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Who is your pony waifu?


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I don't have a waifu.


For obvious reasons.

Edited by The Untalented Loser
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DANGIT. THIS IS IN SHOW DISCUSSION SO IT HAS TO BE SOMEONE FROM MLP. Bleh. I was gonna say Tamaki from Ouran Host Club. But Soarin will be my waifu because we can eat pie together.

  • Brohoof 2


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Princess Luna. Look no further than my avi for total and utter adorability. But Twilight is pretty cute too, when she's paranoid. We're looking at you, Lesson Zero.

  • Brohoof 3


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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My waifu is the one and only:


Sunset Shimmer!

She's evil! She knows advanced magic because she was Celestia's former student. Once I ally with her, nobody could stop me from my plan to rule over Equestria! And she has the best design.

Edited by Dark Moonlight
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Trixie is my waifu because she's beautiful, positive about herself, obviously great and powerful, is in the top 10 of my favorite ponies, and some other stuff.


My Waifu is(Dramatic Drum Roll)

The Great and Powerful Trixie!

How can you not love Trixie, I mean look at her. From the start I've always been a little obsessed with Trixie, and it only grows never shrinks. So yes Trixie is mine so you can all freaking stay away from her!

Yours too? She's mine!

Edited by ÷Zero
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To all of you Dashie fans who love her for varied reasons, I just want you guys to know. I respect each and every one of your rights to love her, and well I'm not gonna start a competition over her. I'm looking at you Twilight fanatics.

However, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to state the reason I love her just as much/almost as much/ or maybe more than you guys. biggrin.png


First off, She's so adorable, loyal, funny, and overall awesome! She's almost the opposite of me as far as physical traits go and even some personality traits, but I feel like we'd still be a great couple! I mean, I'm incredibly nerdy, not too athletic, make really bad jokes, love video games, and well I'm not the most manly man there is. She's a dedicated mare, who dreams big and does what she needs to, to achieve her goals. There are many things I could do to describe her, and how special she is to me... but when you've sung Loyalty to yourself almost every minute of the day... that's a case on it's own. wink.png


Besides, look at her, with her amazing Rainbow mane, those beautiful eyes, and her awesome cutie mark... she's everything I could ask for, and more!


  • Brohoof 2


Admiral Colt, reporting for duty!

I'm Admiral Colt and this is my favorite forum on the citadel.

Wanna talk? I'm always up for a discussion on just about anything!

Best Pony? RainboDash!

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Trixie is my waifu because she's beautiful, positive about herself, obviously great and powerful, is in the top 10 of my favorite ponies, and some other stuff.


Yours too? She's mine!



In the Top ten, but not the top. That makes her mine, because she is my absolute favorite pony.Pinkie D Pie demands that you get away from her Trixie and take your favorite instead.


Oh and Pinkie avatars fighting over Trixie, how ironic.

Edited by Pinkie D Pie
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I have a crush on a couple of different ponies Luna and Twilight for sure and Rainbow Dash also deserve an honorable mention but if I could call anypony my waifu it would have to be Applejack. She is a very warm loving and welcoming mare that would gladly give you the shirt off her back if she wore any clothes. She is honest and true to herself and her principles, and is confident without being arrogant. She will tell you like it is and won't play games with you, and she is so unbelievably sexy no matter what with those cute freckles that mane and that firm yet supple plot. She has a natural beauty that she dosen't even need to try to maintain and I find the cowgirl vibe to be completely irresistible.






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In the Top ten, but not the top. That makes her mine, because she is my absolute favorite pony.Pinkie D Pie demands that you get away from her Trixie and take your favorite instead.

Oh really then? I'll fistfight you for it!




*I then slip and fall*




Alright then, fine. You can have the Great and Powerful Trixie. qq

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My waifu is Fluttershy or Spitfire or Derpy or Vinyl Scratch..


1.) I'd say either Fluttershy or Spitfire.











2.) I say Fluttershy is my waifu because I would love to be with someone as kind and cute as her. She the perfect waifu, it would be awesome meeting someone like her.


Although Spitfire too, I would like a girl to be a little tough so Spitfire would also be perfect, since she is organized and just very, very cool. Especially in a uniform.. ;)


But I choose Fluttershy, I know she would always be there for me and it would be awesome having someone like her. So Fluttershy, I love you!

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Oh really then? I'll fistfight you for it!




*I then slip and fall*




Alright then, fine. You can have the Great and Powerful Trixie. qq


Perfect, and since you are a lover of The Great and Powerful Trixie, Pinkie D Pie offers there friendship to you, not to mention you have a Pinkie avatar...

