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general What is your opinion on teenagers?


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Im a teenager myself, And i dont like 98% of all other teenagers i meet unfortunantly. Evryone exept the few friends i have all act like anoying three year olds, Evry class, Evry break all i hear is mindless screaming (At least twice) and people just being genuinly annoying. But dont get me wrong i like other people and i dont act rude against anyone (I can feel bad for a month by accidently offending anyone in a Youtube comment and stuff like that) I just get really mad very easily but i dont show it, I just sit there. But i shouldent complain, At least no one is mean to each other and evryone is more or less friends . :)


But this is just the people im around, My over all opineon on teenagers is... Teenagers are just people, There are nice ones, mean ones, annoying ones bla bla bla, Were all just humans.

Edited by PonyShiro
  • Brohoof 2


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  • 10 months later...

I am a teenager myself. Not all are bad, but I can see why that is the general belief. We can be very ungrateful organisms.


It seems like many of us also don't care about education, which baffles me. This is your future. Learning for curiosity's sake is for everyone. I wish more of us would take school seriously.

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm a teenager myself, actually. Unlike other teenagers, I'm actually a smart, kind, educated, person... which is pretty sad compared to the majority of them, who'd rather be using annoying as heck Valley Girl talk/accents and texting their boyfriends and junk. (Now that I think about it, I think the main problem with teenagers nowadays is that they're too dependent on technology, always texting or going on social media, without thinking of the consequences of that. A lot of teenagers are really greedy, too, always wanting more and more things and "crying" like two-year olds when they don't get what they want. Oh, and the whole #hashtag and _____ was here trends really are horrible, too. I also hate how they never care about education or take school seriously.)

As for my opinion on teenagers, I don't find them all bad. Very rarely, you might find some who are really nice, down-to-earth type of ones, but, for the most part, a lot of them can be really rude, snarky, crappy people who are an utter disgrace to society. :eww:

Edited by iNachos10
  • Brohoof 2


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Anyone who didn't die during childhood became a teenager. I used to be a teenager, my brother used to be a teenager, my sister is a teenager, my mother used to be a teenager, my father used to be a teenager, their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. used to be teenagers. It's a stage where your hormones go crazy because you are going through puberty. A lot changes during your teenage years. When I was a teenager, I was slightly more tame than the stereotypical one. I was reckless, I tried to get everyone to like me, I questioned the rules, (still do) I was one of those teens who had a sharp tongue. I didn't do drugs, so that's a bit better than the stereotype teen. You shouldn't judge an entire age group. Everyone is different. Some teenagers sit with their noses in books all day while others have no respect for property, and then there are those who love to build, those who enjoy math, those who play sports, those who play chess, those who collect stuff, those who are organized, those who aren't, those who... there are a lot of different types of teens, so many that no one should judge all teens. 


Therefore, I have no opinion on teenagers. I make my opinions based on the individual character. 

  • Brohoof 2
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They are crunchy, and good with ketchup.




... seriously, though - they simply need to learn to open their minds and not just listen to advice, but HEAR it.  Otherwise, teens are okay.









... long as they stay offa the damn lawn.  Punks.

  • Brohoof 3

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Whiny, self-obsessed brats with a huge sense of entitlement, no responsibilities or dependents and yet somehow think that their life is unbearable because 'my asshole parents took away my xbox controller until I do some chores' and who do not understand that there is a massive difference between 'feeling a bit glum' and 'severe depression'.


Of course that's a massive generalisation, and the vast majority of teenagers are nothing like that.  But with almost any group of people it will inevitably be the obnoxious and obstreperous minority that create the public perception, leaving the perfectly rational minority to suffer at their expense.


At the end of the day, teenagers are no different to any other age group, some of them are great and some of them fall well short of the mark expected of a decent human being.  I don't think you can make any accurate assertion on them as a whole based simply on the fact that they fall within a certain age range.

  • Brohoof 2


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i've noticed teenagers to be rather harmless in my eyes. whenever i pass them on the street or whatever they just seem kinda loud and stuff. but in the end they're just having fun. i think we were all a bit "weird" as teenagers. nothing wrong with that, sometimes they might insult you and such but meh. don't think i've ever heard anything genuine enough that made me feel bad. 


overall i think teenagers are alright, some are annoying but every person is different ^^

could be though that i don't find them that bad since i'm not that far from their age group

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As being one myself my opinion as in general is that there is good and bad ones.


But If I would build my opinion from my own experience and ignore myself it would be...........Little kids in older body who has not other things to do than complain, judge others, smoke cigarette, drink energy drinks and little bit of alcohol and gather somewhere to talk about stupid things. Are stupid in general, don't go to school and other bad things.


But again, that would be my opinion if didn't know better that there is those who aren't like that.


And many "adults" is just like that if not worse.



