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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

The images of Sen and Lin returned to the orb and a stream of golden light came forth, piercing the immobile bodies of the real siblings. The two then proceeded to transfer information and restore the personalities of the siblings, though it seemed like the process was painful from an outsider's perspective. Their bodies writhed, shaking and floating up in the air before landing back down. The near-instantaneous restoration Omen performed back near the cave wasn't as lengthy as this but it seemed Solasan or Legion made good on their vow to make things different for them. As bad as it looked, the current elder knew things could've possibly been worse but was satisfied that there weren't any dire consequences. 

Ghilan looked around the ruin and thought about what it was like beyond those walls. How different are the longma to the races outside the village? Or rather, how similar are they to each other. If there was a way to bridge the gap between the two, maybe he ought to start down that path. On top of this, there's still the matter of getting the villagers back in shape after their harrowing experience, no one would come out of that without scars or terrible memories. Then another matter clicked. 

"Omen, you mentioned encountering children in the cave, right? Are they safe? I can have them brought back to their families but only when you're feeling better, though. You need rest. Is there anything I can get you?"

Ghilan ran to Omen when she dropped to the ground and propped her up to sitting position. He tried some of the first aid techniques he learned while growing up, but it was mostly limited to checking vitals, placing two phalanges on her neck and chest to examine her pulses.  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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  On 2017-06-16 at 10:10 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"The train fare is a lesser concern that I will handle. I require you to keep focus on the task ahead rather than formalities like that."

She had a substantially higher amount of resources to make usage off than he did, and not a want to delay things by quipping over a 10 bit ticket. That sort were peanuts for her, but for him, it could mean quite a difference when they reached Canterlot. So this time, she would cover for him.

They would arrive at the station just as the train pulled in. A little before time, but considering the lack of passengers this time of night, that were hardly surprising.

"Enter the train. I will arrive shortly."

With that, she would head for the ticket shop where a yawning pony were standing behind the counter and looking at a magazine until he saw the mare approaching, which surprised him quite a bit. Usually there was nopony on this time of night, and now they had two? Quite the strange occurrence.


@Blitz Boom,

*Cosmic desides to keep his wings hidden under his gift of a silver weave cloak for the ride. he didn't want to startle anypony more with them. He had explained on the way here that the cloak was a gift from the occult that he is now hiding from. however, he figures what better way to hide than where they would least expect him to hide, out in plain sight.* "Alright, I will be near the back. I remember liking the view." *He says to her in a low tone. Cosmic then enters the train and takes a seat near the back and out of everypony's way. He also busies himself by looking over another basic magic scroll.* 'It's like being in Magic Kindergarten again.' 

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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

"...Well alright, I will have the squash, but I prefer water." Foxy was a simple pony, though she was perfectly happy with it. Foxy then wondered what she would do after. She was going to meet Briar and Brittle again. Hopefully Brittle would have rested some, though it could take a while as she was in what seemed to Foxy pretty bad shape. Foxy looked at Anomaly as she ordered too, realizing she must be friends with her now, at least a little.

If Foxy and Anomaly weren't friends Anomaly wouldn't care to come with her would she? And especially to eat pony food, though her order was a bit strange. Foxy then wondered if Draconequui even needed to eat. This definitely gave Foxy a boost in her normally small confidence, though she doesn't like to have it too high, lest it becomes shattered. After all, maybe Anomaly just came because she was bored, or she simply wanted to be at the same place for a reason.

Foxy had to know. She cherished any friends she had, and would at least want to know if Anomaly didn't consider her one. "Um... Anomaly are we friends?" She choked out, wondering what such an unpredictable yet harmless pony (As Foxy considers many non-pony beings) would say.

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@Blitz Boom, @Widdershins

"That sounds resonable," Dawn mused and tucked the screw away in her saddlebags. She smed uncertainly at Circle Pop and scrstched her head.

"My home is on the edge of Ponyville, close to the Everfree. You alright with that?" Dawn wondered as she stood up from the table, saddlebags around her withers.

She didn't expect to make a new friend tonight but Circle Pop seems okay enough, even if she cavorts with dragons from time to time. Much to Dawn's ire. She twirled and without waiting for abn answer, walked back to her place for the night.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Warlock didn't give it much of another thought, the teleportation spell surrounding him, Astral running at him as the spell engulfed them, and her taking her with Warlock and Athriel as they arrived at his home, her momentum carrying over, Warlock moving out of the way, causing her to tumble across the floor, and assuming Chow hadn't lit his house on fire yet;  "Well this makes for some entertainment."


Nectar stared at where Warlock used to be, grasping her leg, unfortunately she couldn't heal if all the love magic was absorbed by the element of gluttony. "Well now that he's gone, I suppose you could put it away now? I can't heal without love magic, and that thing is just absorbing it all."


"We can't really follow along to the library, it'd be putting us in danger."

"He said he'd be taking us to the throne room Misty, which is much safer right now."

She looked to him, giggling a bit. "Oh, well that's good."


He looked panicked, breathing deeply, trying to keep himself together to look professional, extending his wings, following Screecher out at incredible speeds, following her to the archives.


You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded quietly in the background. Void had a point, if he were the princess (he wouldn't be for obvious reasons) he wouldn't want ponies in his/her town that beat up things for accidents. Then again, he didn't actually see what happened, so he didn't really have a valid opinion on what happened. Wow, you're acting exactly like you usually do, sitting in the background pretending to actually be in the action while having conversations with yourself.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie giggled, quickly grabbing the punching box and using it to push Storm onto the big flower thingy before tossing it and jumping on it herself, "Flower, away!" she called, waving a wooden cutlass into the air and wearing an eyepatch.

"You know I would've jumped on it myself.." Storm grumbled slightly, though he couldn't be upset as Pinkie nuzzled him happily. "So, where is this going anyways?" He asked Anomaly.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

So a family thing, huh? She could see how that'd make Serenade feel better, considering it'd have to be a good reminder of her family, and a calming thought right there. Considering she spoke so highly of her parents, that was at least what she were going with.

If it was that, Ziggy could understand it. The rings on her leg and the pearl necklace she wore, as well as the frames-only glasses, all reminded her of tradition, friends and family, and it helped keep her in a good mood when things seemed down once in awhile.

It wasn't exactly the same, and Serenade for sure needed more calming than she did considering how she might go into full on old school Siren mode if she got too far, but it was the best connection she had to think of right now, though she didn't say it out loud. Felt like it'd cheapen things a little for some reason.

"That's a pretty good thing to pass on I'd say. Something you can pass along to your own foals... Fishies... Foalfish? Offspring perhaps? You know what I mean."




The train would start pretty much as soon as he had sat down, and the steadily approaching steps of Belladonna getting nearer would mix with the low rumbling of the train.

