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What would be your favorite "Element"?


What is your favorite element?  

119 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Element

    • Fire
    • Ice
    • Thunder and Lightning
    • Water
    • Earth
    • Wind and Air
    • Light
    • Darkness
    • Time
    • Space
    • Other
    • Sound
    • Physics and Reality (You can be a Discord!)
    • Telekinesis and The FORCE

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I love Ice ever since I played Wizard101 I fell in love with Ice for many reasons

1)its one of the only elements that can cause joy and fear

2)if i can conjure it I would much rater have my enemy die by freezing rather then seeing them burn in front of me screaming in pain

3)Ice can help you in a ton of ways if you can conjure it




Edited by PonygamesFluttershy
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well...let's see...my favourite colour is blue, but water element isn't my favourite. i prefer wind because wind can control and combined with a few other elements such as fire,water&earth(mostly sand). Then, sound because the element can be used for communication and to delay opponents' approaching, also for detection(sonar).And the Last but not the least, other....hmmm...yup! Imagination,of course! but, in order to use that element, one must in deep focus to imagine and make  it real....take note that the element won't last long....oh! what am i babbling about? Sorry  :blush:

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Ice cream.... Cuz its icy and it tasyes good


And yes it is an element... U can make molten ice cream


(Id go for space-time if anyone watches space. Docs)

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My favorite element is water. I am just absolutely fascinated by it.

It's so tranquil and can be beautiful to look at.


It's sorta ironic, though. I say this because I am terrified of water.

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I first read this and thought "oh element of harmony? I say Generosity!" 




My zodiac sign is a Scorpio, which is the element of Water. As much as I love water and all that, I do like Thunder & Lightning because I have a keen fascination with storms. :)

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Well, since you bothered to put it in, I would LOVE to have Discord's power. Just think of how much fun that would be? You gotta admit, creating things to humor yourself would be both hilarious and awesome.

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I chose Light and Fire, because they're the best for smiting evil. :lol:


They're also very beautiful and fire is awesome in itself. It is a versatile thing, used both to create and destroy, and in a way can be seen to represent progress and change.

  • Brohoof 1
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I voted for three of them. Wind and air, water, and telekinesis and the force. I voted wind and air because one of my favorite characters of the older generations of MLP is Wind Whistler. Water my name and because water is calming and soft. Telekinesis and the force so I could be a Jedi.

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From the list, I chose physics and Reality. I have a thing for lovecraftian things, and the things based around it, especially the far realm (D&D). So, this would be my favourite element.


If I had to choose between the 4 traditional elements, I would choose earth. I interpret earth as the element of patience and defence.


Awesome threat :)

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My favourite elements are Wind and Light. I like imagining myself in a video-game-like battle in which my opponents and I can use our preferred elements to attack each other. I'll break down the reasons I like each one below, probably in reference to such a battle.

When I create my own fighting character with strengths and weaknesses, I often go towards speedy, evasive and accurate abilities at the cost of poor attack power and low defense/endurance. I think wind represents this pretty well. In general, it's often associated with speedy characters, which I would very likely be. Also, if I launch a gust of wind at you, it probably isn't going to hurt much (at least compared to what the other elements could do to you), but good luck avoiding it. Finally, when I do need a powerful attack, I can just create a tornado.

My preference for light is not because light is usually associated with goodness. In fact, the things I like to use light for are very pragmatic and perhaps underhanded in nature. If I need to stun my opponent or hide myself from them, I can create a blinding flash of light. If I launch a light-based attack at someone, light's pretty much the fastest thing in the universe, so good luck with evading it. Finally, since light entering our eyes is what allows us to see, if I can control the light, I can probably use that to create illusions to mislead opponents.

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I'd chose the very rarely used Element of Absence, Nothingness, Void or whatever else one might call it.


In foresight Nothingness's Anti-Reality powers would be useful for nothing but destruction, but then again it's the only element that can truly cause destruction without creating something in turn. Not only that but it's pretty much the only element that can defy powerful Time/Space warpers with any success.


So yeah, Nothing is probably my favourite fantasy element.

Edited by Sanctified Absence
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Déjà vu.


Mine has to be wind/air. I enjoy flying and love the freedom of escaping gravity. Not to mention windy weather is one of my favorites.

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Unless they're threatening to bombard you with cute animals, no threat is awesome.


LoL xD I hope you understand I meant "topic". Some fora call them threats. Just to clarify. 

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  • 5 months later...

I went for physics and reality.  :umad:



Not that I wanna pull a Discord and cause trouble for everyone... but being a creative, I feel like it'd be really useful for me, since I practically live in my imagination anyway, and then I could pull it out of my mind and show it to others.  :muffins:

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