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Nightmare Night

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Everything posted by Nightmare Night

  1. hmm lets see....... 1. People 2. Bees/wasps 3.Heat 4.The sun 5.Reality TV 6.Howard Stern 7.Rubber bullets on WarThunder 8.Wal-Mart 9.Steam 10.Talking on the phone 11.The D.M.V I could go on....
  2. didn't pinkie say in the movie that twilight was in Manhattan or new York or something? idk I need to go watch the movie again I guess. something about a twin sister and twilight just rolled with it?
  3. sorry but no...I will not bow to celestia. Only one princess has earned my eternal respect and her name is Princess Luna. But on a serious note...just no, aren't we different enough as is?
  4. When I started middle school my life stated spiraling downwards. My parents were constantly fighting-breaking up-getting back together-breaking up again. This left me unable to form proper relationships with others resulting in extreme anti-social behavior and shutting all my emotions inside me. This continued on and every day seemed to just get worse and worse. I was picked on all throughout my middle school years and the 1 year of high school I did before I got skipped up 3 grades and graduated. the entire time I only had a small handful of friends and 1 girl who I thought cared about me. I was on the verge of killing myself. the only reason I'm still here is that I didn't want my family to have to go through life knowing I killed myself. I never told any of them how depressed I was inside. Once I turned 18 I moved up from Jacksonville Florida to Hamilton Ohio to start my life over. I had a part time job arranged for me at my aunts restaurant where I worked for 1 year before starting a new job at Wendy's for a year and then to Wal-Mart where I still currently work. I didn't feel much better about myself even at this point I just kind of drifted through everyday wishing I had a way out. But I found an amazing TV show that shined a light into my soul and introduced me to an amazing community that helped me deal with my inner problems. That show was My Little pony: Friendship is Magic. I met some amazing friends 1 who was also a brony which inspired me to be open about being a brony. And 2 who are haters of the show but for some reason accept me as a friend even knowing I'm a brony. Without this show and its fandom and the few friends in real life I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. So in short I want to give a huge thanks to Lauren Faust and the rest of the MLP staff and another huge thanks to the entire fandom. As well as my friends IRL who wont be reading this. Wow sorry for the wall of text I just started typing and got lost in myself for a min. thanks to whoever actually takes the time to read my rambling. I didn't mean for it to be a short story of my life but hey...why not.
  5. Humility and temperance I guess would best describe my virtues. I never take credit for anything and I never disrespect others. And I have a HUGE tolerance level for other people (well sort of, I keep my negative thoughts of others in my head) and throw on the fake smile.
  6. dude....at least it wasn't cross dressing guys in there 30's......I still get shivers when I think about it....cant.....un-see...:'(
  7. I rarely ever dream and I cant recall any nightmares....im 22 now and sleep is so boring for me. if I do have a dream its something completely random and boring. they say you can do whatever you want in the dream realm but sadly I cannot. oh how mi wish I could control my dreams and experience a nightmare. if only once.
  8. I wish I lived in equestrian everyday. I hate life in our world (mostly just the people in it). there world is amazing compared to ours. ill admit sometimes it does get to me, I mean were surrounded by cruelty and hatred everyday. I would trade my life to be reborn in equestria any day even if I couldn't meet the mane 6 or even Luna for that matter. just to escape this world. all I would ask is that I get to keep memories of this world so I never take there world for granted.
  9. Nightmare Moon is the pony that enticed me to watch the show, I mean who wouldn't want to live in and eternal night. Fluttershy quickly became my favorite however since I can relate to her the most out of the mane 6. But Princess Luna has since replaced her since I relate to her on a deeper level. I still love Fluttershy the most out of the mane 6 though.
  10. hmm me? I guess I would have to say that its my ability to convince anyone that I meet that im happy even if im miserable. I have yet to come across one person that can see past my smile. I guess even by looking in my eyes they cant tell otherwise. im an expert at wearing a mask I guess lol....sorry that was kinda depressing what I just wrote but I don't have any special talents worth mentioning.
  11. WarThunder for the moment and league of legends later but sadly in about 15 mins I have to go to bed so I can be half functional at work tonight.
  12. new hoodie arrived today cant wait to wear it to work tonight.

    1. fimdash


      is it a MLP hoodie? :P

    2. Nightmare Night

      Nightmare Night

      lol of course ;) nothing else is worthy to be worn

  13. no...just no, watching MLP does not make you a hipster nor is it mainstream. Most of us all watch MLP because it is a fascinating show with great characters who we can relate to (mostly) and good animation style close to that of the Powerpuff girls (I loved that show growing up) and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends (also a good show) so by no means are you a ''hipster'' for watching MLP. it infuriates me to no end when people including some of my friends classify me as a hipster for watching MLP.
  14. that's awesome ive tried to convert 2 friends but there haters soooo...yeah no luck so far and im pretty much the only brony in my area. there are a few that come in and shop the mlp section at work but I haven't personally seen them. my hater friends just felt the need to tell me about them and proceed to make fun of them
  15. Hasbro is anti fun so the like slapping cease and desist orders on people who create MLP related games. im just kidding but yea Hasbro is partially to blame.
  16. Princess Luna , mother of the night and shadows, is best pony/princess/villain/background character. She should be the one sitting on the throne not celestia. deal with it
  17. I am 11 types of a terrorist judging from your list. I actually came up with a few more to add but I think ill keep to myself unless I feel like being added to a watch list lol.....
  18. I've been trying to learn how to lucid dream. so far there has been no success I just have random dreams I have no control in. and there never about anything I want its usually just a random place with random familiar faces. And there always so boring there never exciting.
  19. im only completely honest on this forum, I feel comfortable here so I see no need to lie. On other forums or games however I only tell as much of the truth that I have to. In real life I am mostly honest I only lie when I don't want to hurt someone's feelings or to prevent people from worrying about me. I wear a fake smile most of the time.
  20. Ok ill try, id say im 45% fluttershy because im really shy around new people and I love animals. 25% Rarity because I can be a bit obsessive over my looks at times. 30% Luna because I love the everything about the night and I live on a nocturnal schedule, also I have some emotional issues id rather not discuss over a forum. also I long dreamed of living in a eternal night long before I started watching MLP.
  21. When im not on computer im either chilling listening to music or sleeping. I don't watch tv anymore I just Netflix/youtube everything (note to self: shut off cable idk why im still paying it) that or I sleep and then go to work all night. I spend 9 hours a night at work then 6 hours out of the day sleeping. the rest is devided up between internet browsing/gaming/chilling with music. oh also eating I <3 to eat since I cant seem to gain weight.
  22. emo/geek kinda depressing but that's who I am, I would find a few friends here and there but never hang around large crowds and just do my own thing.
  23. I think you did a wonderful job for a first attempt. its much better than anything I could ever achieve. keep up the good work
  24. As my first command I would order all citizens of equestria to bow down and thank Princess Luna for creating such beautiful night sky's for us all to enjoy. Followed by eternal night. Second order of business is that the mirror leading to the human world is to be destroyed to prevent anyone else traveling through and challenging my rule. Third all citizens must pay respect to me everyday. Lastly I would send out a world wide decree that all other nations are to surrender to my will or be taken over by force. So that all living beings are required to pay respect to Princess Luna and her beautiful night. Everypony would love me.....or else
  25. Meanwhile sitting in front of my computer......................... I DIDNT GET TO GO TO ANY BRONY CONVENTIONS!!!!! anyone who did get to go I envy you more than anything right now.
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