She had a look over the three others she saw in the train as she went towards the last cart where Cosmic said he would go, but there was little surprises to see among them. A few ponies with briefcases that seemed to be almost passed out on their seats from exhaustion, and then a yawning mare in the second to last cart that Belladonna did take some notice of, and nodded towards as she passed her. A motion that was responded to with a wave before the mare began to yawn again and do hers to stay awake.

The last one were strange to see on this train, as she were certain that one were living in Canterlot, but she supposed it mattered little. She worked as an assistant to the tailor that Belladonna used, so it were simply possible that she had been sent away to take care of business that Pin Needle didn't have the time for. Accusation of a new trade partner, or a fickle customer perhaps. Potentially to learn something in a seminar far away? Perhaps something to ask about the next time she needed to go in and have her cape repaired.

Entering the last cart, she saw Cosmic read some kind of scroll, before she sat down opposite him and eased her stance a little. Might as well preserve energy considering the night were not yet over.

"What is the subject of your reading material?"



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @Twilight-Shimmer

"I don't know. Maybe? Real me seems to have some friends who she just spoke with too so... Sure, why not?"

Metal-Anomaly popped off the metallic claw on her flank and waved it around in the air until it turned to a flag saying *Go Foxy* and a message beneath which were a little hard to decipher, but seemed to be a add for shoe polish for some reason.

Well duh, brand recognition is important.

Whose brand?

I... Shush you.

That's what I figured.

Anyway, the mare behind the counter would bring their orders over shortly after and wave them towards a table since there were ponies behind them that needed a meal too, so taking all the space wasn't really fair.

Are you calling me fat?

No, but you're weird, and they don't want to go too close to you.

Pulling her tongue at thin air for some reason, Anomaly took hold of her food with her current muzzle and went toward a table, though a small mouth opened in her forehead so she could keep talking. Making Stephen King proud right there...

"So, what're we gonna do after eating then? I hope I can eat at least. i keep forgetting adding stomachs to my avatars for some reason, but anyway, what's the plans? Sleep I guess? Ponies tend to be snoring this time of night from what I've seen."



@Dji @Widdershins

"Sure thing, let's get you home."

Pop were rather happy about getting away from the main parts of town right now and towards the edges, since quite frankly, strange things were going on here in the center, and she didn't want to be too close to that at this time of night. She'd just end up falling asleep in the street and wake up as a loaf of bread or something.

She wouldn't really be saying something until they were a bit of way from everything either, and she could have a more one on one talk with Dawn, but when she felt sure enough about there not being anypony near enough to listen to them, she'd open her muzzle and ask something that were kind of important she'd say.

"Dawn? Can i ask, why do you hate dragons? I mean, I know there is a lot of bad ones out there, but they're not all mean bullies. There's some diamonds in the rough in that pile of coal."




Lyriel heard what Blood said, but her response was not one of anger or simple acceptance, it was one of sadness, punctuated further by a tear falling down from her right eye and towards the dry earth beneath her.

"It pains me to hear that Blood. I had hoped that your reasons were smaller, in that you simply wanted mayhem of some kind, yet instead you paint a picture of yourself that wraps you in misguided importance.

Must there be pruning of life to not strangle the world? Yes, but that is not the role of one being. The predators, natural diseases, mosquitoes, natural life spans and so forth do that well, and in a steady stream that does not decimate everything in its wake. What I hear from you is not the same. It is simple murder without end, to control what nature tends to do well enough on its own."

She leaned up against a tree and let out a sigh, trying to wrap her head around this in a way that were not going to make Blood seem as simply a monster.

"I will not have my friend's blood spilled in my forest, so the pruning of Nerzhei will not come to pass, but if you truly believe that your cause is what must happen, I will allow you to leave my forest in peace, and hide your tracks so she cannot follow. I cannot look upon what you're saying without thinking it too much, but it is not for me to judge this. This land ifs not like mine, and perhaps the limits of balance are not as set as they were back home, so until I know better, I will let others decide if your push towards controlling life is going too far.

Will you accept this, and leave the Everfree Forest in peace?"




There were further entertainment to go with, considering that Chow had actually managed to set fire to Warlock's home. The flames were licking around them, consuming the piles of books carrying likely invaluable information lost to time, and Chow at the end, moving a bit out of the way as Astral came charging against him for some reason when the two other wackos showed up, but placing himself in the way of them with a stick, where one end of said stick were aflame with a ball of used paper. It seemed Chow had been a busy, destructive little colt.

"Hey Athriel, what do you say to getting some actual flaming blood instead of just a hot temper?"

He waved the stick around in his muzzle whilst glaring at her, and the strange-looking Warlock, trying to appear threatening and give Astral an opening to run for her life. He were likely gonna be done for here, but she could get away if she were smart.

"Why you insufferable little worm!"

Athriel wanted to do something about the stallion, but as she had little to no magic right now and needed to protect the book in her grip, she couldn't do much else against him without potentially sacrificing her chance at getting her own element.

So instead, she made a run for an opening in the fire and rose to the sky, looking for someplace high and safe where she could place the book where the fire wouldn't catch it, before swooping down and taking care of her former prison once and for all. She were getting sick and tired of him continuously putting a branch in their wheels.

So with her out of the way, Chow instead grinned at Warlock.

"So what's it gonna be bucko? Ready to dance?"

This was going to end extremely poorly for Chow, unless either Astral had some tricks up her sleeve, or Sapphire were able to interfere somehow, though it was hard to say after what her eye had gone through the last ten minutes.




Back at the castle, Golden quickly stored the necklace away once more so that both Nectar and who else were going to come here to tend to the wounded could use their magic again, just in time before the barrier behind them were slashed in half with a sword strike and General Screecher came through, followed sharply by several other guards.

"Ambassador, get back! We will handle this."

"It's too late. They got what they came for, and they left..."

Golden felt like going down a slope into depression at his failure, but then looked around the half-ruined archives and gritted his teeth, forcing himself away from that. There wasn't time to wallow in self-defeat like this.

"General, tend to the wounded and secure the room. We will discuss this after everything and everypony is safe. And nopony attempt to apprehend my guests. They tried to help us, not fight against us."

"Understood sir. Solders, get to work, and send somepony to inform the infirmary that we have injured. General Wings, let's sweep through the room and make sure it's secure whilst they handle the troops."

Screecher knew that Iron Wings had a say in things too, but right now required action and he were inexperienced. Considering everything, it seemed like a good time to take the reigns, if momentarily.




Meanwhile, wondering what he commotion was about, but thinking it best not to interrupt them further, Morning Dew lead Iron and Misty towards the throne room, where a few guards would still be staying and bar entrance to everypony who would attempt to enter, though let the three of them pass when Dew asked them to step aside. A benefit of them not knowing yet that he were a civilian, but not one he wanted to take advantage off if it hadn't been necessary.

