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Flash Sentry and Brony Gender?


How do you feel about Flash Sentry?  

159 users have voted

  1. 1. Select your most accurate statement

    • I am male and I like Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I like Flash Sentry
    • I am male and I dislike Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I dislike Flash Sentry
    • I am male and I am indifferent to Flash Sentry
    • I am female and I am indifferent to Flash Sentry
    • I have not seen Equestria Girls
    • None of the above

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Even though I have only seen little of him, I think he is a good character. Many look at him from just equestria girls and will be indifferent because we don't see every side of his character. Only with time will we see more of him and many will grow to like him if he returns in future seasons. For now I think he is a decent character with potential. Plus he and twilight will make a cute couple.


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I am female, and I dislike Flash Sentry. Why? He's obviously this chill guy who's 'so dreamy on his guitar', and helps Twilight because he's good enough and a righteous. *hurls* He's a stupid High School guy type that everyone fonds over because he's 'talented and so charming'. I would like 'Flash Sentry' a lot more if they put some more awkward flaws, or if he showed some sort of human negative emotions. He just seems like a total Stu to me. And what's with the name, 'Flash Sentry'? It sounds egotistical all by itself!

  • Brohoof 2
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I voted indifferent. :P


He's fine as a typical character I guess but the way he behaved around Twilight and his overall demeanor in certain parts of the movie made him like the typical jock type who get's all the ladies with his charm, and hardly possesses any flaws. :P


So basically, he's kind of a Gary Stu and it's a little annoying seeing him in that aspect.


Though, he seemed to have some little potential. Like all times he helped out Twilight and treated her with selfless kindness. I thought that was pretty cool of him. And I rolf-ed at the dancing scene towards the end. ^_^


Overall though, I think the move could have been great without him. He was a plot device of little importance and didn't even contribute much to the main plot of the movie. 

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Flash Sentry is actually one of the better parts of that movie for me. There wasn't very much time for him to be developed, but there are still some hints as to what kind of person he is. He dumped Sunset Shimmer. Think about that. The girl who rules the school, the girl who always gets what she wants, and he dumped her. C'mon, you have to give him props for that. He probably found out how badly she was treating others and dropped her. 


He also seems just a little bit adorkable himself, which a lot of people like about Twilight. Walking into the door when escorting Twilight into the dance? That was a perfect touch. He's also noticeably uncertain when he asks Twilight out. And even when he thought she turned him down, he was still willing to support her in the cafeteria song and when cleaning up the mess in the gym. And he was brave enough to ask her out again. I respect that.


Of course, this all applies to Human!Flash, since Pony!Flash had absolutely no time to be developed.

  • Brohoof 2

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I actually don't mind Flash one bit.

I guess the haters don't really have to worry about anything anyway since the main character being in a relationship would be the bane of the show's writers, therefore won't be a part of the show.

He's a pretty cool dude, bro.  B)  I kinda like him.


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I personally think he was quite charming. Plus, even with all the embarrassing Twilight moments (library, pony dance, etc), Flash seems to genuinely like her and all. And..I wish I could see more Flash, tbh. See his character grow.  But I heard he wasn't even gonna be in the next season. Foo. :c


And I just realized something: how does humanFlash feel now that Twilight is back in the pony world..?  @-@

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I'm indifferent to Flash. Actually, no, let me rephrase that. I like some things about him, I dislike some things, and they balance out to indifference, especially considering he's not gonna be a factor in season 4.


What I like

  • He hasn't really done anything to make me hate him as a character
  • All those 'stole my waifu' jokes are super funny, and since I'm not attatched to or interested in Twilight, his being with her doesn't offend me
  • Not gonna lie, his character design, more as a pony then as a human, is quite good
  • I just like the Royal Guards; Shining Armor is no more complex then Flash, and yet I've liked him since S2

What I dislike

  • He hasn't really done anything for me to like him as a character
  • Lack of screentime means lack of time to develop his character, rendering him as of now quite generic and flawlessly boring
  • He served no real purpose in the story besides to be there and to be Twilight's love interest, since that is a necessary element in boring high school dramas, which is what EG was
  • I may be a shallow, 'all about images' kind of dude, but even I thought it was stupid how the writers said 'Oh look, he has a cool car and plays guitar! He's the greatest!' without giving us a real reason to like him or giving Twilight a real reason to be interested in him.


So yeah, overall, I'm just apathetic on Flash, except to enjoy all the super funny waifu jokes made about him, Twilight, and the bronies who wanted Twi to be their 'waifu'.

  • Brohoof 2
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So yesterday, I took some statistics and percentages and whatnot. The female percentages are more likely to change than the male ones simply because less than 30 women have voted but almost 80 men have voted.


Here is what I got, as of yesterday:



23% like Flash

19% dislike Flash

54% are indifferent



41% like Flash

14% dislike Flash

45% are indifferent


This is very interesting to me. Maybe we just need more women to vote, or maybe women are far more likely to enjoy Flash despite having seen so little of him. Also, the haters for both genders are an EXTREMELY LOUD minority.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really hated Flash Sentry for a couple of reasons. Oh and by the way I voted that I disliked him and I am male.


1: Generic Romantic Stu


2: If you're going to bring him into the plot at least tell us who the hell he is and what he is like besides (He plays guitar) and (He is a stereotypical Romantic Stu who was Sunset Shimmer's ex)


3: Why the hell did they include the romantic interest in the first place it had no benefit to the overall storyline and was added for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON


4: Romantic interest with Twilight..... I mean it didn't feel right.... I think it would have made more sense if the romantic interest was with Rarity or a more girly character.


