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I'm currently with a level 30 and level 20 account on NA(Flame123121 and Calekai) But I suppose I could try making one on EU West.


...I'll miss owning LeBlanc though :<


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Asking as an absolute newbie, how much practice should I get vs AI before changing to PvP?

Is there a barebone list of vocabulary/knowledge one should know?

Yes, you should know what some of the acronyms are (such as mia, inc, and terms like leash) and understand the jobs of each role.

 Realistically there is no requirement, but going in blind hurts the team's efforts for winning, and your impression of the game.

Edited by Hayzelestia


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Oh yea the terms for this game


MIA: call when your enemy is missing in the lane this gives a warning to your team.


Leash: Mostly used for jungle at the start of the game which means help with red or blue buff


INC: I have no clue what that means (Never seen this used)


Roles: Mid,Top,Jungle,Adc,Support


What I play: I'm a filler i can play everything


Main Champs: Twisted Fate and Nasus


(That's my definitions of the terms I use and a little about my role in games)

Edited by Witch Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Oh yea the terms for this game


MIA: call when your enemy is missing in the lane this gives a warning to your team.


Leash: Mostly used for jungle at the start of the game which means help with red or blue buff


INC: I have no clue what that means (Never seen this used)


Roles: Mid,Top,Jungle,Adc,Support


What I play: I'm a filler i can play everything


Main Champs: Twisted Fate and Nasus


(That's my definitions of the terms I use and a little about my role in games)


INC means incoming. Used in situations to warn of enemy movment. "Jungler inc mid" as an example. Pinging the map is also very important.


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INC means incoming. Used in situations to warn of enemy movment. "Jungler inc mid" as an example. Pinging the map is also very important.

Oh I see now. I'm mostly in Skype talking instead of typing. I can't agree with you more that pings are very important they can either win or lose games sometimes.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Soooo the next mage champ Lissandra is going to be OP




  • Iceborn (Passive): After a brief cooldown, Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. Hitting an enemy with movement impairing abilities reduces Iceborn's cooldown.
  • Ice Shard: Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on contact with the first enemy struck, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a short duration. Enemies behind the struck target also take damage.
  • Ring of Frost: Lissandra freezes the area around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for a short duration.
  • Glacial Path: Lissandra casts a slow-moving, long-range ice claw in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. Re-activating Glacial Path teleports Lissandra to the claw's current location.
  • Frozen Tomb (Ultimate):
    • On enemy cast: Lissandra freezes an enemy champion, damaging and stunning them briefly. Dark Ice emanates from the target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
    • On self-cast: Lissandra encases herself in ice, rooting herself in place briefly and becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark Ice emanates from Lissandra, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
  • Brohoof 1

This is MY signature >.<

Don't steal it.

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BTW for anyone who didnt know and I jsut found out a fun fact SS (used in a dota a lot and hon and such) means stay safe people will use it instead of MIA and I was like WTF is SS? lol now you now! also I just hit lat so I'm happy! yay ZED still op hes gonna carry me to diamond

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Asking as an absolute newbie, how much practice should I get vs AI before changing to PvP? Is there a barebone list of vocabulary/knowledge one should know?


Coming from a relatively new player (I started about three months ago), I can give you some tips on how to do well:


- Start saving for a champion you like, instead of trying to play by counterpicking enemy champions. It's really no fun if you're constantly switching champions to counter the enemy laner. I found that by saving for a single champion, I had a lot more fun. This leads me into my next point...


- Play one champion a shitload. This means you get good at that champion, as well as the role they fill. As an example, my first buy was Diana - an expensive champion, but one I really liked because of her lore and design. I wasn't very good at mid either until I played Diana a crapton, now I don't often lose lane against an enemy mid unless it's someone like Kassadin or the occasional Orianna. In my mind, learning how to play a champion you like in the role they fill most often is the best way to learning that role, and you can then transfer that knowledge to other champions somewhat if you can't play your preferred champion for whatever reason.


- Know where your champion belongs. For example, Ezreal is an ADC, which means he literally cannot be anywhere else but bottom lane. I recently faced an AP Ezreal in mid with my Diana - needless to say, I took a big dump on him, because he literally did no damage to me as AP. I would suggest finding guides for the champions you're interested in on sites like lolking.net or mobafire to see where they usually go. My other favorite champion, Vi, is almost always at home in the jungle. You can go top with her, but it won't end well for you.


