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Use The Sims 3 Traits to Describe Your Personality

Blue Moon

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For those who don't know, The Sims 3 is a life simulation video game where you can create your own characters called "sims", and control them and their life in a town. When you create your sim in the Sims 3, you pick five traits to define their personality.

For this thread, we will be using all of those traits to define our personalities. Since you pick five in the game, you will pick five out of all the traits to best define your personality. Once you finish picking your traits out, post them below. I will leave a list of all the traits below. They will only be the PC ones, and the expansion pack ones will be included.


Now, most of the traits are pretty self-explanatory, but if you don't know what one means; just go to the below link for a list of all the descriptions for the traits.




Here is the list of all the traits:



Animal Lover
Avant Garde
Born Salesperson
Can't Stand Art
Cat Person
Commitment Issues
Computer Whiz
Couch Potato
Dislikes Children
Dog Person
Easily Impressed
Good Sense of Humor
Great Kisser
Green Thumb
Hates the Outdoors
Heavy Sleeper
Hopeless Romantic
Light Sleeper
Loves the Cold
Loves the Heat
Loves the Outdoors
Loves to Swim
Mean Spirited
Natural Born Performer
Natural Cook
Never Nude
Night Owl
No Sense of Humor
Party Animal
Photographer's Eye
Savvy Sculptor
Social Butterfly
Socially Awkward
Star Quality
Supernatural Fan
Supernatural Skeptic
Vehicle Enthusiast


I've always been pretty shy in public, but I've gotten better at not being shy. I'm still a bit shy though.
I love books, and always have since I could read. 
Computer Whiz:
Since I use a computer a lot, I've gotten quite good at using them.
Night Owl:
I love being awake at night, and I have the most fun at night.
I don't know; I've just always had a liking towards family.
Edited by Blue Moon
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Here we go...


  • Dislikes Children

I really cannot stand children for the life of me. They're all annoying brats to me..

  • Shy

Talking to people I don't know, will freeze my body up completely. 

  • Loves the cold

I love Winter and can't wait for it to get here.

  • Neat

People think I have a cleaning OCD and everything has to be organized. My video games and DVD's/BluRays are all organized alphabetically as well.

  • Vegetarian

I can't stand meat. 



I think those are the main 5.

  • Brohoof 2


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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-animal lover i don't know why  but animal love me and i love them, i met a dog that was trained to attack anyone it doesn't know,i walked up to it and scratched it's belly, i also met a bear cub.

-artistic i'm artistic and i love it.

-couch potato i'm not active.

-night owl it's nice and quiet

-other heavy sleeper, loves the cold, insane and slob

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Here's the complete list, but I'll choose my top 6.








Dislikes Children


Hates the Outdoors

Hopeless Romantic


Loves the Cold

I have a grand total of two friends, counting close acquaintances as friends, and I don't even talk to them that much/
Hopeless Romantic
Self-explanatory. Unfortunately this characteristic runs at odds with my other main attributes.
One small confrontation or harmful remark can make me depressed for weeks.
I'm rarely paying attention to the world around me. I'm either in my theoretical/ fantasy world trying to figure things out, or I'm in the process of planning things.
I'm a very depressive person, and I spend a lot of time brooding, unfortunately. Not in an emo or Byronic way either.
When I do talk to people, I tend to be very flirtatious with everyone.
  • Brohoof 1
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I think the list and links to the traits on this site may be better, because it gives you their actual descriptions in-game, instead of whether they're useful or not for a Sim to have.


Sorry, but I'm not playing by the game's rules. As a REAL person I am a bit too complex to have just five or six traits.





Insane (Well, a little bit anyway xD)




Loves the Cold



Easily Impressed


Social Butterfly (I don't care that it conflicts with Shy ingame, that's me)

Socially Awkward


Dog Person


Over Emotional


Supernatural Skeptic (although it's noticeably different IRL, because in TS3 there are actually supernatural creatures, and they're obvious. lol)


But to be nice, I will try to narrow it down to five. Try...


Dramatic: I am a complete and total drama queen. If you have never seen this side of me, consider yourself lucky.


Social Butterfly: It took me a while, but I realized this is a trait for me. I am an attention you-know-what. lol


Neurotic: Sadly, it very much describes me.


Childish: I never grew up. Watching MLP:FiM is not an exception for me, I watch cartoons all of the time. lol. This trait fits me too much.


Coward: Because I am. lol

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm not usually shy around groups or crowds but, when I'm all alone I'm pretty shy.



I played in a lot of sports in school and, I'm pretty skilled at them.


Good Sense of Humor

A lot of my friends say that I'm funny, so that counts.


Night Owl

Staying up at night is my thing. Like a bat sleeping in a cave.



Since I have two split personalities one good and one evil, I'm really evil.



I have a very bad temper tantrum problem when I get angry, that explains it.

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I am very shy. I can't make eye contact with anyone for more than a few seconds, I blush easily, I am quiet, and I just stay away from social situations.



I have to keep everything neat and orderly. If I see the slightest speck of dust, I automatically start cleaning. If something is out of place, I correct it immediately. I prefer cleanliness. Maybe a bit too much. Oh well.



