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Stoner Spike

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Everything posted by Stoner Spike

  1. I read cupcakes once and I had nightmares for a week. I read it again and I said to myself "How the buck was I creeped out by THIS?"
  2. When I was 7, I was screwing with matches, and I lit my sister's trash can on fire. The bathroom eventually caught fire, too. And every now and then, I buy a lighter from the Kwik Stop across the street and pop it (slam it on the ground and make it explode) in front of our house. My parents have to sweep the ash out of the driveway and wonder where they keep coming from.
  3. Woke up, ate, went to school. I spent the whole day trolling lmao. There's a kid named William in my 6th period, but he's a jerk and was getting on my nerves...so, since he's a perv and he's practically obsessed with fishing, I had a whole hour of hearing "I swear, if you don't stop, I'm gonna murder you." You'll never guess what I was telling him. Aahh...and I wasn't being mean, I just screw with people a lot. I'm gonna print out a giant troll face, cut it out, make eye holes, and tape it to my face. Then go to school tomorrow like that.
  4. All your space-a-ma-jig is invalid. Discord will take that magical shield and use it as play dough. He'll then turn your ships into sand castles. Then, take a supersized glass of chocolate milk, IN SPACE, and pour it over your sand castles. Then the sand would turn into flour and bake itself, making a nice chocolate cupcake. Then he would eat the whole cupcake and burp out that paper that they come in, all the while making a troll face and having the words "Screw Logic" float around his head in bold red ink. After taking a short break, he would take all of the bodies floating in space and turn them into glitter and pour it onto the magic shield play dough, and then finally he would make a human figure out of the play dough and mail it to Earth or whatever your home planet is. But, speaking realistically, I'll take Gilda, Nightmare, and Discord all at once. Screw your 2-D illogical paper figures, I have a shotgun.
  5. By the way, that's what HE said.
  6. A guy left a McDonald's burger in a jar. It didn't start spoiling until 3 years after he put it in there. So, really, I'd prefer Wendy's. McD's may have ponies, but I certainly ain't gonna ruin my health over a TOY. Taste Wendy's>Five Guys>Checkers>BK>McD's Health Five Guys>Checkers>Wendy's>BK>McD's Wendy's and all the others at least have REAL MEAT, and I only eat the Chicken Club and fries from Wendy's anyways, and while it is fried food, it's good and it's NOT FAKE.
  7. Lol? Well, what am I eating? LOVE THIS PLAY ON WORDS...rofl'd reading some of the posts here
  8. My morals have been killed. Screw it. THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!! Banned with reason, though.
  9. It's because everyone thinks she's stuck up and pouty, or just way too stereotypically feminine. I used to think this. Then Sisterhooves Social aired.
  10. Looks like I'm not the only one that felt he needed to make up for liking MLP in some way. "Yes. I like ponies. Spew all the trash you want, and when you're done, screw off."
  11. What punishment? "I won't punish Twilight on one condition..." Or something like that.
  12. Must you remind us...? And to both of you, Dash and Derpy, those are both really good drawings!
  13. Does Pinkie Pie count? Uh. Well. So many choices...I have to say...uh...well, I'm probably the only Hispanic here anyways, so in truth, it's Juan Luis Guerra & 4.40, but my favorite English band would be Linkin Park. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNphq47LRYw&ob=av2e http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qF_qbaWt3Q&ob=av3e
  14. I still remember back in 2007 when The Last Day of Summer came out on Nickelodeon. Second best movie ever. I feel like I'm the only one who saw it. THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE. Best movie ever.
  15. PINKIE PIE 4EVAH. The description for Saggitarius matches me exactly, and this isn't the first time I've heard this, either.
  16. Fear is an old enemy of mine that I haven't seen in a good 2 or 3 years, nor do I intend for him to find me or vice versa anytime soon. However, when I was 10 and younger, I was afraid of blood, human organs, surgery, doctors, anything to do with medicine, brightly colored animals (y'know, the creepy stuff, like a blue/yellow frog or a white toad or something, not stuff like butterflies), bees, wasps, scorpions, spiders, rabies, cancer, heart attacks, anything with more than 6 legs, brightly colored bugs, chemicals, tight spaces...I could write you a page, but I think you get the picture. Oh, and especially this thing. Until recently I didn't realize that I shouldn't fear anything, because it's all just a part of life.
  17. Well, I met a kid named Austin online, and eventually we got to know each other really well. He's a better friend to me than some of my real life friends, and I assure you, he's not some pedobear. But yeah, of course, one day, our conversation turned to TV shows, and he asked me what kind of shows I liked. I told him I watched the kind of things on CN and Comedy Central, and then asked him what he was into. He, of course, had no hesitation in telling me that he watched My Little Pony. So he told me to give it a try. I put it off for a long time, and the subject came up more often than not. Eventually, one day, curiosity got the better of me. At episode 2 I said to myself "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I STOP WATCHING?!", at "Griffon the Brush Off" I almost flipped my table over in rage when Gilda made Fluttershy cry. That's when I realized I loved the show. And then I was in denial for a week or so. And now, whenever I see ponies anywhere, I always go ...
  18. Well...having put thought into the subject...watching everyone die around me would completely suck, but then again, due to my point of view on this subject, I would take it. I'd be thankful that they lived in the first place instead of sad that they died. I'd be able to keep my loved ones happy through their whole life. And I would probably set out to be the richest man on the planet. Then, lock away my money and join the army. WORLD PEACE CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED BY VIOLENCE. And then, when I'm bored of life, I'll write a will that divides the cash among my...family, I guess, and then kill myself via thought, to make it painless.
  19. 1.Do you believe in an afterlife? I don't exactly believe in an afterlife, but I don't NOT believe either. The way I see it, spirits roam freely in the universe, and a spirit will eventually find a home; it "borrows" energy, which will one day, the day that the life it has taken comes to an end, be returned, and the spirit will once more roam through the universe. Spirits that were deeply connected during a life find each other in the next; for example, when you and your parents will literally die for each other, then you will perhaps be alive together in another set of bodies, like instead, you're your parent's uncle. 2.Are you a religious person and if so what does your specified religion state about death? Religious isn't really the word. I answered this anyways. 3. Are you scared of death/oblivion? No. Fear is something that I don't feel anymore. Can't explain. Text wall.
  20. Temperance, patience, kindness. I was called short-fuse in elementary school...and then ponies invaded my life.
  21. Oh. And don't forget to check the Fiction section on http://www.equestriadaily.com/ for new fanfics. I've found a lot of good ones there. Which reminds me, one last one; it's called Loss. I can't seem to find it, but I do remember reading it. Sad/bittersweet story.
  22. 8 or 9 hours if I have school the next day. 12+ if I have no school. One time I remember sleeping through a whole 1 3/4 days...and no, I wasn't in a coma, I didn't want to get up.
  23. No. I'm saying all lies are WRONG. Not all lies are bad. Some are good. But even if the lie is GOOD, it is still WRONG. You're confusing right/wrong with good/bad. Good is basically if something has positive outcomes. Bad is if something has negative outcomes. Right is when something is completely morally acceptable, meaning that it doesn't go against our moral values. Wrong is when something goes against moral values.
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