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Everything posted by Justin_Case001

  1. This is the first I've heard of it. Just watched the trailer. I'd love to watch the movie. Plus I think it would be really neat hearing about it from the perspective of Ms. RD/AJ herself. Can't wait. Just a little related, side note. This thread reminded me of something I have been wanting to mention. There's that other documentary, Bronies: the Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of MLP. I haven't seen it, I just know of it. I don't know if it's good or what. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that if it were up to me, I would change the title slightly. I would change "extremely unexpected" to "inevitable." That's just how I feel about the fandom. It was an inevitability, and speaks to the fact that there is something missing in our society.
  2. Hold on a second. I just want to point out the fact that often times the ponies seem to be omnivorous when it would convenient or the plot demands it. Pinkie said that she likes ketchup and mustard on hot dogs during Fall Weather Friends. And then there was Twilight stuffing her face with what appeared to be a hambuger at the friggin Krusty Krab in Twilight Time. I know there's more examples, but I can't remember them. And if we really want to get technical and split hairs we could point out all of the confectionary treats the ponies eat, which probably have dairy in them, which actual herbivores wouldn't eat. Now, we could obviously postulate alternate theories. For example, Pinkie does indeed eat hot dogs, but whose to say that their definition of a hot dog is anything remotely like ours? Maybe to them a hot dog is just alfalfa in the shape of a...well, you know what a hot dog's shaped like. Anyway, I don't care, I just think it's funny. To the question at hand, I would go vegan to fit in with the Equestrains. I'm not vegan or even vegetarian irl, but I wish I could be in many ways. I hate the cruel conditions/practices of the meat industry. I don't believe it's inherintly wrong to eat meat. Take, for example, the harmonious balance of primitive tribes that hunt for their food. Humans have lived that way for thousands of years, just like carnivourous and omnivorous animals. But it's the mass production of the meat industry that is so horrible. But, for a lot of reasons I'm not going to get into right now, I'm just not able to give up animal products. I admit that I'm a hypocrite. But I don't have a problem with anyone else eating meat either, so... But anyway, if I could become a pony in Equestria, then being vegan would not be a problem for me, so that's what I would do. Plus, joining the secret society would feel a bit too much like the Coven of Namira. I killed the Coven of Namira in my game, btw. F*ck those a**holes.
  3. @GXPBlast: I hope you run into that guy again, on the train or wherever, and I hope you're able to successfully talk to him, and others as well. I don't get out much, and haven't had any opportunity yet to try talking to any other bronies, but I want to. I just ordered a couple of MLP shirts (my first ones), and I'm excited about wearing them. Albeit nervous, but excited. I'm really hoping it might draw some attention and start a conversation with some other MLP fans. But there's no getting away from it, talking to people at random is very scary and hard to do. But I'm still hoping I'll be able summon the courage to do it if the chance arises. Best of luck to you, GXPBlast. To both of us. Oh, and incidentally, I couldn't agree more with ~SadisticFluttershy~'s post. It's not easy, but we should all aspire to be like that.
  4. Wow, I didn't know these books existed. The sisters journal is a great idea. Ever since I got into the show, I've been saying they should do a spin-off movie telling the backstory of Luna & Celestia. I guess this is the next best thing. I'd like to read it, but not sure if I want to spend the money. I'll probably just read a synopsis online. The Daring Do series looks just awesome. J.K. Yearling, omg, that's awesome. But again, probably don't really want to spend the money. I probably wouldn't really enjoy reading kid's novels. If there were more mature, adult versions of the Daring Do series, I would totally get those.
  5. Definitely do it. If someone gives you crap for it, you'll probably never see that person again anyway.
  6. As evil, overpowered, corrupt corporations go, they don't come much worse than Disney. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the classic Disney movies, and a lot of the Disney Pixar stuff too. But the fact is, they're not a great company. I haven't done the research and collected enough facts to be able to defend this thesis, however, so don't ask me to. I have friends who know a great deal about this type of thing, but I don't remember the specific examples well enough to explain them. Imo, Disney has their claws in enough things. I don't want them to have MLP too. I fear that would ruin the show.
