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I kinda feel the first episode isn't a good one for first timers though. It just feels like the odd one out for some reason.


It does seem unusually cheesy.


Which one do you think is best, then?


My memory on them is kinda fuzzy, but right now I'm in love with "Heartwarming's Eve" for the song at the end! (I started a thread about it :P )

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I was introduced to it by a friend from a forum that is essentially dedicated to the worship of the maker of Freeman's Mind (a Half Life machinima by Ross Scott). After several months of his pedantry, I just said "To hell with it" and watched all of season 1 over the course of a week.


Big Macintosh did me in by episode 4.

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I was messing around on YouTube one night playing music, and for some reason a related video was the Ponies: Anthology video. I watched, transfixed and confused, for the whole video. I saw enough of the show that I wanted to see what the actual show was like, so I checked it out on another YouTube link and that's when I had that feeling some of you remember.. "Clearly I have a mental imbalance because I am a man and I just had a great time watching My Little Pony." Once I saw it happened to everypony else too, I gave in and stepped into bronydom.


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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I was on a roleplaying site (for dungeons and dragons, GURPS, etc.) and some people had pony avatars, that was my first encounter with bronies. I thought it was a little odd, but being fairly open-minded I didn't care or look into it further. Two months later I am surfing the internet when I decided to derp around on Know Your Meme, and I started clicking the random button. After a few rage faces, etc. appeared I suddenly came to a page marked "Trollestia." Just before hitting the random button again I decided to just sneak a peek at what in the world this could be about. That point changed me from then on, I started following links to the other pony memes and I thought they were hilarious. I decided that if the memes were this good the show can't possibly be that bad, so I gave it a try. I immediately feel in love with the show, and well here I am now.

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I started watching it not that long ago (December to be exact). No one pushed me into watching it, instead I decided to take it on myself. I was wondering why it had become so popular w/ boys and after watching episodes 1 and 2 I started to like it. Then came a few more episodes and I was liking it even more. After about 9 episodes, I had decided that I should become a brony!


And now I'm here, on the MLP forums. I couldn't be happier! :D

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I got a hoof-written invitation from Pinkie Pie...

"The wisest people are always smiling. This is because they've realized that life is one big joke, and they've figured out the punchline."


"When you've decided to do something, either do it with style, or don't do it at all."


"Every atom in our bodies was forged within the fiery heart of a dying star. We are all connected to each other and the universe."


"Before I was born, I was dead for billions of years and it hasn't inconvenienced me one bit."

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I am a very new brony. I became a brony when TeensReact on youtube did a eeeh.... "reaction"(?) to it. I talked a little about it whit my friends. We all agreed that it was silly and stupid... That will say, not all of us.


I wanted to see why the bronys liked it. I watched 1 episode (S1E1 Pt1) and of course I had to see part 2. Then I understood that I had become a brony.

I told one of my friends about it, he is now avoiding me and thinks I am stupid. So I decided to challenge him to watch episode 1 part 1 and 2. Maybe I can get a brony friend. :D

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I posted this before, but this topic is a lot better placement for it.


Well I am a member of a Call of Duty Zombies message board, and when I first joined, I posted around for a while, since zombies was THE big thing in my life at the time. I started noticing the pony pictures lingering around. The first one that Ireally took notice in was one of Fluttershy stomping on Flowers, so I looked up who Fluttershy was. I thought it was interesting how so many people on that board were into MLP, and I thought the images were really cute. After that I didnt think much into it. I followed a few Brony Topics, never posted, but got a little insight on what the Hubub was about.


After a few months of not really caring, my Girlfriend and I were talking (on Live Messenger) about important aspects of our lives. I said mine (besides her) was Turkeys, and I had no idea why I loved them so much. She replied that she felt the same with "Cartoon Ponies with Big eyes" So I responded with "Like My Little Pony?" And she said "Exactly" and changed her display picture to a picture of Twlilight from Lesson Zero (the face when she says "Ticking" lol) and that is what made me decide to really look into it. First I hit a wiki site, read a few basic things, then hit Youtube and watched the first episode. It was interesting, I thought, so I watched the second cuz I really wanted to see how it ended.


After that I jumped around a few eps indescriminently, and I just decided "This stuff is awsome" XD. So I stayed up all night one night and just watched them all (Well, all of season 1 and part of 2 one night, and the rest of 2+Hearts and Hooves the second) And now here I am.

Finally committed my first name change.



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Well, I met a kid named Austin online, and eventually we got to know each other really well. He's a better friend to me than some of my real life friends, and I assure you, he's not some pedobear. ^_^ But yeah, of course, one day, our conversation turned to TV shows, and he asked me what kind of shows I liked. I told him I watched the kind of things on CN and Comedy Central, and then asked him what he was into. He, of course, had no hesitation in telling me that he watched My Little Pony.



