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Season 4 Reviews/Thoughts


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So now that season 4 is finally over, what did every one think? Good? Bad? Ugly? A true masterpiece worthy of being remembered for the rest of human existence? Share your thoughts here.



There wasn't a thread of this yet, surprisingly, so I thought I'd make one.

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Overall I thought this season was pretty darn good. It had some really great episodes and moments, introduced us a great new location in Rainbow Falls, and even introduced a new species to us with the Breezies


Also had very strong opening and ending specials.


But of course, it's not without its flaws. Some episodes were terrible, especially the CMC ones, save for Sweetie Belle's episode which was ok. I thought we were plastered with too much Rainbow Dash at the beginning too.


As a Rairty fan, I was pleased with all of her episodes. As a fan of Fluttershy too, I feel satisfied. However, as a Pinkie fan, I'm a little on the fence. Her episodes were great, but wen it wasn't her episodes, she was portrayed an idiotic annoyance.


Next would be new characters. Cheese sandwich, Maud Pie, Terrik, the list goes on. We had some excellent new characters. Heck, I'd say the best out of any season.


There's probably more for me to say, but I can't think of any else for now.

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This was a season that I felt was really made with us in mind. Not us *primarily* (the older fans I mean), but from start to finish I felt more .. I don't know .. legitimized .. as a fan of the show than I ever was before (not that I loved it any less before).


I'm easy to please so for the most part I was very happy with the majority of the episodes. Some really stood out as great and a couple I could pass on (Castle Mane-ia, Power Ponies .. .. meh) but on the whole, fantastique.

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This season is probably a contender for my favorite season. So much great moments, and great humor. Also the animation improved a lot as seen in both 2 parters and Pinkie Pride. When an episode was good, it was really good. There were a couple duds like Rainbow Falls and Somepony to watch over me, but even the duds weren't completely bad. 


Some flaws I had like Pinkie's characterization and the mane six being in episodes they didn't really need to were actually fixed later in the season.


So overall, good season.

  • Brohoof 1



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I enjoyed this season a lot and loved the new characters shown and even the new locations that were shown, the show will continue to amaze me with its talented writers and staff, I love the characters that are new and old and the songs are amazing! This season was probably my favorite next to season 1 and I look forward to season 5!


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Season is still probably my least favorite season, but lets just say the last few episodes + the finale definitely increased my opinion of it by a ton

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This season was tons better than the last (but it does not take much to improve on a season that was half as long as all of the others), and it had some of my favorite moments in the show so far in it. From the interaction we got between Twilight and RD in TT123, to the entierty of Pinkie Pride, and of course Rarity takes Manehatten, this season had a lot of great moments, and its down moments were just lackluster, but not terrible as the issues in previous seasons. So while it did not have the constant amazingness that season 2 had for me, it also lacked the huge issues that almost ruined s3. All in all it was a fairly solid season, and it definitely restored my faith in the show. I look forward towards the next season with a lot more optimism than I did this one.

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There were two episodes I didn't like and that is IT. A lot of episodes had problems, every single one of them had a little point that annoyed me, but this season is definitively excellent.


Overall, even if I don't like some of the new canon, I can't argue that the show has only been getting better and better.


Honestly, I think I'll only know what I think of the whole Rainbow Power thing in next season to see how it's played out. I just hate the characters like that. Look like some five years old made them.

Edited by moonlightavenger
  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I think this was the best season. The opening two-parter, the finale, testing testing 1,2.3, Daring Don't, and Rarity Takes Manehatten were my top 5 favorite episodes. Loved Discord this season, particularly in the finale. Applejack and Rarity were also great. Twilight and Fluttershy felt a little stale at times, but both realty shined when the spotlight was on them. A lot of good songs, great animation, and only one episode I thought was bad; every episode had redeeming qualities imo. Overall, the most consistent season and probably the most mature one too (great morals and character conflicts).