As for game skills themselves, here are some other things I would suggest:


- Try playing with your camera unlocked, and keeping it that way. I'm guilty of still favoring locked camera, because I can't multitask that much usually (I unlock my camera in ranked when I go in for a gank as Vi, but no time else). Unlocking your camera gives you a better view of the battlefield, and lets you see things that you wouldn't normally be able to see if you had it locked, such as an enemy going to place a ward, or an enemy ganker just out of your sight range. It's really noticeable if you're playing on purple side bot lane how much it helps.


- After you learn the basic vocabulary and such, I would immediately switch to normal PvP games. Bot games teach you next to nothing about anything other than basic mechanics of your champion. It's going to suck no matter what, since going in solo will expose you to all manner of douchebags, and you'll likely contemplate just quitting the game there and then (I certainly did after failing as Nautilus top hardcore one too many times), but just stick through it, and you'll get decent enough to start winning games. Playing with friends helps immensely, since they can teach you/tell you/yell at you when to do stuff and what to do.


- Learn when to engage and run away. If you're in a lane alone and overextended (past their outer turret or your jungle, depending on the map situation), and everyone on the enemy team is mia, assume they are coming for YOU. Instinctualize when to back off after pushing a lane, so you don't get caught out and killed because you were being dumb. The same goes for team fights - learn when you can go ham on the enemy team and not die and when going in with your one dumbass of a teammate will get both of your asses handed to you. Again, this is a thing that you'll need to read differently constantly, since it depends on so many factors (enemy team map presence, your health, their health, your damage output, their damage output, your team's willingness to back you up, etc. etc. etc.)


LoL is a complex game that you can't really learn in a couple of games. The only way to get good is to just play a crapton of games against REAL people (don't level to 30 with only bot games, you will get destroyed). Stick with it, find a champion you enjoy, and you'll be winning consistently.

  • Brohoof 1


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Dianna jungle is OP guys, here is a sample of the kinds of stats i get from her jungle when i am focusing -





Oh, and i dusted off my rammus for a fun little game -



That Amumu had like 1k wins, he was insane.





Anyway, thoughts on the Sejuani and Trundle rework?


I'm looking forward to trying out jungle Trundle after the rework, but the rework on Sejuani means i have to redo my guide -.-

  • Brohoof 1

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


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Just completely wrecked a ranked game as Diana. The previous ranked I played as her was lackluster, since we had two quitters on our team (they literally went "We won't fight back, just end it" in all chat), so I was afraid that this wouldn't go well either. I was up against Nidalee. This is what happened:




Basically, I got two kills on Nidalee by igniting her after my all-in. She died to the DoT on ignite both times. Now, my definition of "fed" is around 7 kills. The normal definition, unbeknownst to me, is *two* kills. I guess that's why I did so well.


After 3 more kills on various people, our Tristana, who said he wasn't feeling so hot in the pre-game lobby, goes "Diana, could you please carry me?" I laugh, and respond, "That could be arranged, but my shoulders may be quite painful to sit on, since I have spiky shoulders."


Our Dr. Mundo was doing really good against the Jayce top, too. It was me and him the whole way. All I know is this: I probably made 5 more people fear Diana. AS THEY SHOULD!

Edited by HandMan


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Finally got convinced to play a few games earlier today. First one I played Elise and I was up against an Anivia. Went 3/1/4 while getting camped before they surrendered. Definitely not one of my better games. Next two, though, were Brand mid and Urgot top. Brand I was against a Karma. Ended that game 15/8/10. I haven't played him in months, I'd forgotten how much fun he was xD.


The Urgot game, though, I'm most proud of for the day. I was against a Darius. I definitely won my lane. My single death didn't happen until I was in their base and decided to stick around for longer than I was welcome.




