew on me... And she's the best! XD



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Rarity its my favorite mane 6, I think why so many people don't like her its because her behavior has changed so much from season 2 and 3, if you watch her episodes closely, you will actually notice.

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because she's a jerk. she tricks people into being her slaves, as demonstrated in multiple episodes, she whines complains about everything, has never complimented someone outside of their taste in fashion, and is so vain.. it gets on my nerves a lot.



Maybe I'm just missing it, but I honestly don't see Rarity acting like a "jerk" all that often...unless people are misreading her fashionista flair as self-importance. But I haven't seen her be any more or less of a jerk than Rainbow Dash can be.


And to those who specifically cite cases of her being a jerk to Sweetie Belle in particular, I ask you: Do you even have siblings? You don't have to be part of a dysfunctional family to know that everyone is guilty of fighting with / treating their siblings badly at some point. Viewing Rarity's and Sweetie's relationship through my own lens of having grown up with sisters, I can honestly say I find it all quite normal.

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@@hawkflame, I merged your thread with an older one that discusses the same topic. 


The reason I hear the most for people not liking Rarity is that she is a snob. In my opinion, this is a silly thing to say. If she were a snob, she wouldn't spend time with the rest of the Mane 6. She doesn't think she is better than them, she just wants to act a bit higher than her station. She has aspirations, which is a good thing. 


I actually looked for a thread, but didn't find this one.  Maybe I should have searched on "hating" rather than "hate". 


And about the perception that she's a "snob", I agree.  She doesn't really look down on her friends.   If anything, she wants to raise their stature along with her own. 


So the point I'm trying to make is, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have some similar flaws, so I'm surprised that one is liked so much more than other. With some fans it's a two-way street. If Rarity acts out, she's being a conceited witch, but if Dash does it, she's somehow being endearing, cool, or lovable. I don't think that's really fair.


You make a great point here, and it is one that I myself have tried to address a number of times.  I think that in some ways, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are more similar than people think.  They're both extremely goal oriented, both have rather healthy egos, but in spite of those egos, they represent the most inherently selfless elements- loyalty and generosity.  I've always wondered why Rainbow Dash's cockiness was somehow more forgivable than Rarity's vanity.


I never went so far as to hate Rarity but I didn't like her all that much at first, it wasn't because she was girly as Fluttershy is probably just as feminine as she is albeit for different reasons. I didn't like her because I felt and still feel that her vain side is laid on way too thick, sure I get that it is a part of her personality and they do a good job of bringing out her positive traits in the episodes that do focus on her especially the ones that deal with her relationship with her sister but that nearly every other interaction with her seems to almost always go back to either her vain or shallow side.


What got me to like Rarity ironically was the same friend who got me into ponies who is the most hard core Rarity hater I know, he hates her in large part because she reminds him of his mother who he has a very dysfunctional relationship with. When he kept hating on her I kept asking myself "is she really that bad?" And I came to the conclusion that no she is in fact not, but I still don't agree with the way her character has been written. I feel that Rarity has a great deal of potential as a character but that potential is stunted because the shallow and vain side is laid on too thick for the sake of humor which in some cases is appropriate and in some cases can even work quite well but all the time is a tad excessive.


I think the problem is that her vanity and ego are painted very broadly and are kind of obvious, but her other, stronger qualities are sometimes are a little harder to notice.  For instance, people point out how she acted like a diva in Sonic Rainboom, but they also forget that A) she was the only one to notice how nervous Dash was,  and B ) She was the one who encouraged Twilight to find a spell to allow non-pegasi to go to Cloudsdale to cheer her on.  .  I've noticed that when something's bothering another pony, she's usually the first one to pick up on it. 


because she's a jerk. she tricks people into being her slaves, as demonstrated in multiple episodes, she whines about everything, has never complimented someone outside of their taste in fashion, and is so vain.. it gets on my nerves a lot. 


"tricks people into being her slaves?"  No, she asks ponies nicely to help her with something, and they agree of their own free will.  There's no deception or coercion involved.  She also doesn't whine, she complains.  There's a difference, as she already explained.  And she complimented Pinkie Pie on the party she threw for Gummy in Party of One.   

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Well they are all jealous of how awesome Rarity is and also Rarity kinda complains alot and worried too much if she gets dirty,I mean shes a girl,but she should'nt be a worry wort.happy.png


Edited by MLPFan14


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I agree with a lot of the above posters, in that it's about their ability to relate to her. That's a big part of how I ordered the characters when I first watched the show. Rarity just seemed like a character that wasn't particularly like me and one that I probably wouldn't gravitate towards being friends with (although one of my best friends is very much like Rarity, ironically :lol:). It took me until Suited for Success to really appreciate her and all that she brings to the show.


A lot of people are also put off by her flaws, which seem to bother more people than those of other characters. This has a massive influence on how most people rate characters. I view character flaws as a big part of what drives the show, and each character has had to battle these in order to get to where they are today, and inevitably some actions that I wouldn't make a fuss over will bother others immensely for whatever reason, and vise versa. I can only suspect that many people don't find Rarity's flaws as tolerable as those of other characters for whatever reason, and I unfortunately can't offer a definitive reason to that.

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