Unfortunately, the throne room were abandoned, save for a tray of tea, some cups and biscuits on a nearby table. From the looks of things, for three ponies.

"The ambassador seems to be away, but he can't have left long ago. Tea's still steaming, though he seems to have guests. Expect him to not return alone."



@genessee @Widdershins

"Urgh, fine. But I'm not gonna stay here and tempt myself anymore. We're leaving sis. Lance, you coming too?"

Void seemed really confused at the point where Null asked Lance to come along.

"W-Wait, Lance? Why? What're you t-thinking?"

"I'm thinking that he seemed to help you buckle up before and he needs to know where to find you when it is, so he's coming too."

"But why now? Y-You've never pushed this before."

Null bit her lower lip a tad and lowered her voice whilst starring into the ground briefly, though Lance should still be able to hear her, and potentially Ambie as well.

"...I can't keep being selfish."

She didn't say anymore, and started to walk, but she did stop at Ambie, who seemed groggy. Doubly so since he hadn't noticed the rodent on his head hissing at Null currently it seemed.

"And you. Stay away from my little sister, or you're going to regret it."

In response, Fah'Lina let go of Ambie and swooped into the air, passing over to a table and tossing a half-eaten apple she found there towards Null, just in case the mare didn't get that she didn't like her. A simple throw that were blocked with the swipe of a hoof, but it was no matter. She considered the matter settled, though she wasn't flying off just yet. After what she had just done to make sure the big pony she conned into keeping her around and the siren in disguise that baked muffins got away safely, she wanted a treat, so she were going to find something to gnaw on here before taking off with it, and find the two weird ones she sort of lived with.




Anomaly didn't answer at first as she were laughing at the display that were shown, though she were in action, considering the petals started to close around them.

"Oh, that's gonna be a surprise."

It's her home. No spoilers!

"Gonna take us 10 minutes or something like that to get to the totally mysterious place. Anypony have an idea what to talk about on the way?"

The petals closed fully around them, and the plant sank into the ground and started burrowing away. Strangely enough, the circle they were in were more or less completely still, save for some weak rumbling as they traveled through the ground. Courtesy of not having to adhere to reality no doubt.

"I dunno. Anypony familiar with the concept of electromagnetic fusion units or multi-dimensional hyper modules?"

Truth be told, he was just toying with them a little to get his thought away from what they were doing right now, but Molotov might as well open up with some unsubstantiated theoretical science from Center Zero.




"Ahaha, such a great day it already is."

A feminine voice rang out in the canyon, as a tomboyish mare in a tophat strolled down the abandoned path halfway dancing with a cart behind her.


The cart were closed, but it seemed to have a sign usually up, though it were covered as well, so it was hard to say what it read. Usually she didn't think she needed to keep that down, but it had gotten hit recently and were damaged, and she didn't want a bad presentation to be on her name. Not after the night she had last night, that was for sure.

Spicy Rolls laughed as she recalled the look of defeat in the poor fools faces when she blanked them of the last bits on the table and made it off the grand winner. How anypony kept thinking they could beat her really were a mystery, but she didn't complain. Kept the funds rolling in for her main business, and the look of defeat really did put a spring in her step.

And now she were making her way towards some little outpost of a town to get a few things settled. Nothing major, but she had a few that thought they could outrun her, and she had heard some tales about how they had passed this way, so it would be her best bet to catch them before they made it off too soon. To make doubly sure, she had even sent her guard ahead, ahead of the town, in case they had laid low there and they tried to outrun her again. That just wouldn't do.

"This day's gonna be something special. I can just feel it."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich Serenade coughs, "The term is pups...and yeah, it is either song and a love of singing or the blades and armor from a thousand years worth of military service, and given the amount of trouble I got into as a young pup, none of mine are going anywhere near weapons" She grins, "If I do have any, I would fear for the future of Equestria if they ever got into the devious hooves of the dreaded Auntie Ziggy"

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@Blitz Boom

Storm shrugged slightly, "Well I know about Magnetic Confinement fusion, and I know what electromagnetism is.." He replied, "But I don't know what a Multi-dimensional 'hyper module' is. My best guess would be that it's a powered module that could create a multidimensional gateway array, but that's just a guess."

Pinkie yawned slightly, beginning to fall asleep on Storm's back. "Magnet dimension thingies..?"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Lance seemed just as surprised as Void. 

"Wait, what?"

He thought about what Null said for a second.

"Alright, lead the way."

He  looked over at the mimic-bat-thing, and decided that he wanted to stay as far from it as possible. He shot a glare towards it and then moved about a foot further away from it.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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  On 2017-06-18 at 6:48 PM, Blitz Boom said:


The train would start pretty much as soon as he had sat down, and the steadily approaching steps of Belladonna getting nearer would mix with the low rumbling of the train.

She had a look over the three others she saw in the train as she went towards the last cart where Cosmic said he would go, but there was little surprises to see among them. A few ponies with briefcases that seemed to be almost passed out on their seats from exhaustion, and then a yawning mare in the second to last cart that Belladonna did take some notice of, and nodded towards as she passed her. A motion that was responded to with a wave before the mare began to yawn again and do hers to stay awake.

The last one were strange to see on this train, as she were certain that one were living in Canterlot, but she supposed it mattered little. She worked as an assistant to the tailor that Belladonna used, so it were simply possible that she had been sent away to take care of business that Pin Needle didn't have the time for. Accusation of a new trade partner, or a fickle customer perhaps. Potentially to learn something in a seminar far away? Perhaps something to ask about the next time she needed to go in and have her cape repaired.

Entering the last cart, she saw Cosmic read some kind of scroll, before she sat down opposite him and eased her stance a little. Might as well preserve energy considering the night were not yet over.

"What is the subject of your reading material?"


@Blitz Boom,

*Cosmic Looks up from his scroll.* "Basic Magical Theory and Creative Spell Formations. it also has the TK Spell for study and teaching. it's one of the scrolls that helped me out when I first got here. I am trying to reform the connection to my mana reserves. I can feel them but they feel disconnected somehow." *I then go back to reading the scroll, as I use a wing like a hand and pull out two more similar scrolls out.* "Magical Spell Formations and the Elements that make up a spell. I also have magic for dummies, a reference scroll. It took me a month to master what's in them. Now, I feel like a foal in Magic Kindergarten. Not a pleasant feeling, I assure you."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Blitz Boom


The Earth Pony's future wasn't perfectly blank, but rather outshined by a single moment flooding all other moments in her life with pure white light.  It the middle of all that light was a faint silhouette with wings and a horn.  A powerful future lay before her... That, and a tree.  Distracted by Zhu, she turned her head to look in his direction and ran headfirst into solid oak.  The tree shook slightly, and the pony was out cold.  