"Oh, me? One of my favorites is My Little Pony."

"WHAT? >.> Isn't that a little girl's show?!"

"Oh, no, it's not girly like you think it is. Just give it a try."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT GIRLY...Tell me, bro, what the hell do you NOT find girly about PONIES?"

"It's not the kind of girly you're thinking of. Think Powerpuff Girls."



So he told me to give it a try. I put it off for a long time, and the subject came up more often than not. Eventually, one day, curiosity got the better of me. At episode 2 I said to myself "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I STOP WATCHING?!", at "Griffon the Brush Off" I almost flipped my table over in rage when Gilda made Fluttershy cry. That's when I realized I loved the show. And then I was in denial for a week or so. And now, whenever I see ponies anywhere, I always go :wub: ...

Yo Applejack...



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Actually my friend gave a link to the first pilot episode on skype. It took me to watch the last episode of season 1 to like the show. (I skipped ep 3-25).


I remember the first time I watched it when Pinkie threw a surprise party in Twilight's library, Pinkie wouldn't stop talking and I said "OMG SHUT BITCH!" now I want to go back in time and beat pre-brony self up.



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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With me, I had heard a few things about it on another forum, but didin't even want to give it a chance. One night as I was surfing youtube however, I ended up on a random pony clip(not sure which one). I watched a few, and when I finally looked at the clock, it was about 2 hours later than when I had started. Not long after that, I was actually alone long enough to watch an episode on TV. The episode was Dragonshy. I had a smile on my face most of the episode, but what finally convinced me that I was a brony was the scene where the Dragon complains to Fluttershy that Rainbow Dash kicked him and she doesn't even try to deny it. I finally admitted that Rainbow Dash had all kinds of swag and that the rest of the ponies all had things to love about them. It was the greatest moment of my life in recent memory.
  • Brohoof 1


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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I saw all the sprays people had of ponies in TF2 and thought I'd see what all the fuss was about. To be perfectly honest I never thought of bronies as weird, even before I watched the show and realised how good it was. It took me about a month to tell my friends about it.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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I love hearing stories about how others became bronies as well as sharing others. I haven't read any of your stories yet but I will soon. For now I will share mine. (Yeah, I'm posting so I can get my avatar up).


I've been a member of Kongregate for the past 6 years or so. I've hung out in the Prinnyland chat room all that time talking to the same ole regulars on there. About 7 months ago I think several of my long time friends started posting about MLP and how good it was. Having an open mind I gave it a try. They collectivly agreed that Party of One was the best episode to introduce someone with. Well, I didn't fall in love at the time. I agreed the characters were well devolped and great acting, however I found the story to be very shallow, predictable, and bland. I found the brony community continuing to grow though and my friends continuted to chat about it quite regularly. Well I decided I would go ahead and start with the first episode and watch episodes in order until I had either seen them all or grew tired of the show. The very first episode I loved very much, especially the part where TS meets FS for the first time (they are now my two favorites for more than just that scene). I watched the first 4 episodes and during episode 4 I knew I was hooked. My friends had warned me that episode 4 is the point of no return and they were right. At that point I was shedding manly tears but couldn't watch any more because my sugar count was getting too high. Instead I registered on everypony.com to tell them that they had a new member and also went back onto Kongregate to tell all them that I was joining the herd. The next day I watched through episode 9 and my life has been pony filled ever since. Now I'm working on getting a Wyoming brony meetup group together and also bringing MLP merchandise into my store I now have two IRL friends and regular customers at my store that have become bronies and have seen just how large this community is. I used to think there were thousands of bronies, now I have learned that there are millions of us. I'm pretty open about my bronihood but don't currently have any merchandise. I find that bronies are easy to get along with and have found that MLP has changed many peoples lives for the better. Even saved some peoples lives. I also just love all the fanbased things, custom made ponies and all the pony music. Favorite songs are Avast Fluttershy's arse and Fluttershys Lament.


Now to get my profile pic and do some reading.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not really sure, it happened over a span of months, I watched the first 2 episodes of season one and was instantly hooked but I was busy with other things and eventually I got around to the 3rd episode. I finally watched the rest of season 1 and I caught up to the series shortly after season 2 aired with the 2 discord episodes. I then began to watch each brand new episode after Lesson Zero as they aired for the first time.

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TF2... I downloaded and installed the game, two days later, I was a brony :D Now it wasn't all from TF2, Minecraft introduced me to MLP, and Ace Attorney is what inspired me to watch the first episode, but TF2 is what led to me actually being a brony.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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I saw a LOT of fanart on deviantART, and decided to see if I could find the first episode on YouTube, just because I wanted to see what all the hype was about these ponies. I saw it, kinda liked it, forgot about it for a couple months, then suddenly remembered when I was bored one night, so I ended up watching like three more episodes. I was hooked from then on. I got into it kinda late though, I think right around the end of the first season.

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