  7. So many great games. I've seen a lot of great mentions in this thread, but I kind of want to pick something nopony has mentioned yet. I searched the topic for God of War, and didn't see anything, so I'm gonna say God of War. That's one of those series where I just count it as one game. It's like if you say your favorite movie is LOTR. Some knucklehead might say, "Yeah, but which one?" There is no "which one." You don't say "my favorite movie is Fellowship of the Ring." You just say "my favorite movie is Lord of the Rings." Period. Same with God of War. But if you're going to twist my arm and force me to pick which part of the one, giant game I like the best, then I guess I'll have to go with 3rd part. God of War III, there, you happy now? Anyway, I think in many ways, one could argue that God of War is the greatest game series ever made. There's so many games that could have that title, though. Off the top of my head, Zelda A Link to the Past, Ocarina, Super Metroid, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment (haven't played it yet, but I've heard such great things), Diablo II, L4D2, Portal 2, Skyrim, Metro, GTA IV, Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, XII, and XIII, Halo....I could go on and on. Oh, and btw, Halo has the same thing going as LOTR and GOW--one giant game. And keep in mind, if it doesn't say Bungie on it, it's not Halo. Anyway, one could make an argument for each of these games being the greatest of all time, and I could completely respect it. And there's a hell of a lot of games I haven't played that I'm sure are contenders for greatest of all time. But a lot of these games have downsides as well. If someone wanted to argue that Skyrim is the greatest of all time, I'd have to counter-argue that, while it is incredible, the bugs and performance issues do take it down a notch for me. But when I judge a game across the board on all criteria--i.e. if I judge on story, music, gameplay, performance, reliability, playability, replayability, graphics, etc. Everything. When I judge on all of these things, I just think two series stand above the rest: Halo and GOW. Now, I kind of just judging single player right now. I think I have a slight preference to GOW. It's just the perfect game. Hardcore and challenging by design, epic, ludicrously fun. No game I've tried has ever come close to matching the perfection and satisfying feel of GOW's combat. GOW is just a perfect 10 in all of those areas I mentioned. Halo basically is as well, but for me, nothing satisfies like swinging those chain blades. I need a GOW fix every so often or I start to go through withdrawl. The best part is that those games are so reliable and perfectly performing. Sony Santa Monica know how to make a game. And that's really the most important thing, isn't it? You can make the most incredible game world ever conceived, but if your game freezes and crashes all the time *COUGHskyrimCOUGH* then it really doesn't matter how good it is, does it? I loved Skyrim. Put 700 hours on it. But I always felt like I had to be so careful with it, like I had to play it lightly, or it would break. This makes no logical sense, but I think you all know what I mean. I felt like if I ran too fast or opened a door too quickly, the game would freeze. Talk to loudly and the game will freeze. Stare at the screen too hard, freeze. Look away from the screen too much, freeze. You have to be careful not to do anything that will spook the game. GOW on the other hand is just so unfazable. You can play it as hard as you want, and the framerate won't so much as flinch. You can grab GOW by its haunches hump it into submission, and it will just sit there and take it. That's what you want from a game, isn't it? The one an only bad thing you can say about GOW (or most shooters like Halo), is that it's short. Great games usually are. GOW is over quickly, but it's the best 30 hours of gaming you'll ever have. GOW is the orgasm of video games. That's twice I've compared GOW to sex. Hey, it's just that good. I feel I must make one other honorable mention, and that's Dirge of Cerberus. If someone made a claim that Dirge is the greatest game ever made, I couldn't really argue. It's a masterpiece, and, evidentally, kind of hated on. I will never understand why so many people didn't like it. It's definitely on my all time greats list.
  8. Is that what it is? I've had this happen occassionally, but didn't know what it was. The worst instance was when I showed up for an early work shift, and for some reason (I don't even remember why), my boss said they didn't need me until the later shift, so he said come back in two hours. I was pretty tired anyway from getting up so early, so I just decided to take a nap in my car until my shift. I fell asleep, then woke up later, but it was like you described. I wasn't fully awake, and was paralyzed. It was actually one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. It had never happend before. I opened my eyes, but everything was hazy and a little tunnel vision. I could hear, but everything was muffled and far away. I could feel my body, but it was a little numb. I knew I was awake, and I could think, but my thoughts were a little muddy. I knew I needed to wake up all the way, and I could sense myself slipping in and out of dreams. I tried as hard as I could to move, but couldn't. I was screaming inside my head to wake up and move. I can't describe how frustrating and frightening it felt. I finally snapped awake all the way and shot up with a shout, pouring in sweat. It's happened a few other times at home in bed, but not nearly as severe as that. I've only had one other really strange sleeping experience. I've never been prone to sleep walking, but one night I went to sleep in my bed like normal, wearing a shirt and shorts like always. Then I woke up on the floor next to my bed, completely naked, with my clothes laid out next to me. After sitting there just feeling horribly disoriented for a few minutes, I looked around as if to make sure no one saw me, then put my clothes back on and slipped back into bed. Nothing even remotely like that has happened before or since. It made for a good story, though. Now my friend, he's a big time sleep walker, and has been known to regularly run outside in his underwear at night, brandishing a samurai sword, attempting to fight off hordes of zombies, then not remembering a bit of it the next day. His wife has some hilarious stories to tell.