@@Blitz Boom


"If you would like to report a crime, you can fill out the forms at the front desk,"  the detective responded abruptly.  He was a slightly overweight, brown Pegasus with a bushy mustache, a fedora, and a tie.  His wings at least looked strong enough to carry his weight.  On the wall next to his desk were all kinds of awards in his name including some for bravery and heroism, although there was one for being the 1,000th customer at Donut Joe's... and the 10,000th... and the 100,000th.  "Is that any way to talk to a friend?" Penny asked playfully, waving the bag of candy in the air in front of him.  His eyes followed the bag closely.  He put the case file down and got up, offering a hoofshake to Scarcity, and introduced himself, "Detective Nickelbits, at your service.  Sorry about the mess, it seems the janitor hasn't come by to empty the trash yet."  "He already has Phil..." the mare at the front desk said, sounding annoyed.  The detective opened his mouth as if to respond but the mare interrupted before he could start, "...three times."



@@Blitz Boom


"I've already waited over three hundred years, so what's another few hours?  Although, why wouldn't you just take me with you to the void?"  Charlie asked, their stick glowing every time they talked.


Elsewhere in Equestria 


A cloaked traveler entered a old hidden temple where other ponies in robes were chanting prayers.  There was a large stained glass window depicting a yellow unicorn with a dark grey mane in shining gold armor.  The newcomer removed his cloak to reveal himself to be that very unicorn.  "I have finally vanquished the demon," he proclaimed as he threw the demon's tail onto the floor.  "Our savior has returned!" one of the robed ponies shouted, the rest mumbling amongst each other.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer @Widdershins (Maybe? I'll just add you anyway just because) 

Little did Anomaly (or whatever secondary form she was) know, Foxy was already sleeping, before abruptly waking up, yelling "Sleep? Oh, no I'm good..." Before hitting her head on the table. "No really, I'm fine..." A few ponies around them were looking toward her direction.

"Well, perhaps... it's been a long day. I am one who often stays up, as foxes are often nocturnal... but I doubt I can stay awake that long. I am glad we are friends then, I think... I don't really understand how your forms work."

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@Blitz Boom

@Foxy Socks

Yawning a bit Stardust opened his eyes and glanced around having dozed off on Anomaly's back not long after hopping onto it. He glanced around a bit with his blue green eyes idly wondering what all he had missed. An amusing thing to note was that once he was asleep, he could sleep through almost anything, with the exception of a thunderstorm those tended to wake him up instantly. "Uh what did I miss?" he asked once more glancing around hoping to get caught up to speed on things.

  • Brohoof 1

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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Ghilan wouldn't be able to tell anything being too wrong with Omen, who were looking over his check curiously. Her vitals were fine, she wasn't breathing weirdly - though she wasn't breathing much in general unless she got active - and there was no wounds.

One thing that were different than most normal ones were her pulse, that seemed to follow a rythm to an old song rather than a regular beat, but that were a gift of sorts, not a sign something was wrong. Courtesy of Master Discord.

"Children? What children?"

A brief memory she had barely been able to register as the kids had been possessed by Legion, and therefore meant she needed time to process it, it had escaped her mind along with a lot of other things when she needed to clear her head before, or the time after that perhaps. She wasn't completely sure at this point.

"And what is it you're doing? Something stuck on me? That's why I can't get up?"

Thinking about it for a time, Omen wondered if perhaps she should open a gate and ask her siblings. See if they knew something about this.

So she focussed, a dot opened in the air that expanded into a half gate, then tore apart a few seconds after, much to Omen's surprise.

She tried a few times more, but each time ti just became less and less, until she could barely get the dot to show itself anymore.

"Strange, never been like this before. Guess I need to wait."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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        Finishing walking closer to her, the odd stallion attempts to prod her cheek in as reassuring a manner as it can. Sitting down & nuzzling her cheek, he continues on.

    Of course it's your business. All of this is entirely yours. We're here in your subconcious right now; I'm only in here because you allow me to.

         ...but the question is, what you're doing matters to you.


                                     ...you don't talk much. You think that can't be picked up by some recent, rather stately stallions you've met? Clearly, your past is bothering you because you won't let your past be the past. What matters is if you matter to you.

      Oh... and this can stop anytime you wish it...

   The dream stallion's pink-topped head backs away from Phoenix, a playful grin coming on its muzzle again.

      Usually takes the dreamer to wake up in a jolting suprise...   I can do this thing with my mouth that usually scares most awake, if you want!


 @Blitz Boom

    "I... don't know... I've never turned purple before..."

       Ambie grumbles out in low voice as groggy as his still unfocused, half-open gaze on the same right, front hoof as he had noticed before. Still unaware of where the mares from before are or really who was talking to him now, the peach pony half-heartedly attempts a question.

   "I don't...   ...didn't... wasn't that something one of you did? Aren't... don't all earth ponies do what I do...?"


To B.B. again!:

      Cool Beans! Did anybeing get killed in the firefight?!

    Widdershins continues to babble on, clearly not fatigued in the slightest despite all that had transpired and him having been the epicenter of it. Flipping onto his back and lifting Smokey up over him, propped up in his front tentacle & claw like a foal being given a playful ride with the draconequus's long, furry ears draped around him loosely like a mock scarf, Widdershins excitedly proclaims his previous statement before pausing a moment, either to become somewhat aware of what he just said or being chastised by a voice only he can hear.

   KILL YOU?!!? I wouldn't kill you! Can't be friends after all if one of them's dead! ...Well, I've been friends while dead before, in fact, I currently am, but that's besides the point!

      I simply intoned that you ought to try being dead sometime. It's not really that much of an end as most seem to think. You know how easy most dimensions have finding ways to bring the dead back to life or heal for what should be fatal wounds? Every place has it's Revives or Phoenix Down...  Oh, huh... maybe that's something you oughta look into...

      Widdershins thinks for a moment & in the process, slowly turns their positions around, gently placing Smokey back down on all fours.

  Eh, my point stands. Death ain't all that bad once you get used to it. I'm sure you've become well-aquanited with it in your line of work! Like, what immortal being hasn't met with the Spirit of Death?  Can't begin to count how many times I'VE been penetrat-*Ahem* -Impaled before! Maybe we should compare fatal wounds sometime!

   But my point that's besides the point that isn't the point is besides the point. You're all tuckered out Smoke Stud! We can't have that now, can we!??!

  Widdershins begins lightly shooing and bumping Smoke Signal back to his tent to sleep for the night by using his finned tail like a large broom, cooing all the while like a protective mother.

