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Stereotypes you HATE!

Hi Hi Puffy YumiMiko

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I hate all stereotypes, but ones that really get my goat are:


- All Brits have either the London Cockney accent ("SHINE YEH SHOES, GUVNA?"), or the Silver Spooned Queens English Accent ("I say, dear, would you be smashing and fetch me a glass of sherry?"). We Northerners have distinct accents too! You certainly can't beat a Liverpudlian accent either.

- All Brits have bad teeth. (Not sure where this one even comes from, since we apparently have one of the best dental hygiene and health levels in Europe.)

- All Russians are stinking, alcoholic racist bigots. (I've met a few Russian people at University, and they were definitely some of the nicest people around campus.)

- You use a computer, therefore you're a genius and know everything about computers. (Mostly older members of my family who seem to think that, because I can end a process in Task Manager, that means I know how to set up seperate OS's on one machine and can write C++ in my sleep.)

- Bronies are all pedophiles/perverts/bestiality practitioners/insert-horrid-stereotype-here. (It's pretty much the same for most fandom on the internet, to be fair. Doesn't make me any better.)

- Fedora's are trashy and look vile and only fat people wear them. (Excuse me, but not only are fedorah's good hats to wear in the Summer, but we big fellah's rock fedora's! Al Capone, Detective Batista..)

- The idea that young, unemployed people are all just dirty, shiftless layabouts. (I hate this one the most: Being unemployed is utterly humiliating, but the way (especially here in Britain) the press and some of the older generation talk about us, you'd think unemployment is always a life choice.)

- Depressed people should just "get on with their life" and magically overcome whatever is making them depressed (Being a depression sufferer and someone who is still prone to it, especially following my recent break-up, the idea that depressed people should just carry on without telling anyone, and not whine about it, is horrendously outdated. This is sadly common in Britain (Or at least, according to the press and recent suicide and hospital figures) where the prevelant "Stiff Upper Lip" attitude means people (especially men) are discouraged from sharing their feelings and advised to carry on. Depression is a horrendous burden to carry, and people just can't overcome it, just like you can't shrug off a tumour or walk off a missing leg.)

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"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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@@Aisling Ink, oh god, seriously? You should have told her to read the advertisements in virtually all mainstream super hero comics then as most of them that I've seen are literally directed at children.



I know right? :/ The saddest thing is that I have wanted to work in that comic-book store ever since I was 14 (now I'm 26) but the owner just never asks me when he changes his staff. I felt rather insulted in an indirect way.



My OC Aisling Ink

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I hate the stereotype that white guys can't jump...


Only because it's true. 

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I hate all stereotypes, but ones that really get my goat are:

- All Brits have bad teeth. (Not sure where this one even comes from, since we apparently have one of the best dental hygiene and health levels in Europe.)

I can see at least one example of such, though I don't believe it would really be the reason behind it. There is the comedy British spy Austin Powers that had bad teeth... though I also believe the movies employed a number of stereotypes so perhaps it wouldn't count.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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   Modern kid shows are multiple big stereotypes I hate, I am not a child any more but I know repulsive stereotypes we I see it, for example it portrays every ethnic person as a foreigner, and does not participate in their birth nation's culture, so have a completely separate culture that they only identify with. The children are dumb stereotype is a common fad, since the shows tend to point out the obvious, break the old media rule "show don't tell", and repeat instructions and lessons over and over again, they talk down and patronize children and have no respect for their intelligence. Friends, Boys and Girls rarely bicker, especially in kid shows with no conflict, plot, character nor story. Adults are superfluous and unneeded, in fact most kid show leave adults out entirely or are dumbed down like the children and have to behave like a prosaic simpleton. Finally, that all children are loud and hyper, ignoring the children that were quiet and gentle, which is more common than people are willing to give notice, if anyone has ever seen "The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure," it is the odius opus of everything stereotypical in modern western culture, and the fact that people are excepting and are entertained by such rubbish is equally repugnant, we need stereotype breaking show again, to show and respect the people that make up the globe, then we can have humour and laughs since we are all in on the joke, so we need show like MLP-FiM that respects our differences and similarities, despite our diversity we come together like a community and contribute our talents to each others' benefit. 

Edited by Emperor Peter
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  • 1 year later...