  • Brohoof 1
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Alright well, I'm not gonna claim a waifu, but what I want to allude to in particular are which of the mane 6's personality types attracts me the most, and the answer should be rather obvious actually. Rainbow Dash is the one and only <3

The reason I love her character and her personality type is because she puts on a tough front, acts brash, sometimes even arrogant, but it's clear as day those are all fronts because she wants to prove to everyone how great she is at everything she does. For that reason, whenever she endeavors to do anything, she'll pour her soul into doing that to the best of her ability. While she puts on the tough act that those amazing feats she accomplishes are no big deal, they actually are to her and she does them to be acknowledged by others, and when they do, she returns the favor tenfold. Anyone with half a brain should understand what that would mean if you sought a romantic relationship with (someone like) her. And I'm definitely wanting in on that <3

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Who would be my waifu... well I made a song called Chrysalis I Wanna Be Your King, so that should be pretty self-explanatory, though there's characters I like better, I don't like them like that as much (except human Fluttershy)post-16183-0-83889700-1373347665_thumb.jpeg

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Mai waifu is Nightmare Moon, the queen of the night.


why is she mai waifu?


shes the queen of the night, shes sexy, and shes mai waifu, what else do i need to say :3


note: why do i find it weirdly fitting for her to own a lambo reventon.



  • Brohoof 3


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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To be honest with you, I have a whole list of waifus.


Octavia (MLP)

Twilight (MLP)

Fluttershy (MLP)

Noel Vermilion (Blazeblue)

Peaches (Peache and Creame)

Hikari (Strawberry Panic)

Varg Vikernes 


And more that I'm too lazy to list out or I just can't remember. 


Edit: I forgot Cadence and Trixie. Oh and Hungary form Hetalia has been growing on me lately. 


Edit 2: I forgot Rarity, and Toki Wartooth (IDGAF if he's a guy)


Edit 3: Whitney from Pokemon, and Claire too. 


Edit 4: I forgot Luna, I can connect with so many fictional characters yet I'm not interested in dating anyone IRL lololol.

Edited by France
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Rarity, most obviously!


Her beauty is unparraleled, her personality is like no other's, she's my favorite pony, I made my OC have a crush on her... it can be nopony else. :wub:

I mean, I guess, not really too into the waifu thing. ^_^

but seriously Rarity is mine and mine alone

  • Brohoof 4


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Brace yourself....for the love of my waifu. 


My waifu is hands down, Pinkie Pie!!!




She is the pony I love. She has such a hilarious and haphazard personality which makes her so easy to be liked; I don't blame most of ponyville for looking up to her! She seems like one you could have endless conversation with, she seems trustworthy and encourages other ponies to be trustworthy as well...especially after seeing the episode involving her signature "Pinkie Promise." She get's furious when a promise for her get's broken, which is very understandable; she really wants trust and loyalty in a friend...perhaps in a different manner than RD's element of loyalty, but nonetheless, point made.  


She also seems really selfless and kind, for she always seems to try her best at making other ponies and her friends smile. She's funny, adorable, hyper, sweet(literally too!), kind, trustworthy, and...man I wish the show can give her character some more depth. Regardless I like to say that she seems like there is so much to her character than what the series depicts.


She's one pony I would count on to always make me feel so happy, so loved. And I would love to marry her if I was a stallion living in ponyville lol. We would have happy little crazy fillies! img-1634192-2-happy.png


This would be the song at our wedding!



Just look at her!!!!!!!!












I could post endless pictures on here....but I've alreadly rested my case.


Pinkie Pie is my waifu!img-1634192-8-smile.png

Edited by Dsanders17
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In my headcannon I have a total of 5 waifus throughout my existence. I'm not married to more than one at a time but through various circumstances involving, ressurecting from the dead, eternal youth amulets, and time travel, I managed to engage in 5 different romantic and fullfilling relationships. Here are the 5 pony waifus I married in the order I married them.








Edited by OceanSapphire
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You realize twilight likes either guys tgat play guitars or royal guards she didnt go for the nerdy kid, just saying

Lol I play guitar, hehehe. Maybe I can show Twilight a Slayer song on guitar ya know. (I haven't watched Equestria Girls yet FYI) 

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You realize twilight likes either guys tgat play guitars or royal guards she didnt go for the nerdy kid, just saying


I'm gonna be learning how to play ukulele soon. That's good enough, right? ...Right?


Ukuleles are way cooler than guitars, anyways ;_;

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Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Discord is the closest thing i have to a MLP waifu (wait what, how does that even work? discord is male, and waifu means wife)

Why? I like guys that make me laugh, and he is a never ending pit of LULZ. And i love how rebellious and chaotic he is <3 I hate authority, and he sticks it to authority! Which is why i always love the villains! He's a villain, yet not necessarily evil and despicable. Just a bit of a naughty streak wink.pngWhat's not to love about Discord? wub.png

Also, stupid sexy Braeburn is too sexy.....

Edited by crazitaco
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*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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My waifu is Fluttershy. I love Fluttershy. She's cute, adorable, sensitive,kind..and I relate to her in a few ways. I just think that if I'm having a bad day or something,she'd snuggle up on the couch with me and ask what's wrong.











Edited by Flutter Dash
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Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Well for those who know me, it isn't really hard to guess. My perfect and adorable Waifu is none other than.......


 This beautiful hunk of music right here, Mandopony. The one and only.
I don't care if he's not in the show. 
He made it on the Hub, so close enough.
I love him. I wrote a song about him (a terrible one, do NOT look up Dear Mando on YouTube) and I stalk him pretty much everywhere. I have the guy's ADDRESS. Andy Stein, you are my one and only WAIFU!  wub.png

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