     Besides now, we need to make room to get the thread caught up to "next day" & your Author has enough trouble trying to keep everything on schedule! Battercakes knows, I'm not one to ask about "Time!"


  To @Blitz Boom again!

        From some distance behind Spicy Rolls a flap of wings can be heard. As they get nearer, the wingbeats get louder as any creature further behind the mare's wagon can see the growing shape behind her start to grow as it comes closer with its aura of clear malice unmistakable to the small birds flitting out of its path.

   With one final, quiet flap befitting an aerial predator, a moderately large dragon rudely perches ontop of Spicy Rolls's carriage. With an orange-red row of short spikes along its back and standing twice as long, and nearly twice as tall as any pony, it covers most of the roof despite it seemingly not weighing down the vehicle any more than the difference would be between it empty or fully-loaded. Likely not enough for a pony that's used to doing so would balk at the added weight, and considering the unrestrained contempt & disgust on the drake now perched defiantly on its front eaves closest to the red pegasus mare, he clearly is not going to care about moving anytime soon.

   With his tan-orange neck proudly pulled back over his puffed, cream-colored chest, Kaltrop loudly screeches, gesturing wildly with his front claws every so often with the force of his indigence.

  "WHAT'RE YOU DOING?! Who walks THROUGH a canyon like this!?"

     "Are you TRYING to get eaten by Quarry Eels? There's a whole paved road up there on the canyon's edge! I have this whole scheme plotted out that is entirely dependent on stupid ponies taking that bridge and you have to go and be the one that takes their own stupid road and ruin everything I've worked so hard to achieve!!"

    "Just like a stupid pony to stupidly do such a stupid thing as to be so stupid in something this stupid! ...You stupid, stupid pony with your big, stupid face!"


Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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  On 2017-06-18 at 6:48 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Sure thing, let's get you home."

Pop were rather happy about getting away from the main parts of town right now and towards the edges, since quite frankly, strange things were going on here in the center, and she didn't want to be too close to that at this time of night. She'd just end up falling asleep in the street and wake up as a loaf of bread or something.

She wouldn't really be saying something until they were a bit of way from everything either, and she could have a more one on one talk with Dawn, but when she felt sure enough about there not being anypony near enough to listen to them, she'd open her muzzle and ask something that were kind of important she'd say.

"Dawn? Can i ask, why do you hate dragons? I mean, I know there is a lot of bad ones out there, but they're not all mean bullies. There's some diamonds in the rough in that pile of coal."


@Blitz Boom, @Widdershins

"Why do I hate dragons? One took my mother from me," Dawn said simply in a clipped tone that brooked no argument or further talk on the matter. She flicked her tail in annoyance and snorted a bit. "I at least know that not all dragons are bad but I feel that way towards the species as a whole," Dawn growled slightly in response to her own answer as they approached the track that lead to her home. "Just ... no. Don't question me about why I hate dragons."

Edited by Dji
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What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

"Oh you've made a mistake!" He stomped his hoof down, wind whisking outwards, flowing through his mane. Trying to get the air around them to put the fire out. But not before Astral ran at Warlock, pushing him into the flames, which were put out nearly immediately, allowing him to give her a solid buck with his back leg, sending her flying out the window.

"AAAHHH!" She quickly cast a sword spell, jamming it into the side of the cliff. Looking down, not seeing many ways out of this situation.

Warlock climbed out of the flames, moving his hooves around, creating a dripping molten metal staff out of the air, swinging it around sending the metal drops flying out. "You like heat don't you?!" He yelled, trying to swing the staff at Chow.


"Thank you." Nectar lifted her hoof away from the wound, seeing the gash heal up. She looked up, seeing the guards making their dramatic entrance. "Oh, the generals arrived, you're a bit late to the party."

The two of them sat down, Francis sighing. "I really hope that Astral pony is alright."

"Well what she did was rather foolish, considering the situation." Nectar looked over to Golden. "You think now would be a good time to get my trained subjects involved?"

"Trained subje-" Iron Wing settled down, looking at Nectar, recognizing who she was referring to. "Since when did we let changelings get involved?"

She sighed, turning over to Wing. "Mine are good, but I was just thinking they could help clean this place up."

He turned over to Screecher. "Your thoughts on this?"


"Oh do you think one of them was Astral?"

"Actually it was Misty, but it's not likely Golden will come back with her."

Misty sat up jumping off of Dew's back. "Why is that?"

He stopped walking, sighing. "Well to put it simply, she's fighting Warlock." Misty walked over to him as he trying to find his way to a seat. "And even though I could, we couldn't teleport there to help considering our condition." He explained, as he sat down. Looking over in Dew's direction, or where he was last. "Do you plan to try and help them Dew? Surely you still could, even if you've just retired."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

"You need some rest. You can tell me more about the children you encountered later." Ghilan said had Omen recline against a wall. "I'm just making sure you're alright; it's an old lesson I learned when hunting in a group: always look after your fellows as they do for you. Though maybe what I'm doing might not help much since our bodies might work differently. Pulses and life signs may be different but I acted on instinct."

As the two carried on conversation, the orb slowly began pulsating gold then projecting blue light on the siblings. The initial burst of energy overwhelmed their systems first and dropped them to the ground. Now the orb is seemingly picking them up, or rather getting them to pick themselves up. Still with blank expressions on their faces, the siblings stood up once more and walked with unnatural motion to the unconscious Solasan, picking him up by the forelegs and dragging him to the focal orb near Omen before the orb created glowing shackles around his legs. Ghilan picked up on this and angrily confronted the beings of the orb upon seeing this display. 

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? You think they'd like it when they find out you're controlling their bodies like that?"

"We wish to test basic motor functions. Restoring a mind is one thing but returning a mind to a dysfunctional body nullifies the effort put into brining your companions back. We understand this is not paint a favorable picture in your customs but we do what we must to ensure no unexpected results happen. And we did not wish Solasan to escape. We hope you understand. The process is just about finished." 

With the last of the process approaching completion, Ghilan stayed quiet and watched as the trails of light emanating from the orb faded. The blank eyes of Sen and Lin slowly came back into view and the two moving their bodies little by little. It took a few minutes for them to fully return to consciousness before their blinked their first and saw the outside world with their own eyes and see Omen resting before them. The two, overjoyed with their friend's success walked up to her, sat by her and gave her a warm, tender hug. Lin even went up to nuzzle Omen. 

"Thank you," Sen quietly said with tears of joy running down his cheek. "It's good to see you again."  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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  On 2017-06-19 at 10:08 PM, Widdershins said:

Finishing walking closer to her, the odd stallion attempts to prod her cheek in as reassuring a manner as it can. Sitting down & nuzzling her cheek, he continues on.

    Of course it's your business. All of this is entirely yours. We're here in your subconcious right now; I'm only in here because you allow me to.

