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What month did you join the herd?  

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After seeing the show being praised for so many years, I decided to give in and watch it. My first episode was Spike at your Service and that wasn't a very good episode to start with, but the reason I watched it was because Merriwether Williams wrote it. After watching that episode I thought the show was overrated without giving it a second chance. Later I decided to watch another episode and it was much better. I don't like the show enough to consider myself a brony, but I do enjoy watching it from time to time.

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when: 07/09/13/4:39pm

how  I was on youtube looking up "angel of darkness" and I found " angel of darkness (pmv)"

(I just watched that :huh: imagine that what made me a brony is what I watch prior to replying to this)

  • Brohoof 1
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I am very new to herd. Only started watching the show a few weeks ago but now I'm all cought up and keep rewatching episodes when I'm bored. I first started paying attention to it when a brony showed up on comic book men on AMC and thought "what sad grown man like MLP?" Well after that I saw it everywhere and got my curiosity so I sat down and watched and episode which was the cutie pox episode. After applejack screamed out "my sister is speaking fancy!" I cracked up and was fever hooked lol.

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It was in the end of 2011, or beginning of 2012...I can't recall the exact date. I had no feelings one way or another about the show, and at the time I had no idea it was rebooted. So, I was searching for something friendly on Netflix for my toddler daughter to watch and saw MLP: FIM on the list. My wife said," Oh, I used to love that show as a kid!" So I figured sure, lets turn it on for our little girl.

I watch with her for a moment, both of us cuddled on the floor, when she kept pointing at the screen and getting excited when Princess Celestia came on the screen (she still does!). It seeped into my brain slowly. At first, I though "hey, compared to many modern western cartoons, this one is well animated and is NOT anime-ish." Then I thought, the characters are learning lessons and the message is good, this okay for my kids."

Two hours later I hadn't moved and my wife was gently calling my name. She teased a little that I was liking a girls show. About a year later, us continuing to watch the show, we learned about Bronies and Pegasisters. Both of us are now out and proud. I love the show, I curl up with both my 12 year old son (a brony now too!), his best friend (a brony who also turned my son into a whovian), and my toddler daughter.

I'm hooked, sometimes when I am actually down or frustrated even at work, I silently think about smiles and Pinkies way of handling life in general. Rarity is now my FAV pony, with Pinkie and Twilight a close second. So there you go, my gradual ascent into Bronyhood. I am proud and nervouscited about being one!


Edited by Cstriker
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I became a brony while watching Cupcakes yes Cupcakes..my first video yeah it got me interested and sorta creeped out after i gone to Derpy hooves channel and i fell in love with Derpy since i became a little of a brony i don't know how i became this big of one i think after a few episodes i got a little attracted to the show and became huge to the show :D by the way i'm a pegasister but i like brony more so...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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I became a Brony back jn July of last year. While looking on Wikiapedia I clicked a link that brought me to the Hub's wikiapedia page. On it, it stated that MLP was the channel's biggest accomplishment. I clicked on the MLP page and saw a strange link the contents box, Film. Shocked, I clicked on it to discover Equestria Girls. From a non Brony's perspective at the time, I was intriguied. Eventually I put it off. A couple days later, I typed into Google to dicover the full movie on youtube. I decided to give it a watcn before Hasbro took it down. After finishing the hour and fifteen minutes of strangeness, I instantly loved it. I loved the characters, the songs, the animation, everything. In fact, the next day, I went to the flea market with my mother and sister and I had Helping Twilight win the Crown in my head the whole time. However, while it is what made a Brony jt wasn't the first MLP footage I saw. While flipping through channels I wou,d see little snips(no pun intended) of some episodes. During the movie , I knew who Trixie was because one of those episodes was Boast Busters. The other episode was The Return of Harmony Part 1 which is how I knew Discord when I eventually got to that episode. I then thought to myself, Is the actual show this good? So I watched every episode from seasons 1 to 3 in about  4 to 5 days. The rest was history and the 5 month wait for Season 4 began.


special thanks to Lunia for this AWESOME signature


MY OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/valiant-gamer-r5975

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September something i think it was 23rd :unsure:



My friend was a brony, I would tease him a lot for it, then i went to his house and he was watching it, so he said i bet $5 you'll like it, then yeah. He won.

Edited by Lightning_Zephyr
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Kira Buckland aka Rina Chan got me watching it before season 1 was even completed and I became a fan of the show. It wasn't really until Netflix obtained it and I began to watch and rewatch it that I slowly got absorbed into it, learning the songs, also AJ said "my sister is speaking in fancy talk!" and learning actual quotes. I have a severe injury that impairs me, keeps me mostly bedridden, so MLP is a happy distraction for my life. Watching, writing,  drawing, coloring, and sewing.

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I actually tend to avoid calling myself a brony, it's a labeling thingy that's on my mind (certainly not a hipster thing, hell no). What I mean is "I am not a Brony, I am Richard and Applejack is the best pony in all of Equestria". My family certainly never calls me a brony, they just know that I like the show and know Applejack is my favourite. Hence...