Edited by LZRD WZRD
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+6 Excellent episodes

  • Pinkie Apple Pie
  • Pinkie Pride
  • Maud Pie
  • Rarity Takes Manehattan
  • Inspiration Manifestation
  • Flight to the Finish

+Keys episodes were generally good

+Triek's forshadowing in Castlemania 
+The CMC
+Animations and Backgrounds


-The rest of the 18 episodes were okay or just terrible
-The Equestrian Games subplot failed with the actual episode devoted to it and with the next con
-Rainbow Falls which all of the characters were OOC and had to have Derpy to save it
-It Ain't Easy Being Breezies was a board fest for a key episodes
-Weak Opening
-One unresolved cliffhanger in the beginning of the season (i.e. Bats!)
-How Spike was treated


The season overall was good,but it wasnt excellent. One major thing that brings down the season were 2 key episodes. The first is Rainbow Falls because of its stupid plot and the characters being OOC. What hurts more  was that this was major story episode for the for both the Equestrian Games and the season as a whole. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies was too a  horrible key episode because it was an  overall snore fest and logic with the Breezies just right down confusing. Another thing that hurts it was its first seven episodes. The opening was weak and wasnt exciting as others before it. With following epsiodes also hurt this season with  a unresolved cliffhanger and completely forgetting the lesson learned  in Power Ponies with Spike. In the end, the cons, saldy out weigh the pros and that why I am getting the season:

7.8/10 (Good)

If Equestrian Games didn't fail and Rainbow Falls had an overall better story the rating may have gone up. Another thing that may have helped was if had a stronger opening and if Spike was treated as an actual character instead of a punching bag.

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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+8 Excellent episodes

  • Pinkie Apple Pie
  • Pinkie Pride
  • Maud Pie
  • Finale
  • Rarity Takes Manehattan
  • Inspiration Manifestation

+Keys episodes were generally good

+The CMC


+Animations and Backgrounds


-The rest of the 18 episodes were okay or just terrible

-The Equestrian Games subplot failed with the actual episode devoted to it and with the next con

-Rainbow Falls which all of the characters were OOC and had to have Derpy to save it

-It Ain't Easy Being Breezies was a board fest for a key episodes

-Weak Opening

-Two unresolved cliffhangers in the beginning of the season (i.e. Bats! and Castle-Mane-ia)

-How Spike was treated


The season overall was okay and it wasnt the best. One major thing that brings down the season were 2 key episodes. The first is Rainbow Falls because of its stupid plot and the characters being OOC. What hurts was that this was major story episode for the for both the Equestrians Games and the season as a whole. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies was horrible key episode too because it was an  overall board fest and logic with the Breezies was confusing. Another thing that hurts was its beginning with episode 1-7. The opening was weak and wasnt exciting as others before it and with episodes following it also hurt this season with unresolved cliffhangers and completely forgetting a lesson in Power Ponies with Spike. In the end, the cons out weigh the pros and that why I am getting the season:

5/10 (Average)

If Equestrian didnt fail and Ranbow Falls had an overall better story the rating may have gone up. Another thing that may have helped was if had a stronger opening and if Spike was treated as an actual character instead of a punching bag.



Don't forget the finale.




[EDIT] whops forget this comment

Edited by RailOfFire


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-Two unresolved cliffhangers in the beginning of the season (i.e. Bats! and Castle-Mane-ia)



Because Fluttershy still had a fang and the shadow of a "Shadow Pony"? You do realize that both were nods to classic horror films?

