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Everything posted by GrifCannon

  1. Season 1 - Sonic Rainboom Season 2 - Lesson Zero Season 3 - Sleepless in Ponyville Season 4 - Castle MANE-ia
  2. Don't forget spikes birthday in season 2. Its clearly his first birthday since they moved to ponyville so we know its been less than a year at that point.
  3. You bring up an interesting point. Would the Crystal Heart have been able to repel/defeat him as it did Sombra? Couldn't they have evacuated ponies to the crystal empire for protection?
  4. Likely because they saw Discord as the greater threat and wanted fo keep their eye on him. Remember, Tirek was loose for two and a half seasons before anyone noticed. If Discord had been given that much time to set up his plans, the Mane 6 may have very well been unable to stop him.
  5. When Tirek was first imprisoned, he likely wasn't powerful enough to warrant the sisters using the elements. If he was that strong initially, he would have gone straight for their alicorn magic first instead of building his power up.
  6. I always assumed that up until the battle, she was doing her best to hold it all that magic back. Once the fight begins she's clearly holding nothing back. She might have even won if she had been given more time to master her new powers.
  7. Not saying she didn't, in fact, I wouldn't be suprised if she did, the point I was making was that the Crystal Empire was gone longer than 1000 years, otherwise, it would have returned before Luna did.
  8. From what I can tell, Tirek visited equestria shortly after Discord's initial defeat, seeing as he knew who Discord was and what he is capable of. Starswirl was still alive and the Crystal Empire likely hadn't vanished yet, but may have already been under Sombra's control. Its never really established how long Sombra was in power before Celestia and Luna banished him. Also, if the crystal empire vanished for exactly 1000 years, it would conflict with Luna's banishment which was implied by the prophecy to have lasted exactly 1000 years.
  9. I think Alicorn magic might at least be comperable to chaos magic, seeing as Celestia was able to place a protection spell on the Elements in Keep Calm and Flutter On. Its possible that chaos magic is easier to prevent and contain that combat and undo, which is why, once discord was free, Celestia was unable to undo the damage he caused, but once Discord was turned to stone, all of his influence vanished. Chaotic Discord: You seemingly left out one other major form of magic from your anaylisis, Friendship/Harmony Magic, which seems to trump all.
  10. Its highly unlikely that her key is anything she already owns, as it would break the theme of the other five keys being gifts from someone outside the mane 6. Twilight's will probably be given to her from someone else.
  11. I'll admit I totally forgot about that episode, and it is a possibility, but I still stand by my opinion. Fluttershy is always big with animals and she's so hyped up to visit the breezies that I could easily see the key being a gift from them. Though I do find it odd they aren't airing the breezie episode back to back with todays like they did with Just for Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play. And yes, I think we all agree that Weird Al is gonna give Pinkie her key
  12. After watching today's episode, I'm calling it now:
  13. I will give you that the episode order or titles might be mixed up, but I still stand by my opinion that Twilight will be the last of the mane 6 to receive her key, likely in the season finale or just before it (at which point she's oblivious to its true nature like rarity and RD at the moment.)
  14. Based on a recent tweet, its pretty unlikely that Twilight Time will be her key episode, apparently its going to be a CMC episode. Also, I would expect twilight to find her key last. Here's the tweet for reference Episode 15 is confirmed to be Twilight Time
  15. Here's a complete picture with both Rainbow Power versions of the mane 6.
  16. Just found this on EQD I could be alright with this, as long as its temporary.
  17. When they rounded up "all" the bats, was anyone else underwhelmed at the number of bats there were?
  18. This just went up on the mlp facebook, so we can definitely look forward to an equestria games episode or 2 this season.
  19. According to Games Ponies Play, those games took place in Fillydelphia.
  20. She's not actually related to Celestia, in the book it says she was an orphaned pegasus raised by a village of earth ponys. After she became an alicorn she was "adopted" by celestia as her niece.
  21. Rarity's house is her own. Rarity's parents have their own house as seen in One Bad Apple. When the CMC get kicked out of their clubhouse, they head over to Sweetie Bell's Parents house, you can see her dad fishing outside.
  22. I agree, assuming the tree just now created the box and hasn't kept it stored away for all this time, they keys likely don't yet exist and will manifest themselves when the time is right.
  23. Bacon Rarity is best rarity But serious, I enjoyed it mostly. I didn't care much for the SFM segments and I wished they would have dialed back some the original animations and stuck with show footage.
  24. I'm pretty sure that Meghan confirmed in one of the Q&As that pinkie would be getting a musical episode this season. and I don't mean a typical pinkie episode with one or 2 songs, but something more akin to MMC that has prolly 4-6 songs.
  25. Remember, they said that pinkie would be getting a musical episode this season, and MMC had 7 songs in it last season so its possible that many of these episodes have multiple songs.
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