That said if someone calls me a brony I won't have much of a hissy fit over it, mainly because I know they can't read my mind.


Initially I found out about Friendship is Magic July 2011 and basically bashed it and the fandom to my hearts content due to having the old MLP view on my mind. August 04, 2011 I watched some episodes to judge it fairly and later take on fans with facts but I ended up liking it because it was so much different in an awesome way, I've just gone with the flow since.

Edited by Iron Shield
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I watched my first episode, Lesson Zero, round April 2013, out of sheer curiosity. Became a brony some weeks after that, but I only recognized myself as such in June.

Edited by HiveMindize
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Just after christmas this year was when I started to watch the show, yet my cousin had been a fan a few years before that and he made me watch the first few episodes. Back then I was to busy trying to be popular and couldn't care less, since then I stopped being someone I wasnt, became friends with better people and got back into pokemon and other games and after 1 year of being who I really am ive found myself watching my little pony and i'm loving it  :D


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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Back in like September of 2011 I had found out about it but didn't like it at all mostly. I grew up with G3, so I was skeptical about G4. Then in November 2011 I came across a video that kinda had MLP in it and this I from there watched a bunch of clips from the show. December I really got into it.

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It was late 2011.


I'm a YouTube Pooper and a lot of my pals were using MLP as their sources. They kept on saying I have to watch it. I kept on denying and eventually I gave up. I watched one episode. And another one, and another, and another, and another. Then I became a brony. :P


Now it is one of my fave shows.


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I remember I watched Friendship is Magic Part 1 up until the part in the library, then turned it off saying, "Not grasping me." (I have a low attention span) Then, around June, I watched Equestria Girls hoping to get into the whole 'brony' fad I'd seen around the net. But that failed yet again. Around July, I realised that Equestria Girls wasn't a good place to start, so, after looking up a bunch of pony pictures on Google Images in the school library (u mad bro?), I watched Friendship is Magic Parts 1 and 2 in their entirety. I got hooked instantly. I even got sad for a while for not being in Equestria. Good times...

OCs: RileyAnala

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When i became a brony? in 7th of September, 2011 (It was my birthday that day)

Story behind it: On my birthday my best friends get me bad gifts so i became mad over them and make them sad. They pretty much stopped talking to me on school. So i was depressed and i feel alone . I started thinking about how to be good friends again. I was searching on forums how to do that, i was bored and went to youtube. I started watching Smosh videos to try to cheer myself. After that video i keep seeing Pony videos and users with Rainbow Dash profile photos. So i started to research Ponies. I found MLP, i started to think "why do people watch this show?". I wanted to find out and watched the first episode and finished it, i was curious what will happen next and pretty much getting how awesome this show is. I kept watching, watching and watching when i check the clock i found out i was watching episodes for Nine HOURS! i watched a full season and i was LOVING this show. I kept looking for season 2 and found out the first 2 episodes of S2 is few days far. I started to get what friendship is and its not all about buying something on birthday the important thing is to remember, i apologized my friends they are a bit sorry too because acting like that to me and saying nothing is a bit childish so we are all laughed and we are back to the good ol' days. I want to thank to MLP about rebuilding our friendship, after that i kept with the show and am here now. Im proud being a Brony! 

Edited by Twilightlicous
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Subsonic Rainboom for this awesome signature.

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I was flipping through channels one day and came across the show.


I watched a full episode and believe it or not, i was already interested.


So the next day I watched the whole Season 2 and Season 3.


Waiting for a few more episodes to be released until I start season 4

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My friend who I knew since High School wanted to hang out one day with some of his college friends. But, He warned me that one of them was obsessed with MLP:FiM (Wonderbolts jacket that he wears everyday and a MLP Wallet). It did not bother me until we went to mall and went to Hot Topic and looked at MLP merchandise.  I felt kinda bored while he was looking and to my suprise my friend is looking as well. I said to my friend: "You watch the show?". He said: "Yeah you don't? Told them: I knew about the show and the Brony thing but never seen it. His friend said: "You gotta watch it. You will get hooked to it". I was like:"Sure" (in a not really tone). So what I do is went home and watched the very 2 first episodes. HE WAS RIGHT. The show felt like watchin a show from my childhood (since the creator did shows and movies that I watch from my childhood: Power Puff Girls, KND, Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, Cats Don't Dance, and The Iron Giant. Also she did this:



I liked the show very much until it came to the movie. Now when it was announced (no pics but just a plot) I was like to my friend and other bronies: "Man they are turning the Ponies into BRATZ now. Not watching". Then I was like after I saw the trailer:"All right all right I'll watch it and see it. Now I saw the movie like most of you did  (That secret YT link. Wanted to see in theaters, but no theater near by was showing it.). After seeing it, I change my mine about the movie And have two favorite song in the movie:http://www.youtube.c...h?v=9ncvEPYr4ak and 



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