Pretty self-explanatory.



No one can deny this. I am a loser, plain and simple. I was born one and I will always be one. That's how life works...



I am friendly with everyone I meet. I never act like a jerk to somebody, even though they are acting like one to me. I keep my friendly nature no matter what.



IF is best girl.

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Shy: I've been pretty shy for a long time. It's usually hard for me to have a conversation with someone that I don't know very well. 

Dislikes Children: I've never liked children. They are extremely annoying and they get on my nerves.

Couch Potato: I pretty much spend my time sitting around doing nothing and I'm kinda lazy lol

Good Sense of Humor: I can be funny at times, and I appreciate good humor, I love comedy

Night Owl: I chose this because I like the night more than the day. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Socially Awkward - I'm not kidding when I say I could very well be the poster child for being socially awkward. 


Bookworm - Not surprising if you know me in the slightest. 


Loner - Comes with being an introvert I guess. I can count on one hand the number of people I enjoy spending time with, but outside of the I'd very much prefer to be left alone.


Couch Potato - It would probably be easier to count the time I don't spend reclining on a chair or the couch. I've been described as being "lazy", but since that trait isn't on this list I guess this will have to do.


Perfectionist - To an almost OCD degree.

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Those that best describe me would be



Born Salesman

Computer Wizard


Good sense of humour

Night Owl



Narrowing down to 5:

Bookworm - I love reading, I read quite often and usually prefer a book to its movie or TV counterpart.


Computer Wizard - I've been using computers my whole life, I have a few diplomas of varied levels in computing and I'm at university studying my BSC in Computer Science, likely followed by a Masters and maybe a doctorate.


Friendly - I may not look like the friendly type but I am ;)


Good Sense of humour - I love a good joke almost as much as I love making people laugh.


Night Owl - I spend more hours in awake in the dark than in the light, I prefer night time to daytime, given the choice I would completely switch my sleeping patter so that I would sleep using the day and be up at night.

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Artistic: I composed songs before I could even read music, and became even more skilled as I learned music. And I have been developing my skills as a writer from a young age.


Bookworm: I have had a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge from a very young age that dosen't seem to stop growing.


Family Oriented: Family has always been important to me and always will be.


Natural Cook: I love cooking and have the advantage of several good cooks in the family including my Dad that taught me some very useful tricks.


Ambitious: I do have a habit of procrastinating sometimes but if I want something badly enough than I won't give up until I get it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Socially Awkward
Social Butterfly

Okay, now let me explain these. The first two are fairly self-explanitory. Now, I'm both socially awkward and a social butterfly. I know that those two seem to contradict each other, but I can explain it. I think. I'm a wierd mental case - I love being around people, but I can't often motivate myself to be. I'm not a people person, and I'm horrible at remembering names and, well, reading people - I'm sure you can relate - yet I'm miserable if I don't at least try to socialize. It's weird, I don't know how else to explain it. And eccentricity... well, I define that as embracing your quirks as part of who you are and letting them shine, and there's no shame in that.

Other options I seriously considered are Charismatic, Loves to Swim (Seriously, I worked a summer camp in whitewater. The water wasn't even smooth there and I loved swimming in it), Natural Born Performer (I love being on stage), Perfectionist (especially about my art), Mooch (Hey, I ain't perfect), Computer whiz, loser, and born salesperson.

It's hard to choose just five.

Edited by Descant

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OKay well....



- If you know me in real life. You would know that i would stare of into space and literally become a brain-dead zombie.



- I'm a bit of a cluts at times, knoing over paint, knocking over my tea/coffee/hot chocolate. 



- I admit. I am a kook. I'm the sort of person that you raise an eye brow at. 



- I'm friendly, What more is there to say :)



- I do like staying up late at night. The night is always so beautiful.



I think that sums it up :D

Edited by Frozen Rose
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Social Butterfly

Any time I'm around people it seems everyone wants to come up to talk to me. I hold conversations, too.



I get hurt too many times to count through the day



It comes natural. I try to watch it now that I have a boyfriend though lolol.



I like doing what I want. No one else matters.



I get mad...fast. And it's not pretty.


Night Owl

I'm basically nocturnal.



I'll talk to ANYONE.


Supernatural Fan

I'm a believer


Dog person

love dogs. hate cats.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lets see..


-Coward:  I'm not very brave in most situations, and tend to let fear get in the way of me enjoying things.


-Easily impressed: Doesn't take much to impress me frankly in my opinion.


-Perfectionist: not as much as my mother, but still a good bit in alot of cases, i've got better to, but alot of times i won't even attempt something if i know i can't do it good after the first few times. And i'm very hard and critical about myself and what i do.


-Shy: I'm pretty shy until i warm up to people. Which can take a while.


-Friendly: I like to atleast say that i'm kind.


Thats about it i guess, i'm pretty bad at analyzing my own personality so idk though.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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shy- yup. that's me. i always felt i could relate to fluttershy for her shyness and lack of self confidence.