         ...but the question is, what you're doing matters to you.


                                     ...you don't talk much. You think that can't be picked up by some recent, rather stately stallions you've met? Clearly, your past is bothering you because you won't let your past be the past. What matters is if you matter to you.

      Oh... and this can stop anytime you wish it...

   The dream stallion's pink-topped head backs away from Phoenix, a playful grin coming on its muzzle again.

      Usually takes the dreamer to wake up in a jolting suprise...   I can do this thing with my mouth that usually scares most awake, if you want!


Phoenix simply remains still as all of this sinks into her. of course, there was the strange stallion trying to comfort her. she felt his fluffy mane as it brushed against her, and it made her crinkle her nose ever so slightly. she took a bit of a step back, as such a sudden gesture was a bit unwelcome in her eyes. she still avoided making eye contact with the being as his words hung on her. she sighed calmly as she realized the truth in his words, and she too took a seat, not terribly far from the stallion, but also not very close. it was a bit standoff-ish. 


he was absolutely correct, and she put a hoof to her forehead in shame. after all of this time, how could she not see things the way they are? the issue was nearly 100% to due with the fact that she allowed herself to be miserable. yet, if most were put into her situation, they may find it hard to blame her. still, there were certain things she may yet to get by. romantic relations certainly was something of an oddity with her circumstance. 


"i understand...." she said solemnly, as she stared at the floor of this strange realm. 


hearing that this whole nightmare could end at her will certainly was a relief for her. and in that moment, she found she desired nothing more. ending a dream willingly, is not something she's ever had to do before, so it wasn't at all strange (at least in her mind) that she didn't know how. 


"if you startle me, i can't guarantee that it won't backlash on you" she bargained with the stallion "but you're free to do so at your digression"  

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@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy almost exploded into rainbows when Serenade wafted the idea around about her pups - cutest word for baby sirens ever - playing around with the zegasus.

"The thought is too much, to think of the touch, oh quickly, so quickly, I'd reach for a crutch. Too cute to bear, I fear I'd only stare, amazed and intrigued, at their tiny, finned feet, and melt right away as my heart starts to bleed.

No reason to run, we can all still have fun, though perhaps out of sight, in case it might fright, some other ponies to see they could bite. Just a guess for sure, though you are a carnivore, so I bet they'd quickly have a really sharp maw.

Though I think your main fear, should be to stop me from being too near, cause I couldn't resist the small pups so dear. They'd likely abuse it quite handy, yet it'd be all fine and dandy, not like I wouldn't already shower them with candy."

It had been weeks since Ziggy had started to rhyme, but at the mental image of tiny Serenade pups floating and wobbling around, chewing on her hide a little or trying to use their song/adorableness to get her to play with them and get them stuff, she had went into overdrive and couldn't help herself. It was simply too adorable, and certainly something she hoped would happen sooner or later.




"I wouldn't know the feeling of going through common magic scrolls that teaches about how to work your magic actually, as I were self taught in the practice of using my horn, but if it is comparable to the early stages of trying to feel out ones magical reserves and find how to use it, I can understand the frustration to some degree."

Belladonna were well aware of how early most unicorns had their first magic accidents, and how fast after that they'd be taught how to properly use this, yet she had not grown up in a conventional place or with conventional parents as most other unicorns did, and she had found that she needed to try and control this herself as time had passed, which meant it took longer, yet were working well when she did finally get the handle of it. Truth be told though, when she had gotten to Canterlot back in the day, she had borrowed some scrolls from the library to teach herself better, comparable to the sort that Cosmic were reading through now perhaps, and that had helped a good deal. Still though, she would consider herself home schooled in that regard.

"Considering you claimed your magical properties to be locked down however, would a more fitting read not be something which teaches how to handle magical illnesses? Otherwise it would seem like the results of your reading would be the same as if an earth pony did. An understanding of the subject, but not magic to use for it."



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @Twilight-Shimmer

"Forms are just evolving things and setting new scenes. Like me. I'm just kind of a prop, whilst real me is off with a few of the other ponies now, to visit home. Might be when she returns she drains me of memories and then I stop existing and there's no more forms, or she makes me into my own kind of creature, instead of just an avatar. We might be the same, but I'm still not sure what she's going to do. Part of the fun."

That right there was just confusing. So you're some form of split personality.

I guess. I just know she made me to talk with these, and then she'd likely want to know how that went later on. You know, unless she forgets me, which is just going to be weird.

Why do I get the feeling that have happened before?

I don't know, noisy monkey man. And stop trying to scour our memories.

Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just move this along. You need to help Foxy to the tents.

"Well, both you and Stardust looks ten kinds of tired Foxy. Let's bag the food and go to the tents so you can sleep."

Taking off the waving flag, she molded it like dough into a large tray that she put on her head, then put their food on and closed the mouth in her forehead. She could speak normally now, so she might as well before she got a headache.

"And well, you sort of missed the birdie Stardust. it's been screeching at you for minutes now to get your attention, and the funny-looking eye tried to talk to you as well. I think it wants help."

She tried to reach a hoof and touch the eye, but just got a faceful of fire instead from the threatening phoenix who were not gonna let her prize get away before Stardust had seen it, nor let it be taken by the one who were still touching her magical colt, by carrying him around..



@Dji @Widdershins

Circle Pop felt herself wanting to shrink and hide in a mouse hole by the response that she had gotten from Dawn. No wonder the poor thing hated dragons so much.

"O-Oh, I see. I wouldn't want to think too fondly of them either then if it was me..."

This made things somewhat difficult, considering how much Pop and Benny were getting along, and it basically made it impossible to ever introduce the two of them, but it wasn't as if she could blame Dawn. If she had been the one on the poor mare's side of the story, she would likely have a hard time getting over it as well.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I can't imagine how hard it must be to go through that."




"Well well well, ain't you a tough-looking customer?"

Spicy looked over the somewhat mediocre-sized dragon like you would a piece of meat at the store. Overall, he wasn't he biggest of his sort that had come after her before, and he certainly wasn't the most buff either, but those eyes sure held a temper and some contempt for her. Plus in that he had gotten near rather quietly until he was too close to get away from and had the balance to sit on her cart right without falling off or unbalancing it, and she'd say, he could be pressed up to a solid B-. Perhaps more if he showed to have a bit of backbone, but there was only one way for the grinning pony to be sure of that: have a bit of a chatter with him.

"Normally I'd ask if you were another of Jerry's goons, but you're not large enough. He likes to send 'em in big and nasty and hope his threats will do, and you just don't have what it takes to cut corners with him. Still, fine turn of events to not deal with a knucklehead who thinks grabbing me gets him anywhere, so I'll give you a shot.

