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This is the one we have where i volunteer:



and just to brag here is another plane we have:



we also have this:



any questions?

Maybe we should have an Airplane Olympics 2014 competition like the MLP World Cup to determine which is the best plane!


There are many planes with different roles that set them all apart. Trying to determine which is the best airplane is like comparing apples to oranges.


However, I think we can all say the creation of this airplane revolutionized long-distance travel with wide-body comfort!


Behold, the first ever 747:




Sadly, while many 747-400s (the most common version in flight) continue to fly today, its successor the 747-8I has gained very few orders (or not sufficient orders) from airlines, while most of its orders are for the freighter version. 20 years from now, I suspect most 747s left will probably be freighters if production dies down to a halt this decade. Will the 747 become the next MD11 as a plane known to be commonly used as a freighter over passenger service?

Edited by Wingin'Wolf
  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Maybe we should have an Airplane Olympics 2014 competition like the MLP World Cup to determine which is the best plane!


There are many planes with different roles that set them all apart. Trying to determine which is the best airplane is like comparing apples to oranges.


However, I think we can all say the creation of this airplane revolutionized long-distance travel with wide-body comfort!


Behold, the first ever 747:




oh yeah thats the one we have, the first 747 is at the museum of flight


Avatar by Jokuc     ~      Signature by me      ~      (Try it) War Thunder ID: ColonelWaffle

studying to be a pilot!           ~           I like planes (B-17 FTW)          ~         What's-its-face window


"Never accept the sky as the limit, we got to the moon and beyond."

- some guy with an unhealthy obsession of planes

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oh yeah thats the one we have, the first 747 is at the museum of flight

I still need to go to Seattle to visit it, as well as the Air and Space museum in DC. So much on one's bucket list...

Edited by Wingin'Wolf
  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I still need to go to Seattle to visit it, as well as the Air and Space museum in DC. So much on one's bucket list...


it's worth it for sure. tons of planes

  • Brohoof 1


Avatar by Jokuc     ~      Signature by me      ~      (Try it) War Thunder ID: ColonelWaffle

studying to be a pilot!           ~           I like planes (B-17 FTW)          ~         What's-its-face window


"Never accept the sky as the limit, we got to the moon and beyond."

- some guy with an unhealthy obsession of planes

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God, I love being up high. The threat of falling just makes it better.

Threat of falling? How about having you hang by your arms to the rungs of a helicopter?


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I love flying. I used to spend hours on FS2004 and FSX and had a lot of addons that made it realistic. Also tried a 737 for a while and it was the most incredible experience I've ever had.


The Lockheed L-1011 and MD-11 are the best planes. I don't know. I just have a thing for mounted engines on the tail.

Edited by Warm Regards
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Well in all honesty, I love the ability to fly like in Minecraft, or in my dreams. But for some reason in my dreams when I have a flying dream, it never goes the way I want. Like I never FULLY fly, I like float or theres a catch like I have to concentrate the whole time otherwise it doesn't work grr.


I do or have always wished I was my OC so that I really could fly, I know I would love it and probably fly all the time, like down the stairs or to work, or hover while talking to friends like RD.


But when it comes to real airplane travel...its a living nightmare, especially when you travel over seas. The distance of sitting that long is gut wrenching, and unless you have first class sitting, you will be sitting mere inch from strangers and exposed to hundreds of thousands of people on the flight and in the airport. The odds of NOT getting sick are NOT in your favor as me and my husband have experienced. Flight travel SUCKS!

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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I love flying. I used to spend hours on FS2004 and FSX and had a lot of addons that made it realistic. Also tried a 737 for a while and it was the most incredible experience I've ever had.


The Lockheed L-1011 and MD-11 are the best planes. I don't know. I just have a thing for mounted engines on the tail.

Don't forget the DC10 and ancient 727! Have you ridden on any of those or do you just like the appearance.


If you do want to get on one, you better book a random flight with KLM to Amsterdam, because they will be the last to fly the heavy trijet around the world this year!



Well in all honesty, I love the ability to fly like in Minecraft, or in my dreams. But for some reason in my dreams when I have a flying dream, it never goes the way I want. Like I never FULLY fly, I like float or theres a catch like I have to concentrate the whole time otherwise it doesn't work grr.


I do or have always wished I was my OC so that I really could fly, I know I would love it and probably fly all the time, like down the stairs or to work, or hover while talking to friends like RD.


But when it comes to real airplane travel...its a living nightmare, especially when you travel over seas. The distance of sitting that long is gut wrenching, and unless you have first class sitting, you will be sitting mere inch from strangers and exposed to hundreds of thousands of people on the flight and in the airport. The odds of NOT getting sick are NOT in your favor as me and my husband have experienced. Flight travel SUCKS!

I've had a few free-flight dreams, except a few of them were rather hard to perform with. Still pretty cool if the outdoor scenery looks nice and not sort of foggy like the dream makes it appear.


Don't watch airplane accident shows or you'll be grounded for life!

Edited by Wingin'Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Don't forget the DC10 and ancient 727! Have you ridden on any of those or do you just like the appearance.


If you do want to get on one, you better book a random flight with KLM to Amsterdam, because they will be the last to fly the heavy trijet around the world this year!

I should say favourites, rather than best. I have been on the MD-11 but a long time ago. I don't know. I just like the look of the tail mounts. It's a shame to see that they're about to die out. Hopefully I'll be able to go on it one more time with KLM.

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I've only ever flown commercially, never operating. I absolutely hate flying. Setting aside the fact that it's cramped and you have only one of two positions to be in for (for my usual flight route) 14 hours (standing and sitting,) but flying makes me feel terrible. I get horrible edema, not to mention bloating and cramping. I can't eat anything because of it. I wanna drink ginger ale to make my stomach feel better, but that only makes the bloating and edema worse. Not to mention that being in close quarters with a few hundred people for more than half a day, breathing recycled air, I always... always catch something whenever I fly. Which almost makes it pointless to have done in the first place. Why go anywhere if you're just gonna be sick the whole time and not able to go to any places or have any fun? I hate turbulance. I hate takeoff and landing. I just hate everything about flying. Too bad I have to whenever I wanna go home...

Edited by Clover Heart
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maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Well I just recently got my flight information for my trip to Denmark in two weeks; I'll be flying on three Boeing 737s (a 300, 500, and 800), two 777s, and a Canadair RJ 700. Talk about diversity (surprisingly no airbus planes this time). Can't wait!


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Does skydiving or anything count as flying or is this just limited to planes? I love the idea of just going up really high and then falling back down to Earth.


I love flying in video games though. Just Cause 2 Multiplayer is brilliant when lots of people are all together in jet planes :3

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Does skydiving or anything count as flying or is this just limited to planes? I love the idea of just going up really high and then falling back down to Earth.


I love flying in video games though. Just Cause 2 Multiplayer is brilliant when lots of people are all together in jet planes :3

Sure! (I should probably edit the title to include free falling of any kind). Sky diving is probably as close as we'll get to feeling that sense of freedom from the ground (and also to Dash's sonic rainboom I guess, if you're diving real fast).

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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WWII planes are the best planes.

Good ol' classic fighter jets (unless you don't consider that classic). I'm actually not too familiar with WWII planes except with B52s, the B17 flying fortress and the spitfire (you don't see them around anymore).

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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