Artistic- love drawing, painting, coloring, and sculpting. its so fun smile.png i'm also play instruments

Absent-minded- i'm really bad about this one, everyone says i'm spacy. i make stupid mistakes because i tend to zone out quite a bit.

Couch Potato- Self Explanatory. I haven't done anything productive all day derpy_emoticon1.png

Childish- childish sense of humor, love cartoons (obviously) and not too responsible. i love things that are cute and innocent, and i love fun. i hate work! bleh work! bleh responsibility!

Brooding- my head is full of unspoken angst. i may brood for several hours while doing some really boring task, like work or in class/walking around.


its funny though because my dark sense of humor often contrasts strangely with my childish nature. back in the day i was always doodling adorable candy people being eaten alive, and marshmellow people being skewered and melted alive over open fires, and mutant zombified teddy bears and kitties. (i even remember drawing zombie ponies and unicorns way before the pony fandom existed =/ ) i'm into weird stuff....

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 1


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Animal Lover -- I love animals. I cannot explain why exactly but I just love animals. Great and small. 



Dramatic -- Yes, I can be a drama queen :P



Family-Oriented -- To me, family ALWAYS come first but some people don't seem to understand and that pisses me off. 



Insane -- Haha, I have my moments. Given the opportunity, I just randomly scream at a passerby 



Supernatural Fan -- I love the supernatural stuff although it tend to give me the creeps :)


:muffins: "I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." :derp:

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I think these would describe me.


Heavy Sleeper - I can sleep through pretty much anything.  For example, I slept through a minor earthquake one time, I didn't even know until I woke up the next morning and my mom told me.


Vehicle Enthusiast - I love everything about cars and treat the ones I own like members of the family.


Good Sense of Humor - It kind of describes itself, my work here is done.


Slob - The only thing I really keep spotless is my truck, which ties in with vehicle enthusiast.


Loves the Heat - Summer is my favorite time of the year, my comfort zone for the outdoors goes up to 100F, lowest is around 65F.


Virtuoso could be another one, but I'm just a percussionist and I mostly play the drum set.

Edited by Rolls Royce


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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Heh, I play that game sometimes. I usually play for a few hours then get bored with it but I like the traits system.

What I usually put down for it is:





Good Sense of Humor

  • Brohoof 1


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Now that I am feeling better, I will participate. :)


Hopeless Romantic

I love romantic situations and often come off as romantic. I enjoy being around those I truly love and make their hearts flutter.


Loves The Cold

This one is quite easy. I have always been a fan of cold weather. In fact, I have always preferred cold over hot. It's much more bearable, in my opinion.



Yep, I am. I am nervous around others and tend to shy out.


It's funny how I am romantic, but shy. Weird combination, I bet. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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These are definitely my top five traits:



I have a flirty personality so it kind of comes natural, I'm always flirting with people.



I am very friendly and always try to stay respectful, I don't like making people feel bad.


Good Sense of Humor

I have a very big sense of humor.


Loves the Cold

I hate the heat but I love the cold, I wish it got colder where I lived.



I am always keeping my stuff neat and organized, everything in my room stays in the exact same spot that I put it in.


Four other traits that I definitely have:


Cat Person

I love cats, I much prefer them over dogs.



I'm not a complete coward but I hate fighting, I've never been in a real physical fight in my life.


Heavy Sleeper

Not even my alarm wakes me up.


Never Nude

I'm the opposite of a nudist, I am almost always wearing clothes.


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Apparently I'm flirty, according to people I talk to. :P


Social Butterfly

Over the past few months I've been becoming popular within my school. Everyone is starting to like me. ;o



I'm always wanting to achieve the highest score possible in a test. (then again, everyone does)



Art is my life.




I'm not brave at all. I'm horribly scared of nearly everything.

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Friendly - I can be a very kind and loving person on the inside, even though it's not as much physically.


Loner - Maybe I'm just not trying? But then again, I am afraid of trying...


Natural Cook - My parents and friends are always praising me for my cooking. Hopefully I could put it to good use.


Socially Awkward - For when shyness isn't enough. I usually just remain silent to absolutely everyone, and I'm always concerned about my surroundings.


Supernatural Skeptic - I just don't believe in luck, curses or ghosts. I prefer to believe in science because with science, there's always an explanation on how everything works.
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Alright, here are my traits.


I'm a vehicle enthusiast, I love cars.


Workaholic and a perfectionist.


I'm shy most of the times, socially awkward.


Friendly, family orientated, clumsy, childish.


Adventurous, athletic, brave, artistic and a bookworm.


Little evil..


Genius.. lol, handy and a loner.


Photographer's eye, loves the outdoors, loves the cold, loves to swim.


Gatherer, disciplined and sometimes a little absent minded.


Can get a little bit dramatic.


Also, the last but not least.. Flirty. If given the chance that is.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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I'm a creative, inventive, imaginative, unconventional weirdie and proud of it.



I dislike routine, and enjoy venturing out to find different experiences.



Love fun, hate work. Somewhat uncouth.


Computer Whiz

Love computers and technology.



I'm a creative, inventive, imaginative, unconventional weirdie and proud of it.

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