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Do you love or hate your parents?



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  1. 1. I...

    • love my parents.
    • hate my parents.
    • Other (please explain in the comments)

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When I was in middle school, I hated my parents. They never let me do the things I wanted to do. If I didn't get my way I would fight with them and would get my electronics taken away. The problem with my attitude was I wanted things and I wanted them now. I look back and I realize how selfish I was; I cared about no one except myself.


Today I truly love my parents. I try not to take the things they do for granted, because they do so much for me and my sibling. They may be a little over protective, but that's because they want to keep me safe from harm. They told me I mean the world to them and would always love me no matter what. So I'm happy to say that I love my parents and they love me back.

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Personally, I do love my parents, though admittedly, I used to hate them mainly because my grandma has always been trying to turn me against my parents just because of their past and the bad things they've stumbled upon here and there... It was only until a little bit ago I realized how ridiculous it is to do that.

In the end, now, I truly love my parents, and I only want the best for them, as I know they want the same for me. I do have friends though who hate their parents though truly, and I can't say I blame them sometimes. The ways that some of these friends' parents treat them and talk to them sometimes, they'd be inhuman not to be a bit ticked at the way their parents treat them.


A huge thank you to my great friend AppleGearRising for this signature picture


Thank you Apple, I love it so much!


Normally I would just post the picture, but as it seems, it is too big to put in the signature here, so here is the link to my MLP personality test results:

http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?q=OTU0Mnw5NDMzMzA (I am mostly like Fluttershy, in case you couldn't already guess.)

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I love my mother with everything in me, although I'm sure sometimes it doesn't seem that way to her. A lot of the kids of single mothers end up in trouble with the law and with very little hope for the future, and I respect my mother immensely for working her hardest to allow me to go to college and become more than just another statistic. We rarely get along, and I think our relationship is better when I'm not living with her, but that doesn't mean that I don't love her to infinity and back, it just shows that she's a Type A personality while I'm a Type B. :adorkable:


My Grandmother, whom I lived with for a while, I also love very much. However, she has a tendency to be possessive, so I think when I left for college it was a very good thing for her. :please:


My Grandfather is probably the 2nd most influential person in my life. He took me to my first car show, is always there for me, and I don't think he would ever turn me out, even if he found out about my membership in this fandom, which I'm sure would thoroughly perplex him. :blink: The only flaw with him is that sometimes I think he underestimates his own worth. :(


My Uncle, he's just an all-around cool guy. B) I don't get to see him as much as the others, but anybody who alternates between driving a new Camaro and a vintage El Camino and played in a jazz band for a living for a while is cool in my book.


My Aunt, what can I say about her? :pinkie: She's the most influential person in my life, she's the one who taught me to try new things, hence I'm here enjoying this fandom whom many are too ignorant to give a chance. She listens to my hour long tirades about cars and ponies even though she couldn't car less about either. To say I love her would almost be an understatement.


I never got to know my dad, but I hope wherever he is, he knows I don't blame him for anything, and I understand why he couldn't be part of my life. No hard feeling, Pops. :smug:



Signature by the ever-awesome Overdrive!


Pinki Pie FTW! :pinkie:

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"Love" is a little too strong of a word to use for my mother. I tolerate her. I don't want anything bad to happen to her, and care for her to a point...but I wouldn't call it love. Honestly, I'm waiting for these 3 years to go by so I can leave. I've tried loving her, but I don't think it's possible  :lol: She has some horrible ways, and I really don't think she can change (And she wonders why I'm so messed up.)


As for my dad, I DO love him. He treats me decently, and understands what I'm going through (considering he was going through it at a time also). 

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My story with my "mom" is kind of a long one.

The short version is...my dad passed away almost 13 years ago. My birth mother walked out on us when I was a baby. After my father's death, my aunt, his sister, took over as my guardian since we were living with her since I was 3 years old.

It's been me and her for the last (almost) 13 years, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Yes, of course, as a preteen and teenager, I had my disagreements with my "mom" but who doesn't.

If it wasn't for her, I would probably be homeless or dead. Honestly.