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Season 4 absolutely blew my mind.  It is DEFINITELY my favorite seasons out of all of them.  There was so much suspense wrapped around the entire series, especially the finale.  The finale was incredibly amazing too.  I started to tear up when Discord gave Twilight the medallion and said how he really meant it as a sign of friendship  :(


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This season was AMAZING. The visuals were great,the sound track was good, has my 2 favorite episodes (the finale and rainbowfalls) and was just over mindblowing. It makes me sad that ill have to wait another year and that season 5 could be the last season. I have also heard that they are going to be focusing back on their main target audience from now on as the last 2 seasons were more of fan service seasons. This is understandable but it still upsets me slightly. With season 5 being the possible last seasonnit makes me think of whether the mlp will see another generation and whether it will change dramatically. I dont hope that season 5 is the last season but there will be a last season and when that happens i hope the do start a new generation not long after and dont change it much. It also makes me think of when it does end how much of the brony fandom will live on. It wont die off completely, but it will be less prominent with less people identifying as bronies and less people making fan projects.


WOW, i went on a massive tangent there but oh well.


Season rating:10/10

Emtpy feeling now the season is over:10/10

Probability of rewatching all the episodes atleast 5 times:10/10

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It would take me a few to actually recollect on how the entire season was. But for now, I'm thinking it was possibly the best season yet, I very much enjoyed it. Especially that finale! ^^


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NICE recovery from Season 3.  I don't know if it surpasses season 2, but it's close.  If I were to be completely honest, I think I might say it was better than Season 1.  But then season 1 has some nostalgic value as the season that introduced the series to me. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Better than Season 3, and better than S1, maybe even S2 minus a few biased personal exceptions like Discord's premiere for me, as well. That finale capped off a 'really good' season, and made it a 'great' season, for me. It wrapped up numerous loose-ends that the fandom had been whining about discussing the entire length of it, and it was incredible overall.


As the fandom's grown, more people have been throwing negativity around (or that is to say, the overall amount of people who are negative and critical of everything are in more numbers, and are thus louder), but IMO this is an achievement for the show's career. World building, amazing new character, a great overarching plot-line and more were all done really nicely.

  • Brohoof 3


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This has been my favourite season so far. The beautiful animation style in the premiere started it off on the right hoof for me, and it just kept going! That's not to say there were no lowlights, but there were far more highlights and overall I really loved the season. Mind you I'm pretty easily pleased with MLP, I tend to go into each episode intending to enjoy it and get the best out of it. Even so, I was face palming a few times, so let's start with the bits I couldn't help grouching over:


  • At some points I wondered if Twilight was becoming best background pony, she seemed to be in it so little, with not much character development.
  • Why oh why did the writers decide to start showing Pinkie as a thoughtless, somewhat cruel at times, airhead? I shouted rude things at the screen more than once because of it.
  • No Celestia after the premiere. I get that they don't all write to her any more (and don't mind that) but surely as Twilight's mentor and ruler of the whole realm they could have given her something to do?
  • Why would the brilliant and talented Rarity design something so ugly as those costumes in Rainbow Falls?
  • Spike was more often than not a punching bag.
  • After building up since last season, the Equestria Games was all about Spike. I actually loved his story arc in the episode, but a bit more time with the games would have been nice.
  • Still no cutie marks for the CMCs!
  • Trade Ya, the only episode in all four seasons I've actually hated. Sure there are some I'm not fond of and probably wouldn't rewatch unless I was marathoning a whole season, but I couldn't stand Trade Ya and would skip it every time.


But then, there was so much good!


