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What would you do if MLP:FiM was cancelled?


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If/when the show gets cancelled, I admit that I'll pretty be sad and disappointed for a time. But I will eventually get over it, watch re-runs, continue talking with fellow bronies on here, and just move on with my life. All good things must come to an end eventually; that applies to great shows like MLP. My only hope is that the fandom will not die off afterwards.

  • Brohoof 2
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Why do you think it will end in 2020 ?  :okiedokielokie:

it was posted by Hasbro we got 5 more years of pony... :(


honestly.... it be really sad. but... if they are still available, rewatch the entire series again. (I don't want it to end really...)

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Nothing..... I've not watched anything past the smile song really.




my two seconds of fame *sighs* they were the days.



*grumbles about not being in it more*



Think my cannon died since she flew though a closed window



and shes a unicorn


and she fell off a roof









Who mentioned going to hasbro studios with pitchforks and torches?






I'm up for that

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I guess it depends on how the series ended---with a good, satisfying finale that they did a really good job on, or without a finale?


Don't get me wrong; it's an excellent show, and I'd like it to continue for a long time.  But there are good reasons to stop a good show; it prevents seasonal rot---but I have to say, seasonal rot has not yet begun in FiM, IMO, and it may not for a long time (I'm hoping it never will).


Still, if I had to choose between seasonal rot and the show picking a good place to stop, I'd pick the latter.

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It would be sad, but MLP:FiM will never die. 




Because Bronies and Pegasisters will keep it going for a long time, by making more fanfictions, animations, music, comics, etc.

  • Brohoof 1
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First off, you should know I've been sober for 2 years but if MLP was cancelled I would: stand silently for 10 minutes, crack open a beer, order a casket and lay in it till the end of the world cause there would be no reason for anything else. 

I.....wouldnt really care. I am more interested in the fanworks than the show. Does that make me a bad fan? 



Actually, that makes you 100% Fan

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I would be fine if it was "cancelled" when its supposed to end. However, I would be kind of disappointed if it's cancelled in the middle of a season.

Edited by SpaceOnion
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It would be sad, but MLP:FiM will never die. 




Because Bronies and Pegasisters will keep it going for a long time, by making more fanfictions, animations, music, comics, etc.


Yeah, I don't see how it ever could. I mean, we make so much fan-stuffs that little would change in the community save for the new episodes on Saturday.  :D Personally, I'm already locked into writing stories on fimfiction.net. I've been writing them for 3 years and I've already promised at least another 2 years more to my readers. It'll never end and for that I'm very happy.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe a little disappointed, but not too upset.


"Magical Mystery Cure" already felt like the series finale to me when it aired and some of the other cartoons I loved were cancelled after only two seasons, whereas Friendship is Magic has already made it to five.


Besides, the fandom is not exactly dying out-so there would still be a healthy amount of fanmade content still available.

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Probably change my yearly mlp convention trip to a second anime one. Good shows go down without reason all the time and mlp would be another disappointing drop in the bucket of nonsensical cancellations. Yeah I would miss it but it's best to just pick up an move on.

  • Brohoof 1
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Cry tears of both sadness and respect for the show and I think a part of me will leave forever.


I might even pull a Tanks For The Memories.

Edited by ShadowPhoenix
  • Brohoof 2
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i would start a revolution and make a PACIFIC protest to bring MLP back, if they refuse i would try to convince bronies to make a internet revolution and start a project, to keep the fandom alive and work together to make our own episodes, the urge will be big that we are gonna try to learn the required sodftware so everypony, in tribes  groups we can make our own animations and episodes and make a pages like Ponytube and i would try to convince ponies that what they abandon we adopt it, MLP wouldnt be a show but a culture.... i am completly serious

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i would be pretty crushed but i am sure i would move on, still keeping an eye on what fan content that gets created while finding something else to do

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I suppose just let things be as they are. The show has already had a great run thus far and I would be sad but all things have to come to an end at some point. I would not want this show to drag on for to long when it becomes to the point the start running out of ideas for it. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Remain within the fandom, I've been here (the fandom) for almost 2 years and still going strong. So, hardly would I even give up from the fandom.

After FiM ends, I guess I'll move onto other stuff, like Star Wars and Doctor Who.


If there is a possibility of another MLP after FiM, we'll see.

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Eh, I'd just find a new show to watch and move on with my life. Mlp is just something to watch in my free time, just like any other TV show.

I think I would do the same as well. I won't be sad.

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