I have some more:


-That all 12 are dumb and have bad grammar. It's always taught to be a 12 year old if someone has bad grammar. Never a younger age, always 12.


-That Christians are homophobes, think the Earth is 6000 years old, and pray for things in every situation.


-That black people always make mixtapes.


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I hate how most people assume autistic people are head-banging, screaming banshees. People are too ignorant to know that Autism is a spectrum. I have autism myself, but it's become very mild lately. Ever since my anxiety and depression disappeared... I've been realizing the true meaning of being alive and happy. So yeah.


Also, I hate how people automatically assume that some of my fangirl crushes look like girls. It's one that's always pissed me off because people don't know shit about how androgynous the japanese boys are in the visual kei scene. Don't talk shit about what you don't know or understand.


For example:






This is Hizaki. He is in fact male not female. He only LOOKS female because of his highly androgynous appearance right now. This is a perfect example of how the visual kei scene really is.

Edited by AdorbzFangirl
  • Brohoof 1

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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I like how all english people are supposed to drink tea and eat crumpets. it's pretty true xD

i dont really like stereotype like all muslims are terrorists. that's clearly not true. black people eating chicken, well more white people probably eat chicken. the guy that invented kfc was white (cause it tends to be kfc black people stereotypically eat around here). dunno where that one even came from XD 

Edited by Brechard
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Okay...I have to get this off of my chest.  I have seen the stereotype that ALL AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE BRAIN-DEAD ASS FACES WHO DON'T KNOW SHIT AND ARE FAT!  Can I just say that I myself am autistic and I am very intelligent, yes I may ask for clarification and ask a lot of questions along with me not being the smartest guy ever, but seriously people; autistic people are simply stunning.  They are some of the most amazing people I know and I am glad that I am different.  Not only does this stereotype offend me greatly, there are actually people that are a lot more autistic than I am to the point where they cant read correctly, write, walk or so much as speak.  Who ever made this stereotype should be put on trial, burned and be served to hell-hounds.

all stereotypes are horrible in one way or another but this since also am an autistic pegesister not a fan of this one along with the stigma of autistics are unable to have relationships, are always childish or only a disability that just effets childhood and are screwed if you are diognoised at an older age. as well as mares cant make the first move and all with crushes but in short all stereotypes shouldnt be believed in and things should be researhed or know the other pony beforre saying anything that might offend them basically. 

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Any brony stereotype.

Any racist or sexist stereotype.

The stereotype that all teens are rude, obnoxious, idiots (I'm pretty much the opposite of that stereotype) but there still is teens like that. Just not all of them.

Stereotypes just drive me mad. End of :P.

I hate all stereotypes, but ones that really get my goat are:


- All Brits have either the London Cockney accent ("SHINE YEH SHOES, GUVNA?"), or the Silver Spooned Queens English Accent ("I say, dear, would you be smashing and fetch me a glass of sherry?"). We Northerners have distinct accents too! You certainly can't beat a Liverpudlian accent either.

You sir get a bro hoof from a Liverpudlian :P. It's nice to have someone compliment the accent for once XD.

img-31490-1-img-31490-1-sig-31490.sig-31You know. I was once 20% cooler. ONCE! It was pretty awesome... You should try it sometime :P.http://mlpforums.com/topic/123295-ask-nuclearburg-stuff-p/ ask me random stuff...

Signature made by Starlight Glimmer. Thanks a bunch!

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Pretty much all of them, all the sexist, racist, age, (...) stereotypes.


Pink being my favorite color, I really don't like the stereotype of being gay if we like that color.

Edited by Blobulle
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  • Bronies are cancer of the internet and live in their parents basements and are virgins

Cartoons are for little kids

Nintendo is for little kids

Asians are bad drivers

Blacks are good at basketball

Men are idiots and women are nags (coming from Mr. Enter)

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I'm going to just blurt out everything and will probably end up going on a tangent and list things that aren't really stereotypes, but here goes:


- British people must all like tea. (I hate tea, like really hate it)

- British people sound like the Queen. (And live in a large castle in the countryside and have lots of dogs)

- Asian people are all good at math. (If that were true we'd probably have created a supercomputer that can calculate the meaning of the universe by now)

- All Asians speak Putonghua/Mandarin Chinese. (And Chinese totally sounds like "ching chong ling long")

- Tall people have to play basketball. (Cause everyone adores being athletic)

- People who wear glasses are nerds. (Again, if that were true, we'd probably have created a supercomputer that can calculate the meaning of the universe by now)

- Girls with short hair and guys with long hair are automatically gay. (So if you like the colour pink you should burn in hell, right?)

