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I've noticed lately that Grammar has seemingly been getting lazier on the internet. People just don't seem to care about things like punctuation, and capitalization as much anymore. People will often revert to some form of "text talk." I'm making this thread to promote the usage of correct grammar since it makes things easier to read. I mean, we've all stumbled across those horrid wall-of-texts before that are basically just one giant run on sentence before. Now, it's reasonable to make a few mistakes every now and then. We all make mistakes after all. But I firmly believe that attempting to use correct grammar is a noble feat. The only thing stronger than fear is hope  correct grammar.


Now I know what you're probably thinking. 




In some aspects you're right about that. However, I understand that people make mistakes. Some common grammatical errors I see are similar to the examples given below. (Mostly examples 1, and 2.)


Example 1: i think rainbow dash is the best pony she has an awesome mane and all of the other ponies their jealous of her awesomeness!!!


Example 2: capitilization? what's that? i've never head of it before.




So would you kindly support correct grammar? You don't have to be a Grammar Nazi. I mean, there are other options.




Everybody likes Weird Al, right? If you wish to learn more about the ancient art of correct grammar usage, check out his new video. 



Disclaimer: This thread isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's more or less me  joking about  the poor grammar on the internet.

Edited by Mikami
  • Brohoof 11


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I completely agree with you. I try not to be too harsh, because English is not everyone's first language, but the text walls need to end.

  • Brohoof 3


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I use near-perfect grammar most of the time, and seeing improper and childish typing, ESPECIALLY on YouTube, makes me want to drink battery acid and kick an orphan into low-orbit simultaneously.

  • Brohoof 3
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Proper grammar in real life situations like regular school work does matter,but on the internet where grammar doesnt matter shouldnt be taken that seriously.


I mean even if you see someone make a simple mistake like use the word "Your" instead of "You're". Just simply correct them,and possibly explain to them why if needed. Because if you decide to get pissy and insult them. It doesn't make you better than them in any way.


We shouldn't shun people for their mistake.No matter how little they are. Sort of like how little kids dont know what a gameboy is.You should tell them what a game-boy is.Rather than insult them for not knowing.

Edited by Fliby
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Don't take this too bad. I, for instance, am not a native English talker. I can tell you from experience that some people take to talking that way because their grammar is lacking, that's all. I like to imagine I'm doing my best, but i'm merely human. 

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I prefer the term Grammar National Socialist. You are correct. I can't  understand how people can write so horribly. What goes on inside their heads? How can they not form coherent thoughts? Is that how their inner monologue reads? Simple minds.


I'd like to add another part to the topic: Political speak. I listen to a lot (not alot) of talk radio so I hear "political speak." Here are some words and phrases that figuratively drive me crazy:




moving forward

Edited by BronyNumber42

This is my new signature.

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What is this, my english class?

I just finished school, I don't need people jamming correct grammar down my throat!

Of course, I'm still gonna complain about bad grammar; I always do.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Someday someone will find the most secure password is this correctly punctuated sentence. But to whom does the password belong?"


I present to you, a password that cannot be concieved by average human beings. The perfect unguessable password for when you want to protect your stuff from nosy teenages.

Edited by V .

Enter the Forest...

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Grammar doesn't get to me too much. But I do say "*you're" sometimes to people who mispell just to either get a good laugh or to piss them off. Sometimes, both. :P

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I am not expecting perfection here but I am expecting to at least understand what someone is trying to say and there are more and more examples where grammar and punctuation are so bad that I have no idea what they are even talking about. And of course excessive text speak is something that I have never been a fan of, the occasional LOL or something I don't really mind but is it really necessary to shorten EVERYTHING?

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your all overreacting about everyponys bad grammar and punctuation and just leave them alone because its they're problem if they cant properly do english.


Sorry, I couldn't resist  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


(Awesome Sig done by WarriorShy)

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My grammar is usually correct, and if it's not, it's not because of laziness. I don't really mind when people's grammar isn't perfect on the internet, but it does annoy me when people put no effort in whatsoever. :okiedokielokie:

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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I do not want to assume that the person I am conversing with holds a perfect grasp of English. I might try to fix mistakes as it is the nice thing to do but I must not assume anything other than English not being their first language. I learned it first but it is a foreign language and I do make errors at times as well. It would be the same if the language I was speaking was German instead as it could have easily been.

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While English was, legit, my worse class out of all of them, I do my best to type as proper as possible. I know I probably mess up quite a bit, but at least im trying, which, is more than some people can say for themselves.


I also find it really funny that I'm such a grammar Nazi with how terrible I was at English class. xD

Edited by Haven


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I thought I should leave this here:



By the way, I completely agree. I don't point out the errors of others, only those I make myself.  :)

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I'm a grammar nazi myself but only to myself. I don't make a big deal out of most people's text. The way I see it, as long as the point comes across then there's really no need to make it a big thing. Proper grammar is a discipline, not a religion.


Better grammar will undoubtedly get you farther in life though and it's a venture everyone should take part in. Bad grammar on job applications, resumes and even paperwork can and will get you taken out of consideration completely if it's bad enough.


There are some people where it drives me up the wall. When I can't even understand what you're trying to say because you use completely different words than what you were trying to use because they start with the same letter (example: trying to say executive, says economics) or you aren't even using full sentences so you sound like a retarded duck you've done something horribly, horribly wrong and you really need to work on your grammar and vocabulary.


I am also aware that my grammar is not perfect and I have a tendency to use very long run-on sentences but at least people understand what I'm trying to say.

I'm a Grammar Nazi myself, but sometimes, just for sheer hilarity or stupidity, I say things like "moar," or "mang." I don't know why I do it. It's just fun for me.

I do this all the time but there is a massive difference between someone doing it because they know the difference, making it ironic/funny, and someone who does it because they just literally can't spell at all, which makes them look stupid.

  • Brohoof 2
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I take the time to type everything I say legibly and understandable, but I'm not a grammar nazi..

  • Brohoof 1
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When I'm online I generally use grammar as well as I can, but I feel like talking to friends online can be an exception. Sometimes TYPING IN ALL CAPS is good for stressing a point and making it funnier, and often when talking to friends I don't bother with some punctuation...not sure why, it just seems more casual without it. But when I'm on forums, YouTube or messaging people I don't know so well I think it's better to use grammar to a greater degree (it does annoy me wen peepl use no effrt in there typign at al). Not sure why but I feel like it's okay to not use grammar in some places but it's required in others. :P Just my opinions, anyway.

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I'm not perfect with my grammar and I might drop a few comma splices here and there, but I always try to post with good grammar for the most part.


I freely admit being a bit of a grammar commie, but I'm not always that way. If I see a wrong "there" or "your", I can't help but correct it. It's such a basic thing and you'd think that people would take two minutes to look up which to use. Heck, "you're" is a contraction for "you are," just how do you mix that up with a possessive? You don't own a correct, you ARE correct.


Also something useful people could teach themselves is the semicolon; it joins two separate related thoughts together when they'd normally need to be two sentences to be correct. It's probably not necessary in normal conversation, but it's fun to pull out every now and again :P

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I don't mind minor mistakes (although it can be fun pointing them out from time to time).  It's when people blatantly make no attempt to write correctly.  As an English major, this irritates me to know end.  I would love to have a job in which I go around to various forums and such, forcing correct grammar upon the masses, and never having to leave my house!

  • Brohoof 1

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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