I'm grateful everyday that she took me and has taken care of me and been by my side through everything.

No matter how bad things have gotten for me, she has always been there to help and comfort me.

My "mom" is the angel in my life. She saved me when I was lost.

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I am in between. I hate them when they are constantly nagging me. Not everybody is fortunate enough to have both parents though, so that is the reason why I love them.

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  • 6 years later...

I love my parents, as they are very supportive of me. They let me stay in their home despite the fact that I'm over 20 years old now. I try my best to help them.

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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I love my parents but damn...lets just say it's complicated, one type is tough love and the other don't really know how to be a parent. Both drives me nuts sometimes and quite dysfunctional. Despite of the headache, i still tried to be a good loving son to them knowing they're trying to be a good parents too because life's short. 

Honestly, I do cringe whenever I see other parents acting very affectionately and vice versa. In my mind, I think to myself, is that even normal? :ButtercupLaugh:

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Not anymore. They made a mistake with me. And I still carry with the trauma from childhood. A lot of it. But I made sure they were rewarded according to their actions.
So, I am at peace. Not the fake peace that results from forgiveness. Like "Let us pretend we are better than we really are, and rationalize our deeds, so we can sweep away the guilt and feel better with ourselves". No, that is BS. I mean actual peace.
Have you ever beaten the living crap out of someone who really deserved it? Try it out. It is one of the most cathartic forms to relieve yourself.
After that, you will feel there is nothing to forgive anymore, because you did what was correct, according to the laws of nature. Just watch simple animals, because human beings are not any better, if they are given the chance. In fact, they can be way worse.
It feels like you have taken a massive burden off your shoulders. One that was not yours to begin with. It is so liberating. Like walking on clouds. So, no ill-feelings anymore. As they have served their punishment.
And let's be honest. Most people do not reap what they sow. Many war criminals have escaped judgment only to live the remaining days in peaceful retirement, like hittler did when he went to bariloche, argentina. Do you call that justice?
That is, unless there is someone who makes sure the reaping takes place. Otherwise, there would be no real need for law enforcement, right?
So, I made sure to balance the scales. Because, otherwise I could not have lived with myself, due to the psychological and emotional burden. It was actually killing me on the inside.

I did what was correct. Eventhough, I feel bad sometimes. But, they had their chance. I didn't.

  • Brohoof 1
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On 2022-04-19 at 2:02 AM, EpicEnergy said:

I love my parents, as they are very supportive of me. They let me stay in their home despite the fact that I'm over 20 years old now. I try my best to help them.

Don’t feel bad, neither of my parents moved out of their parents’ houses til their mid-twenties. It’s probably more common than you think. :kindness:

  • Brohoof 2



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I like my parents. My mom is nice, and my dad tries, but they can get on my nerves sometimes (especially my dad).

I am grateful that they've let me live with them for this long without any issue, though. The housing market really had to crash right as I was getting to the point where I could financially support myself.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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I love my parents. They’ve done more and made more sacrifices than anyone really realizes. Parents don’t always get the credit they’re due because people only see what they do rather than the things they give up. In the case of my parents, they have a lot in both categories. I’m very grateful for their thinking outside the box and doing what was right by their kids instead of what is obvious or easy. They’re caring, generous and fair. Even when I was growing up and didn’t want to be told ‘no’ I still realized that good parents aren’t supposed to allow anything and everything. My parents kept a good balance and always explained their reasons clearly if I questioned their decisions. If they made a mistake (nobody’s perfect) they were always fair enough to admit it and change their minds rather than doubling down and insisting on their way in all things.

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Everyone in my family is most certainly dear to me. I would not be the person I am today were it not for my parents and how they raised me. I know that I am very blessed to have parents like that, more than words can adequately convey.

"Psst...Psst (Do your best, even if you don't stand out.)"

"The golden rule is: Think about what you're saying, then don't say it, and then just run away somewhere!"


Signature by @Kyoshi

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, I love my parents. I won't lie and say that I don't hold some complicated feelings towards them, but I won't get into that now.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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