Oh, I forgot to mention the phone addiction. that is also one thing, and it's really annoying thing. (as person who would be happy without phone)

Edited by The Cerberus
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they tend to be addicted to there cell phones, every time it beeps they are whipping it out to stare at it, even when they are not supposed to like at work,they are always getting reprimanded or fired over it, and they tend to be really gullible and do really stupid dangerous stuff just because others are doing it or they are trying to be youtube famous,

  • Brohoof 2

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Every teenager there is has this phase to get through. May it be problems at home, hormones, school, friends, themselves, parents, siblings, responsibility, growing up or whatever. It always hits you hard, no matter who you are and what you do. Some fall into the dark pit of life for a while, while some develop for the better. You get a lot of choices through these years and it's all up to yourself to make everything right, it's never easy in any way. I always try to let them do what they need to do and if they start falling off the tracks and need a hand to get back up on it, I'm always there to help if I can. I am an older sister, after all and I always needed to look out for my siblings properly, I still do. I think we all know the struggle. We all are either going to get there, are there currently or have been there. All it takes is time, respect and tolerance.

Edited by Collibri
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I think some people on this thread forget they were once a not so perfect teenager  :lie:  Every generation thinks that current generation of teens are no good, trouble makers and forget that they were teenagers once themselves. When I was a teen I was aggressive, got into fights alot, smoked weed, drunk too much, stole and various other things, hormones have a massive impact on that sort of behaviour and I regret the way I treated some people but that is just part of life. 


Actually I hate the people who stand there all smarmy like older people or adults saying stuff like ''Damn kids, they should have been bought up'', those people are sadder than the teens who are just doing what is mostly natural at that age. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Well. Let's see. Teenagers are selfish, shortsighted, scared, misguided, and plenty of other things. Of course, I could say the same thing about humans in general. Basically they're about as impossible to live with as any other human being. This race needs better social skills before we start burning each other to the ground. Basically, every teenager is a dick, and nobody can do anything to change that. 



And yes, I know people can be nice. I'm just wonderful and negative all the time.


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Rule of thumb is that teenagers are capable of being stupid, vastly intelligent, resourceful, cruel and kind in the span of about 12 minutes. They're a bottle of chemicals that reacts in unexpected ways, but thats to be expected of people who are getting to the stage that they need to think about their futures.


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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My opinion on teenagers is based on the teen I've go to school with plus my old schools and about 80% of them are ignorant,think there some hard ass gangster and warship call of duty like its a god 

Then the other 20% are the nice intelligent people who never talk that much

that's my opinion on teens  


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I'd say the adolescent stage in life is the most complex of them all.

It's the point in which our bodies require the most amount of nutrients/energy, and reasonably so, we're growing at such a rate and developing in so many ways, that it's vital for our bodies to constantly stay fueled.


Copious amounts of hormonal changes/imbalances also take place, and it's bound to trigger a plethora of emotional conflict, even with the adolescent alone. 


Being one myself, it's almost as if we're more susceptible to stress, it's just a matter of how it's coped with. Think about it, you don't hear about many adults dealing with stress via cutting themselves, then get these 14-17 year-olds slicing their arms with razors as if they're using their bodies as a make shift Etch A Sketch. It's a morbid image, yeah, but that's how it is.



I don't even know what I'm talking about though, but yeah, some adolescents can be annoyingly egotistical, from my experiences at least.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say the adolescent stage in life is the most complex of them all.

It's the point in which our bodies require the most amount of nutrients/energy, and reasonably so, we're growing at such a rate and developing in so many ways, that it's vital for our bodies to constantly stay fueled.


Copious amounts of hormonal changes/imbalances also take place, and it's bound to trigger a plethora of emotional conflict, even with the adolescent alone. 


Being one myself, it's almost as if we're more susceptible to stress, it's just a matter of how it's coped with. Think about it, you don't hear about many adults dealing with stress via cutting themselves, then get these 14-17 year-olds slicing their arms with razors as if they're using their bodies as a make shift Etch A Sketch. It's a morbid image, yeah, but that's how it is.



I don't even know what I'm talking about though, but yeah, some adolescents can be annoyingly egotistical, from my experiences at least.


Any individual's experiences may vary of course, but from the point of view of someone who has been through the teenage years and is now an adult, and a parent, with actual responsibilities, I'd take being a teenager again any day of the week!  Being a teenager may be a little tougher than being a younger child, but is still orders of magnitude easier than being an adult.


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Any individual's experiences may vary of course, but from the point of view of someone who has been through the teenage years and is now an adult, and a parent, with actual responsibilities, I'd take being a teenager again any day of the week!  Being a teenager may be a little tougher than being a younger child, but is still orders of magnitude easier than being an adult.

I'd completely agree with you.

When I'm an adult in my late 20s/mid 30s, going back to the days where I was full of energy and more free would be a great thought, not to mention not paying rent, tax and bills. 

  • Brohoof 2
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As a (barely) functioning adult, I remember many of the idiotic things I did and thought as a teen, and wondered how I managed to survive at all.


Here's a bit of wisdom I will share with you.


Watch "wear sunscreen" narrated by Baz Luhrman, on youtube. I could have used this when I was MUCH younger. There is also a PMV version that a fellow Brony put together, both are enjoyable.


Kids, you are young and powerful and FULL of so much potential! Don't let FEAR stop you from becoming something marvelous, or regret will gnaw at your soul until there is nothing left... Trust me on this.


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