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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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i hate diamond tiara, that stupid, spoiled filly always goes around making fun of the CMC shes rich and thinks she owns the world


i want to watch her burn, on a stake


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I'm going with Diamond Tiara. She really doesn't seem to have a life outside tormenting the CMC, and no logical reason to do that. Silver Spoon is only slightly less bad. She only seems to go along with it, rather than instigating, but on the other hand DT would probably quit being such a jerk if she didn't have backup.


Snips has a pretty annoying voice. Snails just seems mentally handicapped, but doesn't really bother me. It does bother me, however, that people complained about Derpy but not him.


I'm surprised how many votes there are against Gilda. I guess she's pretty bad right now with the thieving and all, but she seems like she has a lot of potential as a character, in terms of working out her insecurities and learning that you can still be awesome even if you show your softer side sometimes. Rainbow Dash could teach her a lot about the magic of friendship :wub:

I'd kind of like to see more of Prince Blueblood. He's so inconsiderate it's almost charming :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
You should watch Freindship is witchcraft on youtube if you have not already done so because everyone hates spike in it.

YES! It cracks me up! In fact my favorite Spike moment on the real show is when Spike shouts about how he hoped Owlicious didn't finish ALL his chores, and Twilight smiles "Nope, there are a lot of them!" 


Spike is just really really irritating! He always says something that is so obviously wrong, like in Hurricane Fluttershy he couldn't shut up. And in the time traveling one, eating the ice cream, I was just like...Even Pinkie Pie knows to draw a line there!


I do feel bad for him in a way though. The ponies are a little racist/specist toward dragons. They are stunting his growth by not allowing him to go through Dragon Puberty and hoard things because it goes against their own cultural values! I don't know, the whole Spike thing is very messed up. I wouldn't want them to get rid of him though, just...make him not talk ever and ignore the Dragon controversies.

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"Hate" and "ponies" do not go together. It doesn't matter which pony it is. Therefore I will opt out of the poll, but I guess out of that bizarre list the pony I like least is Snips. Annoying voice, unappealing design, a troublemaker...he and Snails don't really fit into the show all that well, so I'm glad they haven't made a lot of appearances.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't hate anyone on the show. I dislike Snips and Snails, and Gilda, and the Flim Flam brothers, and Diamond Tiara and Angel. Rainbow Dash can be incredibly egotistical. Celestia and Trixie don't do much for me. But hate implies, to me, wishing someone was dead and I would never wish that on anyone on this show. 

Then I must really despise some of the jerkoffs who used to bully me in high school. There are some of them I want to see get hit by a public transit bus.

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I changed my vote to Jet Set and Uppercrust. There's something I can't stand about Canterlot folk/nobles and that would be their general rudeness to just about everyone they think is inferior. Just laughing in the face of Rarity's friends is spiteful and pretty shallow, even though she's considered them to be the best friends she's ever had.

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While a most of these characters I find irritating, I'd have to go with Gilda.  Diamond Tiara is bad but Gilda just really hit me the wrong way.  She's my most disliked character with Diamond Tiara likely in second.  Gilda just seemed very possessive and just...I don't know.  Overall an annoying character to me.  Rude, loud-mouthed and obviously the jealous/possessive type and never learns her lesson even in the end of the show of her appearance.  Diamond Tiara is bad but in the very least, I could say she's a filly and although (very annoying!) it can be expected from the younger generation, especially if raised with some form of wealth or spoiled (Whatever the case may be)... hopefully there could be hope as she grows.  Gilda I assume is pretty much full grown yet doesn't act it and chooses to scream/scare Fluttershy.  In public no less.  I mean, seriously? Who does that to Fluttershy? D:


Sorry, but Gilda's a big no-no for me.

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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I absolutely hate Diamond Tiara. I don't even need an explanation, because if you watch One Bad Apple, Family Appreciation Day, or Call of Cutie, you'd know what I'm talking about.  :huh:



Your breath stinks.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I recently saw a post asking viewers who their favorite character was, and why. So I am going to steal  borrow this concept and flip it upside down in a roundabout manner from north to south... etc etc etc. 


Be forewarned, this thread might offend some hardcore fans of certain characters.


I want you to list that one character that you wish did not exist, and give a few good reasons as to why.


Then, list another character that you dislike, but would like changed instead of removed. List why you dislike this character also, and then list what should be changed and why.


It doesn't matter how much it would affect the story line, that's not the purpose of this. 


I look forward to seeing your opinions, as it's interesting to see what my fellow bronies think :)


Happy complaining!





In the manner of all fairness:


I suppose I should tell you mine.

So here goes. No hate please.