I'm truly sorry if this message was either Too loud, Offensive to somepony, Or you hated what I had to say.

Edited by Monkeynet
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I actually like Flash.  I hope they find a place for him in the main series.  Even if him and Twilight aren't together, it'd be cute if she were just shy and awkward when he's around.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ditto every criticism people have said about Brad Sentry. Even Brad sounds more original than the name "Flash"

I have no interest in them continuing that subplot. Also, Twilight don't need no man stallion to be happy.

Oh yeah, i'm female and i dislike brash sentry.

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I'm female and I really dislike Brad. And no I'm not going to call him by his real name. Ever. It's not really that his character in itself is bad, but I hate the fact that he's the 'popular kid'. He plays the lead guitar in the band (where has that been done before), is apparently one of the most popular kids in school, and as a pony he's a head of the guard. I honestly think Twilight would fall for someone a little less... I don't know, perfect? And Brad is so totally nice and everything! Yeah, right, that never happens with popular people. He's just a perfect guy in every sense, and it's really annoying. Plus, Twilight had been in the human world for what, 10 minutes?, and she already found us somewhat attractive? It makes no sense. So, I just really hope Brad isn't in Season 4. I'd like to see Twilight fall for somepony a little more intelligent and bookish. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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i vote for Like him because i don't see any problem with him and i feel as though there is some room for him to become a main part of the show (like a love interest for Twilight or something)

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What do you think of Celestia then? She has no bad qualities, and she is a princess. Sentry barely had any screentime, so I think it's harsh and ignorant to already be judging him as terrible and bland. Meanwhile, Celestia has had three seasons to show off any flaws she might have (flaws are apparently is the only way a character can be realistic?), and so far, the only flaw I've seen is that she has none.


Celestia failed to save her Sister Luna after being turned to Nightmare Moon and losing her for 1000 years. 


Celestia is expected to act ladylike in public. Sometimes she wants to cut a bit lose or make a little trouble.


Celestia invited Twilight and her friends to the Grand Galloping Gala because she expected them to change it up.


Celestia trolled the Cakes with the tea bit.


Celestia had a photo taken of her eating cake in a non-ladylike fashion.


Celestia fell for the Cadance fake.

Edited by Singe
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  • 4 months later...

Hey everyone, I want to revive my thread because I think there are some new people engaging in the Equestria Girls discussions who might be interested in voting in this poll.


Equestria Girls is pretty old news but I guess people are still interested. I know that I am still interested in the Flash Sentry discussion.


By the way... refusing to call Flash by his real name is stupid. Seriously. It is like disliking Applejack and refusing to call her Applejack. It is pointless.

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This Flash thing needs to die my gosh this is seriously sad. It's been months he was in the movie for 5 minutes this is pointless debate at this point. All this dose is continue to separate the fandom more than already is, please just stop. He's not going too be in season 4 and most likely not going to be in season 5 just deal with it, geez.

  • Brohoof 1
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This Flash thing needs to die my gosh this is seriously sad. It's been months he was in the movie for 5 minutes this is pointless debate at this point. All this dose is continue to separate the fandom more than already is, please just stop. He's not going too be in season 4 and most likely not going to be in season 5 just deal with it, geez.

Wtf is wrong with you. It's just a poll about a cartoon horse.


People are allowed to have their opinions and people are allowed to make posts and polls about it. It doesn't matter how long an issue has been around. If people want to talk about it then people will, but if they won't then this thread will die. I don't care. I just brought it back up again because people seem to be talking about him in other threads.


If you don't like seeing people talk about Flash Sentry, then you can kindly ignore the Equestria Girls subforum. No one is making you read this.

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Indifferent here.. TBH not sure why people are so against him making any sort of appearance in the series other than the fanatical "waifu" complex some people seem to have in regards to fictional characters. 

Even the comics managed to sneak him in as a background (but mentioned by name) character and not botch anything. They didn't have to keep the hardly there relationship concept in there for his character if he had transferred over, since in Equestria they'd never had that connection as they did in the "human" world anyways.


Ahh well, his not being there isn't bad either tbh, either way he had no real affect on anything. So he's just another passed by character.

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Pretty indifferent to him myself. Do I think he's terrible, not really, but I don't like him either. His whole problem is of how wholly under developed he was and of how his sole purpose in the plot was to be Twilight's romance interest, which served very little purpose other than filling a high school trope.


However, I do not wish to see him back for the simple fact that every attempts the show staff have done with romance has been mediocre at best, and the show has done fine without needing to place romance on a pedestal.


I do not mind romance too much, but only if it can be done well and does not change or warp characters for the sake of a romance.

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I'm a male and I dislike Flash from both a viewing standpoint and a writing standpoint.


From a viewing standpoint it appeared to me that he was only there to make Twilight blush and get her out of trouble when she was being framed and Luna was about to bring the hammer down on her.


And from a writing standpoint it seems as if he's made out to be a cookie-cutter 'handsome, nice guy' character with no real depth, screen time, or dialogue to make much of an impact, which lead me to feel like he was just taking up space.


If these issues were rectified before the film's release, then he probably would have been more likable, or at the very least tolerable, to some who dislike him.

Edited by TimeLordRainbowDash
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Male, and mostly indifferent here.  He was an OK character who fufilled his role in the movie but was otherwise very bland.  And that's why I don't get the hatred for him that comes out of some parts of the fandom.  Why waste so much energy hating a character that really at worst is just bland and forgettable?

  • Brohoof 1


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