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Selfies: What Do You Think Of Them?


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I personally dislike selfies.
I think they are a very good example of what is wrong with our modern society: a narcissistic focus on the self and the expectation that others will care about you as much as you do.

Example: Pretty girl posts a pic of herself with the "I am so ugly, LOL" caption with the expectation that people will respond, "No, you're so beautiful. Don't say that about yourself."... yea, some self esteem boost you got there, congrats.

Some troll gets on and tells her, "Lol, you're right, you're ugly.". Ruins her day..
It is disappointing that selfies have become socially acceptable. I wish that there was a dislike button on Facebook.

There are two stories which stuck out to me on selfies.
1.) There were people on the 105 Freeway in Los Angeles taking selfies with a suicidal man in the background.. the reason why the freeway was held up in the first place. Talk about disgraceful.

2.) A sad story where a woman was taking selfies of herself while speeding on a highway. She posted them on Facebook. She hit a truck and was killed instantly.



Some selfies are admittedly okay. I liked a selfie for instance when someone was showing off how much weight he lost and another selfie when someone was showing off a cool haircut she just got. However, selfies without purpose except showing off yourself are useless. The worlds of Facebook and Twitter don't care about you.



I can tolerate selfies. I am simply expressing my opinon. I'm not calling for a selfie ban for some bullshit like that, but that doesn't mean I like them.


What do you think?
Also, apologies if I offended any selfie addicts on this forum.  

Edited by DukeofCanterlot
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Any frooging spoiled teenage girl with a camera: Look at me I'm a photographer! If I put a filter over this it means I'm professional! *Posts picture on Facebook* I'm so ugly :( Please give me likes and attention.

Also photos of Starbucks' cups. Seriously, please burn in Hell anyone who does this.

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A annoying plague that as infected the internet. It seems to have evolved into three main species as well , the slut, the duck face and the swagfag.

Edited by Kurai
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Selfies with famous people, like the pope and shizz, are kinda funny. But I hate selfies in general. When did they appear? They kinda popped up from nowhere suddenly.

Edited by GhostPony750
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people can do whatever they want with their lives.


saying that 'these selfies aren't ok' is just wrong, however they don't make them look less stupid (I laugh on the inside)


that's what I think about these selfies that are usually on the mirror in your bathroom, because people always look awkward in those, I like ones you take to yourself directly from the camera.


So I both hate and like selfies.


I saw a news where a girl died in Russia because she fell off a bridge for taking daring selfies there.

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I don't really care for them that much since there doesn't seem to be a point to them for me. I absolutely hate those attention seeking photos you mentioned though.

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It's a social thing. People are social. They're just throwaway moments that don't mean anything in anyone's grand scheme. It takes a second to take a pic and a few more to post it. Much ado about nothing.


They're kinda silly I guess. I don't do it, or participate in social media in general, because I do believe nobody cares much about what I'm doing, and I can tell you for certain I don't care much about what other people are doing, at least not people I talk to daily. On occasion if I'm part of an event, that's different, but day to day? Nah, never.

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I don't really care of them, if someone wants to snap a picture of themselves to promote their looks, then I guess they can. It is a pretty silly social trend.

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It's literally just people taking pictures of themselves. There's nothing to think about it. It's no different than somebody posting a picture someone else took of them. I guess when people constantly post selfies it's annoying, but selfies themselves are nothing beyond a pictures.

Edited by Callisto
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I think the term itself it stupid like most other things in pop culture. Taking a picture of oneself, however, isn't all that bad of a thing. In some cases. In other cases, I think the person doing it is a total mouth breather and should probably be slapped for their stupidity.

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They often spam my newsfeed up on facebook and it makes me want to scream. There are MANY females I see post at least one A DAY.  Yes, we know what you look like, from every possible angle now, good for you.


I take one when my hair changes or something to keep my profile picture updated, that's about it.

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Example: Pretty girl posts a pic of herself with the "I am so ugly, LOL" caption with the expectation that people will respond, "No, you're so beautiful. Don't say that about yourself."... yea, some self esteem boost you got there, congrats.

Some troll gets on and tells her, "Lol, you're right, you're ugly.". Ruins her day..

I dislike that >_>  When they say they look ugly only to get attention... :o

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I dislike that >_>  When they say they look ugly only to get attention... :o

To be fair, the methodology likely isn't restricted to just pretty girls. I'm sure more than once depressed people have posted on internet forums like these with "I'm worthless, my life is headed nowhere" hoping for people to state otherwise. (Obviously, they don't want to believe they're worthless, but could use outside encouragement)


Yeah, I never noticed the growth of the term "selfie", but it can't be an entirely new thing. It's kind of just an obvious extension now that decent cameras cost like $4 to solder into a phone, and phones now have two.

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I have no problem with a few selfies - if you're feeling good about yourself, share a picture. If you're in a cool place, share a picture. If you're with some friends, take a picture for the memories - it's all the same as getting someone else to take one for you. People who take stupid selfies are generally people who take stupid pictures in the first place.

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I can understand taking a selfie for a profile picture. I've only ever taken maybe 10 selfies for profile pictures in the last 5 years. I don't get why people post a new selfie on facebook/twitter/whatever every other day. It's kind of annoying. Especially when they post a caption like "I'm so ugly lmao!". 

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*Posts selfie*

ZOMG i'm sooo ugly so look at my other 1000 pictures to see my face and hot bod!!!


(If you want to see selfies,look up AcaciaBrinley on instagram and look at her mavelousssss selfies /sarcasm)

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Selfies look ridiculous. Everyone at my highschool seems to take them constantly.


I hate it when people take a picture of themselves doing a stupid face any they think they are cute.


That song just made matters worse.... ;)

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