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Are Fluttershy and Discord more than just friends?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I don't know what this show is doing to me.

I'm starting to think that a worm-like monstrosity and a yellow horse with wings are in a romantic relationship. I mean, she blushed when Discord hugged her, and Discord was pissed when he heard that Fluttershy was captured... can you really say that they're just friends?


And I thought it was weird to ship a female despot made out of bubblegum and a 1000-year old teenage vampire.

  • Brohoof 6

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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I doubt Fluttershy holds any romantic feelings for Discord, but I think he may view her as more than a friend.


"Fear not. Your romantic delusions are safe with me." :umad:

Edited by Kings&Hooves14

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Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

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Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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But really, I think they're just friends. And Celestia and Discord would make a pretty good couple.

Enter the Forest...

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S6 finale indicate that they are indeed more than friends. Expect a wedding in S7!


OK...I need to see an episode like this.


Can you imagine Fluttershy and Discord bickering over details?


"No, you can't turn my bridesmaids into toucans!" :angry:


"Oh, come on! It would only be for a few hours!" :umad:

  • Brohoof 5

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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Really weird that people have no difference between two species when it's Fluttershy and Discord but get upset when it's two species like Spike and Rarity.


Age differences is a cop out as well because Discord is several thousands of years older than Fluttershy as well which makes the disparity between Rarity and Spike's age look miniscule in comparison.

  • Brohoof 1


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Really weird that people have no difference between two species when it's Fluttershy and Discord but get upset when it's two species like Spike and Rarity.


Age differences is a cop out as well because Discord is several thousands of years older than Fluttershy as well which makes the disparity between Rarity and Spike's age look miniscule in comparison.

Age difference between two adult is not a taboo and its a part of the canon in Steven Universe. The show also made intentional ship teasing of FLutterCord because it doesn't bother them. Sparity is not a problem of an age difference, its a problem of KidXAdult relationship. Spike can easily date 60 year old Rarity as long as he is a mature dragon.

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Age difference between two adult is not a taboo and its a part of the canon in Steven Universe. The show also made intentional ship teasing of FLutterCord because it doesn't bother them. Sparity is not a problem of an age difference, its a problem of KidXAdult relationship. Spike can easily date 60 year old Rarity as long as he is a mature dragon.

Spike seems to be above the age of consent though. He's not like the CMC, his personality and the fact that he is somewhat of an intern of Twilight suggests he's 16 or older, about 17 years old or older now since one year has passed. The youngest you have to be to be an intern is 16 years old.

Edited by cider float


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I personally find it very difficult to accept that Discord's behavior reflects a platonic relationship.

And yet, nothing explicitly makes a romantic one apparent. 


In my head, they are in a gray area, and there's definitely some crushing going on.



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OK, seriously? You expect a creature of chaos who has never had a friend from the beginning of Equestria's comprehensible time, to be in a romantic relationship when he still very clearly has trouble just being a good friend, and understanding friendship? Seriously?!

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In my head, they are in a gray area, and there's definitely some crushing going on.


I can agree with this. By some of his actions I can see Discord having a crush of Fluttershy. His actions of jealousy most definitely among other things hint at it. In fact it is possible he has one and does not even realize it.


However, I still say ewww... nope.. no relationships.


~No profound statement needed~

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Really weird that people have no difference between two species when it's Fluttershy and Discord but get upset when it's two species like Spike and Rarity.


Age differences is a cop out as well because Discord is several thousands of years older than Fluttershy as well which makes the disparity between Rarity and Spike's age look miniscule in comparison.

Species difference would not matter as much since Discord can change into anything when he feels like it.


Age difference between adults does not matter. Expecially since Discord will not die and become elderly beforehand. Who complaints about Aragorn and Arwen? Spike is a child or a tween on the other hand.


I am not shipping Fluttercord exactly, I am not truly shipping anything in this show even if I think Starlight/Sunburst would be nice and has some changes of actually happening. But other people can ship Fluttercord if they feel like it, it is not a child/adult thing like Spike and Rarity and I usually do not like interspecies things because the wierd implications but with Discord it is just not the same issue.


And Discord really did care only about saving Fluttershy in the finale, not about Twilight or Celestia or anyone else he might care for as a friend. After his intital reaction in part 1 there was 6 more moments with him mentioning Fluttershy in part 2. And with Fluttershy I guess I can't discount one time blushing as evidence since that got me in trouble in season 4 of Korra (which did not have any other evidence for more than friendship between Korra and Asami). But it would still be strange to see this actually happen in the show and people saying they already have a romantic relationship is the same.

Spike seems to be above the age of consent though. He's not like the CMC, his personality and the fact that he is somewhat of an intern of Twilight suggests he's 16 or older, about 17 years old or older now since one year has passed. The youngest you have to be to be an intern is 16 years old.

Spike and Twilight have been together since he was hatched. And just because we have some age laws it does not mean Equestria is the same. But it is actually over 2 years that have passed since we have had 3 Hearth's Warming celebrations (when the Baby Cakes will age!!!).

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They are, in fact, bitter enemies who only pretend to get along for the sake of their on-screen moments together.


I just wanted to try something new.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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  • 1 year later...

Spike already noticed that they are more than friends. It is time for this forum to finally accept it. Cast your ships aside and finally accept Discord the way he is as well as his preferences in mares.



Edited by Conred
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1 hour ago, Conred said:

Spike already noticed that they are more than friends. It is time for this forum to finally accept it. Cast your ships aside and finally accept Discord the way he is as well as his preferences in mares.



That exact scene shows that Discord really likes tea.

Of course, Fluttershy's his first and most beloved friend. But that's it.

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16 hours ago, DonMaguz said:

That exact scene shows that Discord really likes tea.

Of course, Fluttershy's his first and most beloved friend. But that's it.

That scene shows that Discord avoid the topic and confirms him to crush on Fluttershy. Only people who haven't seen his previous episodes could assume he likes tea, and even then they need to ask themselves why Discord just didn't tell Spike that he just likes her as a friend. Either way Fluttercord is confirmed for everyone who isn't stubborn.

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Heh, not ashamed to admit that I used to be sort of a Fluttercord supporter. :mlp_icwudt: These days, I'm more interested in the idea of Celestia and Discord being former lovers, but I still think they could make for a cute couple. It's not an entirely unfounded suggestion either, looking at the ending line of Keep Calm and Flutter On and how even though Discord eventually became friends with all of the Mane 6, he was only motivated to come along to help save Equestria when he learned of Fluttershy's kidnapping. It's only evidence, not proof, but the writers have deliberately put more shipping possibility teases in the show as it's gone on. So I could buy them being more than just friends.

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22 hours ago, Conred said:

Spike already noticed that they are more than friends. It is time for this forum to finally accept it. Cast your ships aside and finally accept Discord the way he is as well as his preferences in mares.



It seems like he was dodging the question 'wink wink'

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2 hours ago, Kind Claw said:

It seems like he was dodging the question 'wink wink'

Yes, which is why i see it as confirmation. The show pointed out this ship with Spike, while Discord dodged this topic becuase the episode wasn't about fluttercord. They would have to invest entire 22 minute to really address it. There was no time to approach it with Sugar Bele and Big Mac being the main focus. It only serve to point out that it will become a thing in the future, probably in Discord related episode in S9.

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2 hours ago, Kind Claw said:

It seems like he was dodging the question 'wink wink'

Yep, Maybe it's the species difference is making it not cannon to Hasbro thought.


To Equestria thought... Discord might be scared by asking out Fluttershy will wreck their friendship if she doesn't!

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