People keep telling me "Don't get Iceborn on Urgot, you're never in range for it." Or "Urgot no damage." I'd just like to take this time to point this out: The DoT on his E is physical damage, which procs Black Cleaver Passive, which reduces the enemy's Armor by an enormous 45% on top of my Armpen Marks and Quints, as well as masteries and BC Armpen. And, I'd also like to say, the only time I'm not in range for Iceborn is when I'm poking. I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm a little bit close to some enemies when I ult their ADC to pull them into my team <.< Also, Boots of Swiftness instead of Merc Treads because the only CC the enemies had was non-tenacity-able CC (Darius pull and Voli flip. They had a Shaco, but he wasn't doing anything)


Also, on a somewhat sidenote: WOO MURAMANA IS GOING TO START DOING PHYSICAL DAMAGE YAY biggrin.png


Additionally: I love Lissandra <3 I got convinced to play some games on PBE by Kiloz so I decided to, then found out Lissandra was released there, so we hopped in a game and I took her top because why not? 1v2 vs Fiddlesticks and Fiora. Had a rough start because 2v1 and Fidd Fear is annoying >: After I got a gank from Shyv and Anivia a couple times. though, I kinda exploded and went 15/2. I think I'm going to get her ^^

Edited by Potayto Sek

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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Hey guys, it's been a while.
I have a question, on who do you like to buy BotRK over BT on?
I still have trouble making the call which of the two to get.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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umm well  depends really on enemy team. on people like khazix ill usually go BT jayce either way 

AS ADCs ill go BOTRK like kog vayne trist those hyper carries 

on ADCs with huge dmg potential i go BT like cait graves  etc make sense?

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, this was a particularly fun one. In fact, I think this was my best performance as Fiddlesticks yet! Of course, Teemo, Darius, and Annie got a little annoying near the end, but I had a pretty good kills to death ratio here.

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My hard drive (on the mac) broke down again, and after putting in a new one i'm unable to log in. Way to go, beta.


I'll install Windows again in a few days though, so tell me if someone wants to play on EUW smile.png


(and dat moment when you bought Darius for 975 and he gets announced to be on sale literally 10 seconds later)

Edited by AppleShy Sparkle
  • Brohoof 1

Better run, run, run, run, run.

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This was a few days ago, but I thought I'd post it here. I was jungling on my favorite jungler; Shyvana. And it was basically my first run as her for S3. Here are the results.




I was pretty happy with how well I did preform with her, but i wish I was able to set Caitlyn up with more kills.

  • Brohoof 1


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hey guys! I'm not sure how many of you enjoy semi-competitive play/ranked 5s but I am looking for a jungler for a ranked 5s team I made with my friends any interest out there?

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Are there any Graves players out there,


Personaly he's one of my favorite champions, his design awesome and he's great at mid and short range.


I love his design and the whole western feel with him, i played him when he was new but after he was nerfed a few times i stopped playing him and haven't really got back into him since :/


I play his old friend turned enemy Twisted Fate though :3

  • Brohoof 3

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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hey guys! I'm not sure how many of you enjoy semi-competitive play/ranked 5s but I am looking for a jungler for a ranked 5s team I made with my friends any interest out there?

Can I try out for the jungle spot on your team if you are on the NA region. I'm a good cho, lee and a few others, but i'm mostly a cho jungle.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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So. Finally decided to say screw it and play a random ranked game. I was first pick for whatever reason. I grabbed Anivia because Anivia. They sent Eve mid. This is what came of it:




One of my team mates said they thought Anivia was a bad champion. I'm glad I was able to show them the error of their thinking ^^ Also: WOO FIRST QUAD WITH ANIVIA <3 And yes, I know my creep is bad. I've always been bad at creeping ;-;

  • Brohoof 3

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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been having some good matches with Vi (despite still having this huge lag issue that pretty much shuts me down in team fights)




My last match was a pain tho because their Annie kept shredding us and our Annie kept getting baited.


Also I'm lvl 30 now (yay) so I can start playing ranked

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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I'm more of a Dota 2 man my self but I can see why people can like LoL more.  It just a couple of things that make me not want to play LoL.  First the idea that only a few Heros are unlock a week and they keep getting switch out make a guy who doesn't own (or want mind you) a credit card to get a character were in Dota 2 there all unlock from the get go.  I get that you should learn all the character as best you can but I like a few on the side just incase.  Also I learned some thing like its becoming a "pay-to-win" game now.  I don't know if that true but if someone could answer that thanks. Not much else.  I just spent more time with Dota 2 to try another to get caught up with characters and how they play to play LoL.  Still not saying its a bad game by the way.











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