  • The animation, as I said, was top notch.
  • So many gorgeous new songs! I loved the diversity of styles in the music.
  • The rest of the mane six all got a chance to shine, develop, and learn new things.
  • The pop culture references were fun without being obnoxious - I adored the Doctor and Roseluck with 3D glasses moment.
  • Big Mac both sang and spoke!
  • Good continuity with previous stories and previous jokes (The Equestria Games, Cerberus in the finale, Rarity's fainting couch).
  • I really enjoyed Rainbow Dash's tendency to put on shades and act cool. 'Sup?
  • The ability to laugh at itself and at previous episodes - Applebloom's interrupted song, Rainbow Dash's face when Rarity started singing in Rarity Takes Manehattan, and my personal favourite, Rainbow telling Twlight that she sang "whole freak out arias".
  • Fluttershy finally got some good character development and was a bit braver.
  • Getting to see the insecurity behind her bravado made Rainbow Dash more relatable to me.
  • Lots and lots of touching moments. I won't try and list them all, but let's just say I spent a lot of time welling up and smiling all at once.
  • Lots of moments that were just plain emotional. This season really tugged at my heartstrings, which in turn made me love those ponies even more. Special shout out to Flight To The Finish, the first MLP episode to ever make me cry (but not the last, tears were shed during Pinkie Pride, Maud Pie and the finale)
  • Amazing new supporting characters - Cheese Sandwich, Maud Pie, Coco Pommel, Suri Polomare.
  • Lots of screen time for Rarity!
  • The sharp, witty dialogue in most of the episodes.
  • I felt like the attention to detail was so high - so many little things, even just their expressions at certain moments, it all made it much more real in a way.
  • Discord sang.


And last but not least:


  • The finale, which was 45 minutes or so of just pure emotion, adventure and wonder. 


The lists don't look that different in length do they lol! But where the list of things I didn't like covers all the things I didn't like, the list of what I loved is just my highlights out of a whole season of things to love.

Edited by multifacetedbrony
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This must be the 3rd season 4 reviews topic.


The season 4 became my 2nd favorite season of the show, behind the season 2.


Favorite episode: Bats!


Least favorite episode: Simple Ways


Overall the season 4 started very well, but the last episodes (from Leap of Faith to Inspiration Manifestation) kind of disappointed me.

I loved 11 out of the 22 episodes (I don't count the season premiere and finale) of the season. (by "I loved" I mean I voted the "I loved it! <3" option in the poll)


Castle Mane-ia

Twilight's Kingdom
Filli Vanilli
Maud Pie
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Rainbow Falls
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils

Daring Don't
Power Ponies
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Pinkie Apple Pie
There's a Crowd
Pinkie Pride
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Equestria Games
Inspiration Manifestation

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Flight to the Finish
Twilight Time
Leap of Faith
Trade Ya!

Somepony To Watch Over Me
Simple Ways


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Season 4 definitely took some time to plan and overall it was probably the best structured out of all 4 seasons. Though what disappointed me is how they jammed everything in the last 2 episodes.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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Thought I should put my episode ratings up too. (With individual ratings!)



Maud Pie (10/10)

Pinkie Pride (10/10)

Rarity Takes Manehattan (Fabulous 10/10)

Twilight's Kingdom (9.5/10)

Trade Ya (9/10)



Simple Ways (8.6/10)

Rainbow Falls (8.5/10)

Power Ponies (8.5/10)

Inspiration Manifestation (8.4/10)

Bats! (8/10)



Princess Twilight Sparkle (7.5/10)

Filli Vanilli (7.4/10)

Pinkie Apple Pie (7.2/10)

Castle-Mane-ia (7/10)



For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls (6.3/10)

It Ain't Easy Being Breezies (6/10)

Flight To The Finish (6/10)

Three's A Crowd (5.9/10)

Leap of Faith (5.5/10)

Equestria Games (4.5/10)



Daring Don't (3.5/10)

Somepony Watch Over Me (2.5/10)

Twilight Time (2/10)

Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3 (1.5/10)



For a season that I loved and enjoyed so much, I'm genuinely surprised at how many episodes I don't really care for. All CMC episodes were terrible, and most Rainbow Dash one's were bad except Rainbow Falls. Of course, Rarity and Pinkie episodes remain at the top and have great quality. Not surprised most Applejack stuff is near the bottom as well. Twilight seems to be everywhere, and best pony Fluttershy seems to be in the middle.


We needed that Luna episode this season...  :(


I still think this was a groundbreaking season in terms of quality, character introduction, and just overall story telling. I feel like they took risks and we got to see so much more of Equestria. I love the new location of Rainbow Falls as well.


Overall 9/10


I'm really looking forward to season 5 with great anticipation!  B)

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