You wanted to know why I didn't bother with the bridge it sounded like? Ain't it obvious? I didn't want whoever's come before me to know I was on my way to them. Too easy for them to run off if they know where I'm coming from, and there ain't a pony in this land who gets away from paying his debt to me with just a little running.

Besides, the bridge is mostly for the ones who fear we got some of those overgrown eel around here. Ain't a common ground for them, and the few scattered ones can be easily dealt with if you know how to get to town on that."

She looked at the dragon, no sort of fear in her eyes and gave him a rather mischievous look before popping off her hat and with a swirly motion, tipped it towards the dragon in an extravagant greeting, before using the same motion to pop it right back on top of her short mane again.

"Names Spicy Rolls. Equestrian poker champion three years running. And who're you then big guy? The troll under the bridge, ready to pop up and collect his fee before the goats jump across?"

Was it perhaps unwise to not beg the large dragon for mercy? For some, sure it was, but she didn't give two bits about that sort of thing. She had her ways to fight back if it came to it stashed on her person, and she had chased off bigger and more aggressive than this chap and gotten out of it fine enough, so she had no apparent issue with meeting the loudmouth's gaze and take him up on this rocky start.




So Astral had gone over the edge? This wasn't good, he needed to get her safe, though it sounded like she had found a bit of ground to stand on whilst the fires went on around them. Or well, she had not tumbled down at least, which considering where they were, could be a real possibility.

As for Warlock and his swing of the molten staff, that sort sure was hot when it got near, but it was easy to avoid as well. It was too clumsy of a weapon to really get a good swing with if you faced an evasive sort, and it seemed Warlock was more magic than anything else, or else that hit wouldn't have looked so wonky.

Chow were about to tease him for this, when a few of the molten drops that seemingly came from the staff as well passed by his mane, scorching a few hairs, and one hit his hoof, melting a bit of the edge off and making him grit his teeth a bit. Perhaps this was going to be more of a problem than he had first anticipated, but then again, this staff could also e used right if he stood the right places. Risque, but with the swinging and the burning, standing the right places and avoiding the hits might make Warlock just set further fire to his home. Worth a shot.

Jumping over to a stack that wasn't completely ion fire yet, Chow threw his burning stick at Warlock.

"What, did you get sand in your eyes or do you just always hit like a filly?"

Meanwhile, down with Astral, and unlikely *savior* of sorts would swoop down, after having secured her book. It didn't please Athriel when she were flying just behind Astral and reached a talon towards her wrist to get her out of the pinch she had put herself in, but she were not going to get away from her this easy. Her sister's descendant would be instrumental in her plans, even if she had to lower herself to saving the inferior mare's life.

"You won't get away this easy, descendant of Sapphire. My little sister's accursed blood runs in your veins, and I have a need for you because of it."




Golden raised a hoof towards Iron, signalling him to please listen to what he had to say.

"The circumstances are not as they once were General, but we do not have the time to focus on that. Your majesty, if you think this a good time to call your subjects, then do so, though the situation have seemingly turned more dire.

I don't think we have met. Iron wings, correct? Forgive me for my lack of formalities right now, but the time for that will have to be later. For now I will need to lend the ear of both you, and General Screecher."

Screecher raised her head from the area she were checking when she heard her name be said.


"I will need you to trust the guards in being able to handle this on their own. I have a need to speak with you both, as well you as Nectar and Francis, before either of you depart."

As were seemingly common occurrence at this point, Golden would begin a teleportation spell, aiming for the throne room where they could speak in peace whilst this got handled. Though not before Astral gave an order to the nearest Soldier on her way over to them.

"Get the mages to arrange for an anti-teleportation spell around the castle, and keep it maintained until you hear otherwise."




Dew looked at the blind pony whilst Misty jumped off his back.

"It isn't as simple as that. Whilst I can still adorn my armor and fight for the kingdom, the enemy sounds like a strong magic user, and physical combat does not outrank that at a certain level. Not if it comes to one who is cunning enough to be able to break into the castle and get away with little trouble. Perhaps if I had a magic-restraining ring to place on his horn, but otherwise it will become a substantial problem."

Wouldn't be longer than that before a light went off in the room and Golden, plus whoever else had decided to come along, would be in the room, looking at them with surprise whilst Dew saluted his former boss.

"Sir, I bring you one of the fugitives and her current warden. They have something they wish to speak with you about regarding the previous attack."

"If it is about how they have less of a part in it than we had expected, we have become well aware of that in the last hour Dew, though I thank you for bringing them here. Yet I wish that I could meet them with at least a questioning mind instead of simply having to condole them on their loss. Astral left through the gate to follow Warlock, and things did not look promising.

As it stands though, we need to think of an attack plan, and fast. I have a means of dealing with both of our enemies as it stands right now, but not at the same time. Athriel can be trapped, but Warlock would likely just seep the magic from her trap, and likewise, she could rip the Amulet of Gluttony from my hooves if I tried to approach Warlock. Suggestions?"

"If we can find where they are, we can send a fighter through with whatever means you speak of then? A physical superior to this Athriel person would work I assume?"



@genessee @Widdershins

"Earth ponies doesn't change color. Nopony does that."

"Well p-perhaps a unicorn could, since it looks like magic, b-but you're not one of them and it looked t-too weird. I would think a c-changeling if you weren't still uhm... N-Not a bug pony."

Null gnashed her teeth as she heard about changelings. Infuriating beings the lot of them as far as she were concerned.

"Doesn't matter. Didn't turn into a bug, so he's not one of them, but there's some kind of freaky magic hanging over you, and I want no part of it."

With that, Null would get on her way towards their home, with Void looking like she didn't know what to do at first, then turning towards Lance, remember that he were supposed to go with them, and gulped before showing an awkward attempt at a smile, not sure what to say about this. In fact, she didn't say a peep and just turned after a time, stumbling towards where Null had gone whilst keeping her head a bit low.

Meanwhile, two things happened at the same time. One of them being that Fa'Lina grabbed hold of a muffin at the counter and snatched it before flying off towards the forest with a confused server behind the desk looking after her, and the other being that Happy turned back into his pony disguise at seeing Pinkie disappear, which seemed to be his chance to get away before it was too late.

Might be his cover was full on blown, but at least like a pony and standing in the darker parts of town as the time went on now, he would have the chance to slip away, soon as he located his wagon that were. He wasn't leaving without it.




"I occasionally deal with immortals, not often. I try to stay clear of those places if I can help it, and I have yet to really get close to death. Only the time when I was interrupted by this glory hunter of an *archeologist* called Daring Do."

