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Nightmare Night

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Everything posted by Nightmare Night

  1. well i gotta say....i got a good laugh out of this, im gonna go back to worshipping satan....and 3 ft tall bigfoots from space.....and flying spaghetti monsters. not
  2. hmm I would assume they are tolerant they are a civilized species after all....but this is a good question, if I was to say...start eating a medium rare steak in front of them, im curious to know how they would react.
  3. I wear all my mlp merchandise (also from welovefine)anywhere I go (not all the time I also wear other anime shirts) my friends tease me a bit but they don't mean it. and ive even been verbally attacked from time to time but it doesn't bother me, I also get a lot of compliments and even a few brohoofs every now and then
  4. forgot to mention but my friends also pick on me about it but I just tell them im not inviting them to any epic pony raves.. then I start playing some brony techno/dub step as loud as I can
  5. I sadly cannot get vacation time from work so I will miss out on Bronycon this year but everyone who can go has my best wishes, make sure to have double the fun for me.
  6. of course, I wear a LED vinyl scratch hoodie to work everyday and I added some MLP buttons to the opposite side of the led panel I get tons of compliments on it (and some insults) but mostly good responses I also have a few MLP shirts, Im currently looking for a good MLP hoodie to replace the one im currently wearing in order to save it from being destroyed by Wal-Mart......thinking about the Discord Hoodie that says ''chillin like a villain'' but idk yet.
  7. I work third shift at Wal-Mart so I usually go to bed around 12am to 1pm and wake up around 8-9pm to be at work by 10pm.I literally never really see the light of day anymore lol.
  8. Obviously the best episode to introduce a friend to would be......ANY episode with Princess Luna in it because we all know Luna is best pony/princess im not biased at all when saying that but seriously id go with Luna Eclipsed. Thats my personal fave. Disclaimer-All thoughts and views made in this post are strictly opinionated and does not reflect the views of the entire brony community.
  9. id have to go with either Princess Luna or Fluttershy....I kinda have a thing for shy girls and I feel like me and luna have a lot in common.though with her being royalty....sadly I feel she would always be out of reach or even notice me for that matter.
  10. I think its fine if they want to peacefully co-exist, everypony even changelings deserve a chance to prove that anypony no matter there upbringing or past history can change.
  11. I would go to equestria only if I could be reborn there and have no memory of the human world or my past life. I would never want to return either. Our world is so dull and full of cruelty..at least imo.
  12. I only cry when im completely alone and feeling depressed (thinking about my life/past) but I throw on the fake smile when friends or family are around no point in worrying them about me.so id say maybe once a week or so? -I don't know why I replied to this I should probably go to bed....
  13. what have I learned from MLP? well im a lot more confident now and I hang out with friends more. Ever since I started being open about being a brony and wearing MLP stuff I don't sit by myself (as much) im kind of a solitary person but its definitely made me a slightly better and more outgoing person. I've become fascinated with dub step/rave music because of vinyl scratch for example.
  14. not really HATED but I have received a lot of insults from people at work(customers not co-workers) and at the mall. And my roommate but he just like to try and tease me over it. None of it bothers me though I wear my mlp led hoodie with pride everyday.
  15. mine don't I don't live with them and I haven't talked to my dad in about 5-6 years and my mom doesn't really pay attention to what im wearing when I see her (mlp hoodies/shirts) but if I did still live with them they'd see all my posters and hear me watching the show from time to time so they'd know. I'm 21 btw in case anyone was wondering.so this probably doesn't apply to me
  16. i got rarity as my personality which really surprised me i was expecting fluttershy since im a bit shy and self-conscious but fluttershy was my second runner up by a hair so im not complaining, now that I think about it when im with friends i feel comfortable with i do tend to be more like rarity, kind of scary that I actually agree with a personality test for once.
  17. ive had to deal with ''haters'' at work on a few occasions i just shrug it off and continue on with my night, im not much of a arguing type so i kill them with kindness.in all honesty ive met more bronies than haters so i guess im just a bit lucky in that perspective.
  18. I understand how you feel I wear a LED vinyl scratch hoodie at work and have several pin-on buttons attached to it I've had several ppl (mostly guys in there 20's) throw insults at me, but I've never had a violent situation occur and all I can do is smile and thank them for shopping at Wal-Mart (id get fired if I say what was on my mind) to this day I still wear all my mlp merchandise with pride will soon be getting more buttons to put on my beanie xD anyways,I hope your situation improves and brohoof for standing up for yourself.
  19. my first job was only seasonal at a hot dog restaurant called Jolly's now i work part time soon to be full time at Walmart it really sucks there but hey...its a paycheck.
  20. wow awesome, sadly im not good at the emblems so i just made mine a crecent moon....i wanted a Luna emblem though. are there any how 2 videos on cod black ops 2 emblems? luna ones.
  21. the episode was awesome then when luna showed up the awesome went up 10x
  22. i dont think shes a ''bad seed'' just a young philly that didnt want to be made fun of again but chose the wrong way of going about it.
  23. bored out of my mind cant wait for the next episode.

  24. bored out of my mind cant wait for the next episode.

  25. my favorite ponys are, 1.Fluttershy 2.Princess Luna 3.Derpy Hooves reason being fluttershy is adorable and reminds me of my cat, princess luna is just awesome, derpy hooves..... i cant type anymore or i might have to go through the 5 stages again.
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