Character I hate:



I apologize to all you spike fans. I have no problem with you liking him, these are just my own opinions.


1. I do not like the voice acting. This one is probably just me, but his voice reminds me of someone I severely hate.

2. He tends to act like an utter fool. I understand that the others do this as well, but there is something more extreme about how he acts that I dislike. I just can't put a finger on it.


I only have two. You seriously can't find too many things wrong with the characters.

Plus, I actually liked his most recent episode, so I think the tables might be turning for me.


Character who needs some adjustments:


This one is going to piss some people off, so I'm sorry. She's a cool character, but she does this one thing that irritates me.


Princess Celestia:

1. The only thing I really dislike about her is her overall uselessness. I know that she can't use the elements of harmony, and that only the Mane 6 can, but why does she never even attempt to help? (Except in that one wedding episode?) She always is like: "Oh there's this huge problem, so Twilight and gang, could you fix it? I'm going to chill at the castle, and not even try to help." 

Or maybe it's just me.

Other than that she's pretty bucking awesome :)


Who do you hate? I look forward to your answers :)

  • Brohoof 4


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Snips and Snails

I hate these guys. A lot. I don't think anyone likes them. They are pretty much the reason Trixie is in exile, and are just overall annoying, stupid, and probably more offensive then Derpy.


Rainbow Dash

I will honestly never understand why she is liked so much. She always seems like that rich bully you always stay around with because you have to to me. Her arrogance drives me crazy, because people seem to hate Trixie for her arrogance (which is not the reason I love Trixie, for the record), but love RD for hers. I will never understand why she is the most loved of the six.



Cadence was a princess introduced in the last episode of season two, not the first one as that was not her, and she was pretty much a bland Mary Sue. Everything about her is almost perfect. Then we see that in season 3, she's the Princess of a nation that has been under Sombra's power for over 1000 years. This makes no sense, as when Twilight was a filly, Cadence was a teenager. Making it impossible for her to be 1000 years old. So she has no place there. Next, since she was introduced so late, it seems she is getting a lot of screentime in a haste, and most of it is just cutsie bits with Twilight.




I think that's it. I'm gonna go before anyone brings up Trixie. Bai!

  • Brohoof 4



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, huh?




Fluttershy: Look, she does have redeeming qualities. I'll get that out of the way. I like her voice, design and some of the moments she's given but...


1. All of her episodes thus far except Keep Calm and Flutter On have been about her crippling social anxiety. This is annoying. Look, we get it, she's shy. Something about this makes me think that the writers have trouble coming up with other synopses that would work with Fluttershy as the main character, and I understand that. Still, it's getting old. 


2. Adding onto her shyness, it's annoying. I get that fans can relate to her, but shyness isn't cute. Add this onto episodes like Dragonshy where her anxiety drags down the rest of the group. It's not funny, it's annoying. 


3. Aside from her shyness, is there really that much more to Fluttershy's character? She's the most shallow member of the mane 6 character wise. She's adorable, she's shy, she's sensitive, she likes animals....that's it. On the other hand, I could talk about Rarity or Rainbow's personality for an hour. Heck, even if you look at the MLP wiki her personality description is quite a bit shorter than anyone else in the mane 6. Even Spike.


4. Some of her fans are kind of...outspoken. Particularly the ones who see her as their waifu. 


Now I feel kind of guilty for using a gif of Fluttershy as my profile background. It was just too pretty to pass up.  :blush:


Other than that, no one else really comes to mind. Snips and Snails are kind of annoying, I guess. 

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 2


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Snips and Snails

I hate these guys. A lot. I don't think anyone likes them. They are pretty much the reason Trixie is in exile, and are just overall annoying, stupid, and probably more offensive then Derpy.


Rainbow Dash

I will honestly never understand why she is liked so much. She always seems like that rich bully you always stay around with because you have to to me. Her arrogance drives me crazy, because people seem to hate Trixie for her arrogance (which is not the reason I love Trixie, for the record), but love RD for hers. I will never understand why she is the most loved of the six.



Cadence was a princess introduced in the last episode of season two, not the first one as that was not her, and she was pretty much a bland Mary Sue. Everything about her is almost perfect. Then we see that in season 3, she's the Princess of a nation that has been under Sombra's power for over 1000 years. This makes no sense, as when Twilight was a filly, Cadence was a teenager. Making it impossible for her to be 1000 years old. So she has no place there. Next, since she was introduced so late, it seems she is getting a lot of screentime in a haste, and most of it is just cutsie bits with Twilight.




I think that's it. I'm gonna go before anyone brings up Trixie. Bai!