  9. I'd say about like Rod and Todd Flanders after seeing Itchy & Scratchy.
  10. I am still pretty new to bronydom, so I'm still getting a big kick out of ponified stuff. Can't get enough of it. I ain't never had too much pony. But I can definitely see how one could get burned out. But the thing is, I really don't think you're going to see that much pony related stuff if you're not looking for it. For instance, as of a few months ago, before I discovered the show, I really didn't see/notice much pony stuff. Now I see it EVERYWHERE, but that's because I'm looking for it. So if one gets burned out, then just don't pay any attention to pony stuff. Problem sovled.
  11. This is my MC legacy. I call it Lechuguilla. I can't show everything, so I'll show a few highlights. Exterior Library Ballroom Dining Hall Ballroom floor Ballroom ceiling
  12. While I respect your point of view, this is a little harsh, I think. Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda after Princess Zelda. I wouldn't say he's idiotic and reckless and doesn't deserve to have kids, and I really don't think his daughter hates him and has been bullied and ridiculed her whole life. I think it's pretty awesome, actually. But I would certainly stipulate that naming your child something like Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash is a bad idea. I think if you're subtle about it, this can be a great idea. I personally think Rarity is a fantastic name for a girl. If someone isn't familiar with the show, they wouldn't even know where it's from or think anything of it. I don't think a girl named Rarity would get bullied, at least not more than any other kid. It's just a name. Albeit a little out of the ordinary, but in a great way. If words like Hope and Faith can be names, why not Rarity? I think it's brilliant.
  13. This. And bananas. That's about it, really. I've always had a good sense about what I like and what I don't, and it's never really changed. Sure, there are new things that I've discovered I like, such as MLP, but I loved it from the very first episode. I can't think of anything else where I didn't like and changed my mind later. Everything I like, I liked from the get go.
  14. Pretty much anypony but Pinkie. She's great, but we would get along for dating.
  15. This is just so awesome I had to share it. If you've ever been proud of a minecraft build you did, just watch this and then you'll know how crappy your stuff really is. That's how I always feel.
  16. I always wish I had some snappy comeback in situations like this, but in reality I would just get too nervous. In all honesty I would probably just ignore the person if this ever happened to me.
  17. Heh. This basically describes me in a nutshell, too.
  18. Dammit. You beat me. I was gonna make a clever joke to that effect. I was gonna say Noah's ark. But now it wouldn't be funny. The moment has passed.
  19. She can like it or not like it, doesn't matter. But she has to respect it and be 100% fine with me liking it. If she has a problem with me liking it, then that right there tells me enough about her character to know that she's not right for me.
  20. The end of the Simpsons episode "And Maggie Makes Three." Bart: "So Why no pictures?" Homer: "Oh, there are pictures. I keep them where I need the most cheering up." Followed by the do-it-for-her scene. I get misty eyed every time. I was going to post a youtube video of it, but there isn't one of that scene, which is surprising.
  21. um...ok. Well, anyway, great to have you here! These forums are such a great, friendly place filled with so many nice ponies. I'm sure you'll start making friends in no time.
  22. She's better than alright, she's great! I mean, she's nor Rarity, I'll give you that, but still great. I think if I was rank the 6 for singing voices, I would have to go with: 1. Rare 2. Twi 3. RD 4. Flutters 5. Pinkie 6. AJ Fluttershy definitely has a gorgeous singing voice, but there's just something so charming about RD's voice that puts her a little ahead of Flutters for me.
  23. Wow. HUGE overreaction, dude. I mean, I get your viewpoint, but seriously, I think you're waaaaay overanalyzing a harmless cartoon and way overreacting. I'm not saying you're wrong about the evidence you've presented, just that you could overlook this stuff and enjoy the good points of the show. You're obviously very smart, but you don't need to analyze a cartoon to this level and take it so seriously. I mean, I noticed some of the same things, in fact. Like your example about the Apple family possibly going bankrupt in Cider Squeezy. But I just laugh about it. I don't let it destroy the show for me. You ruined the show for yourself, and that's your choice.
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