Smokey did not have a lot of fond things to say about Daring Do. She were a reckless, irritating gnat that went into temples, took a few historical things, and then locked them away in unknown locations whilst writing her foolish books. Countless important things for either the grey market or museums had been stashed away by her, and then she had the audacity to judge him for selling some pieces off that he found. How he wished he had simply left her in the draconian ruin sometimes, but he knew he couldn't. He wasn't a killer, and leaving somepony in the state he had found her in would be the same as having struck her himself as far as he were concerned.

"Unless you referred to me as an immortal being, in which case I would have to laugh. Much as it could be beneficial, I am not immortal, or invincible for that matter. For all intents and purposes I'm a regular mortal."

He was not sure what might have made Widdershins think otherwise, but oh well, perhaps it was simply him who misunderstood. It was 23:00 in the evening after all, and feigned energy or not, he could really use some sleep, which seemed to be a shared sentiment, though Widdershins reasons were not something he understood.

"I'm not certain what you mean with an author, but rest would be welcome. Just please, do not disturb Phoenix in her rest. it have been a long day for her and she needs to regain her energy,"

Smokey did not overly like his position currently, riding on this draconequus seemed like it could end wrongly somehow, and he still preferred to have ground underneath his hooves rather than this. Yet he supposed he couldn't get everything his way, so it were out of his hooves unless Widdershins changed his mind and let him down again.




Molotov grinned.

"It's a hypothesis involving inter-dimensional travel, yet only for socks, and were theorized by one of the more *mad hatter* sort of scientists back in Center Zero. It's more or less complete gibberish, and doubly so because we found out it was simply the neighbors cat that stole the clean ones from the dryer and used them to make a bed for itself."

"Hehe, that's a good one. When did he find out?"

"Pretty shortly after making his opening theory, when the rest of us took pity on him and pointed it out."

With Molotov chuckling along with Anomaly over this, Blitz instead turned to Pinkie and Stormy.

"You're sleepy Pinkie? Long day?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Zhu raised an eyebrow as the pony collapsed after impacting with the tree. Not because of the impact, but because of what he had seen in her future.

Alicornification was something he had only stumbled over once before, with Twilight Sparkle, and hers had not been this glkowing. She had to be pushed towards a light, certainly, but it did not overshadow everything like this did. If it wasn't because he had little trust in the concept of fate, he might have thought that this is what the earth pony's future showed. A simple, unavoidable fate.

Something to discuss with her later though. For the time being, he needed to either wake her up or take her along. So with that in mind, he would first lean in and use a bit of magic along with his initiate wind magic to blow some icy wind in the face of the earthen mare, yet if that didn't work within ten seconds, he would simply toss her on his back and be on his way. He could not linger here or the thieves might escape.



@Seamore Sandwich

"A little mess is what happens officer, do not be concerned about that. I would rather that you saved that for the business that we are here to discuss with you."

She didn't honestly think that this mess was okay, but she would smile and play it off, because this was who she were to the general world and populace, and she would not quibble about this mess in snarky tones like she likely would if she had more freedom to let herself show.

Taking worth the two coins they had identified to be false earlier, Scarcity laid them down in front of the detective with a worried frown on her face.

"I were making a purchase when Penny here so kindly informed me that there were false coins in my payment. She tells me that you know something about this, yes?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Vivid grimaced a little before answering the question.

"Because I don't hate you enough to let you be subject to that place.

Might be it's not hell, but there are still demons in the void, and even in my carved out little alcove of the place, I'm not safe from some of them getting closer and getting frisky if they smell a wayward soul near me. That sort of peace is reserved the crazed ones who resides near the middle, especially the center one. If you get within his grip, your eternity will end up a whole lot less pleasant.

Besides, time works differently there, and I need 18 hours of that time's sleep to get to my hooves again. If I stash you somewhere else, it will only feel like half or so for you. Though again, it is mainly because of the other demons there.

Believe me Charlie. Even though demons can be forthcoming at times, they are few and far in-between, and you are unlikely to meet one as friendly as me. The soul collectors never are..."

With that, and with the stick in her robe, Vivid took a step backwards and seemingly vanished into a puff of purple smoke, though for Charlie, he'd see the truth in her just having passed a layer of reality, and now standing on a long, barren road of void energy in what seemed like a dimmed and dead forest below them. Voices and eyes would be seen here and there, speaking incoherently, but clearly trying to lure them off the path.

"Just ignore them. They can't touch us on this path."




"I don't sleep."

That being said, Omen still did need time to regain power, it were just that she were relegated to simply watching or thinking for the time being, and since there were not much more to think about, it went quickly towards simply starring at what went on with Sen and Lin's bodies, as the two not-them apparently patched them up.

Ghilan seemed to get angry when the two of them started to wander around, and wrap up Salosan like a holiday present, though she didn't really get why. The explanation that the spirits gave sounded fine, and they hadn't done anything she'd think the two of them wouldn't do themselves considering they likely didn't like Salosan that much, if for nothing else, then for locking them down the way that he had. Loss of control was likely not good for them.

It took a little time more before things were done, though she did perk up as they said that her friends were soon free again. Considering she had no idea how this magic worked however, she didn't know how long that would actually be, but as the light dimmed in the orb and it seemed to return to Sen and Lin, it appeared as if it really were almost done, as had been said.

There wasn't much time to think about that before the two of them got over to Omen as she laid on the floor and embraced her, which made Omen feel a warmth spread weakly in her chest. Not of the bad kind this time, but more like when she had met master Discord again. She believed this might be *joy* or *happiness* but she'd have to think on that later.

"Your eyes are wet. Something wrong?"

If there wasn't, there would be a second later at least as the drake slid down from Omen's mane and went straight over and with a hiss, bit Sen in his nose.

It had thus far considered the smell of Lin and Omen to be friendly and family, since they smelled somewhat similar because of the Ki'Nathar side, but Sen didn't have that smell, and though it might normally be able to tell from looking at him and see how close he were to the others, right now a lot had happened, and its instinct told it to protect its nest, which might be a slightly painful experience for Sen, though thankfully, its teeth were that long right now, so likely it would just feel like a pinch by a tiny, somewhat dull needle pillow.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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[Blitz Boom]


A sharp pain ran up Sen's nose as the little drake nipped at him. Understandable but that wouldn't detract him from expressing how happy he is to see Omen again. He let go and looked around to find himself in the ancient castle ruins, a place that brought him old memories he slowly became fond of. 

"There's no problem. I'm just really glad to see you. I guess I got a little teary-eyed back there but it's nothing to be worried about. What about you? Helping out the village and stopping Solasan looked like it took a lot out of you. Is there anything sister and I could do?"

"Aside from bringing this piece of filth to mother so she could do punish him." Lin quickly added as she looked at the unconscious simulacrum of the real former elder. Just the sight of him brought out her anger but she knew to remain reserved. Right now, he could do no harm but she feared Sen would not be as restrained as her. If anyone would demand retribution, it would be him.

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