- Everyone on the internet is in America. (Cause there's only one continent you can possibly be in.)

- People who look slightly yellowly/tan must be from Asia. (Cause the sun is nonexistent now, innit?)

- People who don't go to church are Satanists. (And will sacrifice you to Satan for no reason.)

- People who make controversial YouTube comments must be 12 years old. (If that were true the entire world would just stay 12 and nobody would have any grandmothers.)

- All females wear makeup. (Ha.)

- All teenage girls don't study and only focus on flirting with boys. (Double ha.)

- All males are obsessed with sports. (Triple ha.)

- All teenage boys don't study and only play video games. (Somewhat true, but still people actually do go to libraries)

- Black people are automatically badass druggies. (And wear sunglasses, hoodies, backwards caps, listen to trap music and roll up in pickup trucks.) 

- Black people and asians aren't racist against anyone. Only whites are racist. (Quadruple ha.)

- All white people are American, racist, or jerks. (Or all three.)

- All bronies think Fluttershy is best pony. 

- All bronies think Luna is best princess.

- Rainbow Dash represents the entire fandom. (Have you even seen the things that depict "brony" alongside "Rainbow Dash")

- Students always revise last minute, go on all nighters, and drink coffee. (Or Red Bull. Or both mixed)

- Anyone in a hoodie probably smokes weed. (And are probably black.)

- Thin people are anorexic. (Anorexic people would therefore be sticks.)

- People who don't fit into the above category are therefore obese. (Obese people would therefore be elephants.)

- People who need their glasses to see are blind. (Blind people are therefore... hang on a second when I think of a comparison as rude as this stereotype)

- People who make a spelling or grammar error on the internet are autistic.

- People who have an opinion are wrong.

Edited by Sonata Dusk



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The following are stereotypes that piss me off:

"Dragon Ball is just 30 minutes of dudes in tights going 'AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!'"

"All anime is obnoxious, and is just a bunch of Japanese kids jumping around."

"Men are dumber than women."

"Women are weaker the men."

"White Heterosexual Christian Males are evil."

"All bronies are autistic, immature, lonely, pathetic, pedophiles with neck beards who always spam on forums and masturbate to horses."

"Furies are faggots who always post furry porn and fuck other people in animal suits." (I'm not even a Furry, and this pisses me off!)

"Christians are homophobic assholes who push their beliefs in everyones faces."

"Atheists are anti-theist pricks who shove their beliefs in everyone's faces."



I mean, I make a lot of stereotyped jokes, but I CERTAINLY don't legitimately believe in any of them!

Edited by Shenron00
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Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually think most stereotypes are pretty hilarious. What's the alternative? Let a punch of pricks have control over my emotions and sense of well-being? No thanks. I'd rather laugh than cry in these sort of situations. 


I guess the stereotypes I hate are ones that are truly racist, sexist, etc: like, not a joke, but legitimately hateful. Even still, I don't let any of that shit get to me. Anyone who's an actual racist or sexist is fucking stupid and they aren't worth my time.



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I hate only two stereotypes:


- That all Muslims support violence and terrorism. I'm a Muslim myself. Should you explore deeper into it, you'll find that what you think is the complete opposite of what I just said.

- All negative stereotypes about bronies. Yes, everything.

Edited by TimeyMarey007



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omg this is some outdated stuff


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I hate the stereotype that teenagers are all angst-filled and impolite.



Even though Kaz here is banned, I still have to reflect on this...



...it's not a stereotype...that's absolutely true.



EDIT: Also, I'm quite aware I'm gonna frustrate someone with this post, and I can honestly say: I don't care. Not even a little.  ;)


Really, teenagers, basically anyone ages 11 - 21 or somewhere around there are some of the worst people ever, myself included. And it has nothing to do with who they are, it's just that teenagers are stupid, arrogant jerks. All of us. We do have our very good qualities but at the end of the day, we're still teenagers. Just wanted to get this out there. c:

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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