I have to agree with you on Snips and Snails. I forgot about them, and they are the reason I don't like the trixie episodes as much as I should.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Snips and Snails

I hate these guys. A lot. I don't think anyone likes them. They are pretty much the reason Trixie is in exile, and are just overall annoying, stupid, and probably more offensive then Derpy.


YES. This, a million times this. I absolutely despise Snips and Snails, they get on my nerves so much. At first I tried to see them as funny hopeless suck-ups, but after a short while I gave up on that because they made me itch with annoyance.


A character I also dislike is Diamond Tiara, for obvious reasons. Such a stuck-up, cruel, generally dislikeable character. She's the only character I hope is removed from the show entirely.


Man, I'm not used to hating certain ponies. Feels wrong :\

Edited by Flipturn
  • Brohoof 3
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Dimaond Tiara D:<

I don't like her at all! She's a whiny little snot with a passion for money and expensive clothing. She makes fun of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. And she always has that pig smile on! PIG! 


I've said my case.. 

  • Brohoof 3
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YES. This, a million times this. I absolutely despise Snips and Snails, they get on my nerves so much. At first I tried to see them as funny hopeless suck-ups, but after a short while I gave up on that because they made me itch with annoyance.


A character I also dislike is Diamond Tiara, for obvious reasons. Such a stuck-up, cruel, generally dislikeable character. She's the only character I hope is removed from the show entirely.


Man, I'm not used to hating certain ponies. Feels wrong :\

I like Diamond Tiara more then them. While I still hate her, she has a purpose, that is well thought out and used, but them?


Rage, be warned.


They are just useless. SO VERY USELESS. While you could say that they were needed to end Boast Busters, they also confused the message due to Trixie being banned from Ponyville. They brought an Ursa into town, Trixie tries to slay it, is put in exile. What do they get? FUCKING MUSTACHES! How the fuck does that work?



At least Trixie attempted to kill them with the lack of wheels on giant chariots made of gold and whips in Magic Deul. :)

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Snips & Snails

They just bug the fuck out of me, ever since show stoppers (correct me if I'm wrong) I disliked them.

They seem like the stupid gullible follower type and those kind of people annoy me. 

Also I'm wondering why Snails wasn't taken out of the show like Derpy was earlier last year, his name actually IMPLIES that he's slow.

Don't worry I'm not going to start a Derpy epidemic or anything I'm just saying.  <_<

Anyways, that's why I dislike them, how they act, they better grow out of this or their characters are gonna be terrible forever...

Edited by ~Wubs~
  • Brohoof 1


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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Eh, I don't really have a pony I hate. Although I do think that Rainbow Dash is pretty overrated, despite being my third favorite pony.


I mean, I understand that she has a more complex character to her than say, Fluttershy, but that doesn't automatically make me like her more. Say what you will about Fluttershy being shallow and one-dimensional, but I still enjoy her screen time more than I do Rainbow Dash's.


It's kind of like how I feel about Goku and Vegeta. Although I love both, Goku is my favorite, despite Vegeta having more depth to his character.


(Yes, I bring DBZ up a lot. I'm sorry guys, I'm obsessed. :blush: ) 



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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I think I'll just post a list. I just posted a 7k characters post and I don't feel like typing much.

Edit: I see that the reasons are requested. Ok, just a few lines.


Rarity. - Freakin' annoying, useless, wannabe, golddigger, would trade her friends for fame.

Diamond Tiara. - The most annoying brat, her mocking is awkward (she should get some new ideas).

Silver Spoon - Has no own opinions.

Gilda. - Evil and possessive thief.

Snips&Snails. - ugly disloyal annoying stinks.

Prince Blueblood. - Total dickhead, acts like a dork, not a gentleman at all.

Diamond Dogs. - Play it cool but they're total weaklings.

Little Strongheart. - I just hate her by sight, don't ask me why.

Trixie. - A whiner, high and mighty, proud and egoistic AND useless in one.

Dumpbell. - Again, doesn't know how to treat a lass, is stupid.

Hoops. - Again, just a follower.

The Mayor Mare. - She does her job just for moneh.

The Cake Family. - Brown noses&brats.

Opal. - Ruins the reputation of cats.

Owlowiscious. - That head-turning is just creeping me out.

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I know it's been said multiple times before, but Snip and Snails are the only characters I can't stand in this show, other than Gilda, but this post is about Snips and Snails.  In my opinion, they are just useless in the show.  These two have no major role whatsoever, they're just filler, and I don't find them entertaining at all to watch.  At least Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon actually have a purpose, while Snips and Snails just don't, they're your usual boneheaded characters, and it really shows in Snails' voice, while Snips' voice is more irritating.  When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come on screen, I want to see what happens, but when Snips and Snails come on screen, I'm just like, "Why?"


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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